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Hey all,

I am in need of some help and opinions. Me and a buddy of mine were thinking about buying a boat and making this a handicapped accessible boat to take disabled children and elderly fishing in that would not normally be able to go by themselves. We have found a fiberglass boat, motor and trailer for two hundred dollars that we are thinking of buying and using for the build. We are not sure of the model but it is an older bass boat with the tri-hull design (would this be stabe enough?). The motor was said to be running when it was parked and that was 3 years ago. The prop is missing on it and we are not sure we would want to toss a bunch of money at a hopeless motor. We have thought about making this an electric powered boat in order to give us more space on the fishing decks. And since it will be with disabled people we are not too worried on going fast. We would like to deck the entire boat and have it laid out similar to the "birth of and electric boat" that was done on here. As far as making it accessible we would like to put some type of ramp that could fold out of the way when fishing, and we need a way to be able to remove the rear fishing seat in order to put in wheelchairs for kids that would need to stay in them. Also we are looking for a way to be able to secure the chair to the boat for safety reasons. Since me and my buddy are both EMT's and Firefighters are income is very limited and since we are going to need to refinish most of the boat (carpet, trolling motors, wiring, paint, seats) we need to try to keep all of the costs to a minimum to be able to afford this. Any suggestions you guys may have would be a great help to us both since this will be both of our first builds. Thank you in advance.


Your thoughts are noble and I wish to encourage you in every way, but I don't think this will be a cheap or quick undertaking.

If your heart isn't set on a bass boat you may want to consider a pontoon boat. It will be more stable than almost any other boat including tri hulls. The pontoon boat will also have much more space for wheel chairs, crutches and or canes. It will have railing for holding onto and a flat deck for rolling on and off of. It should be easier to build a ramp onto as the deck comes flush with the edge and has a gate whereas most other boats have a gunwale you would have to deal with.

I have a small bass boat and my parents have a pontoon. I use the pontoon to entertain guests for cruising or fishing. It holds more people and is much more user friendly for people who are not on boats that often. I can only fit one or two other people on my little boat and I couldn't imagine trying to care for someone while captaining my little boat. With the pontoon I can take all the grandparents out on a rough day and still be OK.

If you could restrict your self to electric only lakes then other boat wakes wont rock you and the ride will be even more stable.

Thats my $.02

The boat you mentioned sounds like a lot of work.

I guess I am up to $.04 now.

  • Super User

 The boat sounds like a real fixer-upper. I would save and find a 12-14' flat bottom or v-hull, if you want to do the electric only deal. The just put seats on the benches of the boat. I would really recommend AGAINST securing a wheel chair. The recent PVA event will not allow the fisherman/fisherwomen to be secured in their wheelchairs. Instead those fishing are placed into a seat with a life preserver on. In case anything ever happened, instead of possibly drowning because they are secured in their wheelchair, they would float. Much much safer. So all you really need is a boat with two seats :)  

  This is an amazing thing you guys are doing. Anyone who has an oppurtunity and take in natures beauty with you guys will surely appreciate it. Good Luck  ;)


What ever you choose get plenty of insurance. I'll say it again get plenty of insurance. Then after you get insurance go get insurance on your insurance ;)

  • Super User

I agree with surfer on this one.  A pontoon boat would offer a lot of opportunities for handicap fishermen, especially wheel chair bound ones.  You can find used pontoon boats fairly cheap and the fixup costs would be minimal as long as the toons are sound.  The railing around the boat is the thing I'd be worried about.  A bass boat, johnboat that's been decked just doesn't sound like a stable enough platform not with sufficient railing support.

Good luck.  Kudo's to wanting to take on such a noble project!  8-)


We have thought about getting a toon, however we have yet to find one with a decent price tag on  it that we can afford.  Also we will not secure the person to the boat with the wheel chair we would just like to be able to secure the chair to the boat to prevent accidental rolling.  Also we would like to keep people in regular seats if it is possible for them to do it.

  • Super User

One other idea.

Have you thought about approaching various Bass boat builders with your ideas?  Often, a boat will roll off the line that isn't built to sellable, retail specifications but is perfectly acceptable, safety wise, to fish out of.

You might try contacting the various builders with your idea and see what they can come up with if anything?  I'm just afraid that getting into an old, cheap bass boat isn't going to work real well for you.  Most older boats in the price range you're looking at will be in bad condition, fairly narrow thus not the best stable fishing platform and a whole lotta work overall to get into a condition that would be considered safe for taking handicap fishermen out in.  


