junebugmn Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 I am sure everyone here has gone ;D to a busy boat ramp or launch, have you ever wished you had your video camera and started recording! I don't know whether to feel sorry or just laugh out loud with some of the antic's I see at the boat landing's I am sure we all have seen it Junebugman Quote
Edro Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Someone who can't drive a standard truck. Backing down he had no problem. The driver of the boat pulled up and hooked the boat on the trailer, and started to clear away his fishing tackle. The driver of the truck started revving the engine, this is when I took notice. The driver then popped the clutch and sent the guy in the boat flying to the back deck. We made sure the guy was alright then we had a nice laugh. Quote
Super User burleytog Posted March 30, 2010 Super User Posted March 30, 2010 A dummy getting a truck & trailer stuck in mud. Quote
done Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 2 Yuppie kids in their daddies Lexus SUV trying to launch a pair of jetskis. First one, while admitting he just worked on the motor and had not tested it kicks off the dock. Then tries to start the jetski...wont start, he is adrift down the lake. His buddy loses his flip flop which was made out of gold apparently. He starts borderline crying (about 18-20 yrs old), and cussing about how expensive and awesome they are. As his buddy is cussing and swearing drifting away, occasionally punching and kicking the jet-ski. Shortly thereafter they realize that every mid sized wave is going into the back of the Lexus (they had backed up until the hitch was in the water). Literally took them about an hour and a half to launch to jet skis. I thought one of the boaters was going to end them for that. I am sure daddy was ticked about the debris in the back of the lexus when they got home. Quote
Siebert Outdoors Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Mine would be: We were fishing in Canada at Rainy lake. One of the other boats was dropping off a guy at the dock. As the boat slowly crept forward he did the step from the boat to the dock. The driver at that instant put it in reverse to keep the boat from hitting the dock. Well, the guy wasnt all the way on the dock. First he almost did the splits and then fell into the water. Funniest thing I've ever seen. I still laugh about that and give the guy a hard time when I see him. Quote
BluegrassBoy Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 Not a first hand experience but a story my Dad and his fishin buddies tell. In teh early eighties, they were launching for labor day weekend when a man and wife were loading their runabout. The wife was backing the trailer in, while her verbally abusive husband belittled and shouted at her. She finally had enough and simply got out the vehicle while it was still in reverse...Boat still hooked to trailer...the boat managed to float the trailer and the back of the car enough to get the free wheeling wheels off teh bottom til the engine hydrolocked. And I did watch my mother get pisseed at my dad once and drop the boat keys in the lake...i found em with a pair of goggles... thank god we were in shallow clear water. Quote
Super User SoFlaBassAddict Posted March 31, 2010 Super User Posted March 31, 2010 I've seen some crazy stuff down here on opening weekend for Lobster season in years past. Newer boat owners flipping trailers after rolling one set of wheels onto the dock and not realizing it. I've seen several cars underwater when they lost traction backing into the ramp. One of the strangest I've seen is a guy lowering his engine into the water and having it fall off the transom. The guy looked at me and just couldn't believe what happened. Can't blame him I guess.... Quote
DINK WHISPERER Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Guy trying to launch a Stratos Pro with the transom straps still tied down, LOL! Quote
snapperd1 Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Watching my brother inlaw fall out of the boat into the lake while trying to catch bluegills with the landing net. Quote
soopd Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Getting a phone call from my friend telling me to hurry to the boat ramp. He said his rope broke and his boat was gone. When I arrived he was soaking wet and his boat was 200 yards away from the launch. He said he went swimming for it but the waves kept him from it. The water was about 50 degrees. Quote
Super User slonezp Posted March 31, 2010 Super User Posted March 31, 2010 I was getting off the lake at 11:00 or so in the morning. Saw a guy with a brand new 24ft cuddy in line at the launch with the stern of the boat laying in the gravel. Apparently he was so excited to launch, he undid the tie downs on the transom and unhooked the winch strap off the bow...with roller bunks. I wish I actually saw it happen. Quote
okprofit Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Again not me but a customer told me this story. At a busy ramp loading up after a long day. Customer goes to get the truck and trailer, wife with the boat waiting for the truck and trailer out in the water. Truck backs the trailer into the water. Another boater lines up with the trailer and heads in. My customer is waving and trying to get the guys attention. This guy is intent on getting the boat on the trailer, my customer gives up and waits. Guy gets the boat on the trailer and looks up to find he is on the wrong trailer. I think this is the best one I have heard. Quote
R520dvx Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 A dummy getting a truck & trailer stuck in mud. Do weknow that person ???? ;D Quote
Deb Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Was fishing the north end of KY Lake last year, I think it was April. Saw some dude having a mud wresting match up at Hesters. Man talk about a MESS! It was some big burley guy and he wasn't happy ;D Quote
Super User Catt Posted March 31, 2010 Super User Posted March 31, 2010 A few years back Pat Miller & I were sitting on the front porch of Fin & Feather's Cafe drinking coffee when a guy in a Vette pulling a bass boat (that's right a Corvette with a trailer hitch) shows up. He eyes the boat ramp, pulls up, backs down totally jack knifing the trailer; now I must admit that the old ramp sat at an odd angle to the parking lot not leaving room for error. Instead of pulling up and straighten out the guy drive around the marina and approaches again. But sadly the same results, by now the old lady who is the cook has joined us while the guy again circles the marina and tries again. Three times this dudes tries and three times he never gets the trailer tires wet; the three of us are rolling on the floor laughing as he drives off never to return. Quote
Super User burleytog Posted March 31, 2010 Super User Posted March 31, 2010 Was fishing the north end of KY Lake last year, I think it was April. Saw some dude having a mud wresting match up at Hesters. Man talk about a MESS! It was some big burley guy and he wasn't happy ;D I got it unstuck though. Just covered the trailer and truck with nasty Kentucky mud. Quote
Super User Fishing Rhino Posted March 31, 2010 Super User Posted March 31, 2010 Many years ago, my best friend's dad sold boats. We went to an exhibit of new boats and motors at Lake Cochichuate in Natick, or Framingham, MA. A dealer in a suit got into a small hydroplane like boat which had a curved plywood bottom. Water slopped over one side, and he, followed by the water moved to the other side. In desperation, the dealer, who was dressed in a suit tried to cling to a heavily creosoted piling. As the boat sunk from beneath him, he slid down the piling, smearing himself and his suit with the greasy mess that coated the piling. Quote
Froggin Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 A friend and myself watched a foreign couple back there old boat into the water with a big old A-Team van.....they stop once the boat and trailer are backed into the water...the couple get out of the van walk around the van and PULL the pin on the hitch and the boat and trailer go in....if you could have seen there face when the boat and trailer rolled slowly into the water....i think i wet myself i was laughing so hard.... ;D Quote
JoeF Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 Way back in the early/mid sixties, when I was just a kid, my parents and I were at Lake Ouachita and there were some rocket scientists who pulled a big (for the era) ski boat over there with a VW. Remember this was the early sixties, it could not have been more than a 40HP bug. Maybe even a 36 horse. I don't have a clue how they even got it to the lake with this car but pulling out of the water was priceless. After many failed attempts to get it up the ramp with all hands available pushing on the VW, they came up with a plan. One of them got in the boat and they backed as close to the water as they could and still have room to help push the car. The guy in the boat fired up the outboard and WOT'd it. Still no luck. Never did see how they got it out. Didn't get to stick around long enough. Quote
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