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Working to Stay Lean ~

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First Total Body Workout video of 2020.

Introduced some new exercises into my training.

Just to mix it up a little.



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“It`s not how old you are, it`s how you are old.”




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Looking good....but afraid if I looked at video's I would sleep for three days right now!!!

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2 hours ago, Oregon Native said:

Looking good....but afraid if I looked at video's I would sleep for three days right now!!!

Thanks ~

I performed that workout and I feel like sleeping a while myself.



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A-Jay, I started a workout routine about a month ago. I had put on a little extra weight that I didn't need, and was feeling it. I work out at home, situps, and riding a bike, some light weight lifting also. I'm 62 now, and as you know, it's easy to get out of shape, and harder to get back in. Your thread is inspiring. I've lost 7 lbs, and feel better too.

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1 minute ago, Mobasser said:

A-Jay, I started a workout routine about a month ago. I had put on a little extra weight that I didn't need, and was feeling it. I work out at home, situps, and riding a bike, some light weight lifting also. I'm 62 now, and as you know, it's easy to get out of shape, and harder to get back in. Your thread is inspiring. I've lost 7 lbs, and feel better too.

That's Awesome ~

Getting in shape offers all kinds of challenges.

Staying in shape long term, once we get there, can be a life long journey loaded with hurdles.

It's a race worth winning though for sure. 

Thank you for the support, I certainly appreciate it.

Here's to a the best version of you ever for 2020.




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Just got back from radiation...(five more).  That along with the steroids is an OMG ride.  Doc said today will feel stronger after next week....BUT when body starts healing I will feel week again for a couple weeks...has to do with the insulators around some kind of nerve thing.

Can ya tell it's over my head

Anyway....you all keep up the good work.


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4 minutes ago, Oregon Native said:

Just got back from radiation...(five more).  That along with the steroids is an OMG ride.  Doc said today will feel stronger after next week....BUT when body starts healing I will feel week again for a couple weeks...has to do with the insulators around some kind of nerve thing.

Can ya tell it's over my head

Anyway....you all keep up the good work.


Thanks, You too ~ 

My wife has Chemo every 24 days.

Does some good, does some bad.

Stay Strong.


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5 hours ago, A-Jay said:

Thanks, You too ~ 

My wife has Chemo every 24 days.

Does some good, does some bad.

Stay Strong.


All the best to you and yours

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Sooooo I used to workout for years, since I was 16 I hit the gym 5-7 days a week for years on end and built a good physique, the past 2 years and 2019 specifically has been the worst year. I haven’t worked out in two years now and finally getting back into it. I gained about 30 pounds of fat... not s very attractive or healthy thing. Your videos and mental state has given me some motivation. I’ll start updating pics. I hope you can motivate and continue this thread.. I’ll check in everyday if I have to. My biggest problem is food! I love junk food.. I need to get my mind back on track rather than the gym. Any pointers on food and how you eat? Or snacks etc.. to help curb the appetite 

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1 hour ago, Ksam1234 said:

Sooooo I used to workout for years, since I was 16 I hit the gym 5-7 days a week for years on end and built a good physique, the past 2 years and 2019 specifically has been the worst year. I haven’t worked out in two years now and finally getting back into it. I gained about 30 pounds of fat... not s very attractive or healthy thing. Your videos and mental state has given me some motivation. I’ll start updating pics. I hope you can motivate and continue this thread.. I’ll check in everyday if I have to. My biggest problem is food! I love junk food.. I need to get my mind back on track rather than the gym. Any pointers on food and how you eat? Or snacks etc.. to help curb the appetite 

First off, Good for you for taking responsibility and control. 

I am actually finishing up a workout right now which I'll post here later.

After which we'll talk a bit.

Thank you very much for the support.  It really helps me too.


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3 minutes ago, A-Jay said:

First off, Good for you for taking responsibility and control. 

I am actually finishing up a workout right now which I'll post here later.

After which we'll talk a bit.

Thank you very much for the support.  It really helps me too.


Will be looking forward to talking, I just finished up cardio and legs myself ! 

