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I was bank fishing a bit ago, caught 2 on swimbaits back to back...roughly 2lb each.


Right as I was about to make a third cast, a guy in a kayak is heading right for the spot I was casting into.  I waved at him, twice.  He didn't reply.  So finally I yelled at him "What are you doing?! I'm fishing right here."


He says he didn't see me and adds "You probably won't catch s**t anyway."


Anyhow, being as he just kayaked right through the spot I was fishing, I decided he ruined the spot, so I started walking up to my car.


He pulls in the kayak, and says I was rude.  I tell him I waved, but he didn't answer, so I yelled to make sure he heard me.  I tell him that I kayak fish quite a bit myself, and the difference between the two of us is that if I had done the same thing he did, my response would have been "Sorry man, I apologize.  I didn't see you."


I would understand if he didn't see me if I was standing in the woods or something, but this is a big lake, and I was standing out in the open by a sidewalk.


He tells me he's not going to apologize because he didn't do anything wrong and then calls me several names which prompted me to tell him in no uncertain terms that if he didn't pack up his kayak and leave my personal space that he was going to require medical assistance.  It ended with him getting in his truck and leaving.


So... I guess I'm just wondering, how would you guys have handled this situation, and was I the one who was wrong or not?

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I once talked to an acquaintance who fishes catfish from the bank a lot. He told me that scenario happened to him so many times, now he's always packing while fishing. 


Anglers are pretty sensitive when it comes to this. I am not saying I am a saint, but I always chose to walk away, no need to escalate the situation.  There're plenty of other spots to fish; he/she can have that one. 

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Goes back to kindergarten, 2 wrongs don't make a right.  I guess you could say that you might have been 'less wrong' than he was...But that's not something hang your hat on.  

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14 minutes ago, Logan S said:

Goes back to kindergarten, 2 wrongs don't make a right.  I guess you could say that you might have been 'less wrong' than he was...But that's not something hang your hat on.  

Fair enough.

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I feel your pain bud..a few years back when covid first started raging I had a guy and his girlfriend stand literally back to back with me...I didn't handle it the best to say the least. But I was proud I didn't hurt anybody. 15 years ago the guy would have been sleeping face  down in the gravel...not proud just facts. While I agree with the above mentioned 2 wrongs don't make a right I feel like sometimes people need some forced accountability for actions...just because the other guy shouldn't stoop to your level doesn't give you the right to ignore fishing ethics and be a dumb jackass.

Lets me say also that you will probably get a broad range of answers o this quandary and nobody is wrong...unless they say shoot the guy. That's wrong.

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I was going to let it go until he walked up to me as I was packing up to leave and said I was being rude to him.... And I said how was I the one who is being rude when he kayaked right through the spot where I was fishing

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9 hours ago, CrashVector said:

I was going to let it go until he walked up to me as I was packing up to leave and said I was being rude to him.

So I hate to be this guy but let me see if I got this right...your fishing a spot successfully..guy rolls acrossed it in a yak...you say hey dude what are you doing? And he accuses you of being rude? Yeah screw that guy

23 minutes ago, DitchPanda said:

So I hate to be this guy but let me see if I got this right...your fishing a spot successfully..guy rolls acrossed it in a yak...you say hey dude what are you doing? And he accuses you of being rude? Yeah F that guy

Yes.  Bc he said I threw my hands up at him and yelled "What are you doing?!"


His premise was that he didn't see me, and he was just trying to head for calmer water to get back to the boat launch... I said I tried waving at him twice before yelling at him, which I did.


When I told him I understand that it could have been an accident, but that I did wave at him twice before yelling at him, and that the only reason I yelled at him was to let him know I was fishing there. I also told him I've done that before by mistake, which I have, and that my reaction was to apologize sincerely to the guy who was standing on the bank not to get defensive and act like a jerk about it.


I've seen him out there before a few times in his kayak, and have never seen him catch anything to be honest.  I fish there a lot, so I know what the fish are up to, so I don't know if that was his problem because he always sees me coming back with a bunch of fish or something.


But honestly, I just wanted other people's honest opinions. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong and I admit it... But I just didn't see how I could be the one who was incorrect in this situation and figured other people might have a different take.

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I'm gonna change my own tune now and take a different tact...maybe next time you see him say hey bud we got off on the wrong foot..I'm sorry if I came across like a di#$. May make a fishing friend out of the deal...May help him catch a few. Its more rewarding than you think.

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Maybe he legitimately didn’t see you at first. Doesn’t seem likely based on what you’ve stated, but maybe he just didn’t. The fact that he went right where you caught a couple fish is more than just a coincidence if you ask me. Really doesn’t do much good to get angry or have a confrontation. People are hot headed and you never know if someone is going to blow your head off over something like this. I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but there’s usually two sides to a story.  You did the right thing by initially walking away.

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8 minutes ago, gimruis said:

 Really doesn’t do much good to get angry or have a confrontation. People are hot headed and you never know if someone is going to blow your head off over something like this. I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but there’s usually two sides to a story.  You did the right thing by initially walking away.

