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I’m dealing with a frustrating situation and am seeking feedback and advice from this forum regarding A) whether my frustration and annoyance is justified or not, and B) if it is, what (if anything) I can do about it. Here’s the situation:


I live on a medium-size (100 acre) private lake in a very rural area in Florida; there is no public access to the lake. There are about 10 homes on the lake, the remainder of the shoreline (approximately 50%) is wooded and undeveloped. I own about 13 acres on the lake. My house sits in the middle of this 13 acres on about 3 cleared acres, so to the immediate right and left of the cleared area where my house sits is 5 acres of undeveloped shoreline. In the middle of 2020 a middle age couple moved into a house across the lake. Occasionally I would see them out cruising or fishing, but I never met them, and otherwise had no interaction with them. 


About two weeks ago I was inside my house watching TV or whatever when I heard my two outdoor dogs barking non-stop and going crazy. I stepped outside to see what they were barking at, and I see that he is in his boat a few feet from my dock, fishing under and around it. I walked down to the dock, introduced myself, asked him how the fishing was, apologize if my dogs were scaring the fish, and told him I’ll take them inside while he’s out fishing. So that’s what I did, end of story. 


Fast-forward two weeks: I guess the cleared 3 acres that my house sits on-and specifically the area around my doc--is the most productive fishing on the lake, because for the past 4-5 nights he motors over here around 5PM (and a couple of times in the morning), and spends on average 45-60 minutes fishing directly in front of my house. And he’s not 50 feet from the shore-- he uses his trolling motor and spends the entire time right along the weed line, about 10 feet from the shoreline. Each time he does this my dogs go nuts, running up and down the shoreline, barking incessantly. 


The first few days this happened I called my dogs inside. But understand that these are outdoor dogs, and normally I don’t let them inside. They’re big and dirty, they shed all over, I have occasional allergies, etc. So after the first few days of this I stopped calling the dogs inside and simply let them stay out there barking at the guy, assuming that he would find their barking annoying--or hopefully realize that his fishing right in front of my property was interfering with his neighbors peace and quiet--and he would leave and go fish elsewhere. But I was wrong, he just stays there for however long he wants and fishes.


So yesterday I came home from a long day at work and layed down for a nap. Fifteen minutes later I hear the dogs barking like mad, and right away I know that this guy is out there fishing again. I tried to ignore the mayhem but no dice, I couldn’t go back to sleep with all the barking. So I get up and start to read a book, but I can’t concentrate due to the barking. I sit there for another 10 minutes, getting increasingly irritated, hoping he goes away, but he doesn’t, so I reluctantly walk outside to talk to the guy. Normally I’m pretty non-confrontational, and don’t enjoy interactions like this.


I walk outside, say hello, he says “Hi, how are you?”, to which I reply, “Well, I was doing better before my dogs started barking, which woke me up from my nap.” I was expecting him to say something like “Oh, sorry about that.” but instead he says “Yea, your dogs really get excited when I fish here.” So I say to him “I’m curious--is the fishing right here a lot better than elsewhere around the lake?” and he says “Yea, sometimes. The other day I caught a dozen bass around your dock.” I tried to drop a few subtle hints that I found his fishing disruptive to the peaceful enjoyment of my property, but he never took the bait (pun intended), so eventually I said to him “Look, here’s the deal:


“I know I don’t own the lake, and I understand you have a right to fish it. And I wouldn’t mind if you came over here and fished occasionally, or if you slowly trolled past our property, fished for 15 minutes or so, and then moved along and fished the rest of the lake. But for the past week you’ve been coming here every afternoon, and you basically just park yourself directly in front of our house for as long as you want. Quite frankly, I think it’s a little disrespectful, and it’s disrupting enjoyment of our property. Would you mind not fishing here so much and fish somewhere else around the lake? There are thousands of feet of undeveloped shoreline all around the lake where your fishing wouldn’t bother anyone.” 


His reply basically boiled down to “I can fish wherever I want on this lake. I’m not making any noise or or on your property, and if your dogs barking bothers you, you can take them inside.” Realizing that I wasn’t going to get anywhere with this guy by discussing the situation further, I said (sarcastically) “Well I really appreciate you being such a considerate neighbor” and walked back inside my house. I left the dogs outside barking, he continued to fish along my shoreline for another 20 minutes or so, and eventually he left. 


Let me reiterate--I understand that LEGALLY he has the right to fish anywhere on the lake he wants to fish, including along my shoreline and around & under my dock. I get that. However, imho, just because a person has the “right” to do something doesn’t necessarily mean that they should do it. For example, a person has the right to install a super-loud stereo system in their car and drive around with their windows down blaring bass-thumping music, but that doesn’t mean that they should. Most reasonable people consider people like that jerks. 