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10 hours ago, Ksam1234 said:

Sooooo I used to workout for years, since I was 16 I hit the gym 5-7 days a week for years on end and built a good physique, the past 2 years and 2019 specifically has been the worst year. I haven’t worked out in two years now and finally getting back into it. I gained about 30 pounds of fat... not s very attractive or healthy thing. Your videos and mental state has given me some motivation. I’ll start updating pics. I hope you can motivate and continue this thread.. I’ll check in everyday if I have to. My biggest problem is food! I love junk food.. I need to get my mind back on track rather than the gym. Any pointers on food and how you eat? Or snacks etc.. to help curb the appetite 

OK ~ So the latest workout video is loading.

In the mean time I'll offer you some food for thought, the first part of which I've posted here before however it's completely applicable. 

 Some of what you see me doing, as well as my style of diet, I got from Jeff Cavaliere at ATHLEAN-x.com.  This man is MSPT, CSCS served as both the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets and is now one of the world’s most trusted authorities on science based training and performance. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend you check him out. 

https://athleanx.com/   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe0TLA0EsQbE-MjuHXevj2A

 Now you would be served well if you stopped reading right here and logged on to that site. 

But I said I’d answer your questions, so I will.   


 Right off the bat, from the sound of your post there are a some concepts you should think about. 

First one revolves around your Food.

 Your Food is fuel.

Your Food plays a role in your strength & endurance.

Your food plays a huge role in your general health,

your ability to fight infection and the strength of your immune system.

Your Food plays a role in your ability and willingness to cope with stress.

Your Food Plays a role in your self confidence or lack of it.

Your Food is just about your whole life.

May be why in the natural order of things, wild animals are so food driven; instinctively, they know. 


 So to say "You Love Junk Food"  means you either don't know how important what you ingest everyday is,

or you don't care to offer yourself the opportunity to be the best version of you possible.

Ask yourself which is it ?


Second thing is -  performing weight training or any type of resistance training IS NOT AN Effective WAY TO REDUCE BODY FAT.    Never has been, Never Will be.

While the title of this thread is "Working to Stay Lean" - It's misleading because the workouts themselves contribute very little to that. My Bad. 

The battle of the bulge is won at the dinner table - ALWAYS.

You've heard this many times I'm sure, eat several small meals a day - and IME - that's the way it must be - no way around it.   An important aspect of that is PORTION CONTROL - forget about eating until your 'FULL'

The real secret is to always be hungry - that way you can eat again in 3 1/2 hours.  You want to eat, digest and eat again; keep your metabolism working. 


I do ZERO cardio - ZERO.  I maintain by levels of body fat with my food.  If I want less fat, I eat less.

If I want more fat, I eat more. 

 Along with that - I like to participate in resistance training, the objective of that is not fat loss but to help keep me strong, help me with my balance and over all ability.

If I stopped working out, I'd surely lose some of that, but by still ensuring my food everyday was a priority, I'd not gain excess body fat.

 I am not a calorie counter. Experience has taught me what happens when I eat this amount of this food.

Anyone can do this, one just has to be consistent.  And speaking of counting calories, do yourself a favor and find a calorie burning chart on line.  Take a long hard , serious look at how many calories are in what you're eating and then calculate what you'd need to do and for how long, to 'burn it off'. You will be surprised.

What you'll find is that even if you jumped rope up all the way up & down Mt Kilimanjaro, twice a day - 5 days a week, you could never come close to burning off all of the "Junk Food" you Love.  

 I do recommend some low impact activity - it's easier on joints(especially ones carrying an extra load) and helps digestion - and it can 'burn' calories but if you're downing Big Mac's it's will be of little help. 


btw - there's no such thing as a snack.  Every thing is a small balanced meal.  A handful of whatever (you can insert whatever you want here;chips, nuts, an apple, M&M's whatever), none of that is a meal.

It's not hard to do -it's just different than what most do - admittedly it's not super easy because the American life style isn't set up this way, but it can be if you want it.  Just have to do it.


So if you take anything away from any of this - remember this; it's the dirty little secret about losing Body fat; especially in the beginning.

As long as you have excess body fat and believe yourself to be over weight - 

if you are Not Hungry, you're probably heading the wrong way.

