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Did the virus allow you to fish more? It put me out of work for just over a month but luckily I had vacation time saved up so financially I was ok and my wife was able to continue working. My interest in bait casting peaked during the first week I was at home and I haven’t looked back since. I dare say I have fished more in the last three months for bass than any other year in my life(catfisher at heart). I picked a heck of a time to get into bass fishing because every sporting goods store in a 50 miles radius of me was wiped clean of fishing supplies. Basspro’s online has gotten a lot of my money to avoid going out in public. Unfortunately, more people fishing means more crap to deal with like the litter situation. 

Apparently everyone and their brother took COVID 19 up on its offer for fishing oppurtunity and have brought trash out of the wood work. I went to a few public spots recently and every spot was completely trashed....yet just feet away I saw completely empty garbage cans provided by the city. I can’t stand people.

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Wife is partially disabled and I'm retired and act as her PCA. I get one day a week when we get someone in to watch her for four hours so I can go out - all we can afford. This is the same as last year - so no change.

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hells yeah!!!

i havent been to work in over 2 months. my company was open but because of my daughters school being closed i was forced to stay home with her.  I had to teach her of course but i was done by like 1 pm and my wife got home around 2 so after that i was free to fish and ive been fishing basically every day! probably caught more in these past few months than i did all of last year. 

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7 minutes ago, MN Fisher said:

Wife is partially disabled and I'm retired and act as her PCA. I get one day a week when we get someone in to watch her for four hours so I can go out - all we can afford. This is the same as last year - so no change.

God bless you my friend. You are honoring your vows and are a good man for doing so. Family always comes first and Not a lot of people out there would do that. You have my respect.

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Terrible for me personally. 


Everybody not working and VA not requiring a fishing license, lakes overrunning with boats and pollution. 


Every tree alongside the shore has a lure embedded and fishing line hanging. Lol



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4 minutes ago, Bird said:

Terrible for me personally. 


Everybody not working and VA not requiring a fishing license, lakes overrunning with boats and pollution. 


Every tree alongside the shore has a lure embedded and fishing line hanging. Lol



Yeah the lake near me has been packed daily.

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Not great.  Ridiculous weather and too many other people


(I go fishing, in part, to get away from people!  Now get off my lawn!)


Anyway, still happy for those who have been able to get on the water at times you would normally be stuck at work. Cheers.

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I always fish alot...compared to my buddies anyhow...but according to my old lady ive really cranked it up this spring. With such limited things to do like not going to movies or out to eat and basically doing everything shopping wise online besides groceries it's opened up a lot of time. I basically wake up and think so do I need to mow or go to work? If both answers are no them im going bass smackin.

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I lost my job due to COVID-19 but as it turns out I would have had to quit anyway. Both my father and stepmother are in poor health and both were hospitalized at different times and my son and I went down to take care of them. We ended up spending about 7 weeks there coming home only once for about a week. On the bright side, they live in Sun City Hilton Head and there are almost 300 lagoons there to fish. So yeah, I did a lot of sihing. I mean a LOT of fishing.


For the first two or three weeks the bass were crushing a half ounce Sexy Shad buzzbait (no trailer). Withing two weeks they hit is so much it was bent up and the blade broke off and I needed a replacement. I caught a couple of 6 pounders and a ton of 2-4 pounders.


Then the fishing went flat for a week or so. I was still catching them on soft plastics and a few other lures, but the baitfish had moved off the banks and the bass stopped hitting the buzzbait. But I don't think I caught anything over 2 pounds during that time.


After that the bass started crushing any white or mostly white spinnerbaits. Blades were popping off right and left and they were bending the crud out of all of my spinnerbaits. Quality was back up and I was catching at least one four or five pounder every day.


There was one lagoon I ended up fishing frequently that I had only fished once before. There's no more than 30 yards of bank access and there's high, thick aquatic vegetation along the bank. I normally don't like to fish in those conditions because it's hard to see if a gator is hiding along the grass. But this lagoon turned out to be a great spot for mid afternoon fishing just about every single day.


