03TB Posted March 30, 2008 Posted March 30, 2008 I am in the process of making a raised casting deck for the rear of my boat (see below) and it is going to have 2 integrated livewells. Now to my question, what size is a good size, in gallons, for each livewell? Thanks, Doug Quote
03TB Posted March 31, 2008 Author Posted March 31, 2008 opps, sorry Roadwarrior, thanks for moving the post! Quote
HPBB Posted March 31, 2008 Posted March 31, 2008 what's it look like? you say look below, but no pitcure. I see you have a Sea Nymp 175, is that a deep V? I have a Sea Nymph GLS 175 and put a rear deck into it. 2 live wells too. I'll be takeing some picture and see it it helps you. Quote
03TB Posted March 31, 2008 Author Posted March 31, 2008 i dont have a pic but it is a deep v with dual console, walk through windshield, dual baitwells up front. I want to add the casting deck and livewells to the back. What size in gallons do you have? Quote
HPBB Posted March 31, 2008 Posted March 31, 2008 mine is a deep V with a walk tru too, no bait wells up front. It did have a 20 gal above floor live well in it, but I hated it. every time you went to get on plane it would dump most of its water. twin 18 gal. I made them out of Rubbermaid bins, and my rear deck is the with of the boat and 40 inches long. It houses the twin livewell, 4 batteries, charger, and fuel tank ( my boat didn't come with a inboard tank) and one area for storage. If its not raining tomorow I'll take some pictures. here is what the boat lookes like, well with the cover on. How does your boat run with that 88hp on it? I have a 75 suzuki on mine now, but its blown up and I am looking at new (used) motors, and the 85-90 Johnsons are on my list. Quote
HPBB Posted March 31, 2008 Posted March 31, 2008 here are some pictures of the rear deck and live wells I put in the back of the boat. hope they might help. sorry about the trash in the boat. when I put her away last year after a year of hard fishing I didn't have time to clean it out. http://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/compass281/?action=view¤t=jimspictures058.jpg http://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/compass281/?action=view¤t=jimspictures060.jpg http://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/compass281/?action=view¤t=jimspictures061.jpg http://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/compass281/?action=view¤t=jimspictures063.jpg http://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/compass281/?action=view¤t=jimspictures070.jpg Quote
Bassin4Life55 Posted March 31, 2008 Posted March 31, 2008 Thanks for the pics. I am working with Doug on this project. HPBB, I was wondering if you could outline the plumbing system you used for the livewells. I have a CAD Drawing of what I would like to do but if you could help us out with the plumbing schematic that would be great. -Justin Here are my CAD Drawings.... All the wood pictured are 2x4's The deck itself is .75" plywood and is 16.75" High, 39" Long, and 56" wide. The Livewells are 20 Gallon Rubbermaid heavy Duty Totes The PVC is all 1"OD This is the Deck Without the "wings' on it. Keep in mind this deck will be removable. The lower PVC system is the overflow system, you will see the overflow pipe inside in a later image. The black around the holes in the livewell are just black rubber tubes cut lengthwise that we will epoxy in and a similar coting will be on the wood structure on the actual door to seal up, hopefully water tight, when the doors are closed. This is the deck with the "wings" The wings will be attached to the 2x4's as pictured that will sit in running "shelves already on the boat. This will allow the rear deck to run the width of the boat. All closed up. I will put handles on the livewells. They will probably just be straps. A close-up of one well, The higher PVC pipe is the fill system whereas the lower on is the overflow. A view of the overflow pipe inside. Their is a baitwell system in the boat that we want to adapt for the livewells. Their is a pump and some plumbing. What do you guys think? Quote
03TB Posted April 1, 2008 Author Posted April 1, 2008 Looks good, exactly how I pictured it, although I don't think it is nessacary to use PVC, we can just use courrgated tubing, it will be a less obstructive way for the water to flow and we can basically direct it anywhere we want it to, other then up hill. We also need to put a disconnect for the plumbing to make it fully removable. Doug Quote
Bassin4Life55 Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 The disconnect will be in the back where the PVC pipes exit. Your right, instead of PVC, tubing would work well. Quote
bullrun Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Be sure to use smooth tubing instead of corrugated. If corrugations flowed well out boat bottoms would be corrugated. Quote
XcoM274 Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 I'm estimating this based on calculating the volume of my well and converting it, but I come up with 14.961 gallons. My boat is a 14 foot aluminum V, so its smaller than yours but I can easily get a limit plus some in my well. Quote
HPBB Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 http://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/compass281/?action=view¤t=jimspictures071.jpg here are some digrams of my pluming. sorry I ahd to drw it and take a picture. One 750gph pump works very well. the recirqs are 500gph. I have built several rear deck befor in this boat till I found a one that works. one suggestion to you, do not use 2x4's they are to heavy. remember that is alot of weight when the livewells are filled up. If I was to use wood I would use 1x2's they are lighter and will hold the weight. I use alum angle beams for mine Quote
Bassin4Life55 Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 Thanks for the great drawing. The only reason why we were looking at 2x4's is for the weight because this boat is not going to be used for fishing all of the time so the whole deck is made to be removable. So we figured the weight of the wood would help keep the deck from bouncing too much if it was lighter. What do you think? Quote
HPBB Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 I never really had any problems with deck bouncing around. just remember weight is not good. first off when those livewells are full that is a lot of weight. keep them full and it will not move. How many gal. are yours? mine are 18gal each. also remeber if you plan on taking the deck out of the boat. If it too heavy it will be hard to get it out and make it hard. also if its to heavy you might have trouble getting the boat to plane quickly. I always go lighter is better. If you that worried about it moving get 2 "L" brackers, small ones. screw them into the deck and ito the floor. its only 4 small screws and you will never see the holes, and it will hold it down. just a note here are some picture of a tackle storage unit I put in between the dashes. It hold plano box well and is unused space in the boat. http://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/compass281/?action=view¤t=jimspictures065.jpg http://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/compass281/?action=view¤t=jimspictures067.jpg http://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll168/compass281/?action=view¤t=jimspictures066.jpg Quote
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