Where are you located at? Here in Fl we have a large used boat market including many pontoons for under $5k. Depending on how much work you want to do. I have seen water ready running pontoons for that price. For closer to $2k I think I have seen trailer and toons with railing that need a floor, seats, motor, tires, lights, etc.


Go to usedboats.com

1994 Bass cat Pantera II

Ad 1312389

The boat was set up for a wheelchair.

Check it out.


Well, I have to say that the kids we take out on CAST events do pretty well on the bass boats.  Pontoon boats are fantastic if you have lots of wheelchairs at once or kids who are tentative about getting on the bass boats (they do intimidate some kids, rare, but it happens)

If you watch the videos in my profile, you'll see 2 CAST events and a NEPVA (paralyzed vets) event.  These show a few different loading situations.  This is the toughest part, loading your guests safely.

So mods wise, there's nothing I can really think of, most boats work fine already.

Participating in a CAST event or in any club events that do these kind of things is a big help on all sides as well.  Not only are you contributing to the cause but you learn from other captains, some of the tricks.

A couple suggestions.  Give a launching speech.  Explain safety, where things are on the boat, the fish finder (kids think it's a tv and love to just press buttons, keep it "off" to avoid losing stored settings,etc.

Explain that you are there completely to assist them.  Tell them to ASK QUESTIONS, you are there to teach, encourage it.

Lastly, have a blast, you won't regret this

Go to usedboats.com

1994 Bass cat Pantera II

Ad 1312389

The boat was set up for a wheelchair.

Check it out.



I have seen that boat in person.  You DO NOT want it.  Also, I would not deal with the dealer selling it, if at all possible.  There are some exceptions, like with our Lund that came from them, at a little higher than its yankee value, seeing as that is the only one like that in this half of the country (not real popular down here - I haven't ever seen another one, in restorable condition, like we wanted)

You will really be happy with the toon.  See my post on forums.iboats.com.

Since the toon will cost more, you may want to get some help in funding.  Maybe get a scout troop to help.  As an active member, and leader in one, and just about ready to start working on Eagle Scout project, I can tell you that they can raise money.  I haven't started majorly studying the Eagle project requirements, so I don't know if he is allowed to work hand in hand with another citizen, but if you can find one that is in need of a project, he may be able to to raise money, and get this project rolling, and maybe even start an organization

to get more of these going on a regular basis.  Good Luck!!


Bassboy, Let the man check out all his options. How do you know what he wants?

You tell him not to deal with that dealer, yet you bought a boat there yourself.

Just reading between the lines, it seems you interest in selling him the pontoon boat might be self-serving.

MFD, I hope you find what you are looking for and my hats off to you for your community service.


I also agree with Surfer on this one.  If you want a truly accessible boat, a pontoon is the way to go.

Unless you are quite adept with mechanics (or know someone who is), the boat you mentioned sounds like more like a lot of work and money than anything.  You might find yourself not only with a perpetually inoperable boat but also with lovely yard ornamentation.  As the saying goes, you get what you pay for.  Do yourself a favor and spend the extra money.  If you can't, this might not be the right project for you.  My 2 cents.


If i may chime in again.  I like LB Hookers ideal of volunteering in an event that sounds very similar to what you want to do.  This would give you first hand knowledge of the needs of handicap people while on boats.  Take a camera to get pictures of the things that work that you would want to incorporate in your set up also.  This could save you lots of headache of trying to guess at what works and ending up with prototypes.  Why reinvent the wheel?

My experience is with elderly but not handicapped and I like the pontoon.

Bassboy, Let the man check out all his options. How do you know what he wants?

I don't know what he wants.  That is why the toons' were a suggestion.  I elaborated on that suggestion on another forum that he posted this on.

But, as far as that bass cat, I know a bit about boats, and I have restored quite a few.  From the condition of that one, and lack of quality in the mod work, not to mention all the rest of the problems with it, that would end up costing WAYY to much.  

You tell him not to deal with that dealer, yet you bought a boat there yourself.

And that is the reason I tell him not to deal with that dealer.  We got blown badly on an outboard from there.  That was our first boat, and we had little experience.

