throttleplate Posted June 22, 2022 Posted June 22, 2022 Give your opinion on this, if i was wrong ok, if i was right ok. Dont be shy, give me a kick in the rear end if needed, i can take the criticism. Ok, i was at pf today workin out and gettin time to go home i look out the big window 10 feet from where i am workin out and i see that a jeep cherokee has went over his line in the parking space and has my driver door blocked from opening it. I go to the staff member a female at the counter and tell her i am blocked in and she tells me "its not my parking lot" I say its pfs lot and she says she cant do anything about my car being blocked in. I asked if they had a page, loudspeaker system and answer was no. I asked what should i do and she says to go around and ask the people. I asked if she could help me to ask the members and she said its not her job to do that. I then asked for a pen and paper and for her name and she gave me first name and then left to get out of the situation. So i went around asking every darn person in my walking path and the music is so loud in pf and members have music playing in their own earbuds so i had to ask loudly and alot of them dont speak english. Another staffwoman asked me why am i being so loud while the pf loudspeakers were pushing out music and i said because the music is so loud in here and all are wearing earbuds i have to speak loud. I told her the deal about being blocked and she said to ask help at the counter. Finally after asking 45 people i found the owner. No problem, he was on a treadmill and i said finish your exercise and i will work on leg presses. So i went back to counter and told them, all 4 of them standing behind the counter including the manager that i found the owner and then i asked for there names, the manager, and the staffer whom asked me why i was so loud. The manager gave his name but the other staffer would not and told me she has nothing to do with this so i took her picture and walked away and the manager said i coudnt take her pic and said he was goin to call the cops. I said go ahead and at that time the first staffer i confronted for help whom said its not her parking lot came up to me at the counter and said to me " i am leaving because my cars not blocked in." I ignored her and went to do leg presses. While doing the presses a staffer came up to me and said the guy moved his vehicle which i could see that through the big window. As i was leaving the womans whom pic i took i went up to her and showed her i was deleting her pic and she says to me " i wish my husband was here to meet you". I said thats rude, thats a threat, why say something like that when you are in customer relations and she says i dont give a xxxk. I just let it go with her and said to the manager her pic is deleted so are we all amended now and he says yes and i say yes i am cool and he then asks me why i got so upset as I could have gotten in from the passenger side and i say well i shouldnt have to crawl over my center console and the stick shift in a 2004 honda civic. He then asks me what i woud have done if this happened at the big shopping mall and i said i dont know but i know how it works here at planet fitness. I said allright see ya all i am kool with it all and left the building. 1
Super User VolFan Posted June 22, 2022 Super User Posted June 22, 2022 I think you overreacted to an issue of poor parking. 1
Super User A-Jay Posted June 22, 2022 Super User Posted June 22, 2022 We do what we do - right or wrong. My solution to that deal might not have worked for you. But I would have been home a lot sooner. A-Jay 1 1
Super User Tennessee Boy Posted June 22, 2022 Super User Posted June 22, 2022 You can’t let people get to you. Climbing over from the passenger side would have been a lot easier. 1
Super User slonezp Posted June 22, 2022 Super User Posted June 22, 2022 Sounds like a failure on both ends. Climbing over the seat, and an email to corporate, possibly canceling my membership, would have been my plan of action. A wise man chooses which battles he's going to fight. This isn't one of them. 1
Trox Posted June 22, 2022 Posted June 22, 2022 Love me a classic Aaron Tippin moment! and for what its worth, not a fan of anything planet fatness. They got mad at me once for telling my friend (who I was training) that he had a few more reps left in him - Yet no one bats an eye when the people at the front desk say that you have a few more bites of that free donut left in you on free donut and pizza day... My membership didn't even make it a full month 1
Global Moderator 12poundbass Posted June 22, 2022 Global Moderator Posted June 22, 2022 Failure on both parts in my opinion. Her customer service skills are lacking quite a bit which sounds like things went south from there and you and the staff fed off each other’s negative reactions. Had this happened to me, after getting the response from the counter lady I would’ve gone around patiently asking people if they owned the vehicle. If you rely on other people you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. The picture thing I think was a bit creepy. JMO 2
Super User Koz Posted June 22, 2022 Super User Posted June 22, 2022 I'll admit that many times in the past, something or someone would rub me the wrong way and I would get ticked off about it. I still don't suffer fools gladly. But one day by chance I read something and it literally changed my outlook on many things in life. It's called the Serenity Prayer. I believe it may have started with the Alcoholics Anonymous group, but really it applies to everyday life. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. It's such a simple thing. Almost corny. But if you take it to heart it can really make a difference in your outlook on things. 3
Super User jbsoonerfan Posted June 22, 2022 Super User Posted June 22, 2022 I would have grabbed a Gatorade bottle, peed in it and took a big swig in front of them and simply said "I drink my own urine, do not mess with me." 14
Global Moderator Bluebasser86 Posted June 22, 2022 Global Moderator Posted June 22, 2022 I've heard lots of bad things about PF. Never been so can't confirm personally, but your story sure doesn't help that rumor. 1
Deephaven Posted June 22, 2022 Posted June 22, 2022 Considering where you live, I probably went to high school with her parents. Lol. I have found that escalating things in a way that makes people want to help you always works better, but when they are lazy and unwilling my method changes completely. 1
Super User GreenPig Posted June 22, 2022 Super User Posted June 22, 2022 If only you'd of went fishin.......... 2
Solution Jmilburn76 Posted June 22, 2022 Solution Posted June 22, 2022 My little town opened a PF last year and Ive been going every since, havent had nor seen any issues with staff or patrons. I think you over reacted a little bit and Im a hot-head sometimes. I drive a lifted Wrangler without doors from early Spring until its too cold to stand it so no worries of getting blocked like that. Hopefully your day got better after you left. 1
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