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How much is outboard fuel per gallon these days?

How many miles per gallon will a 200 HP get?

Seems like you bass boat guys are getting hammered.

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How much is outboard fuel per gallon these days?

How many miles per gallon will a 200 HP get?

Seems like you bass boat guys are getting hammered.

There are too many variables to do mpg in a boat.  You use gallons per hour.  A 200 or so engine will use close to 30 gallons per hour at wide open throttle.  If it runs 70 mph that is about 2.3 mpg.  Backing off the throttle the mileage improves, especially for direct injection and four stroke engines.

Then there is the oil which is now $26 per gallon for my motor and the carbon guard which is $15 per pint.  WOT is a thing of the past for me.


WOT has never been a problem for me.  I constantly cruise just over 4000rpm, occasionally I'll punch it up to 5800 just for the heck of it.  Any motor test I've ever read shows that your max mileage will come around 3500-4000.  The oil isn't cheap these days, but the DFI outboards with oil injection seem to use a lot less oil.  As for the Carbon Guard, the oil being sold nowadays for Bombardier engines already has it in the oil.  Yamaha's Ring-Free is cheaper and uses a whole lot less per gallon than the Carbon Guard does so that's a savings right there.


One can easily expect to drop over $100 bucks on gas for a weekend of fishing.

We onlly have 150 hp, and it is an older motor too, but the thing drinks gas like, well... I drink beer.

Outboard motors were not really designed for efficiency, but rather for performance.


On a big body of water like Lake St.Clair or Saginaw Bay I rarely use more than $100 unless you are counting towing it to the lake? As far as little inland lakes 250-700acres it is almost always battery power.

My biggest cost is the payment , after constant new tackle and everything else the gas part never seems to bad to me.


Outboard motors were not really designed for efficiency, but rather for performance

Well look at it this way.  Water is a very inefficient medium to travel through.  Unlike on land, if a boat is moving, it is going to be in gear.  No coasting to save gas.  Plus, you are having to drag a big heavy object along a surface that provides a lot of resistance, and is unable to cooperate with rolling objects, like a car uses.  Really and truly, there really isn't an efficient way to travel through water.  Think about how far you can paddle a kayak, compared to how far you can pedal a bike in the same amount of time, and on the same bit of breakfast.

How much is outboard fuel per gallon these days?

How many miles per gallon will a 200 HP get?

Seems like you bass boat guys are getting hammered.

avid  kb here  its like the old saying  when it comes to our play toys, if you have to ask how much,  then anyone might want to think hard about buying a boat.the things you ask about the price of gas . to me has little meaning,  with upkeep, insurance,batterys. depth finders and so on and on.   it has to be just a hobby the biggest part of this hobby is not going to make you money  yes there are a few.that get good enough but must have sponcers to make it.   when you go out fishing for a day and have a great day and catch a lot of fish you release back.   just  might cost you a $100.00 a day everything  included  just another vice. but everone has to have something   golf,travel, camping etc.  will cost a lot of money,avid   its just money   kb


kb's right although gas is an issue its not something that i would sell my boat because of.   plus i probably  have three times as many hours on my electric than my outboard.    

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I guess I got lucky when I decided to buy my aluminum Tracker.  It has a 60hp engine and will top out at about 40mph.  Since I don't fish tournaments, I always launch the boat as near as possible to where I'm going to fish.  On average, I fish twice a week.  My thirteen gallon tank will last about three weeks.  That's not bad when gas is in the $3.00/gal. range.


I get off easy.  I have a 15.5' boat, 70 HP outboard and the boat ramp is .5 miles from the house.  The lake is 211 acres and 2 miles long.  I really don't spend much on gas towing or on the water.  Heck, I don't even have to pay a launch fee!  I spend most of my money on lures and tackle.  The price of gas has affected my next boat purchase.  I will buy an 18' boat and a 150HP ETEC or Optimax.  

cost of running a bass boat

waaaaay to much... :-/

I run a 150 but the EFI sucks gas like no other, and not to mention the oil I use is about $22-24 per gallon now.

...there's no end to it ;)


There are a lot of variables. The newer DFI engines are much more efficient. My 225 uses half the gas that my cargurated 150 did. Even on a lake the size of Kentucky, I rarely use more than $65 or $75 per day even making runs as far as 35 or 40 miles. Like others have said, there is a huge difference in WOT and 4500 RPM.


Man......think I will stick to my raft. When I upgrade than a jon boat should do lol.

Just too much cost involved for me. Especially just for a recreational fisherman that likes to go out for only a couple hours.

