Super User NYWayfarer Posted October 23, 2022 Super User Posted October 23, 2022 My 7 month old Lab/Hound mix picks everything up in her mouth. Rocks, bugs, acorns and stuff we leave around the house she can find. I have taught her the command “Drop it” but that requires seeing her actually pick something up that she is not supposed to. It takes a village just to monitor her. Two days a week I am on a work from home schedule. The dog and I are alone. On one of these days I was on a work call and I was sure she was happily gnawing on a chew toy. After the call I went to check and she had a pencil my son left on an end table in her mouth. “Drop it” I screamed. She did and to my horror, half of it was gone. Of course the half with the metal part that holds the eraser was the part she ingested. A quick google search of what to do if my dog swallows a pencil. I found pencils are non-toxic but the aluminum part for the eraser is the part to worry about. I did the whole checklist for the next two days. Vomiting, no. Lethargic, no. Cuts in the mouth from sharp pieces, no. Lose of appetite, no. Then the fun part. Collecting the stool in a plastic bag and mashing it to see if the metal piece passes. Saturday morning it did just that. She had masticated it flat and it didn’t appear to be sharp in any spot. She has been her normal crazy 55 lb puppy self the whole time. I got lucky, unless you don’t consider having to pretend your dogs poop is play-doh lucky ??? Any one else have their dogs swallow crazy stuff? 2 Quote
Super User MN Fisher Posted October 24, 2022 Super User Posted October 24, 2022 1 minute ago, NYWayfarer said: Any one else have their dogs swallow crazy stuff? Does moldy banana bread count? Came home one day to find out that our Lab cross, Sara, had dug the remains of a loaf of banana bread out of the kitchen trash and eaten it. She didn't get sick from it either...and when scolded, she just gave that sad puppy-eyed look that made your heart melt...and she was 12 at the time. 1 Quote
Super User casts_by_fly Posted October 24, 2022 Super User Posted October 24, 2022 Does 8 lb of food count? This summer my wife fed the dogs and jumped on a call. I came down about 15 minutes later to find our two year old lab had gotten into the food bin and bloated her stomach to the size of a basketball. She weighs 55 lb, so it was 15% of her body weight. She threw up a couple times but couldn’t get it all so it was a $400 bellyache after the vet sorted her out. our wirehaired vizsla had IMHA when she was just over a year old and was on heavy steroids. A side effect is insatiable appetite. We had packed for a weekend trip and had a loaf of bread on top of a bag on the floor. She managed to delicately open the bag, eat 90% of the loaf, and not leave a crumb anywhere. We had no idea so the bag went into the car, two dogs on the backseat, and down the road. We made it about 15 minutes before we smelled it. It took another 5 minutes of driving to realize it wasn’t a dog fart. She had painted the backseat with bread induced doggy diarrhea. The red leather was no longer red. We stopped at the next gas station and the other dog jumped out the window before we could open the door it was so bad. The blanket they were laying on was immediately in the trash. We wiped what we could but there was no fixing that. We drove the 20 minutes home, loaded up my jeep, and just left the car until we got home on Sunday. 2 3 Quote
Super User A-Jay Posted October 24, 2022 Super User Posted October 24, 2022 Mice, moles, grass, garter & hog nose snakes. An assortment of bugs including but not limited to grasshoppers & dragon flies. Toads get spit out almost immediately, frogs though harder to catch aren't usually so lucky. Seems deer & rabbit poop is some type of delicacy, because every one of our dogs hunts it down like a crackhead. And we had a big male malamute several years ago who was addicted to worms & night crawlers. Good protein I guess but still sort of bogus. As for house hold items, by now the place is doggy proof, but every once in a while a dirty napkin or paper towel will disappear only to show up later on the shovel we use to 'huff' the logs into the woods. A-Jay 3 Quote
Skunkmaster-k Posted October 24, 2022 Posted October 24, 2022 My dog ate a sponge one time. Another time he literally ate half my son’s homework. Finally, my wife’s chickens started disappearing . I was watching out the kitchen window and saw him drag a baby chicken through the chain link fence head first. 2 Quote
