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What is common sense? Totally understand what everyone is saying but....public water is just that.

Good Sportsmanship is what is lost in this conversation. 

B.A.S.S. ;  Bass Agnlers Sportsman Society. 

Texas is a warm water state where bass are the primary fish anglers fish for using bass boats. 

Idaho is a cold water state where trout are the primary fish anglers fish using recreational aluminum boats set up to troll.

My guess is most of the trollers may be in 5 mph zones to avoid faster running boaters. You need to know where you are fishing and yield the right away to the majority.

I was raised at Big Bear Lake, ran the marina for awhile renting boats to trout fisherman. My instructions included a white trolling flag must be displayed when trolling lures and don’t cut across another don’t stern if they are trolling.

Bass anglers knew to void trout anglers.

Fast forward to today’s boaters, including bass anglers that are clueless to good sportsmanship and sharing water. It’s all about me society now and it’s up to you to avoid ownership of a fishing area. Patients and courtesy pays big dividends on the water.

I recall Jay Yelus fishing a Bassmaster Classic that he won. On the final day Jay was fishing below a dam area when a pontoon boat full of passengers going  about 30 mph and went between Jay and the bank about 30’ away his was fishing.

Jay said something and made a cast into the bubbling wake and caught a tournament winning 6 lb bass.


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On 6/26/2022 at 5:57 PM, RDB said:

I usually don’t like to use marker buoys because they show my spots to every fisherman that drives by.  Friday I had 2 out about 30 yards apart marking the bend of a roadbed and another boat drove right over one.  Thousands of acres and they couldn’t avoid my 30 yard offshore spot.  I guess he was too focused on the yip yap Pomeranian standing on his deck.  Some people are idiots.


Try attaching a hand grenade or perhaps a nice thick floating net to the buoys (for their prop).


I have a hard time watching people screw with me and keeping calm. I do not advocate, in fact I hate it when guys say "Oh I'll just toss a crankbait at them". Sure, forum-tough guy.


Someone did that to us once and the guy who owned the boat I was on almost kicked his butt. You do not do that. Ever.


And the guys who say they have flashed guns at people? Wow. Real mental giants.


I do want revenge don't get me wrong but it usually can't be had.


The only people who have ever deliberately messed with me are guys in bass boats. Pleasure boaters are just largely clueless. People in bass boats have casted right on top of my popper before. My revenge was catching the fish and them not. Once.


I "try" to not let other people ruin my day.   There's plenty of idiots on the water anywhere.   We don't have much trolling around here except trolling for crappie on one lake.  Most of the people trolling are pretty considerate.   There's plenty of bass fishermen who will cut in and start fishing right in front of you.   I don't own the lake but it's just rude to cut someone off like that.   On weekends the lakes are literally full of boats.  I think it's really dangerous.  There's  wake boats going 10 to 15 MPH, pontoons going anywhere from 10 to 35 MPH, jet skis flitting around all over the place at all kinds of speeds, and the "I've got to get there first" bass boats going 70MPH and above.  It's a recipe for accidents and even injuries.   I usually either go really early and leave before the lake get's full or go after they've left.  

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I fish canals from the boat at least 75% of the time.  With canals in the Everglades, boats are always trolling past you, or running wide open past you.  I ones that truly tick me off are the ones at half speed putting out a mega wake.  If your going to slow down, troll past!

I have a friend that loves when they troll bye because he swears it helps the fishing.  The small waves increase bait fish activity that stimulate the bass into a eating pattern.  It just stirs up all activity!  Bass are not effected that much, especially if their used to that kind of activity.


I do hate when they troll past and then start fishing 40 yards in front of you, going the same way you are going.  This just makes me more determined to catch bass in waters they have already fished.  How sweet it is when you do.  I go IKE and hoop and laugh and soon they move off!

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Made the mistake of going out last night on the local pontoon rental hotbed on a beautiful evening.


Pretty sure the fish don't care as they are in 15+ fow, but it becomes a little unsettling watching bumper boats being played 50 yards away.  The guys trolling around for white perch would be the least of my concern. 


A more rigorous boating safety requirement or increased enforcement would go a long ways.  The vast majority just don't know any better.

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On 6/27/2022 at 12:59 PM, WRB said:

Public water you don’t have a right to fish anywhere and claim as your spot. The trollers have the same right to the water as you do.


Well, there are "rights" and then there is being "right". People also have a right to stand very close to you in public. That doesn't make it cool.

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Isn't this the way our whole country is going ? No respect or common sense ? It's all about me and what I- want.

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On 6/30/2022 at 3:24 PM, WVU-SCPA said:

but it becomes a little unsettling watching bumper boats being played 50 yards away.  The guys trolling around for white perch would be the least of my concern. 


