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Well I had an unfortunate incident with an angler who showed just what class of individual we share the water with yesterday afternoon.  I was fishing in one of the many creeks off the main lake and was actually all the way in the back roughly 50-60 yards from the end.  I was going down the bank throwing a lipless and was only 20 or so yards off the bank with open water behind me when 2 guys came blasting in and sat down behind me.  They jump up and start fishing.  I really didn't care if they fished behind me but I guess they had other plans.  I kept an eye on them as they got closer and closer until they were right in front of me cutting between my boat and the bank.   I actually made a cast right in front of the boat and one guy turns and gives me the stink eye.  I casually asked why they thought it was ok to cut another angler off.   His reply with a lot of foul language was "I'm sorry but you don't own the lake".   At that point I could feel my blood pressure rising so to avoid confrontation I packed my stuff up and went elsewhere.  Honestly I've been cut in on before but never to this extent.  Seems like this sort of thing is happening more and more frequent and I'm to the point nothing surprise's me on the lake anymore.  Anything like this happen to you guys?

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  On 3/12/2017 at 10:53 PM, jamey1e said:

Well I had an unfortunate incident with an angler who showed just what class of individual we share the water with yesterday afternoon.  I was fishing in one of the many creeks off the main lake and was actually all the way in the back roughly 50-60 yards from the end.  I was going down the bank throwing a lipless and was only 20 or so yards off the bank with open water behind me when 2 guys came blasting in and sat down behind me.  They jump up and start fishing.  I really didn't care if they fished behind me but I guess they had other plans.  I kept an eye on them as they got closer and closer until they were right in front of me cutting between my boat and the bank.   I actually made a cast right in front of the boat and one guy turns and gives me the stink eye.  I casually asked why they thought it was ok to cut another angler off.   His reply with a lot of foul language was "I'm sorry but you don't own the lake".   At that point I could feel my blood pressure rising so to avoid confrontation I packed my stuff up and went elsewhere.  Honestly I've been cut in on before but never to this extent.  Seems like this sort of thing is happening more and more frequent and I'm to the point nothing surprise's me on the lake anymore.  Anything like this happen to you guys?



 You did the right thing - in the end you'll still be you and he'll still be him - which apparently must be quite a sad deal.

I'd highly encourage a picture of said Knuckle head with what ever you have available (Phone, camera, GoPro) and perhaps video would be even better. (especially if it was somehow done incognito)  And then Plaster it all over social media - someone in your area is bound to recognize this fine human - The curse filled rant would probably be rather entertaining for the rest of us socially acceptable people.



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His assertion that you don't own the lake is correct, but it's really his way of reasoning that he does. You had every right at that point to crank up and motor on front of him down the bank he was trying to fish because he doesn't own the lake. You're a better human being than him and he's the reason I don't fish public lakes much anymore.

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I would've done exactly what you had done, but the incident would've left my mind as quickly it entered.

You done the right thing which makes you the bigger man, now turn the page  (life is short).



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I like Ajay's approach. I would document this and let other local anglers know to watch out for him to the point where you could effectively ostracize him from the scene.


I think shaming in this instance is the only way to get their attention. Maybe if they realize how much every else thinks that they're being a D***K they would be more inclined to respect space on the water.

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If I had been catching fish, I would have continued fishing hoping to catch one behind them. If not, you did right by moving.


You did the right thing but it sucks that a$$holes like that know they can get away with it. I'm sure they laughed about it and will do it again. Shame. 

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Your approach was the right one.  I have been working on the "let it go" approach.  I have been known to be as rude to people like that as they are to me, but as I get older, I realized the escalation of a situation will lead to one of three places.  If you win, jail, if you lose, the hospital or funeral home.  Let the ******** think they're being alpha males, but intelligent people know better.

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You absolutely did the right thing. Had a similar experience 

when a buddy and I were fishing some docks when a kid and

his (presumably) g'pa decided we weren't worthy to fish the

spot. They threw at my kayak. I had some choice words like
"Seriously?! Can you not see I was here first?" He mumbled

in reply...short story. I think I even posted about it here.


The elderly man did nothing to correct his idiot grandson of

his utter stupidity.


Fortunately I caught a (IIRC) 3 or 3.5# bass right in front of

them! :) Then I made plenty of noise with my paddles as I

got out of "their" spot.


But I've encountered more good-natured folks on the water 

than trash like that, thankfully.

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Nope, never had it happen to me.


Guess I am just lucky, so far.




Aren't there distance regulations from the DNR? Can you not take a picture/video of it and send it to the DNR for further inquiry/investigation or am I misinformed?

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I've had a few experiences like the OP's. I just think about all the other anglers who don't do things like that. It keeps me from acting on the few times people are rude and inconsiderate. 

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Reminds me a lot of the drivers I see on the road every day.  Very few are courteous.  It is Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me and the he$$ with you you you you you you.

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I wonder what a 3/4 ounce rattle trap with sharp hooks feels like when it hits him square in the face. OOOOOOPPS, sorry bro, I meant to cast over there, just got away from me. ;)


Just kidding, you did the right thing by letting it go.

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You did good leaving, I hope I would, but I wouldn't bet on it.

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  On 3/12/2017 at 11:44 PM, BigSkyBasser said:

I like Ajay's approach. I would document this and let other local anglers know to watch out for him to the point where you could effectively ostracize him from the scene.


I think shaming in this instance is the only way to get their attention. Maybe if they realize how much every else thinks that they're being a D***K they would be more inclined to respect space on the water.



When a grown man makes a conscious decision to conduct himself in a certain manner In Public, there can be no expectation of privacy.

So documenting & sharing the experience is perfectly acceptable - at least in my book.

Conversely, I have no problem with anyone documenting anything I do in public,  all I ask is that they kindly refrain from including GPS coordinates.

There's no shame in that.



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If you live in a state that allows it, might consider keeping a firearm on your boat. In a remote area, you don't want to be in a situation when you can't protect yourself. Now I'm not advocating picking up a firearm for anything but only when common sense dictates you are in danger and it gives you an option. There are some criminal characters out there who show up at the parks and launching sites. Be wary.


Had one guy do almost the exact same thing to me once (actually twice, but the first time I "accidentally" casted and yanked some cheap and sharp cranks into his anchor rope) he apparently wanted us to get out of that area so he started circling around my boat with his outboard motor, over and over.  So I took a quick pic of him clearly motoring within 15 feet of me (this is on a lake that has a 50' minimum distance), and sent it to a security guy I know on the lake.  Long story short the guy was given the boot by the security officer and a written warning.

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So sorry for people who act like idiots. I had a guy call me an MFer and other cuss words when he pulled in front of me in a tournament. I told him if he is that inconsiderate I feel sorry for him and left. I was by myself and there was two guys in his boat. They were in another tournament. 

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Sadly, situations like this are becoming more and more prevalent all the time. The one's that really irritate me are the one's who act like this with their kids in the boat...nice role model for them...NOT!

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Sure would suck if he happen to run into your braid with his trolling motor as he cut between you and they bank :)


I've had some really bad ones. It's hard not to say anything, but I can't really afford to because of my job. I've taken pictures of guys who have done it in the past, video is a good idea too if you can. Problem is, you never know if it might set someone off and then you could really have a problem. 


The guy was right...that you don't own the lake...but neither does he! I've had my share of run ins like that with total d-bags. Most times I've just kinda had to let it go and pick up and move on but there's been a few times there's been some words exchanged but have never really had any physical confrontations. (With the exception of a few 2oz egg sinkers being sent in the direction of an opposing watercraft). Lol

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