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At the risk of sounding like a whiner, Ive got an annoying problem. I need to vent a little. As many of you know, I live on a small lake. Just recently someone down the lake got a dog . It’s probably 400 feet away . The dog apparently is put out at night because the dog barks starting at nightfall , and continues on throughout the night. He only stops to catch his breath for a few seconds once in awhile  , then continues  .The first time I heard him I thought he was in my backyard! Sound really carries on the water! I cant understand how someone wouldn’t care about their dog or nieghbors to this extent.

Also , nearly every time I go out back to cast a little, my neighbor across the canal lets his 3 dogs out and they run toward me barking as if they’ve never seen me before.( This is the 5th year of that now.) It’s like they are sitting there watching for me to come out so they can let the dogs out to annoy me.

Im not a police caller over every little thing , and really dont want to get into with the nieghbors either.

All I want is some peace and quiet!?

Thank you for allowing me to vent…

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Man, I would hate to be in your shoes, because I'm afraid of what I would do. My dog stays out at night and maybe once a week she wakes me up barking (probably at an armadillo or squirrel or something) but when it happens I want to shoot her(LOL not really) but I can only imagine what I would do if it weren't my dog. Luckily, my nearest neighbors are about 1/4 mile away. If it were me, I would go talk to the people first and be as polite as I could. Then if nothing is done I would call the law and see if anything could be done. As far as the dogs that come down there while you are fishing, I would also check the leash laws to see if you could have anything done. Sounds like a situation that I wouldn't want to be in for sure.

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One of my nieghbors shot another nieghbors dog 6 times a few years ago. The dog had swum over and got up in his yard. When he tried to make the dog leave , the dog nipped him in the chin. So he went in, got his 22 , and opened fire. The dog lived somehow, only to die of cancer a year later. The dog owners insurance co. paid the shooter 65,000 because he was fixing to sue. Only in America…

It could have gotten much uglier. The dog owner is a big hunter from Alabama, and the shooter is a retired marine and New York city  police officer. I am still suprised the dog owner let it go. He eventually moved directly because he wanted to keep his dogs and didnt want them being shot or him being sued.

The new nieghbors there are the same ones that always let their dogs out when I go out… ?


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1 hour ago, N Florida Mike said:

At the risk of sounding like a whiner, Ive got an annoying problem. I need to vent a little. As many of you know, I live on a small lake. Just recently someone down the lake got a dog . It’s probably 400 feet away . The dog apparently is put out at night because the dog barks starting at nightfall , and continues on throughout the night. He only stops to catch his breath for a few seconds once in awhile  , then continues  .The first time I heard him I thought he was in my backyard! Sound really carries on the water! I cant understand how someone wouldn’t care about their dog or nieghbors to this extent.

Also , nearly every time I go out back to cast a little, my neighbor across the canal lets his 3 dogs out and they run toward me barking as if they’ve never seen me before.( This is the 5th year of that now.) It’s like they are sitting there watching for me to come out so they can let the dogs out to annoy me.

Im not a police caller over every little thing , and really dont want to get into with the nieghbors either.

All I want is some peace and quiet!?

Thank you for allowing me to vent…

Both of these deal are matters for your local animal Control Officer.

Many 'Missing dog' and 'dog bite' stories start out sounding just like this.


We had an incident a few years ago where a family who came up on weekends about 1/2 mile from my place, would let their Golden Retrieve out very early morning to do her business. (Off Lead and unattended)

For some reason she liked my front lawn.  I didn't appreciate that.

So I waited for her one morning and manage to coax her to me.

I placed a small string around her neck that had a plastics bag attached to it.

In the bag was a note that read,

"Please do not allow me to run free and damage other peoples personal property."

Then I sent her on her merry way.

Never saw that sweet dog again.

Seriously, call animal control - this it what they do. 



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I'd go with A - Jay's suggestion or get some noise canceling headphones. I wish you luck. Might ought to try a noise ordinance route.

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We bring our dogs in after dark so they don’t bark at night critters and wake people up. They also make for a good security system inside at night 

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46 minutes ago, TnRiver46 said:

We bring our dogs in after dark so they don’t bark at night critters and wake people up. They also make for a good security system inside at night 

We have some inside & some outside (kennel)

They both work in unison as our CSS

Canine Security System.

Good Luck getting by undetected.

I sleep like ROCK !




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9 hours ago, A-Jay said:

Both of these deal are matters for your local animal Control Officer.

Many 'Missing dog' and 'dog bite' stories start out sounding just like this.


We had an incident a few years ago where a family who came up on weekends about 1/2 mile from my place, would let their Golden Retrieve out very early morning to do her business. (Off Lead and unattended)

For some reason she liked my front lawn.  I didn't appreciate that.