I did have a first in that lagoon - I caught my first bowfin. What a nasty fish. I'm glad I had fish grips with me. I ended up catching two of them. The first was close to 30 inches long and hit a spinnerbait inches from the bank. The second was only about 18 inches long and this one not only hit right at the bank but ended up in the thick grass as the timing of my hookset and his moving towards the bank sent him airborne. The first one I caught lived up to its reputation as a good fighter.


I had another rarity for me - I caught bass on crankbaits. I don't throw them a lot, but I throw them enough and I have about a zero success rate. But when I replenished my buzzbaits and spinnerbaits at Dick's they had a buy 6, get to free promotion going on and I picked up a few 1.5 crankbaits and they ended up paying off.


All in all, it was great fishing. I've been back home for a few weeks now and have not fished any of the waters up here. I may try this weekend, but the fishing up here has just been terrible. I may have to rent a kayak and see if that helps.



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I really haven't changed my routine. Except for a day here and there I get out at some point most every day, the advantage being that bank fishing requires little prep. With a few exceptions the ponds I fish have been all to myself. Most folks are walking or running on the neighborhood trails.

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It actually hurt my fishing, Places are now overcrowded or limited with the number of people allowed.  Plus it drew out a lot of inconsiderate people. I got so aggravated at one spot I just had to leave before I got myself in trouble for saying something to people.

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4 hours ago, Koz said:

I lost my job due to COVID-19 but as it turns out I would have had to quit anyway. Both my father and stepmother are in poor health and both were hospitalized at different times and my son and I went down to take care of them. We ended up spending about 7 weeks there coming home only once for about a week. On the bright side, they live in Sun City Hilton Head and there are almost 300 lagoons there to fish. So yeah, I did a lot of sihing. I mean a LOT of fishing.


For the first two or three weeks the bass were crushing a half ounce Sexy Shad buzzbait (no trailer). Withing two weeks they hit is so much it was bent up and the blade broke off and I needed a replacement. I caught a couple of 6 pounders and a ton of 2-4 pounders.


Then the fishing went flat for a week or so. I was still catching them on soft plastics and a few other lures, but the baitfish had moved off the banks and the bass stopped hitting the buzzbait. But I don't think I caught anything over 2 pounds during that time.


After that the bass started crushing any white or mostly white spinnerbaits. Blades were popping off right and left and they were bending the crud out of all of my spinnerbaits. Quality was back up and I was catching at least one four or five pounder every day.


There was one lagoon I ended up fishing frequently that I had only fished once before. There's no more than 30 yards of bank access and there's high, thick aquatic vegetation along the bank. I normally don't like to fish in those conditions because it's hard to see if a gator is hiding along the grass. But this lagoon turned out to be a great spot for mid afternoon fishing just about every single day.


I did have a first in that lagoon - I caught my first bowfin. What a nasty fish. I'm glad I had fish grips with me. I ended up catching two of them. The first was close to 30 inches long and hit a spinnerbait inches from the bank. The second was only about 18 inches long and this one not only hit right at the bank but ended up in the thick grass as the timing of my hookset and his moving towards the bank sent him airborne. The first one I caught lived up to its reputation as a good fighter.


I had another rarity for me - I caught bass on crankbaits. I don't throw them a lot, but I throw them enough and I have about a zero success rate. But when I replenished my buzzbaits and spinnerbaits at Dick's they had a buy 6, get to free promotion going on and I picked up a few 1.5 crankbaits and they ended up paying off.


All in all, it was great fishing. I've been back home for a few weeks now and have not fished any of the waters up here. I may try this weekend, but the fishing up here has just been terrible. I may have to rent a kayak and see if that helps.



I’m sorry to hear about your family my friend and I hope all is well. The job situation will turn around as well so don’t worry. The lord will take care of you and yours. 