Since then, having gone back with much knowledge about older boats (that is my hobby, aside from fishing) we have seen how shady they are, and they were selling motors that hadn't been checked, or run since 2001 as running motors.  If a motor has sit for six years, chances are, it won't "fire right up."  And, we are going by the tag that they put on the motor, as far as when it was last run.  

No I do not own 'toons, or sell boats as a business, but I do know a thing about boats, and am trying to help other people out.  That dealer has a bad rep. with anybody who has bought from them, that I have found, and unless you don't know better, the prices are WAY to high.  Plus, that boat was in essence, ruined by the previous owner.


Well, here is the update.

We are gonna go ahead and take this boat down to a local marine shop and have him check out the hull and make sure that it is in good enough condition for us to work with.  I am very mechanically inclined and familiar with construction.  Just haven't tried it on a boat yet.  Whichever boat we bought we were going to plan on stripping it down to the hull and building it from there.  We do agree with most of you and know that the pontoon would be the ultimate way to go however we are not able to find anything close to what we are looking for at this time.  Right now we are only planning to take one person out with us at a time and with a full deck this should be plenty of room right.  We have talked to several people in our area that are wheelchair bound, and have discussed with them the problems they think they will have getting in and out of the boat.  So yes the tri-hull may not be as good as a pontoon, but we will also be there to help them in any way possible.  One question I would like to know is from people that do already own a tri-hull how stable is the boat for them when standing on the edge, and about how much they weigh.

I would definatly like to volunteer and help out with C.A.S.T. , and LBH maybe you could help me here, but I am not sure that there are any events in Tennessee or around here.

We have started to try and raise money for this build.  One of the things we need is to get registered as a non-profit and we are kind of having a hard time finding out what needs to be done and if this is neccessary in order for us accept donations from people that want to give us products or money.  The last thing I want is to get into any legal trouble over trying to help someone.  (The sad part is that it does happen).  Once again guys we appreciate the input, and thank you all very much.

  • Super User

On the matter of tri hull staibility me/my family has owned three of them and they are pretty stable. more so than a comparable length deep v for sure.

Two of my cousins and my aunt were all wheelchair bound and I spent alot of time caring for them. I would suggest that you DO secure the chair to the boat, but leave the seatbelt that is part of the chair off, and put a PFD on them. that way in case the worst should happen, they separate from the chair and can float. And the rest of the time they are in their chair. in my experience when my family were out of their chairs they were much more uncomfortable ( mentally). Obviously it might be unnerving for some people to get on a little boat, at least they will still have the "security blanket" of their chair.

My cousins had Muscular Dystrophy and my aunt had Multiple Sclerosis which means that with both diseases they are completely weakened. Like can't lift their arms kind of weak. But we had my cousins out on our pontoon boat a couple of times and they loved it, despite being almost completely agoraphobic. Take the whole process slow and try to make them feel as comfortable and safe as possible.

Its a great thing you are doing!

P.S. Are you involved with " Fill the Boot"? My dad was a fireman and I volunteered for that for 5 or 6 years before moving out here.


If you are building from the ground up, check out the Ranger handicapped version boat.  The front deck has a "lazy susan" type configuration.  There is a big circle with the pedestal in the middle.  The circle can "lock" in place for when YOU are using it.  Remove the ped/seat, unlock the deck and the wheelchair locks right into it.  Something to look at.

One question I would like to know is from people that do already own a tri-hull how stable is the boat for them when standing on the edge, and about how much they weigh.

My small boat is a 14 ft McKee Craft.  Its tri hull.  I have added a large back deck up to the gunwales.  I weigh 180.  I and another 180 person can stand on the back corner gunwale without getting our toes wet.  The boat also has a 60 hp on the back.  The only time I have had a little water come over the back corner is when standing there and watching a 1.5 ft wake from an Air Nautique hit us.  It wasn't any more than a toe wetter despite my free board when I am standing there is only 6 inches.  The boat rocked pretty bad with the large wake, but it never feels tippy.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well we are ready to start working on this thing.  We finally got the boat to my house tonight unfortunatly with it getting dark at 5 now there is no time to work.  I did get one picture of it before dark so as soon as I can figure out how to post it I will have it up.


here are the pics as I bought it (minus) the trailer jack I just put on.




as you can see it needs work but for the price we cant beat it.  The motor that came with the boat is just a parts motor if we decide to go gas and someone donated a "running" motor to us that is identical


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