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So I didnt think I could afford a ranger but found a nice one that suits my budget. Im curious tho , with so many models , how do I know which one is right? I found a 1999 519 DVS that I really like and the price is just right. Has a 225 optimax on it and a 36 volt trolling motor which is exactly what I want, also been garage kept.

So are these boats worth all the hype and the money ? Is a 19 foot 6 inch ranger like this gonna ride as good as a 20 foot from another brand such as basscat, triton, stratos, champion? And why is it called a 20 foot by ranger when its really only 19 and a half feet ? Is judging a boat by its length not always the best way to judge ? I know everyone has said I need a 20 footer for tidal water but some 20 footers ride like crap. Plus thats kinda like saying you need 600 horsepower to run a 10 second quarter mile at the drag strip, when in fact some cars are heavier then other, more aerodynamic, awd vs rwd and so on and so forth.

Back to the ranger- Is this hull one of rangers better ones ? I heard they still make this hull with a different name now. And if not then what model rangers from the late 90's are the best to have ? Im right on the verge of buying this boat on wednesay when the owner gets back in town but I wanna do my homework before then. Every other boat I looked at didnt pan out or didnt suit my needs and I thought I was back at square one till this fell on my lap.I had been researching other brands till now cuz I couldnt find a ranger that didnt seem "over priced" to me.

How would the ride compare to a tr20 or a champion 203 ? I have been on a local pro's 21 foot ranger and it rode and fished like a dream. I cant remember which model tho. Besides build quality , what else are they known for ? Fishability, style, customer service, storage, obviously not speed, resale value of course...


I love my ranger! I do not know too much about that model though. Good luck!

  • Super User
So I didnt think I could afford a ranger but found a nice one that suits my budget. Im curious tho , with so many models , how do I know which one is right? I found a 1999 519 DVS that I really like and the price is just right. Has a 225 optimax on it and a 36 volt trolling motor which is exactly what I want, also been garage kept.

So are these boats worth all the hype and the money ? Is a 19 foot 6 inch ranger like this gonna ride as good as a 20 foot from another brand such as basscat, triton, stratos, champion? And why is it called a 20 foot by ranger when its really only 19 and a half feet ? Is judging a boat by its length not always the best way to judge ? I know everyone has said I need a 20 footer for tidal water but some 20 footers ride like crap. Plus thats kinda like saying you need 600 horsepower to run a 10 second quarter mile at the drag strip, when in fact some cars are heavier then other, more aerodynamic, awd vs rwd and so on and so forth.

Back to the ranger- Is this hull one of rangers better ones ? I heard they still make this hull with a different name now. And if not then what model rangers from the late 90's are the best to have ? Im right on the verge of buying this boat on wednesay when the owner gets back in town but I wanna do my homework before then. Every other boat I looked at didnt pan out or didnt suit my needs and I thought I was back at square one till this fell on my lap.I had been researching other brands till now cuz I couldnt find a ranger that didnt seem "over priced" to me.

How would the ride compare to a tr20 or a champion 203 ? I have been on a local pro's 21 foot ranger and it rode and fished like a dream. I cant remember which model tho. Besides build quality , what else are they known for ? Fishability, style, customer service, storage, obviously not speed, resale value of course...

If you want some kind of idea on the rough water ride merely look under the hull at the amount of dead rise in the V.  Rangers are very flat boats,  there isn't much there to soften the impact when hitting waves.  Skeeters are similar.  Champions and Basscats are the opposite.  Tritons are somewhere inbetween.

The only way to know if a boat is suited for you is to ride and drive it.  The owners of each brand will come on here and tell you theirs is the best.  Ride and decide for yourself.

BTW,  Ranger, like other manufacturers delegates previous top end models to the value part of their lineup when a new hull is introduced.  They usually come with limited options but the hull is identical when it was their top end model.  


Thats a good idea. I do look on there from time to time but have yet to make an account, think I'll do that right now.

So I didnt think I could afford a ranger but found a nice one that suits my budget. Im curious tho , with so many models , how do I know which one is right? I found a 1999 519 DVS that I really like and the price is just right. Has a 225 optimax on it and a 36 volt trolling motor which is exactly what I want, also been garage kept.

So are these boats worth all the hype and the money ? Is a 19 foot 6 inch ranger like this gonna ride as good as a 20 foot from another brand such as basscat, triton, stratos, champion? And why is it called a 20 foot by ranger when its really only 19 and a half feet ? Is judging a boat by its length not always the best way to judge ? I know everyone has said I need a 20 footer for tidal water but some 20 footers ride like crap. Plus thats kinda like saying you need 600 horsepower to run a 10 second quarter mile at the drag strip, when in fact some cars are heavier then other, more aerodynamic, awd vs rwd and so on and so forth.

