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So with the abundance of fishing information out there how do you know what to read and what not to since most of it is fluff or x person says one thing and other something else. 

I’m talking about the people that don’t have tons of time on the water and just can’t get more time on the water so they want to grow the most they can when they are not

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All the fishing info you need is here at BR between the Articles, Videos and Forums.


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I only am interested in what is going on in my region of the country.

I pay no attention to someone who is hawking a product.

Much of it doesn’t work around here.

Our lakes are highland with lots of bluffs and rocks with some standing timber and no vegetation.

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1 hour ago, GoneFishingLTN said:

So with the abundance of fishing information out there how do you know what to read and what not to since most of it is fluff or x person says one thing and other something else. 

I’m talking about the people that don’t have tons of time on the water and just can’t get more time on the water so they want to grow the most they can when they are not


I agree with @Jig Man in that whatever I chose to check out initially needs to be something that fits into where and what I already do.

Otherwise I'm chasing ghosts. 


As for learning on & off the water.

Off the water for me, is more like preparation rather than learning.


Finally the two hardest aspect of any new deal for me, is learning how to apply it on the water, as well as understanding that there are no guarantees it will work for me and no time frame or limits on how long it will take if it does. 


Fish Hard





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How do I manage information on fishing?


Looking at resent results...Poorly!



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It can be overwhelming. As you’ve probably figured out;


> Every knot known is someone’s favorite here

> Every lure made has caught a fish

> Every line sold has someone who loves it - even Vanish and Fluoroclear ?

> Every person here has caught a PB, as well as their share of dinks


Read it all and filter, but I’d recommend figuring out those few posters, authors or sites that you can relate to in some manner; location, type of waters fished, experience, trust, confidence in what they say - whatever it is, and just follow their advice and recommendations for awhile until you have enough time on the water to start developing your own thoughts and opinions based on your experience. Take what they say or write as gospel in the beginning and just run with it. You’ll figure out what works for you and what doesn’t soon enough.


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I am interested in what works on my home lake. It may not be what works in other areas.I take in info then keep it of let it go depending on if it works or not.                         Years ago when I started, I kept a lot of the wrong info. Now I have a much better idea of what works consistently. It took me some time to get it.

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1 hour ago, Mobasser said:

I am interested in what works on my home lake.

Reason I'm subscribed to 'Matt Johnson Outdoors' on YouTube. One of his regular lakes is Minnetonka.


The Feiderman has also put out vids through various sites where he fishes 'Tonka...it is his declared home lake.

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It’s easy to get overloaded with bass fishing information with fishing forums, UTube video’s and TY programs.

Every bass angler started off with 1 rod & reel with a few lures before the internet. Now it’s too much mis information along with good advice.

This site is as good as it gets regarding good information. 
Pick 1 rod and reel; spinning rod 6’8 to 7’ Medium/ 3 power, fast action and 2500 size reel, 8# mono within your budget. Casting suggest 7’ to 7’4” Medium Heavy/4 power, fast action with size 100 casting reel. Line 12# mono.

Both these combo’s catch bass everywhere.

Watch Glenn’s video how to cast combo you choose.

Lures, soft plastic worm. Spinning learn to use a 5” Senko, watch Glenn’s video.

Casting learn how to rig a Texas hook worm with 3/16 oz sliding bullet weight, watch Glenn’s video.

You are ready to go bass anywhere and catch fish.

Do this for 1 year and fish in lieu of looking at more confusing internet info.


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My type of fishing in the bodies of water I fish isn't talked about much, so I simply figured it out. Have I gotten a few ideas here and there? A scant few, and they were mostly new bait types, but not much of what's said online or in print applies beyond the obvious. I started fishing these types of water bodies long ago without any guidance at all from the beginning, which is way before the internet. Even if I had been mentored by a quality fisherman, I still would've had to figure out a lot. Things need to be felt first-hand, and learning curves are different for everyone.


One can read the Kama Sutra for ideas, but nothing will replace actually doing something for real. Not even close. Most people out on the water seem to be doing similar things in a similar way. What separates the successful from the unsuccessful are mere subtleties to the casual observer. Those subtleties are downloaded and processed differently by different people, and they can only be realized and fully understood by putting in real time on the water if they're to be understood at all.

