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I'm 52. Been bass fishing since I was a kid. PB largemouth weighed 6lb 10oz. Caught it when I was 44. Released it. Personal goal is 7# to go up on the wall for a LM. Smallmouth goal was 6#. I caught a 6lb 4oz when I was 48, and got it mounted. Big'uns ain't easy to come by in OH, but I love the challenge of chasing them in our highly pressured little lakes.

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April 17, 1992

I was 26 years old at the time and practicing for a Redman tournament coming up on our largest reservoir. The day before I had checked the lower end of the lake and managed 3 fish over 5 pounds along with some other keepers and was feeling good. Met a buddy and headed to the lake to check out the upper end of the reservoir. Only managed two keeper bass; one was another 5 pounder, but the other was my PB, somewhere between 9 and 11 pounds. It was a big, fat prespawn female, caught cranking the main river channel, and that I was only able to get an approximate measurement on since it was way longer than my Golden Rule bump board. It was a weekday, so very little traffic, we were several miles from the launch (no facilities there, anyway) and still only around lunch time, so lots of fishing left. Long enough ago that nobody had cell phones to snap pics with, I didn't carry a standard film camera with me, and nobody had or carried portable digital scales like now. The guy with me had weighed an 8-12 in a tourney on that lake the spring before, and I weighed a 6-14 in an event a couple years prior, also the same lake. He said my fish was definitely bigger than his 8-12. Basically just a memory at this point, and 30 years later, I haven't come close to matching that fish, and doubt I ever will.

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It was 20 years ago.  I was 38.   8 lbs 8 oz off a dock on Guntersville.  It beat my previous PB that I caught off the same dock when I was about 4 minutes younger.  

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2 hours ago, Fishin Dad said:

Geeeez, I need to move south in retirement.   I can’t even imagine what an 8+ would be like.  Our state record is 8-15.   I only know a handful of guys who have caught a 7.   My wife agreed we will head south in January and February when we retire in about 8 years.  I hope I can figure out how to grab my PB down there somewhere.  

LOL. Nobody retires north, do they? I'm in SC and I still want to retire further south and/or near the coast.

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I was 28 or 29 when I caught my pb but I don't know how big it really was...just didn't have a way to measure or weight it.


Beyond that I've been fishing all my life and never caught a really big bass. Every year I catch a handful of 20"+ small mouth and/or largemouth. Last year's biggest was a 21 1/2" smallmouth. Nice but no giant. In recent years I can't seem to break 22" with a black bass. Not to make excuses but I don't really fish anyplace where something larger is very likely. My wife and I like the local river and we try to avoid crowds.


BTW I'm 62 years old. If I really had my heart set on a trophy I would definitely have to do some things different and that isn't likely.

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Let me Think...borne 1943

April 1957 I caught Lake Havasu LMB Record 11 lbs., 15 yrs old.

Jan 1971 my PM Northern LMB 12.4 lbs lake Casitas, 28 yrs old.

Feb 1981 my 1st 17+lb bass, 18.6 lbs lake Casitas, 38 yrs old.

Mar 1993 my PB LMB 19.3 lbs lake Castaic, 50 yrs old.

  • Like 11
1 hour ago, Tennessee Boy said:

It was 20 years ago.  I was 38.   8 lbs 8 oz off a dock on Guntersville.  It beat my previous PB that I caught off the same dock when I was about 4 minutes younger.  

That’s a helluva 5 minutes of fishing!

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1 hour ago, the reel ess said:

LOL. Nobody retires north, do they? I'm in SC and I still want to retire further south and/or near the coast.

Haha.  Not many.  I want to stay north here for the summers and thousands of lakes.  The south will be amazing during the blizzard season and I really love southern hospitality.   We just have to figure out where to go?  

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1 hour ago, Fishin Dad said:

Haha.  Not many.  I want to stay north here for the summers and thousands of lakes.  The south will be amazing during the blizzard season and I really love southern hospitality.   We just have to figure out where to go?  

On the bright side, it'll be mild to you wherever you go.

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I was 46, and caught my 6 lb. 2 oz. PB  largemouth on a black jitterbug fishing over a submerged road bed at about 5:55 AM on one of the hottest days of the year.  

Before that I was 44 and my PB was 5 lb. 4 oz. I caught that one along some water willows on a weightless Zoom Z-nail.