A more rigorous boating safety requirement or increased enforcement would go a long ways.  The vast majority just don't know any better.


I went for a walk around a lake near me on the 4th of July and it was just chaos out there.  It was a never ending stream of wake boats, tubers, jet skis, and other recreational watercraft that just don't give a sh** about anyone else trying to use the water.  Blaring loud music, creating monster wakes, and clearly not doing any of it in a safe manner.  It rained here that morning, but its now come to a point where I wish it would rain on these major holidays all day long to keep people off the water.  All of the kayaks and canoes were tucked way back in this area of a non-wake zone.  I didn't see a single fishing boat out there either.  If any kind of water patrol or other law enforcement was present, they would have had a field day with violations.

On 6/27/2022 at 1:55 PM, WRB said:

What is common sense? Totally understand what everyone is saying but....public water is just that.

Good Sportsmanship is what is lost in this conversation. 

B.A.S.S. ;  Bass Agnlers Sportsman Society. 

Texas is a warm water state where bass are the primary fish anglers fish for using bass boats. 

Idaho is a cold water state where trout are the primary fish anglers fish using recreational aluminum boats set up to troll.

My guess is most of the trollers may be in 5 mph zones to avoid faster running boaters. You need to know where you are fishing and yield the right away to the majority.

I was raised at Big Bear Lake, ran the marina for awhile renting boats to trout fisherman. My instructions included a white trolling flag must be displayed when trolling lures and don’t cut across another don’t stern if they are trolling.

Bass anglers knew to void trout anglers.

Fast forward to today’s boaters, including bass anglers that are clueless to good sportsmanship and sharing water. It’s all about me society now and it’s up to you to avoid ownership of a fishing area. Patients and courtesy pays big dividends on the water.

I recall Jay Yelus fishing a Bassmaster Classic that he won. On the final day Jay was fishing below a dam area when a pontoon boat full of passengers going  about 30 mph and went between Jay and the bank about 30’ away his was fishing.

Jay said something and made a cast into the bubbling wake and caught a tournament winning 6 lb bass.


Are you actually reading what you’re typing out loud? Bass guys are supposed to let trollers cut them off between the bank and if they don’t it’s “all about [them]” selfishness, but the troller seeing someone fishing that bank and rolling through any way is ok and not selfish? 
Is there some reason the troller can’t go around the bass angler who was there first? 

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Good Sportsmanship is about knowing not to fish where another angler is already fishing. This including knowing a boat angler is fishing forward and not anchored and going around them cutting the other angler off.

I haven’t witnessed good sportsmanship in a few decades, very rare today.


PS, I thought what was written was clear.

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6 hours ago, WRB said:

Good Sportsmanship is about knowing not to fish where another angler is already fishing. This including knowing a boat angler is fishing forward and not anchored and going around them cutting the other angler off.

I haven’t witnessed good sportsmanship in a few decades, very rare today.


PS, I thought what was written was clear.

yes exactly. Good sportsman ship is not trolling where another angler is already fishing. 


Most of the time, it's just not worth the fight or frustration...

1 hour ago, Trox said:

Most of the time, it's just not worth the fight or frustration...

Dunno man, last year I was fishing from the bank and a boater came by and chucked a crankbait at me, and acted like it was perfectly ok...I threw a jig back and he got upset, I admit it was pretty childish to play chicken like that, but we've all got our limits, and that guy went well beyond mine.

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Hopefully some of you guys don't conceal carry. 


Life is to short to worry about some things. Catching a fish, or in most cases, not catching a fish, isn't worth a fight or even an argument. 

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I always just tell them what I’m doing well on and try to chitchat. A lot of times they just don’t know or their head is elsewhere. Basser on basser tomfoolery is always possible but I have enough confidence and spots that I can just move on if it’s silly. Fishing is relaxation for me and I like to keep it that way.

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7 hours ago, jbsoonerfan said:

Hopefully some of you guys don't conceal carry. 


Life is to short to worry about some things. Catching a fish, or in most cases, not catching a fish, isn't worth a fight or even an argument. 


I used to have a pretty short fuse at the access when people were lolligagging or taking too long to unload/load their boat.  One time I even offered to help someone and they almost chewed my head off.  So that was the end of that.  Nowadays I say nothing to people at the access and just patiently wait my turn.  Most people already know they're taking too long or they weren't prepared ahead of time when there is an obvious line of people waiting to use the access.  Years ago when I would say something, all it would do is make my blood boil even more.  As you stated, it just wasn't worth it anymore.  Its better to just take the high road the other direction instead.


No, I do not carry a handgun either.


We get these all the time and the bottom line is you do you.  Personally, I’m going to say something most of the time when I see someone out of line.  I’m not going to be rude but I don’t really care how they take it.  Had a guy last week working on his engine on the ramp with 4 boats waiting to launch.  I said something.