Back to the ranger- Is this hull one of rangers better ones ? I heard they still make this hull with a different name now. And if not then what model rangers from the late 90's are the best to have ? Im right on the verge of buying this boat on wednesay when the owner gets back in town but I wanna do my homework before then. Every other boat I looked at didnt pan out or didnt suit my needs and I thought I was back at square one till this fell on my lap.I had been researching other brands till now cuz I couldnt find a ranger that didnt seem "over priced" to me.

How would the ride compare to a tr20 or a champion 203 ? I have been on a local pro's 21 foot ranger and it rode and fished like a dream. I cant remember which model tho. Besides build quality , what else are they known for ? Fishability, style, customer service, storage, obviously not speed, resale value of course...

If you want some kind of idea on the rough water ride merely look under the hull at the amount of dead rise in the V. Rangers are very flat boats, there isn't much there to soften the impact when hitting waves. Skeeters are similar. Champions and Basscats are the opposite. Tritons are somewhere inbetween.

The only way to know if a boat is suited for you is to ride and drive it. The owners of each brand will come on here and tell you theirs is the best. Ride and decide for yourself.

BTW, Ranger, like other manufacturers delegates previous top end models to the value part of their lineup when a new hull is introduced. They usually come with limited options but the hull is identical when it was their top end model.

Your posts are always informative and helpful so I dont doubt what youre saying at all. I was gonna just PM you before I made this thread and I should have known youd chime in with good information, thank you kindly.

  • Super User

Good Points Cart....

If I remember correctly, the DVS model was the second generation of the Comanche series that featured what had been their new three step hull.  Ranger built those boats because many of the older molds were still in good shape when they came up with the third generation hull.

Absolutely nothing wrong or cheaper about the workmanship in the DVS, they just came in stock colors and were normally built during times when factory orders were slow.

And regardless of whether its a Ranger, Cat, a Champion or Triton, they're all very well built.  I've owned two Rangers and one Cat, and I've been to both factories for their tours.  It's well worth the couple of hours to take a tour if anybody makes it down into the fiberglass triangle.


Good information once again but I wanna know how that hull in particular rides in the rough stuff. The potomac river gets choppy and Im tryin to save my back the best I can. Im really ready to buy a boat right now and I dont wanna make a 13 thousand dollar mistake. I already bought 2 aluminum boats this year , one of which I just sold and I wanna settle down and find me a keeper.

  • BassResource.com Administrator

Rangers are known for their rough water handling.  If it's rough water you're concerned about, Ranger is the way to go.  I've been in a lot of different boats during the 90's, most in rough water.  And it was the Rangers that always fared best, with Champion coming in second.  

Rangers typically have deeper rod lockers and storage compartments too.  At some point, storage is critical, so it's worth checking out.


Just got back from fishing a few hours on the potomac river on a 20 foot javelin renegade. It fished like a dream but rode very rough in 2 foot chop. Was NOT better then the ranger I fished out of but not night and day difference imo. My back took a beating and so did my gear. So Im gonna scratch javelin off my list. Nice boat but not for me. I dont think I have any other choice but to go to a few dealerships and do some test rides. I have no intention of paying inflated dealer prices but its my best bet to find the kinda ride I like. So next Im gonna test a triton, basscat and champion. Stratos is out of the question cuz they dont ride any better then a javelin from everything I hear and everything else falls short of a ranger, basscat or champion. I wont even bother tryin a skeeter since they arent gonna measure up to a ranger, basscat or champ. So I have a feeling Im gonna end up with one of those 3 boats. Now I just have to find someone willing to part with their 20 foot bass cat which is almost impossible so far. Plenty of champions for sale tho.


I've been in a ton of boats .... Ranger or Champion are your best bet for rough water. Here on Kentucky :ake, we see our fair share of rough water. I own a Ranger and would have nothing else. The fishability is awesome.

A lot of the way a boat feels in rough water is the guy driving it. In addition to hull design, other factors change the ride .... like seat position and balance.

I've been in a ton of boats .... Ranger or Champion are your best bet for rough water. Here on Kentucky :ake, we see our fair share of rough water. I own a Ranger and would have nothing else. The fishability is awesome.

A lot of the way a boat feels in rough water is the guy driving it. In addition to hull design, other factors change the ride .... like seat position and balance.

I agree. I didn't think it was possible to enjoy a ride on Kentucky Lake until I rode in a Ranger. NICE boats.


