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How many different types of fish have you caught in fresh water?  How many just in North America?

Rules for counting:

1)  Fish must be caught in fresh water.

2)  Fish must be caught using rod & reel.

3)  "Types" includes hybrids.  For example, a wiper (hybrid between white bass and striped bass) counts as a type.  So if you've caught a white bass, a wiper, and a striped bass, you have three types.

4)  Lifetime count.


I'll start it:

I have caught 16 types of fish.  All in North America.

(Many of these fish were different types of panfish caught when I was a teenager.  Now I'm probably limited to about half a dozen different types of fish (limited by time)).


I'm guessing many of the BR members will have much larger numbers.


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Posted (edited)



northern pike

chain pickerel

tiger muskie 


yellow perch 

black crappie 



rock bass

common carp

channel catfish

yellow bullhead

brown bullhead

brown trout

rainbow trout

brook trout

lake trout 

Atlantic salmon 

chinook salmon 

coho salmon 


creek chub 


striped bass

white bass

white perch 

golden shiner 

white sucker


I'm at 30.


Edited by Jar11591
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Let's see 

LMB ,SMB, king salmon, steelhead, pumpkin seed , rock bass, bluegill, carp, Chanel cat, northern pike, black crappie, sucker, perch . I guess only 13

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Smallmouth, largemouth, spotted bass, rock bass, white crappie, black crappie, bluegill, red ear, green sunfish, warmouth, pumpkin seed, yellow perch, walleye, sauger, pike, musky, tiger musky,  pickerel, carp, skipjack herring, lake trout, brown trout, brook trout, rainbow trout, steelhead, arctic grayling, bullhead, channel cat, striper, hybrid striped bass, white bass, yellow bass, coho salmon, chinook salmon and sheep head. If I can count, that looks like 35

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Largemouth, smallmouth, spotted bass, striped bass, white bass, wiper, pike, muskie, walleye, yellow perch, rock bass, rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, black crappie, white crappie, bluegill, green sunfish, warmouth, red ear, pumpkinseed, bluegill/green sunfish hybrid, gizzard shad, goby, brown bullhead, yellow bullhead, black bullhead, channel catfish, flathead, common carp, fresh water drum (sheepshead), and creek chub.


I think that's 31, all from either Indiana, Michigan, or Colorado.

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Largemouth, smallmouth, meanmouth, spotted bass, white bass, striped bass, wiper, walleye, saugeye, sauger, flathead, blue, channel cat, black bullhead, yellow bullhead, long nose gar, shortnose gar, spotted gar, yellow perch, northern pike, muskie, creek chub, blue sucker, quillback, smallmouth buffalo, black buffalo, shovelnose sturgeon, bluegill, warmouth, green sunfish, longear sunfish, redear sunfish, hybrid bluegill, rainbow trout, brown trout, cutthroat trout, common catp, mirror carp, grass carp, drum, goldeye, butterfly peacock bass, blue tilapia, bowfin, paddlefish, multiple chiclids, suckers, rock bass, goggle eye, sculpin, gizzard shad,  white crappie, black crappie, black nose crappie.


Looks like 55 that I can think of.

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Largemouth, smallmouth, spotted, bluegill, white crappie, black crappie, green sunfish, redear sunfish, longear sunfish, channel catfish, flathead catfish, hybrid bass, muskie, tiger muskie, shad, yellow bullhead, drum, grass carp, walleye, and white bass. So about 20.

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Well over 60 species of freshwater fish that I can think of this moment. Have caught more species of saltwater fish than freshwater fish.

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Largies, smallies, walleye, sauger, pike, musky, perch, bluegill, pumpkinseed, rock bass, black crappie, rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, chinook salmon, common carp, drum or sheephead, white suckers, white bass, channel catfish, mudcats, gobies, creek chub.


So twenty three for now...I'm sure there are others but I can't remember them at this point.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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LMB, SMB, Spotted Musky, Tiger Musky, Sunfish, Bluegill, RockBass, Channel cats, Bullhead Cats, Flathead Cats, White Crappie, Black Crappies, Walleye, Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout, Brown trout, Chinook Salmon, Yellow Perch, white perch, Striped Bass, sucker, Carp, Chain Pickerel, Shad


(24) total. Hope to add lake trout and pike to this next year. 

