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5 hours ago, Fishinthefish said:

...he wants to hold the fish, reel the line in...

My son is like that. Whenever I catch a fish he could be a hundred yards away and he'll come running over to me because he wants to take it off the hook and release the fish.


It's going to be a few years before I can say anything about this topic...... Though I am one of the rare sub-species of this generation that actually enjoys fishing and the outdoors.

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I grew up fishing with my dad since I was 4, then took a long hiatus from 14-40 (sports, girls, college, drinking, job, etc). I just got back into fishing this year after needing things to do to get my kids off electronics. I have 2 boys ages, 5 and 7. They both love fishing, but the key is constant action, and mixing other things in between when possible. And be patient and don't force the issue.


We have a local pond where there's more bluegill than it should hold, and all they have to do is dip a bobber in with bread or a piece of worm and they'll get a 4" bluegill. There's also a park where they can put the rod down and chase each other if their interest wanes. I had my 7 year old practice casting on a spinning rod once a week, and he's ready to use some lures. I've also taken both of them on charter fishing trips where it was non-stop bottom fishing and stripers. Once they feel that tug, it becomes addictive.




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I grew up fishing, but around age 13 I got my first drum kit and lost interest in fishing. My son was born when I was 27 and unfortunately I wasn't back into fishing yet. Needless to say he never really got into it. At age 45 I got back into fishing, mainly bass fishing and I've tried to get my son, he's 18 now, to go fishing with me. It's like pulling teeth...lol. I did get him to go with me a couple times, but we didn't catch anything. I'm 46 now and fishing is all I wanna do. I'd really like to fish in an amateur tournament and hopefully I'll get a chance soon. Maybe one of these days my son will be interested in fishing and we can go sometimes. Here's a rare pic of him with a rod in his hand. ?


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My oldest is 4 now and has the same interest in fishing and the water in general as I did when I was little. He likes to tell people about how much he loves going fishing with me, I hope he continues feeling that way as he gets old enough to make his own decisions. 

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoorImage may contain: one or more people, people standing, sunglasses, child, sky, outdoor, water and natureImage may contain: 1 person, child and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, sky, child, outdoor, water and natureImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, tree, outdoor, water and nature

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No kids of my own, hell not even married but two nephews and two nieces. Oldest nephew likes to fish in the summer months, it’s winter now and he’s getting into hockey, other nephew isn’t a year old lol! Nieces are girly girls which is fine, but I think in time with them. I’ll leave it at that. 

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My son is 31 and starting his family, so we only head out a few times a month.  My daughter who is 30 will meet me anytime and anywhere for a few hours on the water and she is competitive as all hell!.

I am really looking for the grandkids to pick up a rod.

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Lots of interesting stories....good read.

My son and I have spent many days on the water and in the woods when he was younger.  He loves hunting like I do fishing....but he does love the sport.  Now....over forty years later with two young boys and a six month old baby girl...his time is very limited.  Grand kids love going fishing and I try to make it fun by not over doing it and staying too long.  Will be interesting in this day and age how long they will enjoy it.  Daughter loved to fish with dad too once in awhile but she went to that big pond in the sky...where there is no pain and no limits.

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My daughter is too young to take out fishing for real yet...But she loves hanging out in the boat while I rig tackle and stuff.  She loves all things related to fish and water so I'm hopeful that she will enjoy fishing, we'll probably start going on short trips in the boat this season.  


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5899f21b42596_nate1.thumb.jpg.5819d0b1017631ec61c71511a154a225.jpgI grew up in the city so fishing wasn't really an interest to many. my dad never fished, so I learned from my cousins when I was in my early 20's. my son is 41 and he had a rod in his hand since he was 3. we don't get out as much now but my grandson is now my new partner. he has a passion for it.

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I am the only one in my family when we immigrated from Holland to Miami in 1980 that liked fishing (my brother and sister not so much, my mom doesnt care and my dad thinks it's cruel) and since we lived down the street from the bay me and my buds would go any chance we had. Anywho my son who is 7 loves it. I started him at around 3 years old. I think him liking animals and the such is what helps as well. Now hes graduating to casting gear (Rats nest here we come). it's been tough though I can get a little selfish then frustrated and a little loud cause I think he cuts into my fishing time when I have to retie, untangle, and untree his line more than what i like, but then I realize he's only 7. Glad he puts up with me. So now I'm going to teach him how to tie his own tackle and were gonna make some jigs for his jig setup. 