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was 47.......58 now.......14 lb. Stick marsh....

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8 hours ago, papajoe222 said:

Just wondering what age you were when you caught your PB bass?  You can share the size and/or a pic if you’d like. I’m curious as I was 63 when I caught my PB and 46 when I’d caught my previous one. BTW, they were 7lb.4oz. And 6lb.11oz.  If I can figure out how to post a pic, I’ll add one later. 


My PB Brown Bass came in Sept 2017 ~ I was 58.

 I got on the water at daylight and made it up to my ‘spot’ just before sunrise.   It was a calm & unseasonably warm morning with air temps in the high 50’s and water temps in the low 60’s.   Started out working a flat that has an inlet dumping out onto it.   The water was back to its usual clarity (super clear) and the bass were already chasing bait when I arrived.  With plenty of neck turning swirls all over the place, expectations were high . . . . . . . .

 My first two presentations were both topwater (a walking bait & a twin fluke rig).    I had the twin GoPro’s mounted and at the ready, hoping to capture some early morning topwater action.  I was only casting into 4 or 5 feet, so it’s not like they weren’t seeing it.    Well, these baits drew zero interest.  I was unhappy as I fully expected one or both baits to get hammered.  Didn’t happen.

 After about 20 minutes of unsuccessfully trying to force feed the bass, a little breeze came up along with some cloud cover.  By the looks of the sky the clouds weren’t going to last too long.  So I aborted the topwater and headed up wind of what I though was the prime area.   Busted out a spinnerbait & went to work.   I got a strike right away but I blew the hookset and was left with a torn trailer.  Replaced and went back to launching that bait for all I was worth.    After about 10 minutes, I had a nice rhythm going; bomb a cast, burning back – bomb a cast, burning it back – you get the idea .  . . . ..

 Then, made a cast, turned the Calcutta 200D handle about 5 turns and the bait just stopped.   I put the boots to her and there was that familiar feeling – the one where I kind of know it's a big fish but so often in these waters, the ‘big fish’ have big teeth.  So I say out loud “hope it’s a bass” – but not actually believing that the chances are very good that it is.  It’s pulling pretty good but it doesn’t jump – not helping my cause.  Pulls some drag – then I get a glimpse – Holy Smokes, it looks like a bass – Holy Smokes – It Is A Bass and it’s BIG !     Turned on the Gopro’s in time to catch the end of the battle & the net job which went pretty easily thankfully. 

 Once I lifted her up out of the drink and laid the net bag on the deck – I was Blown Away – This bass was Crazy FAT !    Put her right in the live well, took a minute to compose myself (insert go completely nuts off camera) and then weighed her – came up 7.29 lbs - twice.  Totally Insane.  Oh and blind in one eye.

I didn’t measure her length or get a girth (I wished I had) before I released her.   But she was stressing in the live well and I definitely wanted this one to swim away.  SO as quickly as she came – she was free . . .I may never catch a heavier smallie - but I'm good with that. 


Got my PB Green Bass south of the border while fishing Lake Baccarac in Mexico. 

I was 54 years old then. 

She came on the third day of the trip late in the afternoon.  While fishing a ¾ ounce SK Redeye Shad (Sexy Shad) in front of some bushes on a “nothing” bank, I hooked what felt like a freight train.  This mutant immediately ran for the bushes, but I managed to turn her.  Next she went way under the boat attempting to get free, I managed to foil that one. Then in a last ditch effort she went straight for the trolling motor.  Fortunately my 20 lb Big Game hung tough and after a few tense moments, she was still pinned and in the net.  Once our guide Manual placed the net bag onto the deck, with my heart just about pounding right out of my chest, the bait fell from the fish’s mouth.  Wow, lucky for sure and quite a rush.

This fish weighed 11lbs 11 ounces was caught on Nov 11th (11-11) ~  now that's going to be a hard one to forget. 

   After getting a weight, photos and successful release, I had to take several minutes to collect myself – I was pretty giddy and had a bit of the shaky hands thing going on.  

 It was like dream – the good kind.  


Fish Hard 



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The first bass I ever caught was my first PB. After all, I had never caught a bass before. You have to start somewhere.