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25 (edited) as I count them:


Trout - Brown
           Dolly Varden

           Rainbow/Cutthroat hybrid

           Golden Trout (edited in)


Bass - Largemouth
          Rock Bass


Black Crappie
Yellow Perch
Walleyed Pike
African Pike (on the Kafue River in Zambia)
Channel Catfish
Northern Pike

Sheepshead (edited in)


  • Like 1

LMB, SMB, spotted bass, rock bass, green sunfish, bluegill, redear, white perch, white bass, wiper, striper, walleye, northern pike, bullhead, channel cat, blue cat, flathead, carp, buffalo, drum, white crappie, black crappie, rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, brown trout, brook trout,...that's 26, and I'm sure that I'm forgetting a few.



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probably going to miss a bunch, but: LMB, SMB, rock bass, striped bass, bluegill, white crappie, black crappie, pumpkinseed, green sunfish, redbreast sunfish, (no idea which other sunfish species), yellow perch, walleye, chain pickerel, northern pike, musky, common carp, creek chub, fallfish, quilback sucker, white sucker, red horse sucker, yellow bullhead, brown bullhead, channel catfish, rainbow trout, brown trout, tiger trout, brook trout - off the top of my head.  


I guess that's 28?  

I've likely also caught sauger and saugeye and mis-identified them as walleye.

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36 for me plus what I have forgotten.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Lmb.Suwanee bass,redeye bass,sunshine bass,Channel cat,brown bullhead,yellow bullhead.Bluegill,redbreast,shellcracker,longear sunfish,

stumpknocker,warmouth, speckled perch.chain pickeral,florida gar.triploid carp,gizzard shad,mudfish,golden shiner,creek chub,rainbow trout,brook trout,brown trout.Dont know if eels count,but Ive caught some kind of freshwater ones and also florida sirens.

So around 26. Probably forgot a few.Maybe more trout. Not good at i.d. on them,since Ive only fished for them a few times.

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This year alone I have caught 12 different species of fish in freshwater.


Over my lifetime I couldn't tell you. I just started keeping a fishing log this year.

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Panfish(14)- bluegill, rock bass/goggle-eye, green sunfish, redear, redbreast, longear, pumpkinseed, warmouth, hybrid bg-gsf, orange-spotted sunfish, white crappie, black crappie, magnolia/blacknose crappie, white perch. Never caught: blue-spotted, flier, blackbanded, mud sunfish, few others


Sander(3)-  sauger, saugeye, walleye


Esox(5)- northern pike, chain pickerel, grass pickerel, tiger muskie, muskie(wont break down the variations)


black Bass(3 for sure)-smallmouth, largemouth, and spotted. may have caught guadelupe in Texas, not positive


white bass(4)- white, striped, wiper, yellow


Carp(3)- common, grass, mirror. Never got an asian species


Catfish(7)-white catfish, channel, flathead, blue, yellow bullhead, brown bullhead, black bullhead


suckers(at least 9)-white, northern hog, river redhorse, shorthead redhorse, golden redhorse, black redhorse, quillback, bigmouth buffalo, smallmouth buffalo. I bet I'm missing some, especially in redhorse family, there are like 30 and when small, they look alike. I live in their native range


trout and landlocked salmonids(16-17)-rainbow, brown, brook, lake, tiger, palomino, dolly varden, cutthroat, steelhead, golden rainbow if it counts as a different species, landlocked Atlantic, chinook, coho, kokanee/sockeye, arctic grayling, arctic char, splake


micro-fish and other(16)-bowfin, mooneye, goldeye, drum(sheepshead), yellow perch, american eel, burbot, cisco/tullibee, lake whitefish, golden shiner, fallfish, creek chub, hornyhead chub, common logperch, spottail shiner, lake sturgeon


Gar(2)-longnose, spotted


So that is 82 I've caught legally on a hook to the mouth, sure I'm missing a couple, like American and Hickory Shad that probably never seen salt-water. Some micro-fish minnows are definitely missing, I fished tiny creeks that were basically puddles with #24-#26 hooks as a kid. I've hooked a paddlefish in mouth in Missouri but I know I snagged it. Im sure It wasnt interested in a bare treble hook, they are filter-feeders. Got a lot of my trout, salmon, and odd lake fish in Manitoba and New York. Caught mudpuppies in Ohio River but dont think that is a fish, few types of turtles.