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Winter fishing is the best. Nobody on the lake but me and my fishing partner, sometimes another hardcore guy or a crappie fisherman. We love it. On our lake everyone beats the bank and we fish out deep. If we see another boat at the ramp we will say wonder what they doing here. LOL

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I try to remain calm.  chances are it will be my only encounter with the perpetrator and I'll never see that person again.  I was enjoying tranquility and all the good stuff, in a really peaceful cove.  just working counter clockwise around an island.  a smaller bass boat comes in hot and shuts the motor off as he gets 40 yards from me.  a bass boat plowing to a stop sends a pretty good wake out for us kayakers.   he drops his trolling motor and starts moving counter clockwise.  I got a fish and I might have said, "dont come off bass!" louder than I needed to.  he asked me what I got it on.  I replied, "I got it with etiquette and courtesy".  not sure he understood, but I worked clockwise and got 4 more around the corner.  sure enough, I never saw him again.  :)


fishing is fun.  arguing is the opposite of fun.  forget it.  

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On 7/7/2022 at 7:50 PM, RDB said:

Had a guy last week working on his engine on the ramp with 4 boats waiting to launch.  I said something.

Good for you.  There's no excuse for that.

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7 minutes ago, gimruis said:

Good for you.  There's no excuse for that.

hahah..I usually see an entire family at the ramp pumping up stand up paddleboards.  I never say anything because my buddy will always stomp over there first.  :)

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I had no idea what a planer board was until one almost hit my boat.  Fishing a cove in  Raystown lake in PA. We were there for at least 30 minutes catching fish off of sunken trees.  Well another boat comes in and is initially on the other side of the cove.  He starts turning around each time he gets to the main lake or back of the cove. Paid no attention to him until his last pass. I was anchored and sitting on the front seat re-tying a bait.  I noticed something coming towards the side of the boat and my buddy said he must be trolling. That's when the guy started yelling at use that we were too close to his board. I  am anchored and have not moved in 45 minutes while he is driving around.  There was a loud screaming match with him telling me to move.  I didn't pursue it beyond that as we each had our 5 fish and started culling within the first 20 minutes of the tournament. 





Happened to me last night while fishing for pickerel off a drop off in a channel connecting 2 larger parts of the lake. I was probably only 20-30 yards from shore and there was at least 150 yards behind me they could have chosen to pass. Funny thing is there are tons of rocks where the drop off is he was only a few yards from bottoming out. As he passed he also waved at me and the look on his face said he probably had no clue what he was doing. Some people literally have no common sense.


Right behind him a fishing boat came to pass, slowed down at least 80 yards away and passed slowly behind me.

On 7/6/2022 at 9:37 PM, jbsoonerfan said:

Hopefully some of you guys don't conceal carry. 


Life is to short to worry about some things. Catching a fish, or in most cases, not catching a fish, isn't worth a fight or even an argument. 


Gawd forbid someone complain to someone about something because they might be carrying. Says a lot about that subject. So much for "...is a polite society". More like scared.


I was asked here a few days ago if I carry a gun when I hike in case of animal attacks. I do not. Fact: Mountain Lion and Coyote attacks are so rare I'm 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning.


But facts be danged for some people!


There is a thread on this forum full of guys that carry on their boats even though there has been like one murder on a bass boat that I can find, ever, and it was in a tourney a decade or two ago on a lake bordering Mexico, and the bad guys were Mexican bandits. If I'm wrong show me more cases. Not exactly an epidemic.


All I can find are posts right here about guys flashing guns at pleasure boaters that get too close.


I feel much safer unarmed in the woods than I do around these people. Sorry for the rant but #%@$ it.


PS: I really need a break from people. Gotta go for now.

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28 minutes ago, schplurg said:


Gawd forbid someone complain to someone about something because they might be carrying. Says a lot about that subject. So much for "...is a polite society". More like scared.


I was asked here a few days ago if I carry a gun when I hike in case of animal attacks. I do not. Fact: Mountain Lion and Coyote attacks are so rare I'm 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning.


But facts be danged for some people!


There is a thread on this forum full of guys that carry on their boats even though there has been like one murder on a bass boat that I can find, ever, and it was in a tourney a decade or two ago on a lake bordering Mexico, and the bad guys were Mexican bandits. If I'm wrong show me more cases. Not exactly an epidemic.


All I can find are posts right here about guys flashing guns at pleasure boaters that get too close.


I feel much safer unarmed in the woods than I do around these people. Sorry for the rant but #%@$ it.


PS: I really need a break from people. Gotta go for now.

Ummmmmm, ok. Not sure why you tried calling me out. I just said catching a fish or not catching a fish isn't worth an argument or a fight.


You're right though, you might need a break. 

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