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I am 16 and I got into fishing when i was about 14 or so. My biggest largemouth was a 20 incher that i would guess to be around 5 lbs. I caught it last year (15 years old) I am still kicking myself for not bringing a camera. I have a ton of pictures of 4.5 lbers but sadly not one of my pb

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3 hours ago, A-Jay said:


My PB Brown Bass came in Sept 2017 ~ I was 58.

 I got on the water at daylight and made it up to my ‘spot’ just before sunrise.   It was a calm & unseasonably warm morning with air temps in the high 50’s and water temps in the low 60’s.   Started out working a flat that has an inlet dumping out onto it.   The water was back to its usual clarity (super clear) and the bass were already chasing bait when I arrived.  With plenty of neck turning swirls all over the place, expectations were high . . . . . . . .

 My first two presentations were both topwater (a walking bait & a twin fluke rig).    I had the twin GoPro’s mounted and at the ready, hoping to capture some early morning topwater action.  I was only casting into 4 or 5 feet, so it’s not like they weren’t seeing it.    Well, these baits drew zero interest.  I was unhappy as I fully expected one or both baits to get hammered.  Didn’t happen.

 After about 20 minutes of unsuccessfully trying to force feed the bass, a little breeze came up along with some cloud cover.  By the looks of the sky the clouds weren’t going to last too long.  So I aborted the topwater and headed up wind of what I though was the prime area.   Busted out a spinnerbait & went to work.   I got a strike right away but I blew the hookset and was left with a torn trailer.  Replaced and went back to launching that bait for all I was worth.    After about 10 minutes, I had a nice rhythm going; bomb a cast, burning back – bomb a cast, burning it back – you get the idea .  . . . ..

 Then, made a cast, turned the Calcutta 200D handle about 5 turns and the bait just stopped.   I put the boots to her and there was that familiar feeling – the one where I kind of know it's a big fish but so often in these waters, the ‘big fish’ have big teeth.  So I say out loud “hope it’s a bass” – but not actually believing that the chances are very good that it is.  It’s pulling pretty good but it doesn’t jump – not helping my cause.  Pulls some drag – then I get a glimpse – Holy Smokes, it looks like a bass – Holy Smokes – It Is A Bass and it’s BIG !     Turned on the Gopro’s in time to catch the end of the battle & the net job which went pretty easily thankfully. 

 Once I lifted her up out of the drink and laid the net bag on the deck – I was Blown Away – This bass was Crazy FAT !    Put her right in the live well, took a minute to compose myself (insert go completely nuts off camera) and then weighed her – came up 7.29 lbs - twice.  Totally Insane.  Oh and blind in one eye.

I didn’t measure her length or get a girth (I wished I had) before I released her.   But she was stressing in the live well and I definitely wanted this one to swim away.  SO as quickly as she came – she was free . . .I may never catch a heavier smallie - but I'm good with that. 


Got my PB Green Bass south of the border while fishing Lake Baccarac in Mexico. 

I was 54 years old then. 

She came on the third day of the trip late in the afternoon.  While fishing a ¾ ounce SK Redeye Shad (Sexy Shad) in front of some bushes on a “nothing” bank, I hooked what felt like a freight train.  This mutant immediately ran for the bushes, but I managed to turn her.  Next she went way under the boat attempting to get free, I managed to foil that one. Then in a last ditch effort she went straight for the trolling motor.  Fortunately my 20 lb Big Game hung tough and after a few tense moments, she was still pinned and in the net.  Once our guide Manual placed the net bag onto the deck, with my heart just about pounding right out of my chest, the bait fell from the fish’s mouth.  Wow, lucky for sure and quite a rush.

This fish weighed 11lbs 11 ounces was caught on Nov 11th (11-11) ~  now that's going to be a hard one to forget. 

   After getting a weight, photos and successful release, I had to take several minutes to collect myself – I was pretty giddy and had a bit of the shaky hands thing going on.  

 It was like dream – the good kind.  


Fish Hard 



The gut on that smallie! :jaw-drop:?  Love all the holy smokes!

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3 hours ago, Koz said:

The first bass I ever caught was my first PB. After all, I had never caught a bass before. You have to start somewhere.

All kidding aside, I caught my latest PB a few years ago when I was 54 or 55. But I had also not fished from age 16 until I was 48 or 49. I started fishing again when my son turned 7.


When my son was 11 or 12, he caught his PB that was just under 6 pounds. It was a great moment, but I also reminded to really enjoy the moment because that might end up being the biggest bass that he ever catches.