So I waited for her one morning and manage to coax her to me.

I placed a small string around her neck that had a plastics bag attached to it.

In the bag was a note that read,

"Please do not allow me to run free and damage other peoples personal property."

Then I sent her on her merry way.

Never saw that sweet dog again.

Seriously, call animal control - this it what they do. 



I inspire to some day be quick witted like you! 

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3 minutes ago, 12poundbass said:

I inspire to some day be quick witted like you! 

I would have paid good money to see the owner's expression when he/she opened that bag 

and read that note.

I think it made them realize that someone was 'handling' their dog.

And that can go several different ways. 



  • Global Moderator
4 minutes ago, A-Jay said:

I would have paid good money to see the owner's expression when he/she opened that bag 

and read that note.

I think it made them realize that someone was 'handling' their dog.

And that can go several different ways. 



I had a dog kill some neighbors koi fish growing up……… but this was before leash laws. Odie got my mother into a minor confrontation that day haha


who knew springer spaniels were anglers? 

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4 minutes ago, A-Jay said:

I would have paid good money to see the owner's expression when he/she opened that bag 

and read that note.

I think it made them realize that someone was 'handling' their dog.

And that can go several different ways. 



It would’ve been priceless to see their reaction. I’d been willing to bet they didn’t care too much about a stranger handling their dog or at least they shouldn’t considering they let their dog roam free. 

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Have to admit, big time dog lover here but also like piece and serenity. 

Addressing issues with irresponsible dog owners have never went well in my experience. 

Calling the authorities without giving your name may be the best option for the sake of keeping piece with the neighbors. 


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I had a good friend in my neighbor who originally lived next to me here in Virginia.  He unfortunately has passed away.  I stayed with him after he moved to Florida and I got detailed there for 2 years until I found my own place.  We were really close here.  He had 2 dogs and his mother lived with him and his wife.  She would get up at 3am to get ready for work and let the dogs out in their fenced backyard.  One of them barked non stop every morning and woke us up.  I can’t believe it didn’t wake them up but evidently it didn’t.  So how do you tell a good friend his dog is a royal PITA??. Here’s what I did……I went out and bought a crow call and every morning his dog woke us up, before I would go to work, I would go over to his house right under his bedroom window and for 15 minutes blow on that crow call as loud as I could.  ???. I spent most every weekend drinking beers with him in his garage and after a couple of weeks he said to me that he was gonna have to get his shotgun out and take care of a nasty crow that was waking him up every d**n day.  It just so happened I had the call in my pocket so I pulled it out and said….you mean like this……and blew on it.  The look on his face was priceless. When I got done I said as long as Rusty (his dog) keeps barking at 3am, this crow is gonna perch right outside your bedroom window.  We both broke into uncontrolled laughter.  Problem solved.

  • Haha 4

There a a couple of houses on the lake I fish that I could swear are operating a dog kennel. When you go by them, the dogs start yapping and the noise is so loud I can’t imagine their neighbors are happy. 

I own two indoor dogs and they’re like family. But, if I had to put up with a kennel next door, it’d be a tough situation to deal with. 

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17 hours ago, A-Jay said:

Both of these deal are matters for your local animal Control Officer.

Many 'Missing dog' and 'dog bite' stories start out sounding just like this.


We had an incident a few years ago where a family who came up on weekends about 1/2 mile from my place, would let their Golden Retrieve out very early morning to do her business. (Off Lead and unattended)

For some reason she liked my front lawn.  I didn't appreciate that.

So I waited for her one morning and manage to coax her to me.

I placed a small string around her neck that had a plastics bag attached to it.

In the bag was a note that read,

"Please do not allow me to run free and damage other peoples personal property."

Then I sent her on her merry way.

Never saw that sweet dog again.

Seriously, call animal control - this it what they do. 



All the dogs are on their own property though. They aren’t roaming free or I would have done something. 

I like dogs, just get tired of them incessantly barking. I dont blame the dogs, just the selfish owners…

5 hours ago, gunsinger said:

There a a couple of houses on the lake I fish that I could swear are operating a dog kennel. When you go by them, the dogs start yapping and the noise is so loud I can’t imagine their neighbors are happy. 

I own two indoor dogs and they’re like family. But, if I had to put up with a kennel next door, it’d be a tough situation to deal with. 

I didn’t even bring that that up. Ive got more dogs around the lake than ever before. Sometimes I can slip by and they dont hear me. But they usually do.

  • Super User
4 minutes ago, N Florida Mike said:

All the dogs are on their own property though. They aren’t roaming free or I would have done something. 

I like dogs, just get tired of them incessantly barking. I dont blame the dogs, just the selfish owners…


@N Florida Mike

First off, you know I am a dog lover and have several.