I would agree with what he said

In my experience kayakers don't interfere with fishing too much I've caught big channel catfish right under someone's kayak before Lol

I would say it's all just a big misunderstanding and to not think much of it

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12 hours ago, gimruis said:

Maybe he legitimately didn’t see you at first. Doesn’t seem likely based on what you’ve stated, but maybe he just didn’t. The fact that he went right where you caught a couple fish is more than just a coincidence if you ask me. Really doesn’t do much good to get angry or have a confrontation. People are hot headed and you never know if someone is going to blow your head off over something like this. I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but there’s usually two sides to a story.  You did the right thing by initially walking away.


I ALWAYS open carry when I'm fishing.  Lots of crime here.


That is why I told him that I can understand if it was a legitimate mistake, but I have done the same in the past and apologized for messing up somebody's fishing unintentionally instead of just mouthing off.


I wouldn't have said anything at all to him after he kayaked through my spot except he wanted to continue the conversation at the boat launch when I was trying to leave... And then at first all I said was "how can you mouth off to somebody when you were the one who kayaked through a spot where you saw somebody else catching fish?"


I don't know, maybe I was an a-hole for saying something to him about kayaking through my spot, but I was thinking at the time that most people would probably have done the same....maybe not.


BTW: the bass here are chasing spawning pumpkin seeds.  I caught both of these fish on a z-man diesel minnow in sexy shad color...rigged on a 3/0 Berkley 1/8th oz weighted swimbait hook with the screw-in keeper.


I was fishing at that spot because I know that's where the pumpkin seed are spawning, and I knew the bass would be nearby.

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I guess a better question would have been, what could I have done that would be less a-holish except to say nothing as he headed straight for me through the spot I was catching fish?


Now..I legit WAS a jerk at the very end...bc he said "You probably can't catch s**t anyhow." To me.  As he started pulling off, I held up my two fish and said "Guess one of us CAN catch s**t."


I admit I should not have done that, but I was ticked off at the time LOL

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Unfortunately your time, anger, and spiked BP was wasted on him. I've learned to not try to educate folks as the majority will fight you to remain ignorant. In those type situations I have to keep my mouth closed and walk away. I carry a gun while I'm dressed and if it went bad I wouldn't want to possibly be seen as the aggressor in court. Paying lawyers to keep me out of prison would cut into my fishing funds.

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5 hours ago, GreenPig said:

 I've learned to not try to educate folks as the majority will fight you to remain ignorant. 

 Perfect and my new favorite ~



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I've been in plenty of situations in my life where I've had to do things I didn't want to do, but fishing will never be one of those things that I can see escalating to that level. People getting into fights and the not-so-uncommon talk of guns when it comes to fishing over spots and land is up there with the dumbest things I've ever heard in my life. 

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My number one priority while out in nature is to come home to my wife and kid. I have to remind myself of how I will not be able to do that if a confrontation over fishing etiquette goes south…



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I also carry, but I carry fishing themed gospel tracts about Jesus. I am glad that I have the opportunity to give one out and then hopefully share the gospel. It keeps me from getting upset or injured.

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This guy obviously was not the brightest bulb in the package.  With all the people carrying these days, things can escalate quickly.  I have questioned some bank fisherman that have moved in closely to an area I'm fishing.  Usually don't say anything unless they throw over my line.  I do it in a non-confrontational manner, and try to educate them about allowing personal space.  I would never give up an area, but I do go "Ike" if I catch one while their still in my area.  Nothing better then catching when they are not!  Luckily this has not happened much over the years, most even the newbies are very respectable of other's territory.

7 hours ago, collards said:

I also carry, but I carry fishing themed gospel tracts about Jesus. I am glad that I have the opportunity to give one out and then hopefully share the gospel. It keeps me from getting upset or injured.


I like that better than a few other responses here. "Packing" because people keep crowding your fishing spot is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Really, you're going to shoot someone, Rambo?


You wanna see an idiot? Here ya go, I think he was drunk because there is no other way he could have missed me and my cousin. And he wasn't fishing. He apologized when I said something, "Oh didn't see you". What're ya gonna do...oh shoot him, ya that's it.


He was just puttering around with his dog. And guess what? people in boats and kayaks can carry as well, you never know.


Sorry to jump all over the gun thing, but it is people like that who give fishermen and gun owners both a bad name.




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Sounds like another case of “advice from dear old dad”.



  • Haha 2
23 hours ago, CrashVector said:

I was bank fishing a bit ago, caught 2 on swimbaits back to back...roughly 2lb each.


Right as I was about to make a third cast, a guy in a kayak is heading right for the spot I was casting into.  I waved at him, twice.  He didn't reply.  So finally I yelled at him "What are you doing?! I'm fishing right here."


He says he didn't see me and adds "You probably won't catch s**t anyway."


Anyhow, being as he just kayaked right through the spot I was fishing, I decided he ruined the spot, so I started walking up to my car.


