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So first off let me say I love my woman..she is a saint and has kept me alive for the last 11.5 years. That said, she is no picnic to sleep next to. I'm a very light sleeper and she has a loud snore...I'm talking neighbors gonna hear it and call the cops for a potential Iowa chainsaw massacre situation loud. Also I'm 6'3" how does a woman who claims to be 5' ( she's really maybe 4'11) take up 78% of the bed space? Anybody else have a sleep partner that's challenging?

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My girlfriend takes up 75%, and our little pup who refuses to sleep anywhere else but under the covers on the bed takes up another 20%. You see where that leaves me. Luckily I sleep like a rock and can fall asleep within a minute when it’s time for bed. 

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I just saw a hilarious CPAP commercial about this 


I think I’m probably the annoying sleeper at our house haha. I’m usually burning up hot sweating and totally dead to the world. She says “why are you sweating so much?” I say “why do you crank up the thermostat on the way to bed every night?” Haha. I’d rather it be a tad cold 

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First off, I am always super happy when my wife does sleep, as it doesn't come easily at times.

Second, three decades in the service taught me that I can sleep anywhere

& with pretty much anything going on around me.

It's a mind set.  Might not always be The deepest sleep, but sleep none the less. 

Without going into detail why, at home, I wear ear plugs.

Wouldn't do it without the house dogs,

as they will 'let me know' if there something I need to address.

Whether I 'hear' it or not. 


Perhaps give it a try.

btw, I sleep with my eyes half open (I know weird right)

so a blacked out sleeping location is my preference. 




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my wife is tiny, and she sleeps like a starfish.  she dominates the bed.  


she also snores..and i wear earplugs on the worst nights.  most nights, it is a rhythmic breathing that puts me at ease, and i sleep well.    and my dog snores.  but my dog is my early warning system.  


good times

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My wife has sleep apnea (recently diagnosed) and now sleeps with a CPAP machine. Before she could wake the dead with her snoring. She’s 5’ 10” and loves to snuggle up to me at night. I’m positive it’s to kickstart her nuclear reactor so she can work on melting me and the bed. ?

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Just like @ScottW, my wife was a crazy loud snorer and was diagnosed with sleep apnea over a year ago. Now she sleeps so much better and quieter. She feels so much better too.

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Nora's been on a C-Pap for close to 15 years...we both sleep better since she got one.

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Getting a good night's sleep is important to your health. My wife and I have been married for 56 years.  The first 50 years or so, we slept in the same bed.  We have a great marriage, but both of us have sleep issues.  We both toss and turn and move around often. She tells me I snore and I know she does.  I went to a sleep center and had a doctor look at my results. He told me I had borderline sleep apnea, so I tried a C-Pap.  What a horrible experience!  I can't imagine how anyone can get used to that.  To solve this problem, we moved to separate bedrooms.  In case you are wondering, our sex life is better than ever.  Now, both of us wake up refreshed and happy.   We don't talk about this with our friends as they may think we are too old to care.  Not true.  We just want to sleep well.

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The many fishing trips I have taken with my buddies, cabins, cottages, hotel rooms, etc., have taught me the importance of earplugs.  Our annual lake st Clair trip is 6 guys, 3 single bedrooms and one bunk room with 3 single beds.  One of the guys is such a loud snorer he waits until everyone else is in bed before he goes to sleep.  My grandparents slept in separate beds in the same room because my grandfather had violent dreams.  My wife is a light snorer and cover stealer but my earplugs work just as well at home. ??

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Funny this topic came up because just the other night I was awakened to my wife yelling at me “that’s enough!”. She claims I was snoring so loud I woke her and she couldn’t get back to sleep. I’ve never heard myself snore so I’m thinking she just wanted to yell at me (horrible dad joke I know). 

When we were first together I was such a lite sleeper a mouse fart would wake me, so you can image the sleepless nights I first had with her Pug snoring next to me. 

