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Hey everyone first post here but I've been using this forums for info for a while now


pulled the trigger And picked up a Lowe stinger 175 on Friday. Saturday breaking in the engine finally got to where I could open her up....man was I not thrilled.


at WOT I'm only hitting 4000 Rpms on the tack. Which I am able to hit at half throttle. I take the cover off and the drive shaft does indeed open all the way at full throttle. In neutral it will reach the full rpm spectrum.


i call the dealer and the owner calls me back. He is awesome to deal with and feels horrible says whoever set the boat up put way to much prop on it. Tells me to bring it in as soon as I can and they will fix it bring it to a lake and make sure everything is up to par


here is my dilemma the dealer is 3 hours away I'll have to drive the boat there leave it and pick it up couple days later when it's done (12 hours driving total) if it is as simple as putting a new prop on it I can order one for less then what I'll pay in gas for taking the boat back.


2016 stinger 175

60 hp mercury 4 cycle command thrust 

has a spitfire 13" 17 pitch 


should i suck it up and take it back to the dealer to be fixed or just order a new prop and throw it on myself??

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I'd see if you could just bring it in and have them replace the prop and you and the technician go to the lake real quick and check it out. I imagine if you explain to him You're 3 hrs away he'd be more than willing to work with you. 

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I own a Stinger 170 with a 75 hp Merc.  Try this prop. Go to West Marine and look at a prop made by Turning Point Propellers.  They make a very nice prop called a Hustler. It is similar to your Spitfire.  


Here is what I would do in your situation.  First i would go onto Turning Point Propellers website and go step by step through the prop selector.   Answer the questions as accurately as possible. I did that and I came up with two possible props to choose from. One said it was better for skiing and the other for top end speed. I would go for the 14X13 myself ( the top speed one). Be aware I answered the questions with some guesses. I do not know if you had 1,2,or3 batteries on board. I said 3 in case you have a 24 volt trolling motor. I picked 1000 feet above sea level, another guess, you need to answer according to where you boat most often. 


Part of my reasoning for going this direction is this. I run a Hustler myself. It is a great prop.  It is a true performance aluminum prop similar to the Spitfire. The biggest difference is a Hustler will cost around $95 for the prop and $45 for the hub kit. A Mercury Spitfire runs almost twice that.


I would love to run a fancy stainless prop, but I fish in the tidal rivers that feed the Chesapeake Bay. There are plenty of obstacles, such as crab pots, pieces of old boat hulls, and old piers, a changing tide as well as many other things like rocks and sand bars to worry about.  If I hit something with a $130 prop well it does not hurt my wallet or the engine.


The other reason I would go this route is that prop maybe oversized or it may have a bad hub in it.

This way you start with a known good prop.  I tried several sizes before I settled on the model I have now. I run my boat very heavily loaded. The difference between my boat and yours is the top deck only. I have only one livewell in the rear and my front deck has two HUGE tackle storage boxes located on either side of the center rod box.  Both of those tackle storage compartments are LOADED to the gills, I also have an electric anchor winch on the front deck and a 70 pound thrust 24 volt trolling motor. This means 3 batteries and an on board battery charger too. To make the prop match my needs even more I had a local prop shop customize my prop so they added some extra cup and pitch.  If I did not run so heavy I would have been happy with the prop just as Turning Point made it.

If you do not have a West Marine close by, you could order it online or use the dealer locater on their website.

 By the way I used the Mercury website's prop selector and selected overall performance ( not top speed or best cruise) and they suggested a 13.8 X 13 Spitfire. You could go that way maybe.

Here is a pic of my Stinger so you can see there is only a floor plan difference. I did remove the middle seat.




I would get what I have already paid for. I would take it back, wait on them to change the prop and go with them to nearest body of water to test it. Changing props is only a few minutes work. You could always have the dealer mail you a prop and install it yourself if drive time is a problem. They should know the correct size and pitch.

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I would just have them send it to you, and you can send back the current one once you install and test the new one. You already paid for it, and they acknowledge they goofed by putting the wrong one on.

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5 hours ago, Stinger0909 said:

here is my dilemma the dealer is 3 hours away I'll have to drive the boat there leave it and pick it up couple days later when it's done (12 hours driving total) if it is as simple as putting a new prop on it I can order one for less then what I'll pay in gas for taking the boat back.