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On 3/25/2023 at 10:28 AM, GoneFishingLTN said:

So with the abundance of fishing information out there how do you know what to read and what not to since most of it is fluff or x person says one thing and other something else. 

I’m talking about the people that don’t have tons of time on the water and just can’t get more time on the water so they want to grow the most they can when they are not


There is a reason why we don't give 1st graders medical school text books...

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If I'm watching a YT video and the person starts talking about equipment more than fishing I turn it off.  If I think the information is helpful I will try and use it where I fish.  If it works great, if not I get rid of it and move on.

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I’ve posted this before but I took a one on one instructional trip with a local pro a couple three years ago when I started bass fishing. First 4 hours were us literally sitting at whataburger talking about how he breaks down lakes, bass “seasons” by water temperature, what types of baits he uses and when, etc. 

I’ve adapted that some but stick by the guidelines he taught me. 

Seems like every time I watch tactical bassin or similar and buy and try something different, It doesn’t work for me and I end up going back to what the pro taught me anyway. Probably a confidence thing. 

3 hours ago, Cbump said:

I’ve posted this before but I took a one on one instructional trip with a local pro a couple three years ago when I started bass fishing. First 4 hours were us literally sitting at whataburger talking about how he breaks down lakes, bass “seasons” by water temperature, what types of baits he uses and when, etc. 

I’ve adapted that some but stick by the guidelines he taught me. 

Seems like every time I watch tactical bassin or similar and buy and try something different, It doesn’t work for me and I end up going back to what the pro taught me anyway. Probably a confidence thing. 

Who was the pro? I agree tactical bassin as I get more in depth in fishing seems like a huge sales pitch over and over years ago they said the same baits now its always something new

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10 minutes ago, GoneFishingLTN said:

Who was the pro? I agree tactical bassin as I get more in depth in fishing seems like a huge sales pitch over and over years ago they said the same baits now its always something new

Just a local guy. He doesn’t do It full time. 





Agree on tactical bassin. I still like to watch sometimes but how would It be possible to regularly use every single bait they push? I’d have to fish every day. 


I sift through things by asking myself: how or in what way does the information benefit me as a fisherman? If the information or content doesn't move me forward in a real world way with fresh innovative ideas, then I'll pass it by and move on to something else. 


I complain about this every winter. Guy from Alabama talking about winter fishing in 55° water after I spent a half hour using a pick axe to cut the ice away from the ramp. Brian. 

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I'll usually use information I find only as a starting point. Maybe it works in my area, maybe it doesn't; or maybe it's something I'm not as good at and can't make it work in those situations. My point is, I use their information as more like brainstorming for ideas on how to catch them. I'll go out and run with it, generally a few times, and see if I can make it work for me. If I can't I don't completely rule it out, but if I can't get it to work under a few different conditions, I'll move on to something else. You do that with enough things and you'll learn what works for you and can learn where to apply it in other areas you fish. 

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I’ve gone through information overload so many times over the years. It’s quite easy to do. A couple years ago I tried taking the Mike Iaconelli approach. Years ago I read his book and he said when he first started fishing as a kid he’d take a lure and fish just that one lure the entire season. The next year a new lure. I started doing that. I didn’t do it to a tee, I’d fish other confidence lures as well.


I’ve been a bank beater forever and wanted to branch out and start fishing offshore structure and cover, so I’m applying Ike’s approach the same way he did with lures. Time constraints and having my young son with me who grows impatient with the lack of fish slows this process way down, but for me this is how I prevent information overload as much as possible. 

Up here when there’s ice on the lakes all bets are off and I try and absorb as much information as possible to by the time, but once the open water season draws closer, I buckle down and try and formulate a game plan for what I want to focus on. 



You kind of get a third sense for what you are looking for and get to that point where you don't really care what product guys are peddling, at least that's for me

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On 3/25/2023 at 7:28 AM, GoneFishingLTN said:

So with the abundance of fishing information out there how do you know what to read and what not to since most of it is fluff or x person says one thing and other something else. 