Now I’m such a heavy sleeper due to pugs in bed with us and her tossing around. She was such a cover thief that we got a crazy idea to add a second comforter so we each had one. That was the greatest idea ever! A couple years ago she got the crazy idea to go back to one (I lost that battle), we did compromise though, we have a queen bed and a king comforter so all is good, except for my alleged snoring. 

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My Father has had a CPAP machine for about 15 years.  Sleep Apnea is genetic, and I'm probably at the early stages of it.


That being said, we have a queen size bed with a memory foam mattress, so when one of us moves, the whole bed doesn't move with it.  This has helped when one of us tosses or turns.


What my wife doesn't realize is that she snores too.  And she is a bed hog.  She lays in the middle of the bed...so that leaves me with 25% of it.  Sometimes I just get up and leave and go sleep in the guest bed lol.


At some point here I'm going to have to address my snoring issue that is inevitably going to get worse as I age.  Its also quite often weight-related so that is another reason not to be over weight.  There are alternatives to a CPAP machine that I'll be looking into.

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Wife is very claustrophobic to the point she can't get under the main bed spread and she occasionally sleep walks, weird girl ?.


I on the other hand fall asleep inside of a minute and rarely wake up in the night, a very deep sleeper.

Other people's sleep issues go unoticed on my side of the bed.

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18 minutes ago, Bird said:

Wife is very claustrophobic to the point she can't get under the main bed spread and she occasionally sleep walks, weird girl ?.



tell me you dont put a push broom in her sleeping hand...hahah.


sorry!!  just kidding.  my brother used to sleep walk and it kinda spooked me out.  I would come home late and he would just stand there spooky.

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Disclaimer:  Mrs B is my partner, best friend, and the best thing that's ever happened to me.


She doesn't really take up too much of the bed, but  when it's cold she takes all the cover and wraps up in it.  When she get's hot she throws the cover on me.   She snores too.   I'm too paranoid to use ear plugs.  She's a sound sleeper.   I want to be woke up if something happens.   A few decades ago, in our old house there was a BAD ice storm.  I laid awake all night listening to limbs break and crash to the ground.   She slept through all of it.  There were no limbs, or trees close enough to fall on our house, but it still kept me awake.   Our diabetic dog needs to go out a couple times a night.  She doesn't even try to go to Mrs. B's side of the bed.   I have seen her lick Mrs B in the face, and not wake her up.   

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37 minutes ago, Woody B said:

Disclaimer:  Mrs B is my partner, best friend, and the best thing that's ever happened to me.


She doesn't really take up too much of the bed, but  when it's cold she takes all the cover and wraps up in it.  When she get's hot she throws the cover on me.   She snores too.   I'm too paranoid to use ear plugs.  She's a sound sleeper.   I want to be woke up if something happens.   A few decades ago, in our old house there was a BAD ice storm.  I laid awake all night listening to limbs break and crash to the ground.   She slept through all of it.  There were no limbs, or trees close enough to fall on our house, but it still kept me awake.   Our diabetic dog needs to go out a couple times a night.  She doesn't even try to go to Mrs. B's side of the bed.   I have seen her lick Mrs B in the face, and not wake her up.   

my wife is also a sound sleeper.  I can wake up moaning nauseous stomach running, sprinting to the toilet.  she sleeps right thru it.  next morning, "wow, you dont look so good. kinda green, you sleep much?"


my dog wakes up takes one step, and she hears his nails click on the wood floor.  she is up! "oh Hank do you need to pee?".


I kept my wife on the edge of the bed (and not a lot of sleep) with snoring and stopping breathing.  CPAP time.   I fell dead asleep (at least for 4-5 hours,  she now gets to sleep.  Philips recalled my CPAP in 2021 and I couldn't use it.  I had subsequently lost almost 100 pounds.  Guess what,  I haven't needed it for the last two years.  

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My fiancé snores loud I fall asleep easy though the first time and am usually hard to wake up. I always wake up in the middle of the night doesn’t matter what time I go to bed can be 830-9 or midnight 99% the time I will wake up 130 2 then again at 330  and so on every hour hour and a half I wake up sometimes I can get back asleep easy other times I will lay awake mind going a million mph in thousand directions. Usually that’s what keeps me up not her snoring but there are times her snoring is unbearable and I usually go to the couch or guest room if available since we always have some one crashing with us. 