Im moving in the right direction here. Narrowed down to 3 boats, ranger, bass cat, champion. I'll be test driving a 2006 Bass cat puma in a few days. Then a 203 champion. I'll compare those to the Ranger I rode in recently and see what I can come up with. So many helpful posts but at the same time I think some are a lil biased. Anyone out there rode in all 3 of these boats and driven or owned all 3?


Again .... I have been in dozens of boats ..... you CAN NOT compare the ride and handling unless you drive each one or the SAME driver demos each one for you. On any given day, any of those boats can be the best or the worst based on who is at the helm.


This is exactly what I been thinkin but findin a place that has a bass cat, champion and ranger all in the same day, same body of water and same driver is wishful thinkin. I know when I drive it with my lack of experience , its gonna mean nothing. I need someone who knows how to drive take me out in all 3 or at least 2 of the three so I can make up my mind. My buddy Justin Thompson fished with Ike A few years on the potomac at the stren tourney and got to ride in his boat all day obviosuly. Im pretty sure Ike was in a puma last year right ? Im gonna call him in a bit and see what he says. Im gonna go out on a limb here and assume Ike knows how to drive in rough water which is all the potomac basically is.

Right now Im mainly interested in a Puma, Cougar or maybe a Champ 203/206. Finding a 21 foot champion is almost impossible so far unless its over 30 grand. Theres a 1997 21 foot champ on ebay for 13,900 but d**n that boat looks dated. The 99 champs look so much more up to date, what a difference 2 years makes.

Also after talkin to Pops Marine yesterday, I was told that the Puma rides better then the cougar for two reasons- obviously the extra foot of length but also the location of the gas tank which is further up the boat on the puma, makin it more balanced and makin the bow less prone to buck up and down in rough stuff. I'm just in love with the Pumas and for some reason I feel like once I ride in one its gonna be a done deal. Mostly speculation at this point but my gut instinct is usually right.


This is the one Im gonna go see, hes flexible on price too but not much. That 06 puma is at least 27 grand everywhere else and the color scheme is hard to beat. Plus with bass cats u can bolt in a second console and take it out when u want.


 I'm buying a boat, so in doing my research I did drive each boat on the same body of water.

 The puma and cougar are the same length, based on the year your looking at there are differences in the hull design and deck layout (FTD).  The puma is noted to handle rough water a bit better, while the cougar is a tad faster.  Both boats are reputed as stable rides in rough water.  You can get the PUMA in the FTD layout, which gives you the handling of the classic puma hull, but the deck layout of the cougar FTD, which many prefer.

Regardless of what you choose, BassCat, Champion, Ranger, etc... all rigs are fantastic boats.


wait a second, puma isnt 21 feet long on the older models? So its just the placement of the fuel tank that affects the ride ? The guy at pops marina didnt mention that. I assumed the cougar was shorter, pantera(19)cougar(20) and puma(21) ? Or not ? I was under the impression that the cougar and puma were different lengths back then.I also wasnt sure what the ftd meant, thanks for clearing that up for me.

  • Super User

So, just in case your head isn't spinning too bad..... Maybe its time to suggest that you look into the line of walleye boats that Ranger, Champion, or Triton makes ;)

That Ranger 620VS is built for big water!



The thought has crossed my mind more then once. They are so hard to find used tho and I dont wanna buy a new boat. I did find a lund alaska model for 4 grand tho locally, cheapest I ever seen one for. considered gettin it for now till the winter deals on bassboats start gettin hot. But I dont wanna go thru another boat that I wont like in the long run, plus aluminum is so hard to fish from in the wind. The new fiberglass lunds are sexy tho, wish I could afford one.


Ranger Customer Service is +1.  I've got a '96 and when you need a thingy, they got it.


not giving nitro a thought becuz their boats dont hold up well. I dont wanna boat thats gonna fall apart on me which they typically do. Im sure kevin vandam gets a new one every year or two so he could care less but once I settle on a boat , thats it. Im gonna be married to it. Plus they ride like crap. I found a 1998 champion 203 with a 225 merc on it and the guy is willing to take 12,200 bux for it. So I am headed his way saturday mornin to test drive it and hopefully buy it.

I still wanna basscat but the best deal I can find on a 20 footer is 19 grand unless its a thousand miles away. Im tired of not being out on the water, these last few weeks have been tough for me. I have been very ill for over 2 weeks now, have only fished once and cant stand it. Now that my tracker is gone I realize I have to rely on other people who have rough riding boats and Im at their mercy. I cant afford to mess my back up anymore then it already is. So Id rather just get a good riding boat now even if a better deal does pop up in a month, such is life.