I go out of my way to be considerate of my neighbors around the lake. We bought this property 20+ years ago when there weren't any other houses on the lake. I built a gun range, and for years I practiced with a variety of handguns and rifles a few times a month. However, as more people built houses on the lake I realized that firing off guns on my property (which is my right!) was probably disturbing some if not all of my neighbors, so a few years ago I started driving 40 miles round-trip to practice at a state-owned rifle range. Whenever I circumnavigate the lake in my kayak, I make a point of kayaking out into the lake a bit whenever I pass a neighbors property so that I don’t infringe upon their privacy. I never fish directly in front of anyone’s house or property. I’m not trying to make myself out as some sort of saint, but I do go out of my way to be a thoughtful, considerate neighbor.


So forum members, please tell me--is my annoyance justified or not? Or do I sound like an old man screaming at the neighborhood kids to “Get off my lawn!!? And regardless of whether you agree with me or not, is there anything I can do legally to try and put a stop to his actions? What would you do if you were in my situation? 


I’ve done a little internet research, and it’s my understanding that legally I can’t do anything that interferes with someone legally fishing or hunting. Assuming he continues to fish here on a daily basis, can I:


Get in my kayak and repeatedly paddle up down the length of my shoreline, paddling noisily, accidentally “bumping” the side of the kayak with me oar? Would that be interpreted as interfering with his legal right to fish?


Whenever he comes over here to fish, get on my pontoon boat or jetski and motor up and down the length of the property, throwing up a wake and making as much noise as possible? 


Buy a $50 remote-controlled boat and just use it to zip along wherever he is fishing, doing circles around his boat, etc?


Sit on my dock in the nude playing bongos while blaring death-metal or hardcore rap music at high volume on a portable stereo system? (I don't like this option very much as it would likely annoy others on the lake.)


Invite members of this forum to come fish a rarely fished private lake, with the stipulation that they spend at least a few hours fishing directly in front of his house!?!?!


I’ve read a number of posts on this forum and other similar fishing forums, and watched several youtube videos, discussing or documenting this exact same situation, i.e., a property owner who objects to a person fishing directly in front of their property. Almost uniformly the video portrays the property owner as a jack#%&, and the person fishing as a good guy just exercising his God-given rights and enjoying the great outdoors. Rarely if ever is there any discussion or consideration as to whether or not a person would find strangers fishing basically in their front/back yard as annoying and as an invasion of privacy. 


Sorry for writing such a lengthy post, but I wanted to describe the situation as clearly as I could. Thanks to any and all who take the time to reply with their take on the situation and (hopefully) helpful suggestions.

  • Super User

Well I think you both handled it as well as yall could.  You were right to ask him politely to back off and he was within his right to say that hes gonna fish.  In a perfect world he would have said that he would try to find new areas to fish, but he didnt.  Yall got to learn to live with eachother.  I dont think childish games will help things.  Thanks for venting to us, but you are in a tough spot.  I think alot of it is personal annoyance and you are certainly allow to be annoyed.  I know I would be.  Maybe try again with the guy and offer to fish with him and get to know him some.  Hell, you may make a new fishing buddy.  Maybe the dogs wont bark as much the more he comes over to fish, give the man a chance to meet the dogs... I'd try other.methods for solve the problem.   



Good luck.   

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  • Super User

I'm going to assume that you fish, if so, maybe spend some time on your lake fishing other docks, or cover that might produce good fish other than your dock. If you happen to find a good spot, let your neighbor know about it, hopefully then he will fish there and give you some peace.

Kind of a tough spot, as he isn't doing anything wrong, and your within your rights to expect some peace and quiet.

Hopefully you can find a resolution soon.


put out a big lawn water sprinkler like the ones the golf courses use and when he shows up turn it on.

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  • Super User

This probably isn't the answer you were looking for. If YOU didn't have the dogs then YOUR peace and quiet would not be interrupted. YOU could nap all day and never know he was even there if YOUR dogs weren't barking at him. Do YOU see where I am coming from. 

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  • Global Moderator

My dogs bark at all manner of things, I have to bring them in when they won’t stop. They are dirty but it’s better than them losing their minds barking non stop. I would just bring your dogs in when the guy is fishing 


hey @N Florida Mike, didn’t you say they were biting good on boat docks??? Just kidding 

  • Super User

I believe you already know the answer. Might not be the one you’re looking for but he’s legal and in this world that doesn’t give you much wiggle room. If you harassed him or do something stupid you’ll be the one with a issue. I do hope it works out for you.