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My ex wife snored so loud I would go to the other end of the house in my office to sleep and I could STILL hear her.



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Many years ago I was on a "trip of a lifetime" - horseback safari in Kenya.  The trip was a large circle over 10 days, so we tented out every night, just like in the Tarzan movies except for wonderful catered meals under a large tent.  The participants had the option of single or double occupancy - I chose single so this isn't about me.  Point being that if you chose to double up you didn't know who your tent mate might be.  There were two English ladies on the trip who were tentmates.  I don't think they knew each other before the trip.  One of them was a loud snorer.  I figured it helped keep the lions away.  They seemed to make it okay for about half the trip.  Then one night around 2 or 3am, one of the ladies shreiked, "SHUT UUUUUUUUPPPP"!!  It woke everybody.  I guess the she had finally been pushed past the brink. Alternate arrangements were made, and they barely spoke to each other for the remainder of the trip. 

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I was the obnoxious sleeper until I got a CPAP. I lost a boatload of weight and dropped below 200lbs so no need for. CPAP for me. It’s my motivation to stay at a healthy weight.


My wife has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. She wears the CPAP now. 

No cure for hogging 75% of the bed has been invented. Until then I won’t be a happy sleeper

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I can sleep with earplugs easy.  I have a huge box of the good ones for my ears.  I wear them at work and I grab a handful to bring home.


I want my wife to sleep soundly and get the rest she needs.  me wearing ear plugs gets us there.  my dog will go berzerk if someone tries to get in, but my neighborhood is pretty good.  besides, if I have to shoot someone, I already have earplugs in..for ear protection. safety first. :D

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It would take an extremely annoying sleeper to bother me.  I sleep pretty well anywhere.  When I was in the military, for parachute and helicopter assaults in larger (MH-47, etc.) helicopters, we would be seated "nut to butt" in rows facing the intended aircraft exit.  Training or real mission, after about 15 minutes of flying I would go right to sleep, and end up leaning on someone behind, in front of, or beside me.  Got such a bad reputation that other guys would give up a coveted space next to the side of the aircraft so I wouldn't end up leaning on them.  I would pretty well sleep until we got the 3 or 10 minute call.  Continues to this day - I'll fall asleep most anywhere if I am still and don't focus on staying awake.  One of the main reasons I rarely hunt from tree stand.  I've been told by my wife, that my propensity to fall asleep is annoying, among other things.  It doesn't keep me awake at night.

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On 12/27/2022 at 4:07 AM, DitchPanda said:

So first off let me say I love my woman..she is a saint and has kept me alive for the last 11.5 years. That said, she is no picnic to sleep next to. I'm a very light sleeper and she has a loud snore...I'm talking neighbors gonna hear it and call the cops for a potential Iowa chainsaw massacre situation loud. Also I'm 6'3" how does a woman who claims to be 5' ( she's really maybe 4'11) take up 78% of the bed space? Anybody else have a sleep partner that's challenging?

Indeed. But I’m the challenge, lol. I used to snore really badly that I don’t know how my wife tolerated it. Then she started kicking me, lol but more so because she’s clocked me at times not breathing for over a minute, sometimes nearly two. She’d kick me to wake me up because nudging didn’t work.  Dang. Maybe I should have been a frog man or one of those deep divers. Turns out I had sleep apnea and now that I use a cpap, the snoring is gone and she gets to sleep peacefully. 

You might want to have her check on that, as sleep apnea can be harmful to long term health. If it turns out she has it, the cpap machine really works.  You’d also be able to sleep in peace.

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My wife doesn’t snore much anymore, but she wakes up and stays up and comes back to bed several times a night. It doesn’t take much to wake me up, but I’m able to go right back to sleep. She doesn’t ever complain about me snoring or whatnot.

Im just glad I’m not like my dad - he would have nightmares and make scary loud noises in his sleep…?

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