But this has nothing to do with the dog.

It's just doing what it does.

But now that action is "Disturbing the Peace" and it's unlawful.

I would Not address this with the dog owners,

they obviously don't care about you or anyone else.

Most communities have ordinances that address dogs barking at all hours of the night.

Here's yours ~ https://library.municode.com/fl/jacksonville/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TITXIIIHECO_CH462AN_PT3NU_S462.302NO


I would call the police every day - they will most likely refer you to animal control.

Then I would call them both every day until they do something to fix it.

Here's more very applicable info 


Good Luck.


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I agree to contact local authorities. It isn't just bothering you, 

I guarantee it (unless there's no one around). We live in an area

just between "rural" and "suburban" where you're allowed to 

own chickens but not roosters....


People think they can get away with it, but inevitably get told by

the authorities they are not permitted roosters in this area. Lemme

tell you, dogs barking all night vs. roosters crowing at all hours of

the day and twilight. Annoying as H. E. Double-Hockey-Sticks.


Anyhow, see what the local authorities will do. Noise ordinances

are in place for a reason. Peace at certain hours. You're clearly

not getting that. Hope you can get it resolved peacefully ;). 

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2 hours ago, A-Jay said:

@N Florida Mike

First off, you know I am a dog lover and have several.

But this has nothing to do with the dog.

It's just doing what it does.

But now that action is "Disturbing the Peace" and it's unlawful.

I would Not address this with the dog owners,

they obviously don't care about you or anyone else.

Most communities have ordinances that address dogs barking at all hours of the night.

Here's yours ~ https://library.municode.com/fl/jacksonville/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TITXIIIHECO_CH462AN_PT3NU_S462.302NO


I would call the police every day - they will most likely refer you to animal control.

Then I would call them both every day until they do something to fix it.

Here's more very applicable info 


Good Luck.


I agree with this sound advice.


I grew up in a place where you had to be “man enough” to say something to someone’s face rather than call the cops.


Those days are over. Have been for a long time. People take you reaching out as an offense. How dare you tell them what to do on their property! Better to let the authorities handle it


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1 hour ago, NYWayfarer said:

I grew up in a place where you had to be “man enough” to say something to someone’s face rather than call the cops.

Same here. I tend to have a temper so I avoid confrontation. When I did it the old way it rarely worked for me or the other party involved.

But I also hate involving the police who have a lot more important things to do…Maybe when I get fed up enough.

I’ll check into the suggestions . Thanks. 

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Strangely enough, the dog isn’t barking tonite for the first time in weeks.

Maybe someone got fed up enough…?

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If you knew the people, I'd say you could have a conversation. Doesn't sound like you do though, so you're probably best off just calling and having the local police or animal control talking to them. Having a face to face conversation, if it doesn't work out, will just put a target on your back should you decide to take the next step and call the police. 

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3 hours ago, Bluebasser86 said:

If you knew the people, I'd say you could have a conversation. Doesn't sound like you do though, so you're probably best off just calling and having the local police or animal control talking to them. Having a face to face conversation, if it doesn't work out, will just put a target on your back should you decide to take the next step and call the police. 

Right. I know who they are and have spoken to them once or twice on the road but they weren’t very friendly.  I am going with the police or animal control options if it continues.

Had a quiet night last night for a change. Maybe the dog has laryngitis from the consistent barking.

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It’s very likely that if it’s bothering you, it’s also bothering others too.


I have called the authorities on noise violations in my neighborhood before. I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again either.

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13 hours ago, Bluebasser86 said:

If you knew the people, I'd say you could have a conversation. Doesn't sound like you do though, so you're probably best off just calling and having the local police or animal control talking to them. Having a face to face conversation, if it doesn't work out, will just put a target on your back should you decide to take the next step and call the police. 


This happened to my neighbor years back. We parents had our

(then) little kids at the bus stop when a young driver came speeding

up our road (25mph limit). Neighbor basically stopped her and gave

her a piece of his mind about driving like that with kids around.


Next morning his mailbox was doused with tomato sauce inside

and out.... A little payback.

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I disagree that police have better things to do. This is their job. Call them, and if they say call animal control then do that. A-Jay has it right. Use the services you pay for.


I love dogs but I really really dislike a lot of their owners.


I once tried to put a note around a cat as someone did above with a dog, telling the owners that "Next time the nice man may not be so nice to me", but have fun grabbing a loose cat!!!


I once had a neighbor with 5 dogs and the little yapper dogs were the worst. Barked all day long. My drunk neighbor didn't care.


She said after many months of this, "Try giving them treats, I'll give you some, just don't give them people food or they will crap all over my house"


Never got the treats, so I tossed them chili the next night. I wonder what happened?

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