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Unless one fishes a number of tournaments each year, I don't find the cost of owning a bass boat that prohibitive.  You spend your money up front for a good boat and you spend a few hundred dollars for maintenance every year.  Since I'm not racing to beat someone to a honey hole 30 miles away I don't use that much fuel.  Many of my fishing trips involve 8 miles or less of running my outboard.  Occasionally I'll run over 15 miles but it's not that often.   Then mix in the lakes where I can only use my trolling motor, and the occasional pond adventure, and I don't put that many miles on my outboard.  On large lakes like Lake of the Ozarks or Truman Lake, I'll drive to the ramp that is closest to the area I want to fish, rather than driving my boat 40 miles up a Lake arm to get there.  

If I pre-fished and fished a tournament every weekend I can see how that could become expensive.    


I have a 21' Skeeter w/ a 200hp Evinrude, and I can't even begin to tell you how much money I waste a year on fuel/oil.

I'll break it down for you.   ;)


1 Gallon of Evinrude XD-100 2 Cycle Oil = $30

1 Gallon of 89 Octane Gas = $3

1- 32 oz. bottle of Lower Unit Oil = $10

1  can of Evinrude Engine Tuner = $16


My boat holds 41 gallons of fuel at $3 a gallon.  I spend $123 to fill her up, and that usually last me 2 days of fishing.

My oil tank holds 3 gallons of oil at $30 a gallon.  I spend $90 on oil for 5 trips on average.  

I change my lower unit oil every 50 hours, which equals out to once a month at $10 a bottle.

I use one can of Evinrude Engine tuner and decarb my engine twice a season at $32 a season.  

So in a Summer I usually spend .....

$6150 in Fuel, $4500 in oil, and around $122 on other stuff.

Bass boats aren't for the people who can't afford them.  I had no idea when I first started boating.   :)


Also, my engine is in pristine condition, and I only get around 2 miles per gallon on a Good Day!!!  Then again the money is worth it when you're flying down the lake or river going 75 mph!!!   You get to your next fishing spot in 3 minutes flat, or you're hauling it up river to the next lock because the Stripes are runnin'.  I consider it money well wasted!   :)  I need that kind of power on Kentucky Lake, because sometimes I'm running from Kentucky d**n Village to Kenlake resort area in a 15 minute period.  On the top end of the lake it might be rainy and cloudy, but on the bottom end it might be clear and sunny.  You need that kind of power to haul that distance in any reasonable time.  

If I were just fishing small lakes like Lake Malone I would stick to a 115 or 150, but not when I'm on the bigger lakes like Sam Raburn, Kentucky Lake, Lake of the Ozarks, or Patoka Lake.  


kb here  again    you guys nailed the deal with the cost of  having a big bass boat.   i thought a few years ago that i was a pretty good tourney fisherman.   so i invested in a ranger boat  boy i was going first class.   had a great partner to fish with.   going to split all the cost even.   wife kept track of  all the cost.  gas,oil,enter t expence, motel room , eats,ins,etc we would win a few tourneys,  some where in the bigger money to me  $1000.00.. and at the end of year  wife would talley up the cost of tourney fishing   and the money we won..  and we still lost money every year.  yes you can catch a lot of fish in a flat bottom, with a small engine.   and have just as much fun doing it.   the last ranger i bought in 2002   was $28,000.00   with a 200 hpdi yamaha  and gas was  $1.50  now $3.00   but the boat is paid for.   but if i had to do it all over would probably get

a boat for about 1/2 that price.  as you guys know that ia'm a old man and cant keep up the pace of  tourney fishing any more.   but i go to the boat ramps and see some young guy   have a $40,00.00 truck and a $50,00.00 boat.  dont know how they do it.  but more power to them   kb man if you can afford it  go for it we are just going to do this once in a lifetime   kb


To me, fishing and owning a boat is a very effiecent use of my money.  I compared what it would cost to go fishing  vs. going to a movie.

Figure this:

Fishing gets you 8-14 hrs vs. a movie that lasts 3 hrs max.

So using current gas prices where I live:

Gas: 3.04 per gal.  X 24 = 72.96

Oil: $30

Total price= $102.96

That lasts to me an average of 2 weeks.

14 days x 8 hrs. = 112hrs of fishing

102.96 divided by 112 = $0.91 per hr. for boat gas.

Truck: 11 mpg when towing, 16 when not towing

Gas: 32 X $3.04 per gal. = 97.28 (can go 352 miles before filling)

Average distance to lake = 6 (note this is an average because i have 2 lakes less than 2 miles away)

97.28 divided by 352 = $0.28 rounded up. thats the price to go 1 mile

.28 X 6 miles = $1.68 to drive to the lake and another $1.68 back

Total = $3.36 for towing each time

3.36 X 14 days = 47.04 in gas money spent towing the boat until you have to fill up the boat.

Take 47.04 + 102.96 = $150

take 150 divided by 14 days it = $10.71 a day to go fishing in a boat.