He pulls in the kayak, and says I was rude.  I tell him I waved, but he didn't answer, so I yelled to make sure he heard me.  I tell him that I kayak fish quite a bit myself, and the difference between the two of us is that if I had done the same thing he did, my response would have been "Sorry man, I apologize.  I didn't see you."


I would understand if he didn't see me if I was standing in the woods or something, but this is a big lake, and I was standing out in the open by a sidewalk.


He tells me he's not going to apologize because he didn't do anything wrong and then calls me several names which prompted me to tell him in no uncertain terms that if he didn't pack up his kayak and leave my personal space that he was going to require medical assistance.  It ended with him getting in his truck and leaving.


So... I guess I'm just wondering, how would you guys have handled this situation, and was I the one who was wrong or not?

By the way, IMO you did nothing wrong.  Yelling to warn someone they are about to run over your spot is called a Tuesday at most Texas lakes.  The other person is the one who escalated it…3 TIMES.  First by saying you weren’t going to catch #$@#, second when he approaches you while you are leaving, and third when he cusses you out.  You did nothing wrong, you didn’t escalate until he got aggressive, and frankly he probably needs a good azz whuppin’.  For people making it seem like you are the bad guy too, I guess I’m a bad guy as well because I would have done the same thing…screw that guy.  The next time when he gives space to a bank fisherman, that fisherman probably has you to thank.

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Yaker was a jerk for mouthing off, you didn't do yourself any favors by more-or-less threatening the guy. Although I tend to fall in the "some folks need a good ***-kickin'" crowd, I tend to believe it's not my place and I never know who I'm mouthing back to. I just log on to BassResource and mouth about it here while quietly relocating without a fuss. I've dealt with plenty of rude people on the shore, kayaking, boating. Entitled, rude behavior is part of things and probably always has been. If I'm running into too much of it in one day, I just try to take it as a sign that I haven't found my spot for the day yet. I can catch a bass just about anywhere they're present, which at Ray Roberts and Lake Whitney is just about everywhere.

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1 hour ago, RDB said:

By the way, IMO you did nothing wrong.  Yelling to warn someone they are about to run over your spot is called a Tuesday at most Texas lakes.  The other person is the one who escalated it…3 TIMES.  First by saying you weren’t going to catch #$@#, second when he approaches you while you are leaving, and third when he cusses you out.  You did nothing wrong, you didn’t escalate until he got aggressive, and frankly he probably needs a good azz whuppin’.  For people making it seem like you are the bad guy too, I guess I’m a bad guy as well because I would have done the same thing…screw that guy.  The next time when he gives space to a bank fisherman, that fisherman probably has you to thank.


I posted this mainly bc it was my second confrontation at this spot in two weeks.  The first one is on video, and even the guy's own coworkers were in the background saying things like "dude..what's your problem?!" And "He didn't do anything, we were just talking until you came up and threatened him out of thin air" to him.


Admittedly, I WAS clearly about to clean that guy's clock because he was acting like an angry drunk.or something and kept walking up to me until I took off my GoPro and told him if he walked up to me aggressively again, there would be no more warnings.  He'd end up hurt.  Badly.


This kayak guy..just mouthed off until he approached me...then he got warned.  I had no intention on furthering the conversation past me telling him he was kayaking through where I was fishing.  I was putting my rod in my car to leave when he walked over to me and started.



I mean....I honestly try to be nice to everyone.  Hell, I give lures away to people if I see them struggling to catch.


But two incidents with two hotheads in two weeks made me look at it and go "Could it be ME?" Or "Do people just think I look like a pushover or something" etc...so I figured I'd ask here for others' opinions.


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2 hours ago, schplurg said:


I like that better than a few other responses here. "Packing" because people keep crowding your fishing spot is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Really, you're going to shoot someone, Rambo?


You wanna see an idiot? Here ya go, I think he was drunk because there is no other way he could have missed me and my cousin. And he wasn't fishing. He apologized when I said something, "Oh didn't see you". What're ya gonna do...oh shoot him, ya that's it.


He was just puttering around with his dog. And guess what? people in boats and kayaks can carry as well, you never know.


Sorry to jump all over the gun thing, but it is people like that who give fishermen and gun owners both a bad name.






I'm from south Louisiana.  Firearms are as much a cultural thing here as a legal one.  My ancestors were subsistence hunters, etc.


I moved to the area I am now about 10 years ago.  Where I grew up, there's hadn't been a single shooting since the late 1800's until the 1990s lol.


Baton Rouge is turning into New Orleans the 2nd.  I've unholstered my Walther six times in the last 5 years, and pointed it at someone twice with the intention to fire unless the person immediately stopped.


First guy was attempting to rob me at a gas station.  Second was trying mug me and had a Phillips screwdriver as a weapon.


I'd NEVER even consider a firearm as an option for a mere argument or even a fist fight lol...but then again, I'm not a kid, and I'm fairly tough for 45 year old guy lol

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