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Hang a bunch of chain off your docks to encourage growth of grasses to provide cover and forage for fry. Weigh them down heavy so they don’t move. 


Of course, they may pose a snag hazard. Jus’ sayin’

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Tough spot but I gotta say, he doesn't really sound like an inconsiderate neighbor to me. He's just fishing. 

  • Like 8

Easy cure.  Introduce your dogs to him so that they greet him with love instead of barking.  Not sure how you could be on a fishing forum and not respect his desire to catch fish.

  • Like 6

Make friends with the guy. 
Ask to fish with him next time he comes around.

Invite him over for BBQ

Share some intel with him.

Start looking forward to bullsh*tting with him when he comes your way.


There are few people who respect you more than your friends.

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  • Super User

Retaliation is never a solution.....those fish at your dock will eventually get gun shy a nobody will catch them, then he'll move on.


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49 minutes ago, jbsoonerfan said:

This probably isn't the answer you were looking for. If YOU didn't have the dogs then YOUR peace and quiet would not be interrupted. YOU could nap all day and never know he was even there if YOUR dogs weren't barking at him. Do YOU see where I am coming from. 

^^^ Nailed it. /thread

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  • Super User

I read the whole post. Your neighbor is doing nothing wrong as long as he doesn’t damage your property (dock) He is however an inconsiderate *bleep*

Your only sin, one that I suffer from as well, is expecting people to be as considerate of others property, wishes and peace as we are. I don’t fish around docks as I know it might upset someone if my skipping skills are not on point. Brings back memories of when my Dad caught me sitting on someone’s car when I was a kid. He ripped into me about that’s someone’s property, how would I like it if that was my car and someone dented the hood. Never forgot that lesson. 


You keep being considerate of others. Don’t let folks like this drag you down to their level.


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  • Super User

Bark collars not an option?  I fish docks on lakes and dogs raise cain at me often as I silently fish. Is it me or the dogs disturbing the peace? 

  • Like 7
28 minutes ago, Deephaven said:

Easy cure.  Introduce your dogs to him so that they greet him with love instead of barking.  Not sure how you could be on a fishing forum and not respect his desire to catch fish.

Something along these lines. What kind of dogs are they?

31 minutes ago, RichF said:

Tough spot but I gotta say, he doesn't really sound like an inconsiderate neighbor to me. He's just fishing. 

i agree 

  • Like 3

Honestly bud hate to agree with a cple of these guys but I don't see that he's doing anything wrong at all. It's your dogs that are creating the disturbance not his fishing.  Very hard sometimes to see our own actions as the problem. I realize this more and more with every passing year. If it were me....I'd apologize to the guy and figure out how to shut my dogs up. I wouldn't want to make enemies with my neighbors because my dogs won't stop yapping. I understand it being a lil aggravating but he isn't doing a thing wrong. Maybe not what you want to hear but u asked for opinions.  Good luck

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  • Super User

Yep as already stated your problem is not your less than considerate neighbor but your own dogs. I’m a dog  lover & know how they react. For your own peace of mind you need to alter their behavior or shield them from the distraction. Problem solved. 

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  • Global Moderator

As I see it you have 3 options....

1) Try to ignore him and live with it. 

2) Make friends with him.
At the very least you made a friend that you can talk too, that he may not want to lose. 
3) Run a trot line 10 ft off your dock from both ends of your property line. 






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The dock is drawing the angler to stop fish. 

Do you keep a boat moored or tied to the dock? You mentioned a kayak, is that the only boat?

Do the dogs run out to the end of the dock and bark or at every boat passing by?

The reason I ask is your dogs were not a problem until this new neighbor showed. Dogs have a sense about people who they don’t trust. I agree that you=should introduce the dogs to the neighbor if he is willing.

If the dock only serves the purpose of a place to keep the kayak in the water you may consider pulling the dock up on the bank for awhile.

I has a floating dock that attracted angler like ants to honey.

The solution was adding 1/2 green poly coated hardware wire all the way around the dock perimeter 24” down into the water to prevent fishing under it. Anchoring the boat on a buoy 50’ off the front of the dock with a trolley line to retrieve and buoy the boat. The rope made it more difficult to fish the dock. The anglers would try to fish the dock and snag lures and try the buoyed boat few minutes and move on, solving my problem.



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I vote for the naked bongo death metal solution

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sounds like a pretty small lake.  I imagine a home on water like that in Florida isn’t cheap.  If I bought a house there with the intention to fish, I’m gonna fish the best spots I find regardless of how your dogs feel about it... ?‍♂️ 

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Bark collars

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