Why does it take a couple days to put the prop in?  It's a five minute job, and in fact, whenever I was at a motel for a tournament, I'd take the prop off, and keep it locked in my room.  I'd bet they would send it to you, but I'm not sure it's that cheap to ship it.


That's the dilemma I am having they were Adimit about bringing it down and leaving it for a few days. I originally thought that they could just mail me a new prop. 


Is anyone thinking that it could be a issue other then a oversized prop? Getting 2000 rpm below max and reaching that at half throttle worries me. 


Also it has the 24v trolling motor and 3 battery bank w onboard charger. I'm less then thrilled with the whole situation but trying to not let it bother me too much. Mistakes happen but you would think if it's just a prop issue then I shouldn't have to leave it or even bring it in for that matter. I'm thinking they just want to really go over it and make sure it's on the up and up. Definitely torn on this one hate spending all this money and have this to deal with 


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No it is not the wrong dealer! The dealer is just being cautious and also trying to fit it in their work schedule too.  They probably wanted to run it in their tank and verify it is not just a tach misreading or a linkage issue.  Then they would probably change out the prop and water test it.  The wrong prop could have been a simple mistake, perhaps the correct box came with the wrong prop in it.

Please, do not let this sour you on the boat. As I have said I have owned 11 boats. My Lowe is a really nice comfortable boat to fish off of. I have fished in many states and in everything from the deep clear water in Dale Hollow in KY and Center Hill Lake in TN, to tidal waters here in MD and even fresh water lakes in MD, VA, NC, and the Susquehanna River in PA.  It has its faults, some I have had to deal with to eliminate them, others I live with, but overall I love fishing out of it. It does feel like a much bigger boat than it really is when you are running it.

Take the time, let them get it right and go enjoy it.


By the way I am glad you have the 24V trolling motor and the on board charger. It is so nice to come home from using the rig and just plug it in. No disconnecting of wires or digging in the engine compartment to hook up several chargers. 


Yeah I'm going to go ahead and bring it in tomorrow hopefully it won't be gone too long and once I get it back it's running like it should. Everyone is human and mistakes happen wether it was on their end or even on mercurys end doesn't matter as long as it's all squared away. The fact it got to the wiener and he called me and was very apologetic goes along way on my thoughts about the place. 


Just fustrating, especially due to distance


Tough spot, the dealer wants to do the right thing and take the time to triple check everything and you don't have the time. I'd explain the situation and see if they'd be willing to pick it up or deliver it. You're going to have to take 2 days off of work to make this whole thing happened because of their product, their mistake, or their improper pre delivery inspection. Still, remember, they are going the extra mile to rectify the situation. As far as the "wrong dealership" comments above go, remember this, everyone makes an error from time to time, the right dealer is the one who makes the best effort to correct theirs.

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Lures'n"Liberty you are exactly correct.  I have been a mechanic for 35 years. I have installed thousands of parts in engines and equipment. Some have caused issues do to defects or did not fit causing delays in finishing repairs. It is not always controllable. However, it was almost always a possibility my employer  and I could go out of our way to make things right.  That has always been my measure of any company I deal with. How do they fix a problem?

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16 hours ago, fishnkamp said:

Lures'n"Liberty you are exactly correct.  I have been a mechanic for 35 years. I have installed thousands of parts in engines and equipment. Some have caused issues do to defects or did not fit causing delays in finishing repairs. It is not always controllable. However, it was almost always a possibility my employer  and I could go out of our way to make things right.  That has always been my measure of any company I deal with. How do they fix a problem?

I, too, spent nearly my entire career as a technician of some sorts. I've been "that guy" that may have caused these issues for a few unfortunate folks and taking the extra time (or cash out of my pocket) to fix a callback the right way is absolutely a key to the education that comes with experience. Knock on wood, I'm sure after 35 years you still have one come back here and there. I'm also sure that over 35 years you've seen more than a few manufacturing defects, too. In the automotive field, I spent quite a few years as a vehicle relocation technician (tow truck driver) and I knew every horror story from every shop in my small town, as they nearly all involved a call or 3 to AAA. When you're the same guy going back to tow the same car to the same place for the same problem, you hear the story from both sides and you see the service when $#!+ happens. Your mileage may definitely vary.

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Here's how I'd look at taking it back, leaving it and having to go back to get it later:


You say it's 3 hours...I'm going to guess 50 MPH average speed to be conservative...that's 150 miles one way, 600 miles total.  According to the IRS, mileage is worth $0.535/mile.