I wish I had half the luck with spinners that you have. I can’t get a bass on a spinner to save my life.

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Yes and no. 

No, as I am a essential employee so I have been working throughout this nightmare. Although as I work for an airline, that may be subject to change in the near future. 

Yes, because I needed “something” to do, especially on the weekends my wife (she’s an RN) was working, and having really been away from fishing for a lo-o-o-ng time, I decided to clean up my old tackle, spool up with fresh line and hit the local pond. What a “mistake“.  Just bought a new spinning rod and reel to complement the new baitcasting rod and reel I bought a few weeks ago. I have been fishing as much as possible when I have time and have already exceeded my PB by over 3 lbs. 

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5 minutes ago, BrianMDTX said:

Yes and no. 

No, as I am a essential employee so I have been working throughout this nightmare. Although as I work for an airline, that may be subject to change in the near future. 

Yes, because I needed “something” to do, especially on the weekends my wife (she’s an RN) was working, and having really been away from fishing for a lo-o-o-ng time, I decided to clean up my old tackle, spool up with fresh line and hit the local pond. What a “mistake“.  Just bought a new spinning rod and reel to complement the new baitcasting rod and reel I bought a few weeks ago. I have been fishing as much as possible when I have time and have already exceeded my PB by over 3 lbs. 

I’m still searching for my PB! Congratulations sir!

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8 minutes ago, NavyVet1204 said:

I’m still searching for my PB! Congratulations sir!

I’ll be up front and state that moving to Texas from Maryland last year likely helped out a lot with that! I’ve caught more 2.5+ lbs bass here in less than two months than I have in over 45 years back in MD. 

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I fished no more or less than normal. I kept working because my work was considered essential.

I had a good spring bass fishing but the virus had nothing to do with it one way or the other.

There have been a lot more people out on my lake than normal though. And most of them have no idea about fishing etiquette. Sigh... Im used to having the lake to myself. 

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I have been fishing more.

I am able to work from home which saves me about an hour and 15 minute commute on the way home.

Yesterday I got off at five and launched the boat 15 minutes later.

It's a nice treat as I generally only fish mornings.

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12 hours ago, Bird said:

Terrible for me personally. 


Everybody not working and VA not requiring a fishing license, lakes overrunning with boats and pollution. 


Every tree alongside the shore has a lure embedded and fishing line hanging. Lol




10 hours ago, MIbassyaker said:

Not great.  Ridiculous weather and too many other people


(I go fishing, in part, to get away from people!  Now get off my lawn!)


Anyway, still happy for those who have been able to get on the water at times you would normally be stuck at work. Cheers.


3 hours ago, ike8120 said:

It actually hurt my fishing, Places are now overcrowded or limited with the number of people allowed.  Plus it drew out a lot of inconsiderate people. I got so aggravated at one spot I just had to leave before I got myself in trouble for saying something to people.


Yep, to the above ^^


Retired first week of March expecting to have the lakes to myself through the week, but instead found continuously overcrowded parking lots. Lakes have been packed; weather has been crappy; so I’ve been disappointed by the whole thing. 


That said, things have lightened up considerably the past 2-3 weeks as we have started reopening here, and I shifted my attention to retention ponds more to avoid the headaches on larger waters. Fished pretty much everyday, and have had a good year catching so far, so things could be worse.

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8 hours ago, Koz said:

I lost my job due to COVID-19 but as it turns out I would have had to quit anyway. Both my father and stepmother are in poor health and both were hospitalized at different times and my son and I went down to take care of them. We ended up spending about 7 weeks there coming home only once for about a week. On the bright side, they live in Sun City Hilton Head and there are almost 300 lagoons there to fish. So yeah, I did a lot of sihing. I mean a LOT of fishing.


For the first two or three weeks the bass were crushing a half ounce Sexy Shad buzzbait (no trailer). Withing two weeks they hit is so much it was bent up and the blade broke off and I needed a replacement. I caught a couple of 6 pounders and a ton of 2-4 pounders.