That's all day, every day. 


The First step is the hardest. 







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This is fantastic A-Jay!  Working out is great for the mind too!  Takes away anxiety and stress!  The wife and I walk every day and lift weights 3 times per week at home.  I lost 55 pounds by simply quitting alcohol.  My nemesis. 

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14 minutes ago, Tizi said:

This is fantastic A-Jay!  Working out is great for the mind too!  Takes away anxiety and stress!  The wife and I walk every day and lift weights 3 times per week at home.  I lost 55 pounds by simply quitting alcohol.  My nemesis. 

That is Awesome !

And you are spot on about exercise being a great outlet.

Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it.



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After a couple of scheduled days off, I'm back at it.



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AJ, your dedication is inspiring. 


I too have been very avid in my workout routine, 1 hr per day, 4 days a week at present. 

Every workout is proceeded by a 3 mile mtnbike ride "offroad ".


Since I've retired I've taken up wine drinking which I may have to watch. Lol

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23 minutes ago, Bird said:

AJ, your dedication is inspiring. 


I too have been very avid in my workout routine, 1 hr per day, 4 days a week at present. 

Every workout is proceeded by a 3 mile mtnbike ride "offroad ".


Since I've retired I've taken up wine drinking which I may have to watch. Lol

Right back at ya ~ 


I will admit that when I first retired in 2007, I had sort of a  . . .

 Let's call it a transitional period, that may have included a pony keg of Heineken in my garage.

It was sort lived - but it was fun.




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7 hours ago, A-Jay said:

OK ~ So the latest workout video is loading.

In the mean time I'll offer you some food for thought, the first part of which I've posted here before however it's completely applicable. 

 Some of what you see me doing, as well as my style of diet, I got from Jeff Cavaliere at ATHLEAN-x.com.  This man is MSPT, CSCS served as both the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets and is now one of the world’s most trusted authorities on science based training and performance. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend you check him out. 

https://athleanx.com/   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe0TLA0EsQbE-MjuHXevj2A

 Now you would be served well if you stopped reading right here and logged on to that site. 

But I said I’d answer your questions, so I will.   


 Right off the bat, from the sound of your post there are a some concepts you should think about. 

First one revolves around your Food.

 Your Food is fuel.

Your Food plays a role in your strength & endurance.

Your food plays a huge role in your general health,

your ability to fight infection and the strength of your immune system.

Your Food plays a role in your ability and willingness to cope with stress.

Your Food Plays a role in your self confidence or lack of it.

Your Food is just about your whole life.

May be why in the natural order of things, wild animals are so food driven; instinctively, they know. 


 So to say "You Love Junk Food"  means you either don't know how important what you ingest everyday is,

or you don't care to offer yourself the opportunity to be the best version of you possible.

Ask yourself which is it ?


Second thing is -  performing weight training or any type of resistance training IS NOT AN Effective WAY TO REDUCE BODY FAT.    Never has been, Never Will be.

While the title of this thread is "Working to Stay Lean" - It's misleading because the workouts themselves contribute very little to that. My Bad. 

The battle of the bulge is won at the dinner table - ALWAYS.

You've heard this many times I'm sure, eat several small meals a day - and IME - that's the way it must be - no way around it.   An important aspect of that is PORTION CONTROL - forget about eating until your 'FULL'

The real secret is to always be hungry - that way you can eat again in 3 1/2 hours.  You want to eat, digest and eat again; keep your metabolism working. 


I do ZERO cardio - ZERO.  I maintain by levels of body fat with my food.  If I want less fat, I eat less.

If I want more fat, I eat more. 

 Along with that - I like to participate in resistance training, the objective of that is not fat loss but to help keep me strong, help me with my balance and over all ability.

If I stopped working out, I'd surely lose some of that, but by still ensuring my food everyday was a priority, I'd not gain excess body fat.

 I am not a calorie counter. Experience has taught me what happens when I eat this amount of this food.

Anyone can do this, one just has to be consistent.  And speaking of counting calories, do yourself a favor and find a calorie burning chart on line.  Take a long hard , serious look at how many calories are in what you're eating and then calculate what you'd need to do and for how long, to 'burn it off'. You will be surprised.