That's $321.


Not sure what your time is worth...call it $50/hour.  IMO, double that if it's weekend or vacation time, that's precious, can't replace it time...but we'll stick with the $50 because it'd be hard to get a dealer to agree to much more than that.


There's another $600.


Figure 4 meals on the road, we'll be charitable here and call those $15.  Another $60.


$321+$600+$60 = $981.  Let's call it $1,000 even, I'm sure we can scrape up another $19 if we try.


...and this isn't warranty work, this is a flat our failure to deliver a properly set up boat.  No matter how great the guys are, and it sounds like they are pretty good, I'd have a really hard time taking a $1,000 shot on a brand new boat I'd just purchased.


The "...we need a couple days to get it right..." deal is completely unacceptable IMO.  This is a pretty big screw up, IMO, and you need to be their top priority the minute you show up with the boat.  I would not be concerned with the rest of there scheduled work at all, not my problem.


  1. IMO, they need to send you a new prop, probably two, let you work it out if you are willing.
  2. Next up would be $1,000 worth of gear, even at retail.
  3. Next choice, if they are unwilling to let you do the work of swapping the prop, send the prop to a local dealer, pay them to do the work.
  4. They could send the dealership truck with a couple guys to come get the boat on a Monday, do the work and return it by Friday.

If you have to leave it and miss a weekend of fishing...I dunno how to value that...but I'd go ballistic this time of year...I can't get that back, ever.


I'd start out calm and reasonable, but escalate to suggesting it'd be pretty easy to post on a lot of forums, Facebook, etc. about how you had to spend your time on money to fix their problem.


Just one guy's opinion, but this feels like a failure to understand who the customer is.




On 6/19/2017 at 10:41 AM, fishnkamp said:

First i would go onto Turning Point Propellers website and go step by step through the prop selector.

Bummer...I tried it, just for fun with my boat (2005 Crestliner CMV 1850, Suzuki DF140) tried it with both bass style hull selected and multi-species as it sorta splits the difference.


20 gallons of gas, 5 batteries, one trolling motor, 150 lbs of gear, my chunky ol' self at 200 lbs. at 1,000 ft elevation...


They don't have anything.  I was just curious...

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Sorry to hear about your new rig not exactly running right. 

When you bought the boat, you were also investing in the dealership - especially if they're the closest dealer.  (and it sounds like they just may be).  There is a chance your rig may need some other type of service further down the line.  The relationship you establish now may determine how that goes.    

Give them the opportunity to do their job (and getting a new rig right is one of those) - both before and After delivery.  

No doubt the travel is inconvenient at best but it is what it is - if there was another option I guess you would have gone that route ? 

Whatever it is (and it sounds like you have the incorrect prop) they'll get it right but they also need the time to do it. 

There are probably 5 other boat owners who's rigs are there now and in need some type of repair, all very concerned about 'how long it takes' and 'how far it is'.  Doesn't speed anything up nor does it shorten the distance.   

Good Luck. 

Nice Rig btw ~ 


9 hours ago, Further North said:


  1. They could send the dealership truck with a couple guys to come get the boat on a Monday, do the work and return it by Friday.


I like that plan and would like it even more if there was a shiny new demo hitched up to the truck as a loaner for the downtime

On ‎6‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 8:03 AM, Stinger0909 said:

here is my dilemma the dealer is 3 hours away I'll have to drive the boat there leave it and pick it up couple days later when it's done (12 hours driving total) if it is as simple as putting a new prop on it I can order one for less then what I'll pay in gas for taking the boat back.


9 hours ago, A-Jay said:

When you bought the boat, you were also investing in the dealership - especially if they're the closest dealer.  (and it sounds like they just may be).  There is a chance your rig may need some other type of service further down the line.  The relationship you establish now may determine how that goes.    

Give them the opportunity to do their job (and getting a new rig right is one of those) - both before and After delivery.  

No doubt the travel is inconvenient at best but it is what it is - if there was another option I guess you would have gone that route ? 

Whatever it is (and it sounds like you have the incorrect prop) they'll get it right but they also need the time to do it. 

There are probably 5 other boat owners who's rigs are there now and in need some type of repair, all very concerned about 'how long it takes' and 'how far it is'.  Doesn't speed anything up nor does it shorten the distance.





