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Ok I'm going to be purchasing a 36v Minn Kota for my tin. I currently have 3 Everstart Maxx Marine-29's in my boat right now, 2 I use for my current 24v Motor Guide, and one for cranking the outboard. Can I get away with just running the 36v and the outboard off these three. I have no more room in the back for another battery because of the onbaord charger and the big gas tank. My main concern is I just always want to be able to turn the key and go.

I really need to go big and with the 36v 101 because most RI lakes are trolling motor only and the ones that aren't we have to deal with waves, either via boat traffic or because of wide open windy lakes. I just want to see if its ok before I buy the new motor.


I have the same batteries and I think you can get a cheap voltage meter and watch your battery life, but is your tolling motor a 24 V system if so you can't bump it to 36 same with your motor.  Or are they all hooked up positive to positive and neg to neg =12V lots of amps

Pos to Neg to Pos to Neg = 24 or keep going 36


I just re read your question you will be ok as long as you can disconnect one battery to start the motor maybe switch it in and out


Your boat should start really fast.   ;D

More seriously though I am under the impression you can make it work with the three batteries.  Connect the three together for the trolling motor in 36V fashion and then connect the motors starting wires to one of the three batteries.  This will work fine while all three batteries are charged.

Now lets fast forward to the end of your toughest fishing day.  You have been running the trolling motor more than normal due to the unforeseen high winds.  You are already frustrated by the winds and lack of fish.  Your batteries are at 40%.  Still some trolling left in them.  But the one that starts the motor is also at 40%.  Is this enough to start the boat?

You may now be stranded unless you can rewire all three batteries from series to parallel while on the water.

It is most likely better to isolate the two systems to prevent this scenario.


Just hook up your batteries like this.


Just remember only the center battery will get charged from the outboard charger. If you drain the batteries to much with the trolling motor you may not be able to start your outboard.


Dougherty you have a way with words.  That's much less wordy than what I said.

  • Super User

Dougherty, thats how I was planning on it. My buddy's Ranger with a 36v trolling motor and outboard are wired like that on 3 batteries. Thanks for the input, just have to keep it in the back of my mind or an extra cranking in one of my compartmens with a set of jumpers.



I try to keep it simple. I saw your post come up after I posted. It took me a minute or two to draw the diagram.

Your post was spot on though.

Tin2win will also have to be careful his other electronics and outboard don't drain the center battery to much or he may not be able to troll.

You are correct it is better to have a separate battery system for each. Ideally there should be one for the outboard, one for electronics and one for the electric motor. That gets heavy and expensive though.

The three battery setup should work with out a hitch. He may have an issue with the trolling motor causing interference with a depth finder when it runs.

Dougherty, thats how I was planning on it. My buddy's Ranger with a 36v trolling motor and outboard are wired like that on 3 batteries. Thanks for the input, just have to keep it in the back of my mind or an extra cranking in one of my compartmens with a set of jumpers.

I do not know if I would carry an extra battery. You should be good with just a set of jumper cables. Just unhook the other batteries before you jump. If you are going to carry the extra battery. Just hook it up to the outboard. If you just let it sit until you need it. It will be dead when you need it. '

Another option is to extend your outboard leads to that compartment. This way you will have two separate systems.

  • Super User

Come to think of it, last year I ran the 24 volt and the outboard on the two Everstart 29's along with other accessories and never had any issues. Whenever I went to crank it would always turn. Except when the ex-girl hit the key to run and we didnt notice, it drained them REAL quick, lol. It was also one of my reasons for dumping her, lol.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

  • Super User
Dougherty, thats how I was planning on it. My buddy's Ranger with a 36v trolling motor and outboard are wired like that on 3 batteries. Thanks for the input, just have to keep it in the back of my mind or an extra cranking in one of my compartmens with a set of jumpers.

I do not know if I would carry an extra battery. You should be good with just a set of jumper cables. Just unhook the other batteries before you jump. If you are going to carry the extra battery. Just hook it up to the outboard. If you just let it sit until you need it. It will be dead when you need it. '

Another option is to extend your outboard leads to that compartment. This way you will have two separate systems.

Daaaaaaaaah! Didnt even think of that. Solves my issue

Come to think of it, last year I ran the 24 volt and the outboard on the two Everstart 29's along with other accessories and never had any issues. Whenever I went to crank it would always turn. Except when the ex-girl hit the key to run and we didnt notice, it drained them REAL quick, lol. It was also one of my reasons for dumping her, lol.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I have a 16' "V" bottom with a 47lb 12v minn kota on the from and 40HP Evinrude on the back. I have just one AC Delco M27MF that runs them both. I have bilge pump, live well pump and nav lights. There are no other electronics. That battery has lasted 7 years. I can run that Minn Kota all day and the battery will start the Evinrude at the end of they day. If it ever can not. I'll break out the rope and pull start it.

Edit to add:

The battery does get charged at night after a fishing. I do not rely on the outboard to keep the battery fully charged. In fact the battery in always hooked up to my charger when the boat is not being used.


Team_Dougherty  I have a question.

I run a 36 volt set up and I have a dissagreement with your diagram

we might both be getting the same output, but I have them wired different

I use my 36 volt set up to run the TM and the 12volt side to run all the assesories, however the battery that you showed as the 12 volt would be the 24 volt. and your ground would not be common. all grounds are common so you can run a ground from a 36-24- or 12 volt side with no problem its the pos wire where the difference is in your picture there are 3 batteries from left to right battery 3, battery 2, and battery1.  battery one is the common ground which all grounds would be conected. the pos side of battery 1 would be your 12 volt source, the pos side of battery 2 would be you 24 volt source and pos side of battery 3 would be the 36 volt source  if you are to run the neg wire from the outboard to the neg side of battery one ( common ground) and the pos wire to the pos side of battery one then you will have 12 volt and it will work just fine


i think we are getting allitle confused here. soory my diagram isn't very good, but here goes.