Snagged only(7)-gizzard shad, round goby, emerald shiner, threadfin shad, paddlefish, lamprey, alligator gar


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Trout rainbows, browns, 

chain pickerel

large mouth bass

small mouth bass


rockbass look like a sunfish shape but green like a bass with red eyes.


catfish, channel cats, regular cats

grandmas cat, had a snelled hook in his butt from eating fish I guess. We took it out but that's another story we did save the cat. I have no clue how the hook got there.


Snapping turtles big ones. 30" in diameter. My 8lb test pulled them in.


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Largemouth bass

Red breasted sunfish

Pumpkinseed sunfish

Green sunfish


Blue catfish

White crappie


Largemouth bass

Red breasted sunfish

Pumpkinseed sunfish

Green sunfish


Blue catfish

White crappie

Grass carp


  1. Largemouth Bass
  2. Smallmouth Bass
  3. Spotted Bass
  4. Meanmouth Bass
  5. White Bass
  6. Rainbow Trout
  7. Brown Trout
  8. Brook Trout
  9. Greenback Cutthroat Trout
  10. Channel Catfish
  11. Blue Catfish
  12. Flathead Catfish
  13. Yellow Bullhead
  14. Brown Bullhead
  15. Gizzard Shad
  16. Freshwater Drum
  17. Log Perch
  18. Blue Gill
  19. Pumpkinseed
  20. Green Sunfish
  21. Longear Sunfish
  22. Redear Sunfish
  23. Warmouth
  24. Goggle Eye
  25. Rock Bass
  26. Northern Pike
  27. Muskelunge
  28. White Crappie
  29. Black Crappie
  30. Yellow Perch
  31. Dogfish
  32. Banded Sculpin
  • Like 1

I am at 22 if you let me split up Northern & Florida strain bass...

  1. Northern Largemouth Bass
  2. Florida Largemouth Bass
  3. Smallmouth Bass
  4. Spotted Bass
  5. Guadalupe Bass
  6. Striped Bass
  7. Channel Catfish
  8. Blue Catfish
  9. Yellow Bullhead Catfish
  10. Common Carp
  11. Bluegill
  12. Green Sunfish
  13. Longear Sunfish
  14. Warmouth
  15. Pumpkinseed
  16. White Crappie
  17. Black Crappie
  18. Rainbow Trout
  19. Brown Trout
  20. Brook Trout
  21. Cutthroat Trout
  22. Threadfin Shad (accidently)

No perch or teethy critters

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1 hour ago, OCdockskipper said:

I am at 22 if you let me split up Northern & Florida strain bass...

  1. Northern Largemouth Bass
  2. Florida Largemouth Bass
  3. Smallmouth Bass
  4. Spotted Bass
  5. Guadalupe Bass
  6. Striped Bass
  7. Channel Catfish
  8. Blue Catfish
  9. Yellow Bullhead Catfish
  10. Common Carp
  11. Bluegill
  12. Green Sunfish
  13. Longear Sunfish
  14. Warmouth
  15. Pumpkinseed
  16. White Crappie
  17. Black Crappie
  18. Rainbow Trout
  19. Brown Trout
  20. Brook Trout
  21. Cutthroat Trout
  22. Threadfin Shad (accidently)

No perch or teethy critters

Thanks for the reminder about northern and Florida largemouth.  That puts me at 17.


It is interesting about how, unless you travel alot, locale has much to do with ones number.  Out west, we don't have any walleye, pike, muskies, etc while much of the deep south doesn't have access to the various species of trout. 


I would have to say the midwest probably has the most species available but ironically, the least number of types of bass (Northern, smallmouth & spots only, correct?).  Not true bass like stripers & white bass, but the those fish in the sunfish family that are called bass.

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