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My son is 7 and he's been fishing with my wife and I since he was 4. He loves to go out on the boat and this past season we started a Sunday morning tradition of he and I getting up early and going out.


He loves to go turkey hunting and deer as well. We've yet to get a turkey together but got our first deer together this past November. 


I'm pretty lucky he'd much rather be outside than in front of the TV or video games. He got a Nintendo 2ds from Santa this year and my nephew gave him a PlayStation 3 recently and both are old news already. The only obstacles left are drivers license and girls. I've got a while for those two so I'm enjoying this. 




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My 3 kids 18,10,5, enjoy fishing.  Raising them in a city we try to get them “unplugged” as much as possible.   Camping, hiking, fishing is all in the rotation.   The older ones are hit or miss with fishing.   Some days they love it.   Others not so much.   My 5 year old girl absolutely loves it.   She can do a 4-5 hour bank fishing trip and complain about having to leave.    She is starting to get comfortable with casting.   But she has no problem reeling in fish.   Her favorite lure is the fake worm thing(her name for a stick bait).  Every fish she catches she wants to hold and put back in the water.  It’s pretty cool.   Biggest advice is to make it fun, don’t force it on them, and leave when they are ready to leave.   I started exposing them to outdoor activities young.   

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I am 16, so I don't plan on having kids for a few more years. Both my grandfathers and my dad like to fish.my grandfather passed away before I could really get to know him and fish with him, that being said, I loved him very much and we have some great memories, but not of fishing together. My other grandfather and i fish as much as possible. Maybe once a month or so. My dad likes to fish but he prefers to catch. He will fish more in the spring during the spawn in our local Quarries (hence the name). He also fishes with me up north when we catch a ton of smaller bass. He even caught his first pike on the same trip as me! My mom likes to fish, but its really just to spend time with me. I enjoy her company when im just trying to relax.


I am planning on taking my little cousins 2 and 4 fishing with my grandfather this spring. they keep talking about it and really want to go. I will expose my kids to fishing, along with many other activities, with hopes of them emulating me. If fishing is not for them, or anything else for that matter, I will not push it too hard. But it would be great to share some of the memories i have with older family with them!

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I won't say that they share my fishing passion. I will say that both of my boys are still fishing well into adulthood. I raised both of them fishing every chance we had. My oldest (37) is an accomplished guitar player that still fishes some. My youngest (26) is making a career in the Coast Guard. He still goes out kayak fishing when he can.


My 3 year old granddaughter loves to go "fishling" with her pop-pop! Her pop-pop loves it too.

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My daughter is a typical 6yr old. Enjoys fishing for all of an hour - which I am happy to oblige to. Like most young children, the act of not "catching" anything really turns them off. Because of this, our main spot is the pond at our house - loaded with BG and Perch, and we can catch a dozen or two in that hour all while having just a blast of a time.


While I have hopes that she will grow to have a passion for bass fishing, as this can set the foundation of an even more fruitful relationship with her throughout time, I cannot force that upon her. In time, as she grows, decisions and passions will be made and created. 


All I can do now is enjoy the time spent at the pond, make memories, and ensure she's having fun!



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I started fishing when my son was about 2 years old. I took him out a few times but when they are super young they want to catch a fish in 5 mins or less.


He is 7 now and just recently mentioned more interest in going out fishing. Makes me super happy. It's a great way to spend time together and bond.


My profile pic is from last June when he caught his first Bass using my rod. He was so happy and proud. 


My advice is not to pressure them and keep it fun. Sometimes it means you do less fishing in order to help them, but its amazing to watch them. As a bonus we go for ice cream at a nearby spot after,kind of a tradition thing. 

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Both of my daughter are grown (29yrs and 34 yrs.) My youngest inherited my love for the outdoors. She will jump at the opportunity to take the other kayak out with me. My oldest, well if there was a Starbucks and a mall on the lake she might go.

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My son is 4 almost 5 and he and I go fishing together when he wants to. Right now I do not bring any of my stuff when he and I go fishing together, I just help him. We also leave almost as soon as he starts to complain. I want him to enjoy the experience as much as possible so that when he gets older we can continue to fish together.


I also have made fun games in our backyard for him to practice casting, so he can continue to be more self reliant. I try to set those up whenever he mentions it. He also helps me pick out lures when I go shopping, again, just gives him a bit of ownership of the experience.