Super User islandbass Posted October 24, 2022 Super User Posted October 24, 2022 We have a puppy standard poodle and he will put ANYTHING in his mouth. Rotten fruits and veggies, dead animals, and dang even his own vomit. He even chewed up one of my ear buds. I didn’t know my bud fell out of my pocket via an unknown hole and he was laying down next to me. My phone was connected to a Bluetooth speaker and the speaker alternated between working and cutting out. I looked at my phone’s Bluetooth settings and learned my phone was connected to my bud and I thought that was impossible because that bud was in my pocket. So I dig through my pocket and found a hole. I knew immediately at that point (yes, I have Sherlock skills?) the bud fell through that hole and onto the floor and my dog must have gotten it. I got his attention and he looked at me with guilty eyes and then tried to run away. I grabbed him before he could run away and I practically had to pry his mouth open with my hands. Yup, it was in his mouth and he chewed the living daylights out of it. I wasn’t mad as it was my fault, but I shudder at the thought if he had managed to swallow it. He was about 4 months at the time. I feel we both dodged a bullet. I bought a two pack of syrup from Costco and put it in the garage. I left him alone for 5 minutes. And he managed to tear up both containers, spilling the syrup all over the garage carpet. He looked at me like Steve irkle, with eyes that said, “Did I do that?” His snout was soaked in syrup. ? I didn’t bother cleaning the carpet. I threw it out, lol. 1 1 Quote
Global Moderator TnRiver46 Posted October 24, 2022 Global Moderator Posted October 24, 2022 My wife’s former landlord was one of those folks that just had to feed any animal she saw. It nearly led to the death of a few horses. One day we came home and my sweet little beagle/basset was laying down whining, staring at his own belly. The vet pumped 35 milk bones out of him! Some people just can’t stop feeding animals. 3 Quote
galyonj Posted October 29, 2022 Posted October 29, 2022 Earlier this week mine attempted to eat their own DNA test kits. 1 Quote
Super User GaryH Posted October 29, 2022 Super User Posted October 29, 2022 Assortment of FedEx, UPS, USPS carriers. ? 2 2 Quote
desmobob Posted October 29, 2022 Posted October 29, 2022 My old buddy, Elmo, once swallowed a neighbor's bantam rooster. Well, all but the head and one foot. A buddy had called me to tell me my dog had apparently caught a bird. When I got to my house and went to the back yard, I quickly realized he had got a bird, alright... it looked like there had been an explosion at a chicken farm and Elmo looked like he had swallowed a bowling ball. Within minutes, the neighbor called me, telling me he'd deal with my dog by using his shotgun the next time he showed up in his coop. And much later that night, in the wee hours, I woke up for what initially seemed like no reason. Then, I realized the reason: a very strong smell. The big meal had made Elmo very sick, and there was a splatter of smelly, soupy brown liquid starting about a foot up one bedroom wall, across the room to the door, where there was an enormous pile of vomit to top it all off. Elmo: One other occasion, after an all-day display of butt-dragging across the living room rug, I noticed a short piece of rubber band hanging out of Elmo's butt. I could relate, as I had recently experienced a similar issue with a little piece of cellophane from a Little Debbie's Nutty Bar that I evidently ate too quickly and carelessly... ? 1 5 Quote
Woody B Posted October 29, 2022 Posted October 29, 2022 Dolly attempted to swallow my shorts but my belt kept her from getting them. 4 2 Quote
Super User gim Posted October 30, 2022 Super User Posted October 30, 2022 On 10/23/2022 at 8:01 PM, casts_by_fly said: Does 8 lb of food count? This summer my wife fed the dogs and jumped on a call. I came down about 15 minutes later to find our two year old lab had gotten into the food bin and bloated her stomach to the size of a basketball. She weighs 55 lb, so it was 15% of her body weight. My dog got into the bag of kibble once too when she was younger. She literally is a bottomless pit. There is NO end to her appetite. She will continue to eat until she kills herself. Luckily I found her with her head inside the bag scarfing it down before that happened. But her gut was very distended like you stated. 4 Quote
Super User Bird Posted October 30, 2022 Super User Posted October 30, 2022 My wife's shoes and she was not happy. And if you've ever owned a Border collie, don't leave them at home alone during a thunderstorm, mine ate door trim and some drywall, apparently looking for refuge from the storm. 1 Quote
Global Moderator TnRiver46 Posted October 30, 2022 Global Moderator Posted October 30, 2022 9 hours ago, galyonj said: Earlier this week mine attempted to eat their own DNA test kits. Results are in : canis familiaris 1 2 Quote
Kyle S Posted October 30, 2022 Posted October 30, 2022 Our nearly one year old puppy, River has eaten many many things at this point in his life. The most noteworthy meal of his was when he was about 5 months old, he swallowed an entire pair of underwear. I'm fortunate to have a retired veterinarian as a friend who advised us to administer hydrogen peroxide orally and then run River around in the yard to get it all mixed around and bubbling up in his gut. Within about 5 minutes, River paused and up came the entire pair of underwear, along with a bunch of kibble and grass clippings that he recently enjoyed. Pepcid Ac helped calm his stomach back down. @A-Jay The rabbit poop does seem like little morsels of goodness to dogs. I often wonder why. Glad River isn't the only one who enjoys it. 2 1 Quote
