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You guys ever had some weird/spooky/paranormal stuff happen out on the water? I've been back bass fishing for over 5 years now and I've always heard of weird stuff happening to anglers like seeing UFOs on certain lakes in the morning to full on ghost sightings while fishing abandoned lake property . I personally don't know whether or not to believe these stories but it's always interesting to hear them. 


Any weird/spooky stuff happen to you guys while fishing? Any zombie bass anglers out there hahaha


A few years ago I took out a canoe and was fishing my local lake, it was kind of windy and eventually the wind blew me real shallow. As I was pushing off, I looked down and saw what looked like a human hand sticking up out of the weeds. To this day I am not sure if it was my little kid mind playing tricks on me confusing some weeds for a hand, it is unlikely it was actually a body, though I have not checked since then to see if it is or isn't......

  • Confused 1

Had an eagle grab a white bass right in front of my boat.  A goose attacked my boat when I got too close too its nest. does that count.

Other than that not much else has happened to me.

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30 minutes ago, Russ E said:

A goose attacked my boat when I got too close too its nest. does that count.

Had a swan jump in my boat and come after my son. Had a seagull go right between the two consoles while doing 60

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Hmmm this seems like a weird thread. Lol


I've not seen a hand, a bigfoot, UFO, abominable snowman or a werewolf while fishing but have seen bird nests and tree limbs shaking vigorously after casting. 

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  • BassResource.com Administrator

Couple of good threads for your enjoyment:



I did have to call the cops one night cause a woman started yelling help. Loudly. Frantically. It’s a local lake so city police have some jurisdiction. Part of the lake is in city limits even. 

I was down at the water standing on rocks. probably 16-20ft down by a boat ramp so I couldn’t get back up quick to see what was up. When I got up to the truck there wasn’t a soul there but me. Since I’ve seen this movie I did not search around. 

Scared me to death though. Called cops and sat in my truck. When they didn’t show after 30 mins I left. Still have no clue what went on. 

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2 hours ago, TriStateBassin106 said:

You guys ever had some weird/spooky/paranormal stuff happen out on the water? I've been back bass fishing for over 5 years now and I've always heard of weird stuff happening to anglers like seeing UFOs on certain lakes in the morning to full on ghost sightings while fishing abandoned lake property . I personally don't know whether or not to believe these stories but it's always interesting to hear them. 


Any weird/spooky stuff happen to you guys while fishing? Any zombie bass anglers out there hahaha


Oh I'd believe they saw something but what they saw is not paranormal. With all the cameras everyone wears in their pockets these days I'm pretty sure we'd have incontrovertible evidence by now of at least one of these things. We don't. However as we have seen recently, people don't need evidence to support their conclusions. People will believe what they will.

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1 hour ago, Alex from GA said:

Great Blue Heron2.jpg

Alex that's Hank I see him on Juliette pretty regular. 


This is a tale told to me by a friend: My friend and another friend went down to the LA Harbor area in San Pedro to fish the breakwalls at night for calico bass, sand bass, and maybe some perch or halibut. 


They were sitting more or less back to back in a 12' aluminum boat and my friend felt the boat move and heard something rubbing against the metal. Both thought the other was rustling around since they were looking away from each other. This happened a few times, and eventually he asked his friend why he doing that. His friend said he wasn't doing anything and thought it was him doing it. 


The next time it happened, he looked over the side and saw a shark that was a little longer than their 12' aluminum boat. The shark was swimming alongside the boat and rubbing up against it, and as the shark swam by it was leaned over so it's eyeball was looking right up at him. He instinctively took the butt of his rod and hit the shark in the eye, and the beast swam away, so they continued fishing.


A short while later they felt the boat move and heard the shark rubbing the hull again. Once again, he hit the shark in the eye with the butt of his rod and it swam off. This time, they promptly fired up the outboard and called it a night.

  • Like 4
23 hours ago, Russ E said:

Had an eagle grab a white bass right in front of my boat. 

always a treat, even with the Ospreys too.

On 3/2/2021 at 8:34 PM, Russ E said:

Had an eagle grab a white bass right in front of my boat.  A goose attacked my boat when I got too close too its nest. does that count.

Other than that not much else has happened to me.