With all due respect.


The customer in the OP has purchased a new boat and it's not seaworthy. We are not talking about a minor issue. This is a real problem and the dealer, regardless of how concerned sounding on the phone, really needs to put a little bit of priority on this one.


The dealer is basically saying to the customer drive a total of 12 hours back and forth and we will fix our problem for you. Forget about the loss of use of the machine, 12 hours is two days spent correcting the dealers lack of pre-delivery prep. Dear customer, guess what?  It will cost you two days driving, two tanks of gasoline and days without your new boat for us to correct this problem.


I get that this is a machine and things happen.  Like everyone else here I have a boat and I have my share of motor frustrations. I spent over a year trying to get my outboard motor running correctly. But my boat wasn't new it was used. And it ran ok  it just didn't run perfect under all conditions. And in the end it was me, the customer, that studied the problem, researched the possible solutions and incurred the cost. Good for me because I have a much greater understanding of my motor because of my time and expense. And through it all I never expressed any kind of hostility to the dealer operating under the notion that you attract more bees with honey than lemons. But the lesson I have learned is if anyone were to ask me about the dealer I would be honest and say they try, and they are pleasant, but it's your boat and if you want anything near perfection then you better hit the books for yourself.


My guess, and this is just a guess but it really sounds like there is more to this than just the prop. There is probably more than just the prop and the dealer knows this. As has been pointed out swapping out a prop is a 5 minute job. The owner of this new boat will not see it for, when it's all said and done, a week or maybe more. If they have to order parts then a week will be optimistic. I do not understand all the cheerleading for the dealer.


It is possible that once the dealer get's the boat and does his thing he will make some kind of gesture for the customer that will take some of the sting out of this experience. It is possible that the dealer is putting forth the worse case scenario and will have the boat seaworthy in a day as it is easier to promise a week and deliver in a day instead or promising a day and delivering in a week. It is also possible that the dealer can have the boat tied up for a week or more and still not solve the problem in the long run. I think the customer is basically  a captive party and has to play ball at the visitors ballpark. So while I don't see any point in hissing and spitting because things happen, I likewise don't understand all the accolades afforded the dealer which hasn't earned them...yet.


If this were me, at this point I would be on the phone with the boat and then the motor manufacturer and I guarantee you the end result would be the next day someone from the dealership would be picking up the boat and returning it functioning properly within a day or two with a full tank of gas and a wax and buff. Full disclosure I'm currently and have been for over 30 years the sales manager for a company that makes custom electronic components for military/aerospace applications. We are not a retail supplier rather industrial but I have a very good idea of what suppliers can and /or should do especially when the customer is not at fault.


I own a Mercedes Benz. Everyone knows that these are expensive cars. When new, it developed a noise in the transmission. The dealer asked that we bring it in and they inspected it while we waited. Before we left they said drive the car and in a few days we will call and set up an appointment. We will pick up the car, leave you with a loaner, and call when your is fixed. Because of logistics I dropped off the car after work and the next day at 2 PM they called the car was ready to pick up or they would come to me, my choice. The fix you ask???? MB put an entirely new transmission in the car. No jerking around with adjusting this or tweeking that, 6 hours they had the car and the problem was solved for all time. Another thing, the actual dealer that did the work and the dealer we actually bought the car from are not the same dealers. That, my friends, is customer service. Now, is it reasonable to expect the same for every circumstance? No it's not, but...


Others disagree with me which is fine and this is not personal in any way just business practices as I see them.

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Thanks everyone dropped the boat off last night and am just so eagerly awaiting a phone call to say she is all ready to go! there is nice lake out that way that I have always wanted to fish and just never got around to it. So after I pick it up I am going to bring it over there and check out the work/fish. kill two birds with one stone. I attached a photo of the boat from when I picked it up Friday, installed a garmin striker 5cv up on the bow for now (not in photo). hopefully by this time next year it will have a big upgrade in electronics and a powerpole on the back.


did manage to fish our first tournament sunday, finished 10th out of 19 boats, being the only aluminum boat there and our first tournament on a lake that we haven't fished much I was pretty happy with that. only brought in 4 keepers and lost a big one that would have bumped us into the top 5. live and learn excited for the next one....if the boat is every ready! hahttp://5809f365-f80d-4693-8c2c-5c28423b7645_zps

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