I’m talking about the people that don’t have tons of time on the water and just can’t get more time on the water so they want to grow the most they can when they are not

no such thing as a silver bullet for fishing.  not even this forum.  not even close.  some dude in FL telling a guy in CA what bait works is kinda a long shot anyways.  


the best intellegence you are ever going to gather for yourself is local intel.  be it from what you collect yourself, or what a bud that fishes in the similar area is telling you.  



On 3/25/2023 at 2:29 PM, PhishLI said:

What separates the successful from the unsuccessful are mere subtleties to the casual observer. Those subtleties are downloaded and processed differently by different people, and they can only be realized and fully understood by putting in real time on the water if they're to be understood at all.

100% this, being really focused on what the water and the fish and the wildlife are telling you. Birds are feeding shallow on the other side of the lake? Maybe you should go over there. Watch for people talking about stuff like this, or structure, or seasonal patterns. Not so much what their favorite line/lure/boat/whatever is. 


On 3/26/2023 at 5:31 AM, Cbump said:

one on one instructional trip with a local pro

Did this twice this year on livescope. The only problem with it is I wish I had been doing it for a while, because it dramatically increased my knowledge in a short time. Try to stay focused on one or a choice few things to learn though. I straight out told him I don't really care if I catch some fish, I want to learn what I'm looking at, why it is happening, what to do about it, etc. 


Fishing with a buddy that's better than you, or better in certain situations can do the same thing. I have one buddy that's a "trolling motor on high" guy. As soon as he's on something resembling a pattern he's immediately covering as much water as possible, and that's nearly the opposite of me. So I learn... 


Finally, to ask the question you asked - here's kind of how I go about it. Find videos/posts/whatever that either get into some of the 'why' or ones from people with credibility for one reason or another. There's a bunch of both types here; youtube is hit or miss. Read/watch a few about the same topic, see what' consistencies you find, and where they differ. Then go on the water with that as a bunch of theories and see what you find. Doesn't take too long to figure how who more often than not are giving you good info, and info relevant to your situation. Also figure out what people have to gain by the 'advice' they are giving. Just because there's a profit motive doesn't make it a bad thing, but perhaps their specific choice of jig trailer is sponsored, so be a little more skeptical there. 



1) Tom/WRB here mentioned something about looking at the intersection of the thermocline and the bottom, and Catt said something similar. Both those guys have a shocking amount of time on the water, and good results too. Maybe I should go look there? Yep, sure enough, there's some serious fish there and they are big. 
2) Milliken - I'm not usually a fan of the youtuber crowd, but I was interested in the hover stroll rig and he had a video on it. Broke it down in a lot of detail, so I had an open mid to what else he was saying. Then I watched his Livescope video and it was very much in sync with the training I got from the guide mentioned above. Oh and he's in the same area, so his seasons are in sync with my waters.

3) Glenn - well, he has an entire forum dedicated to the topic, and a bunch of videos too. I tried some of what he was saying and it worked. 


So all three of those get the benefit of the doubt as a starting place for the next topic. Make a roster of trusted people by testing on the water. 


Finally, there are some classics out there that are mentioned in the books threads on bass resource, like actual books. Amazing starting place. 



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There is no replacement for time on the water.  

Think of it this way, would you rather have an operation performed by a surgeon who's done it 100 times before but never read a book on it, or a surgeon who's read 5,000 books on it, but never cut someone open before?  


But learned information is still helpful and better than nothing.  I'd take either of those surgeons above over one who's never tried it before or read a book on it!  

Basically, what I do with information is take a lot in, filter out what interests me, and then take that with me to the lake to experiment.  You can't learn how to actually do a new technique online.  But you can learn about a new technique online, and then take that information with you to the lake to learn that technique yourself.  


Understand most of what you read or view online will either not apply to you or be some variation of flat-out wrong.  There's no shortage of self-proclaimed experts, and even the real experts might be telling you things that won't translate to the areas you fish.  So don't take their advice as the definitive answer.  Take their advice as the starting point and inspiration for you to launch your own self-education.  


You now have a wall of information on how to manage a wall of information lol. If I was you I’d hire a guide to teach you a couple of the techniques you want to learn, nothing beats learning from someone who really knows what they’re doing.

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