I was fishing a small lake in Alaska on Fort Richardson for trout and a mama duck was hauling butt across the lake with eight ducklings following her.  She started quacking loudly and picked up speed.  I turned around to see what the commotion was and a bald eagle dive bombed and snatched one of the ducklings. 


I will save the bigfoot story for another time...... 

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I grew up next door to an older couple that took my brother and me in as grandkids essentially. We had a rough home life with an abusive step dad and a mostly checked out mom. We never spoke about this stuff to them until years later, but they must have known.


They were both retired, but managed the upkeep of a fairly large nature preserve. It must have been volunteer work, I assume. Since their passing they've had things out there named after them. 


One day they took us to the nature preserve to walk the woods and fish the stream with the woman while the man chopped wood. We were probably 10 & 8. As we were walking I kept hearing faint sounds of Native American type chanting/hollering/sounds, and drumming. I finally asked if anyone else was hearing this and they said no, but the woman told me that sometimes she hears it. She went on to tell me there's a Native American burial ground in those woods and that she'd seen indians appear and disappear like ghosts before.

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One morning while it was still dark, I observed a green globe of light just on the edge of the bank slowly floating/moving in between and around trees. I kept looking around to see if light was bouncing off from somewhere, but could not find a source. I guess you could describe it as a willowisp.  Weirdest thing I have ever witnessed. 


Besides bank fishing and walking over a bee’s nest in the ground or the lil weird boat I came across with no one in it no.... 


I only have a couple. A couple of buddies and I were camping one night and kept hearing branches wnd grass moving across the creek. We shined a light and saw something coyote sized or so with red eyes. I wasn't too concerned, but one of the friends is quite the wuss and good at making other people believe that something more is going on, so him and my other friend decided to leave. The other story is while we were at a place just down the road from the last. Had a few weird incidents there. Multiple times of hearing a women scream. The first time, we saw a flashlight coming up to our car soon after and booked it. The most recent, my buddy and I (the wuss) were camping. Heard a woman scream, and a few minutes later, we heard a chainsaw crank up and run for a while. We finally fell asleep, but we're awakened by a sound under the hood of the truck. Truck wouldn't start, so we got out to check it. A battery cable ended up popping off. So, we repaired that and left. Chances are, the woman screaming is people swimming and having fun, and the chainsaw was for wood. The battery cable, however, is a little more mysterious. Not that anyone could have just raised the hood, so I'm not saying that it's natural or supernatural, just odd. I've heard many reports of that place, though. Everyone has stories about weird things going on down there at night.

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This is an absolutely true story and I will swear to it in court on a stack of Bibles. I've told this one before, so you guys who know me, just ignore. This is the story of the Ghost Catfish.


When I was a kid my family had a house on Lake Wateree, SC. I was catfishing off the dock one rainy day with a piece of hot dog for bait. I set up the rod and went to sit under shelter. It was a long time before the first bite. I went down and set the hook and started reeling up, when suddenly the fight went from a lively fight to dead weight. What I reeled up was a dead catfish head, glassy eyes and all. All I can imagine is a turtle was munching on a dead fish when it came across my hot dog. The turtle got hooked and spit out the fish along with my hook. Catching softshell turtles was not uncommon when using hot dogs. I went up and relayed that story to my parents who told me to stop "telling tall tales".


I was night fishing catfish when my lantern ran out of gas , so I was sitting in the dark by myself . Suddenly my pole started bending over so I set the hook and started reeling like crazy . What a fight! Finally got it to the shore and was about to claim my prize , when it started hissing at me. Oh dang. Then it charged me. Yikes. I was holding my rod out at arms length to keep whatever this creature happened to be away until it stopped trying to attack me. The clouds cleared for a moment and by moonlight I could see the biggest dadgum soft shell turtle  ever caught on rod and reel in human history glaring at me ! Sheesh

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I may have told this before, but here goes.

Me and a friend were camping  in the Ocala nat. forest one night, not at a campground , but way out in the woods off a little 1 track 4 wheel drive trail.We sat up talking til around 11 and decided to call it a night because we were getting up early to fish in the morning.