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39 for Largemouth and 49 for smallmouth. 6-1/2 pounds for both


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Thanks for sharing everyone. I love reading the stories that go with your answers and figured I'd share mine.

A friend had just purchased a long canoe to take his wife and son out in. He wanted to take it somewhere local to try it out, so we headed out to my club lake with his son.  We approached a deadfall with a big boulder sitting in the water next to it.  I told his son to cast between the tree and boulder. He missed the target by a couple of feet. As he began reeling in, I said: 'Not there.... there! as my crank landed directly between the two objects. I think I turned the reel handle once and it was fish on. The way that fish took off for deep water taking line and the canoe with it, I thought it was a big cat. Then she came up and out of the water with an awesome, tail wagging jump. Wide eyed at the sight of it, his son said "Holy #@&!" and I don't think my buddy even acknowledged what he'd heard. She measured out at 23.5in. and 6lb.11oz. when we finally got to shore and weighed her.

That was July 12,1986. Fast forward to July 16, 2013 same lake and, again, early afternoon. Not much activity and that's when I'll usually tie on a Spook. First cast to the edge of some lily pads that Spook just disappeared. No surface disturbance, it just was there and then it wasn't.  She never did come up, but she didn't want to give an inch either. Measured her at 22in. and scaled here then an there at 7lb. 4oz.

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Loving these stories, it reminds me of why I keep fishing, it's the chasing and not knowing when you'll find "that" fish, awesome stuff


When I was young, I dreamed of catching big bass.  In the magazines I read about places like Rodman Reservoir, Lake Jackson and the Ocala National Forest lakes.  Back then, the big thing was a "Gold Stringer" of mounted ten pound plus bass.  There was a tackle Shop near Tallahassee that had a stringer of 12 pounders that I still have a photo of.  My heroes were Jason Lucas, Bill Dance, Al Linder and Tom Mann.  On vacation, I stopped by Tom Mann's factory in Eufaula Alabama to see Leroy Brown.  I held a 12 pound bass that was being kept alive in a shiner tank near Salt Springs.   I still remember feeling the power of that big fish in my hands.  


I never thought I would still be fishing at 74.   I remember a teacher in school telling us about the year 2000.  I calculated that I would be 53 years old which seemed like forever in the future. That was twenty years ago.  My attitude is different now.  I have come to realize that age is relative.  Some people that are 60 years old are 80 inside.  Many physical issues can be fixed or delayed today.  My recent back surgery is a good example.  It changed me from thinking like a 90 year old guy sitting in a chair to someone who has a future.   I just bought a new bass boat.  That in itself is amazing as I never thought I would be able to climb in one again, much less sit in one for more than an hour.  Attitude is everything.  Get out there and enjoy the time you have left, even if it's only a day.

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17 hours ago, WRB said:

Let me Think...borne 1943

April 1957 I caught Lake Havasu LMB Record 11 lbs., 15 yrs old.

Jan 1971 my PM Northern LMB 12.4 lbs lake Casitas, 28 yrs old.

Feb 1981 my 1st 17+lb bass, 18.6 lbs lake Casitas, 38 yrs old.

Mar 1993 my PB LMB 19.3 lbs lake Castaic, 50 yrs old.

WOW!!!!! Very impressive!!! Could you post a pic or two of the 19.3 ? Never saw one. I guess that's her in your avatar?


23 hours ago, BrianMDTX said:

What I thought was, at a minimum, a 3 lb bass, but looking back in retrospect was likely a 2 lb'er.

Ha, ha, I've got one of those too. After finally catching them much bigger than that and getting measurements on them, I realized that my 4-5 was probably really only a high 2 ?. Big difference in the ones we think are big and the legit (weighed or measured) big ones!  

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On 7/30/2021 at 8:42 AM, papajoe222 said:

Just wondering what age you were when you caught your PB bass? 

Same age as I was when I caught my first bass...

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4 hours ago, Ski said:

WOW!!!!! Very impressive!!! Could you post a pic or two of the 19.3 ? Never saw one. I guess that's her in your avatar?


That is the 18.6 Casitas bass mount. There are a few photos on this site somewhere. 

Josh Alwine published a photo in his book Lunker Lore, good read.


PM your email and will send a photo, don’t like posting photos on forums.

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