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With my dad.

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We just celebrated my daughters 7th this weekend. I’ve been taking her since before she was 3. 


Lately... she’s been hot and cold on fishing. She’ll beg me to go, and get bored the first 20 minutes we aren’t catching anything. 


So I try to hit up the spots she can run off with her little brother and play until I see her rod twitch. Then she’s all business. 


Shes estatic that I’ve given her some crankbaits and other lures to use. Lit up like a Christmas tree the first time she caught something on one. 


But she’s still young and easily bored. So I don’t fight her urges to run off and pick flowers or collect rocks. And she doesn’t fight the fact that we ain’t goin home til the bass quit bitin. 


And I don’t mind if she gives up fishing. She certainly gave it her alll. And I have pictures of the biggest, half-toothless, most ginormous smile I’ve ever seen of a little girl picking up a 1/4 lb largemouth bass. It sits in my wallet and it makes this grown man giggle every day. 


Now, I don’t hunt much anymore, but she has shown interest in learning to shoot. This I’m hesitant of... because there will be no happy pictures of her out shooting me. I simply won’t allow it. 

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19 hours ago, Smalls said:

We just celebrated my daughters 7th this weekend. I’ve been taking her since before she was 3. 


Lately... she’s been hot and cold on fishing. She’ll beg me to go, and get bored the first 20 minutes we aren’t catching anything. 


So I try to hit up the spots she can run off with her little brother and play until I see her rod twitch. Then she’s all business. 


Shes estatic that I’ve given her some crankbaits and other lures to use. Lit up like a Christmas tree the first time she caught something on one. 


But she’s still young and easily bored. So I don’t fight her urges to run off and pick flowers or collect rocks. And she doesn’t fight the fact that we ain’t goin home til the bass quit bitin. 


And I don’t mind if she gives up fishing. She certainly gave it her alll. And I have pictures of the biggest, half-toothless, most ginormous smile I’ve ever seen of a little girl picking up a 1/4 lb largemouth bass. It sits in my wallet and it makes this grown man giggle every day. 


Now, I don’t hunt much anymore, but she has shown interest in learning to shoot. This I’m hesitant of... because there will be no happy pictures of her out shooting me. I simply won’t allow it. 

Bring a ton of snacks that they like. That gets their attention when they’re not biting. My daughter is now 18 and she’s busy with other activities now but I think she’ll always like fishing. 


We differ on one thing however. I want my kids to outdo me in everything — fishing, sports, academics. It gives me a great joy when they do. We aren’t into hunting or shooting yet, but I’d like them to be better than me in that too. 


Snacks are always a must! 


I usually carry the rods and tackle, and I stick water bottles, snacks, and sunscreen in a couple of mini-me sized backpacks for them to carry. 


The boy is starting to catch the bug, but he is still pretty young at 3. It’s hard to keep him occupied or focused for more than a few minutes. 


9/10 times I take them both fishing, We go to a small pond that you literally cannot get a bluegill off the hook before the other one has caught one. Keeps em interested, gives em confidence. A big plus is that I can park 20 feet away, so there’s less lugging stuff around. 

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@Smalls My son was about that age when he started. He’d say he had one on as soon as the bait hit the water because he was practicing for the real deal. He practically didn’t catch any “solo” fish until he was about 7 and even then fish were few. The thing that amazed me was he never got frustrated not even once and he didn’t give up. It’s paid off since then. He’s 13 now and he’s gotten quite proficient at catching fish. It’s a wonderfully journey to accompany them on. 


I'm game for snacks right along with them.  Moms a nutrition healthy type so maybe that’s why that liked coming with because it was their opportunity to eat junk food with a mom looking over their shoulder. Salad with mom (and they both won’t touch a salad with a 10’ fork) at the mall or Cheetos, other goodies and soda pop with Dad. Hmmmm.  



I love taking them. Even if I don’t get to fish. Even if they aren’t the next KVD’s, I’m extremely proud of what they’ve learned and accomplish already. 


My son does the same thing. So when he does actually have a fish, I almost ignore his cries of excitement until I see his rod load up. They seem to have a pretty good understanding of setting the hook when they actually have a fish. 


I have two sons. One is 46 and duck hunting with his teenage sons seems to be his outdoors passion. He does fish occasionally with me. The other is 42 and a football coach. His passion is coaching football. Of the two, the coach fished the most with me when young.

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