Super User Choporoz Posted October 30, 2022 Super User Posted October 30, 2022 My dearly departed Sydney once ate an entire stick of butter. The explosiveness coming out the other end for a couple days was 'impressive' 1 1 Quote
Super User GaryH Posted October 30, 2022 Super User Posted October 30, 2022 15 hours ago, GaryH said: Assortment of FedEx, UPS, USPS carriers. ? Knucklehead once locked himself in the bathroom, since he couldn’t get the door open I guess he tried to eat the metal doorknob. 3 3 Quote
galyonj Posted October 30, 2022 Posted October 30, 2022 1 hour ago, GaryH said: Knucklehead once locked himself in the bathroom, since he couldn’t get the door open I guess he tried to eat the metal doorknob. I had a dachshund when I was a kid. Great dog. One evening we had gone out to eat and he somehow got himself closed in the bathroom. Ate the bottom quarter of the door. I miss that dog. 11 hours ago, TnRiver46 said: Results are in : canis familiaris I'm not convinced that the little isn't part gremlin. 1 2 Quote
cheezyridr Posted October 31, 2022 Posted October 31, 2022 when i was 17, i had a really cool dog. she was part shephard, part collie. at the time, i was living with my sister and her husband. on her (the dog's) first christmas eve, they went out to a christmas party, and i went to see my girlfriend. when i came home, i found our 8' christmas tree laying on it's side. i could not find ANY of the lights, the wires were all that were left. lucky it wasn't plugged in. you know those little metal caps on the top of a christmas ornament that holds the hook? i couldn't find ANY of those either. bark and needles had been stripped from the tree in many places. i was really scared. we took her to the vet, and they did an x ray. you could see all the junk in her belly. they said the surgery would cost $4500. it was 1983. i was making $68/week. i didn't have that kind of money. the vet said their was a small chance she would throw them up, but it was unlikely. they said she would probably die without the operation. he said to watch her stool for the next week, for wires and other debris, and that she was probably going to get really sick very soon. she would probably die. she was only 1 year old, almost exactly. for the next 2 weeks she passed pits of wire and little pieces of branches, and some needles. tinsel would hang from her butthole, and that was hilarious to see even though i was really worried. she never passed a single metal cap. i sorted through every poop for weeks. she never got sick, or even acted like she was uncomfortable. she also lived for another 15 years. she also never ate another thing she wasn't supposed to, ever again. 6 Quote
VolFan Posted October 31, 2022 Posted October 31, 2022 Oh boy, in no particular order: bike handlebars, grill lighter, 1 lb of Twizzlers + 1 lb of M&Ms + a whole loaf of bread (dog was still standing on the counter and couldn’t get down after this exploit), the heels of a brand new pair of climbing shoes, a dozen night crawlers, various kitchen towels, rat poison, a night mask, and a ribeye. Labs are too smart and complete idiots all at the same time. Also - the thanksgiving turkey carcass, my dryer vent, and various parts of my AC compressor 2 Quote
Super User NYWayfarer Posted October 31, 2022 Author Super User Posted October 31, 2022 2 minutes ago, VolFan said: Labs are too smart and complete idiots all at the same time. This is so true. I can tell my girl to “Go get the ball” and she will go into another area of the house to fetch it and bring it back. But I can’t get her to leave a piece of plastic tobacco dip container someone tossed out a car window. Quote
Super User Jar11591 Posted October 31, 2022 Super User Posted October 31, 2022 Bunny poop. Lots and lots of bunny poop. 2 Quote
BigAngus752 Posted October 31, 2022 Posted October 31, 2022 I had a dog named Dutch that really WANTED to be a good dog but just didn't have the willpower. I once had to pull (very gently) about two feet of electric tape out of his butthole. I was so thankful that it passed without necessitating surgery that I wasn't even mad. 2 4 Quote
desmobob Posted November 1, 2022 Posted November 1, 2022 22 hours ago, BigAngus752 said: I had a dog named Dutch that really WANTED to be a good dog but just didn't have the willpower. A characterization that only someone who really loved their pet would give... perfect. 3 Quote
Deephaven Posted November 1, 2022 Posted November 1, 2022 My neighbors Irish Setter swallowed his 13 year old sons baseball glove. Found it a few days later with no more stitches. I can't imagine passing that .... 2 Quote
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