Then the fishing went flat for a week or so. I was still catching them on soft plastics and a few other lures, but the baitfish had moved off the banks and the bass stopped hitting the buzzbait. But I don't think I caught anything over 2 pounds during that time.


After that the bass started crushing any white or mostly white spinnerbaits. Blades were popping off right and left and they were bending the crud out of all of my spinnerbaits. Quality was back up and I was catching at least one four or five pounder every day.


There was one lagoon I ended up fishing frequently that I had only fished once before. There's no more than 30 yards of bank access and there's high, thick aquatic vegetation along the bank. I normally don't like to fish in those conditions because it's hard to see if a gator is hiding along the grass. But this lagoon turned out to be a great spot for mid afternoon fishing just about every single day.


I did have a first in that lagoon - I caught my first bowfin. What a nasty fish. I'm glad I had fish grips with me. I ended up catching two of them. The first was close to 30 inches long and hit a spinnerbait inches from the bank. The second was only about 18 inches long and this one not only hit right at the bank but ended up in the thick grass as the timing of my hookset and his moving towards the bank sent him airborne. The first one I caught lived up to its reputation as a good fighter.


I had another rarity for me - I caught bass on crankbaits. I don't throw them a lot, but I throw them enough and I have about a zero success rate. But when I replenished my buzzbaits and spinnerbaits at Dick's they had a buy 6, get to free promotion going on and I picked up a few 1.5 crankbaits and they ended up paying off.


All in all, it was great fishing. I've been back home for a few weeks now and have not fished any of the waters up here. I may try this weekend, but the fishing up here has just been terrible. I may have to rent a kayak and see if that helps.



I’m sorry to hear about your family my friend and I hope all is well. The job situation will turn around as well so don’t worry. The lord will take care of you and yours. 

I wish I had half the luck with spinners that you have. I can’t get a bass on a spinner to save my life.

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29 minutes ago, NavyVet1204 said:

I’m sorry to hear about your family my friend and I hope all is well. The job situation will turn around as well so don’t worry. The lord will take care of you and yours. 

I wish I had half the luck with spinners that you have. I can’t get a bass on a spinner to save my life.

I use either an all white, chartreuse and white, or sexy shad half ounce spinnerbait. If they are not hitting the spinnerbait as is I ad a Keitech Swing Impact trailer.


Money in the bank!

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I've been lucky.  I've quit shopping in stores and started doing a lot more shopping online if possible.  But that's about it.  Work only slowed down for two weeks and all of my family and close friends have managed to stay safe.  I don't even miss being out in public all that much because I'm an introvert, just like my wife.


Sure the lakes are more crowded, but the lakes are always crowded.  The difference between "too many people" and "more than too many people" isn't a practical difference.  In any case, I try not to complain about that type of stuff.  I mean, if I'm there too, then I'm just as guilty as everyone else.  We all have the same right to be there.

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I have fished about the same amount, with the same routine, but there are definitely alot more people out on the water, a good portion of them inexperienced.


So far, the extra pressure hasn't knocked down the numbers I have been catching (I had back to back 50 fish Saturdays at the beginning of May, postspawn).  There is a heavy human presence here during normal times, so while the fishing here can be very good, you have to know what you are doing to catch them.  The extra pressure didn't hurt the bite because most of the anglers were using methods & techniques that were not of interest to a majority of the fish.


Oddly enough, when I am out at sunrise, I am still the only boat on the water.  The newer anglers get started around 9 am, just about the time there is usually a little bit of a lull between the morning bite and how the fish position themselves during the day.

20 hours ago, brgbassmaster said:

Fished every chance i could get even upgraded from a smaller champ to a alot bigger ranger. My "quarantine " was great lol. Spent alot of time out on the water with my daughter too. Im active duty. wife is "essential" engineer. 

Thank you for your service friend and tell your wife she is appreciated for us! Sounds like you guys had a blast!

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