   I       +   Going to Trolling motor 36 volt   -             I

   I                                                                        I

   I                                                                        I

   I                                                                        I

   I                                                                        I

   I                                                          12 volt     I

   I                                                          system    I

   I                                                           +          -I

   I                                                            I            I

   I                                                            I            I

   I                                                            I            I

   I                                                            I            I

  I               __jumper__            __jumper___            I

 +             -                  +          -                  +          -

   battery 3                   Battery 2                  battery 1              

This is the way I wire it and its the same as the diagram that came with my Motor guide 36 volt TM all the grounds are common so every ground runs to the same neg term on battery 1. its the pos wire that make the difference for what sysytem is 12, 24 or 36 volt. infact you can run all 3 sysytem from this set up. all you need is to run a pos wire from the pos term on battery 2 and that would be the 24volt side of the sysytem. This is how I run my sysytems. the 36volt side runs the TM and the 12volt side runs everything else. I do have a starting battery that only runs the outboard, but you could get rid of it and use the 12 volt side for starting. I have used the 12 volt side for starting before when my starting battery died. it will work fine


Minn Kota wil tell you not to have the big motor on the same batteries as the trolling motor. Do they mean it? Yes! There is a ground wire from the power head back to the board to eliminate RF problems. One start of the big motor and you will short the system and have 36 volts pulsating right through the case, which of course is instant electrolysis. You can however remove the top cover of the trolling motor, cut the green wire coming up the shaft and use three batteries only.


Getting 12 volts from a "in series" 36 volt system is simple. Just connect to any +/- of any one battery and you have twelve volts.

Minn Kota wil tell you not to have the big motor on the same batteries as the trolling motor. Do they mean it? Yes! There is a ground wire from the power head back to the board to eliminate RF problems. One start of the big motor and you will short the system and have 36 volts pulsating right through the case, which of course is instant electrolysis. You can however remove the top cover of the trolling motor, cut the green wire coming up the shaft and use three batteries only.

Now I have to ask is the green wire the safety ground wire?

No that is not what I am saying. i think we are getting allitle confused here. soory my diagram isn't as good as your, but here goes.

   I       +   Going to Trolling motor 36 volt   -             I

   I                                                                        I

   I                                                                        I

   I                                                                        I

   I                                                                        I

   I                                                          12 volt     I

   I                                                          system    I

   I                                                           +          -I

   I                                                            I            I

   I                                                            I            I

   I                                                            I            I

   I                                                            I            I

  I               __jumper__            __jumper___            I

 +             -                  +          -                  +          -

   battery 3                   Battery 2                  battery 1              

This is the way I wire it and its the same as the diagram that came with my Motor guide 36 volt TM all the grounds are common so every ground runs to the same neg term on battery 1. its the pos wire that make the difference for what sysytem is 12, 24 or 36 volt. infact you can run all 3 sysytem from this set up. all you need is to run a pos wire from the pos term on battery 2 and that would be the 24volt side of the sysytem. This is how I run my sysytems. the 36volt side runs the TM and the 12volt side runs everything else. I do have a starting battery that only runs the outboard, but you could get rid of it and use the 12 volt side for starting. I have used the 12 volt side for starting before when my starting battery died. it will work fine

That will work as well. You are just getting your 12v from the battery on the right. where I drew the diagram with it getting the 12v from the center. Like George said you can get 12v by connecting to just one of the batteries. It does not matter which one.

I do not like the idea of the common ground because if you accidentally connect the red wire from your outboard, or any other 12v item, to the + of battery 2 you will send 24v to it burning out any electronics in it.

In my first diagram I have two grounds one for the 36v and one for the 12v. That is why the second battery only gives 12v to what ever it is hooked up to. If you connect a device to the + of the middle battery and the - of the right battery you will get 24v.

No that is not what I am saying. i think we are getting allitle confused here. soory my diagram isn't as good as your, but here goes.

I       + Going to Trolling motor 36 volt -             I

I                                                                        I

I                                                                        I

I                                                                        I

I                                                                        I

I                                                       12 volt I

I                                                       system I

I                                                       +       -I

I                                                            I            I

I                                                            I            I

I                                                            I            I

I                                                            I            I

I             __jumper__            __jumper___            I

+             -                  +       -                  +       -

battery 3                   Battery 2                  battery 1            

I see.  You save on some wireing by using a comon ground that can run both 12, 24 or 36V.  I never would have thought of that.  If you have enough brain power to keep it straight while you are wireing it it makes good sence.  But one little brain fart and i would fry somthing.


all i tried to do was quote you and i already fried your diagram.


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Surfer that thing (diagram) is going to short out my brain for sure

Minn Kota wil tell you not to have the big motor on the same batteries as the trolling motor. Do they mean it? Yes! There is a ground wire from the power head back to the board to eliminate RF problems. One start of the big motor and you will short the system and have 36 volts pulsating right through the case, which of course is instant electrolysis. You can however remove the top cover of the trolling motor, cut the green wire coming up the shaft and use three batteries only.

Now I have to ask is the green wire the safety ground wire?

No, it is not -


Was not trying to be a smart hasp, what is it?

Was not trying to be a smart hasp, what is it?

It is a ground fed through a component on the board to alleviate spurient RF signal through the case due to the spinning armature.

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