Take that 10.71 divided by 8 hrs it = $1.34 for an hour of fishing

For a movie that lasts 3 hrs. figure :

$6 for ticket

$10 for candy and pop

Total $16 to go to a movie for 3 hrs.

Take $16 divided by 3 hrs. and that = $5.33 per hour!!! Thats not including the gas you use to get to the movie theater!!

As You can see, it is by far a more effiecent use of my money to go fishing for 8 hrs and spend money to have fun vs the cost to go for a 3 hr. movie.  Now i know i didn't include insurance, and monthly payments, but even if i do it still won't go over the price per hr. to go see a movie.  Especially if the boat is already paid for or if you boat a used bass boat for around $13,000 or less.  So until the cost of running a bass boat goes above this I won't sell.  It would probably take gas at $9 a gal. for that to happen.  Even then, I can cut prices by switching to a 4 stroke or a DFI  and spending more time on the trolling motor than running the outboard. And still because i love fishing so much, i would take the hit in the wallet even if this did happen.

To me, fishing and owning a boat is a very effiecent use of my money.  I compared what it would cost to go fishing  vs. going to a movie.

Figure this:

Fishing gets you 8-14 hrs vs. a movie that lasts 3 hrs max.

So using current gas prices where I live:

Gas: 3.04 per gal.  X 24 = 72.96

Oil: $30

Total price= $102.96

That lasts to me an average of 2 weeks.

14 days x 8 hrs. = 112hrs of fishing

102.96 divided by 112 = $0.91 per hr. for boat gas.

Truck: 11 mpg when towing, 16 when not towing

Gas: 32 X $3.04 per gal. = 97.28 (can go 352 miles before filling)

Average distance to lake = 6 (note this is an average because i have 2 lakes less than 2 miles away)

97.28 divided by 352 = $0.28 rounded up. thats the price to go 1 mile

.28 X 6 miles = $1.68 to drive to the lake and another $1.68 back

Total = $3.36 for towing each time

3.36 X 14 days = 47.04 in gas money spent towing the boat until you have to fill up the boat.

Take 47.04 + 102.96 = $150

take 150 divided by 14 days it = $10.71 a day to go fishing in a boat.

Take that 10.71 divided by 8 hrs it = $1.34 for an hour of fishing

For a movie that lasts 3 hrs. figure :

$6 for ticket

$10 for candy and pop

Total $16 to go to a movie for 3 hrs.

Take $16 divided by 3 hrs. and that = $5.33 per hour!!! Thats not including the gas you use to get to the movie theater!!

As You can see, it is by far a more effiecent use of my money to go fishing for 8 hrs and spend money to have fun vs the cost to go for a 3 hr. movie.  Now i know i didn't include insurance, and monthly payments, but even if i do it still won't go over the price per hr. to go see a movie.  Especially if the boat is already paid for or if you boat a used bass boat for around $13,000 or less.  So until the cost of running a bass boat goes above this I won't sell.  It would probably take gas at $9 a gal. for that to happen.  Even then, I can cut prices by switching to a 4 stroke or a DFI  and spending more time on the trolling motor than running the outboard. And still because i love fishing so much, i would take the hit in the wallet even if this did happen.

Like the write up. What I don"t get is the amount of oil some of you say you are using. I didn't use anywhere near that for a 200 Opti and cant speak for new boat as haven't got yo run it yet other 225 optimax's I have been around aren't to bad on oil either.


well being my Nitro is on the small side, as well as the bodies of water I fish I dont come near to dropping he amount of $$$ you guys drop for fuel/oil. I have a 60hp on the back of my Nitro and it gets upto 30-35mph Im guessing a little faster if I didnt carry so much gear with me. I fished atleast on avg 2 days a week this season from ice out to ice in. and I doubt if I filled up my gas tank over 5 times, that gas tank being only 10gal at that. I mainly use my TM to get me where Im going. It is easily overrated for my boat so I move along pretty quick.


Like the write up. What I don"t get is the amount of oil some of you say you are using. I didn't use anywhere near that for a 200 Opti and cant speak for new boat as haven't got yo run it yet other 225 optimax's I have been around aren't to bad on oil either.

There's your edge right there ... michbass!   You're running an Optimax with the Mercury SmartCare System that consists of the digital Smart Tach and Smart Speed.  I'm running a '95 Evinrude Vindicator 200 that utilizes (or abuses) the VRO2 system.   ;D   The faster I go .... the more oil it pours in regardless of needs.    

Your Optimax probably offers a better Low End tourque value at lower RPMs also.  I would love to have an Evinrude E-Tec, and I could probably pay for one in one seasons expenses, but I love being able to fix something if it goes wrong as opposed to taking it to the dealer and waiting 3 weeks to get it back.  

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