At 1 o’clock, I suddenly woke up. There was something out there, maybe 200 feet away. Sounded like a cat-like grunt/ groan , is the best way I can describe it. I asked my friend “ Are you awake ?” and he said yes, in a nervous tone. He had heard it too. It finally quit, so we dozed back off. Exactly at 3 oclock the exact same thing happened, except it was now app. 100 feet away. Again, we dozed off. Exactly at 5 guess what happens? More strange grunt / groan sounds, but now it’s right outside the tent. My friend was now as far back in the tent as he could get. My curiosity overcame fear and I quickly unzipped the tent flap and shone a light toward the sound. I saw nothing, and heard nothing run off, but the sound stopped. I don’t remember getting back to sleep after that. As soon as the sun came up , we were looking for tracks , but there were none. No explanation, but my friend swears it was a rare florida panther. Im not so sure. Both of us basically grew up in the woods, but never heard a sound like that before or since that night. 

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11 minutes ago, N Florida Mike said:

I may have told this before, but here goes.

Me and a friend were camping  in the Ocala nat. forest one night, not at a campground , but way out in the woods off a little 1 track 4 wheel drive trail.We sat up talking til around 11 and decided to call it a night because we were getting up early to fish in the morning.

At 1 o’clock, I suddenly woke up. There was something out there, maybe 200 feet away. Sounded like a cat-like grunt/ groan , is the best way I can describe it. I asked my friend “ Are you awake ?” and he said yes, in a nervous tone. He had heard it too. It finally quit, so we dozed back off. Exactly at 3 oclock the exact same thing happened, except it was now app. 100 feet away. Again, we dozed off. Exactly at 5 guess what happens? More strange grunt / groan sounds, but now it’s right outside the tent. My friend was now as far back in the tent as he could get. My curiosity overcame fear and I quickly unzipped the tent flap and shone a light toward the sound. I saw nothing, and heard nothing run off, but the sound stopped. I don’t remember getting back to sleep after that. As soon as the sun came up , we were looking for tracks , but there were none. No explanation, but my friend swears it was a rare florida panther. Im not so sure. Both of us basically grew up in the woods, but never heard a sound like that before or since that night. 

Could've been a skinwalker lol. 

  • BassResource.com Administrator
On 3/5/2021 at 8:04 AM, Rpratt said:

One morning while it was still dark, I observed a green globe of light just on the edge of the bank slowly floating/moving in between and around trees.

Sounds like ball lightening.

  • Super User
44 minutes ago, TriStateBassin106 said:

Could've been a skinwalker lol. 

Or the legendary Florida skunk ape ?

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I have been fishing South Florida for over 45 years so I have had some weird experiences, but this one gave me the creepies.  It was every early in the morning with a full moon still over head.  I'm in the dynamite hole off the rim canal in lake Okeechobee.  You have to go through a small opening for 30 yards and it opens up into a big deep water pond 65 feet deep.  I'm throwing a devil horse and suddenly in the moonlight I see the sawgrass open up and a huge head pop out.  A huge wake heads for my lure so I real in fast and throw 180* in the opposite direction.  The giant head reverses and heads again for the lure.  This continues 3 or 4 more times and then it just stops and stairs at me.  The eyes were two feet across and the nose was a yard ahead of the eyes.  Suddenly it disappears and I'm looking everywhere for my little friend.  Five minutes go by and I notice two big eye balls staring up at me so close I could scratch its head.  No sound, no movement, it just pops up.  I could have dropped a log right there.  In two seconds I started the big motor and was out of there and I forgot to pull up the trolling motor.  No problem until you come off plane and suddenly you have breaks on a boat.  To this day whenever I go in the dynamite hole I get that creepy feeling.  This big boy had bad intentions that early morning!

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6 hours ago, the reel ess said:

This is an absolutely true story and I will swear to it in court on a stack of Bibles. I've told this one before, so you guys who know me, just ignore. This is the story of the Ghost Catfish.


When I was a kid my family had a house on Lake Wateree, SC. I was catfishing off the dock one rainy day with a piece of hot dog for bait. I set up the rod and went to sit under shelter. It was a long time before the first bite. I went down and set the hook and started reeling up, when suddenly the fight went from a lively fight to dead weight. What I reeled up was a dead catfish head, glassy eyes and all. All I can imagine is a turtle was munching on a dead fish when it came across my hot dog. The turtle got hooked and spit out the fish along with my hook. Catching softshell turtles was not uncommon when using hot dogs. I went up and relayed that story to my parents who told me to stop "telling tall tales".


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