As far as the rangers go, I looked at 2 that were parked yesterday and just by lookin at the hull I can understand why I wasnt impressed by the z21 comanche I rode in. What cart was sayin is true, the hull is very flat , almost like its 2 stages I see with a flat spot inbetween them, champion and basscat are nothing like that. Its a much nicer steeper v which common sense would tell me cuts thru the water much better. Seeing as I have ridden in the best ranger has to offer, I can make an educated decision once I ride in the champ. Their will be no ranger for me now or in the future. No matter how good their service is, ppl keep sayin it so great which is nice but that doesnt help my back or my wallet one bit.

So I didnt think I could afford a ranger but found a nice one that suits my budget. Im curious tho , with so many models , how do I know which one is right? I found a 1999 519 DVS that I really like and the price is just right. Has a 225 optimax on it and a 36 volt trolling motor which is exactly what I want, also been garage kept.

So are these boats worth all the hype and the money ? Is a 19 foot 6 inch ranger like this gonna ride as good as a 20 foot from another brand such as basscat, triton, stratos, champion? And why is it called a 20 foot by ranger when its really only 19 and a half feet ? Is judging a boat by its length not always the best way to judge ? I know everyone has said I need a 20 footer for tidal water but some 20 footers ride like crap. Plus thats kinda like saying you need 600 horsepower to run a 10 second quarter mile at the drag strip, when in fact some cars are heavier then other, more aerodynamic, awd vs rwd and so on and so forth.

Back to the ranger- Is this hull one of rangers better ones ? I heard they still make this hull with a different name now. And if not then what model rangers from the late 90's are the best to have ? Im right on the verge of buying this boat on wednesay when the owner gets back in town but I wanna do my homework before then. Every other boat I looked at didnt pan out or didnt suit my needs and I thought I was back at square one till this fell on my lap.I had been researching other brands till now cuz I couldnt find a ranger that didnt seem "over priced" to me.

How would the ride compare to a tr20 or a champion 203 ? I have been on a local pro's 21 foot ranger and it rode and fished like a dream. I cant remember which model tho. Besides build quality , what else are they known for ? Fishability, style, customer service, storage, obviously not speed, resale value of course...

If you want some kind of idea on the rough water ride merely look under the hull at the amount of dead rise in the V. Rangers are very flat boats, there isn't much there to soften the impact when hitting waves. Skeeters are similar. Champions and Basscats are the opposite. Tritons are somewhere inbetween.

The only way to know if a boat is suited for you is to ride and drive it. The owners of each brand will come on here and tell you theirs is the best. Ride and decide for yourself.

BTW, Ranger, like other manufacturers delegates previous top end models to the value part of their lineup when a new hull is introduced. They usually come with limited options but the hull is identical when it was their top end model.

Cart you may be right about the shape or form of the bottom of the boats. Ranger is a VERY good boat in rough water. The nice thing about fishing bigger tournaments as a co angler is being able to fish out of many differn't boats. I fished out of Skeeters, Bass Cat, Ranger, Triton, Stratus, and Nitro. Out of those I fished Rangers and Bass Cats were the best rough water rides. Triton was the worst. Just my opinion from my own experience. One big factor is how the boat is driven as well.


420Angler - You may be making a mistake by not considering Skeeter.  They have changed a ton since the 90's models and are one of the best riding/ handling boats on the market (skeeter and Champion are the two best imho).  I rode in a Cat in the Elite series this year and was extremely disappointed in them ride wise.  I never felt safe at anytime while on plane and I have riden/driven a ton of boats.  I also fished as a co-angler in the BFL's for 3 years and rode in every boat out there and when I went to buy my first boat I only wanted a Skeeter.

Another one of my friends, who is a huge Ranger fan and had a Z21 at the time, fished the Elite last year on Eerie and said that he rode in 2 Skeeters, a Ranger, and a Triton and the only boat that didn't get him wet was both of the Skeeters.  The other two boats speared atleast 1-2 waves per day.  I completely agree that it is majority of the boat handler but on the Elite level, they all have faced rough water before.

On QC levels, I think that Ranger is a very well put together boat as well as the Skeeters but I have heard numerous stories of brand new Cats not being able to get up on plane in a reasonable amount of time.  If you want an example just watch the Elite Series on Kentucky Lake where Russ Lane tries to get up on plane.  He had it to the floor for atleast 5 or 6 seconds and it wasn't anywhere close to planing off. But this is all just my opinion and as you could guess I have run a Skeeter for 5 years now and wouldn't consider any others.

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