What you'll find is that even if you jumped rope up all the way up & down Mt Kilimanjaro, twice a day - 5 days a week, you could never come close to burning off all of the "Junk Food" you Love.  

 I do recommend some low impact activity - it's easier on joints(especially ones carrying an extra load) and helps digestion - and it can 'burn' calories but if you're downing Big Mac's it's will be of little help. 


btw - there's no such thing as a snack.  Every thing is a small balanced meal.  A handful of whatever (you can insert whatever you want here;chips, nuts, an apple, M&M's whatever), none of that is a meal.

It's not hard to do -it's just different than what most do - admittedly it's not super easy because the American life style isn't set up this way, but it can be if you want it.  Just have to do it.


So if you take anything away from any of this - remember this; it's the dirty little secret about losing Body fat; especially in the beginning.

As long as you have excess body fat and believe yourself to be over weight - 

if you are Not Hungry, you're probably heading the wrong way.

That's all day, every day. 


The First step is the hardest. 







Thank you so much for this! Seriously this has helped a lot ! I actually do know who Jeff cavalier is and have kind of followed his athlene x but I will now follow him a lot more. I can say for sure that I let myself go last year, I went threw some hard times last year losing loved ones and personal relationship stuff and kind of fell into a “depression”. Drank, didn’t eat.. went out fishing but would bring junk and chips and energy drinks for snacking.  This yesr I’m going to focus on eating healthy and building a physique to be proud of and confident in. I am truly amazed that you do ZERO cardio! That is the most impressive thing ever. Even in my late teens or early 20s I have never been as shredded as you so congrats haha. Showing us young men to shame. I will take everything you said and put it to good use! I know it’s 70% diet and 30% training, abs are built in the kitchen as they say.. I will keep up to date post maybe weekly and make sure to stay on track ! Thank you again so much and keep it up!

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1 hour ago, Ksam1234 said:

Thank you so much for this! Seriously this has helped a lot ! I actually do know who Jeff cavalier is and have kind of followed his athlene x but I will now follow him a lot more. I can say for sure that I let myself go last year, I went threw some hard times last year losing loved ones and personal relationship stuff and kind of fell into a “depression”. Drank, didn’t eat.. went out fishing but would bring junk and chips and energy drinks for snacking.  This yesr I’m going to focus on eating healthy and building a physique to be proud of and confident in. I am truly amazed that you do ZERO cardio! That is the most impressive thing ever. Even in my late teens or early 20s I have never been as shredded as you so congrats haha. Showing us young men to shame. I will take everything you said and put it to good use! I know it’s 70% diet and 30% training, abs are built in the kitchen as they say.. I will keep up to date post maybe weekly and make sure to stay on track ! Thank you again so much and keep it up!


Life comes at as all hard & fast sometimes.

Over the years, the way we respond to that, changes.

Routinely the first few rounds may not be as good as some of the later ones; we learn as we go. 


  Thanks for the kind words and I'm hopeful and encouraged that you can & will get to where you want to be Physically, Mentally, Spiritually & Emotionally.


  Once open water occurs, what I am doing now becomes considerably more challenging for me.

Two of my biggest allies - Food & Sleep, can become very hard to come by once I know there's a chance to go fishing.  I have to make some hard choices to keep it going.

   Sacrificing fishing time, (especially after a long winter,) to go shopping when I need to, do the meal prep when I need to AND SLEEP when I need to, all put my self-discipline to the test. 

 Each passing year, it seems to get harder to stay committed to the fitness and not blow it all off & just go fishing. I expect this coming season 2020 to be the same.

Guess we'll see if I'm able to 'practice what I preach'.

As my Dad always used to say ~

"The hardest advice to take, is our own."

 Here's to Staying Focused.




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13 hours ago, A-Jay said:

OK ~ So the latest workout video is loading.

dog GIF

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I don’t mind exercise but shopping and meal prep sounds like a real nightmare haha. My meal prep is gathering white bass and getting the grease hot...... maybe I should try grilling them more often. We did that Monday and it was tasty 

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