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The "trailer emergency items" post got me thinking...

What is the weirdest / worst / funniest travelling experience everyone has had on their way to fishing?

We have had several goofy things happen..if I had to pick one..

It would be blowing the trailer bearing in the upper penninsula of michigan on our way to Canada. We felt something weird while towing...had a friend go look to see if he could see anything, he didn't ( apparently the smoke and tire wobbling that a passer by commented on was not a clue) ...but when we stopped at a toll booth the tire fell off.

We had to leave the boat on the side of the highway and go searching for a trailer bearing. We drove to the nearest town and started shopping. The thing about the upper penn is that in the off season most things close at noon or there abouts. We went to the first marine place, they sent us to an auto place, who sent us to a closed farm and fleet...a helpful cop sent us to a friend of his...who sent us to another auto place...who sent us to some backwoods guy who does trailer and truck repairs...who made some calls while we played with his dogs...which led us to another place that, though they knew we were coming, went ahead and closed anyway...there was another marina across the street...who sent us to a NAPA...who had the part.

after 3 HOURS OF DRIVING AROUND ( and the wife getting more and more angry with each passing mile)....we could see the first place we had stopped into from the parking lot of this NAPA. This NAPA was just around the corner from the first marine place.

My wife was so angry...she cried. I laughed so hard I almost pee'd myself. It was so ridiculous it just has to be funny. It was almost like the folks up there had planned the whole thing. I could not keep from laughing. ( which just made the wife more angry and she did not talk to me for hours. )

When we got back to the boat another hour later there was a cop there...who darn near gave us a ticket. If it had not been for the wife's teary cheeks I would have gotten a ticket to boot.

My second choice would be the time we were driving to go fishing and some guy, also towing a boat, had to slow quickly and swerve slightly to stop for heavy traffic ( he was talking on his cell phone I might add)

His boat broke loose off his hitch...you should have seen the loook on his face when he got clipped in the rear and then his boat pulled up beside him! I was fairly sure he was going to die of a heart attack right there in the drivers seat.

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There I was with my spankin brand new jonboat, after 30 years of fishing from the bank I thought I deserved to own a boat. Me and my compadre traveled to our usual everyday lake eager to break in the new acquisition, downloaded the boat from the top of the SUV and launched the boat into the water ( literally INTO ) and watched how the water filled the boat.

R.- Hey compadre, ain 't we stoopid ?

C.- Why you say so ?

R.- Errrr, we forgot to put in the plug !

We were in such a hurry........  :-[

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I was working at an oil refinery in south LA in the 70s. My boss had been transferred from PA and was a fisherman. Being the 'suck up' that I was, I invited him (and his son as it turned out) to go brackish water fishing near the mouth of the Mississippi. The catch was, we had to cross the Miss. River at it's widest point  in a 16 foot Jon Boat with an 18 HP outboard, dodging barges, crewboats and ships (yes ships). If jumping those big boat wakes in a Jon boat wasn't enough fun, we had to go through a lock from the river into the bay. We were in a lock (don't forget in a 16' Jon boat) and the water level was 6 feet different river to bay. There were 1/2 dozen crewboats, we are talking about 75' long boats with diesel bow thrusters, and the water is falling six feet. You should have seen his face, (a funny shade of pale) and the 11 year old kid was crying from fear. Anyway when we finally made it out into the pipe channel he said "I WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" I quietly reminded him we had to eventually go home. He said "OH S***"! And the kid started crying again. You had to be there to appreciate this scene.

Just so you know how catching fish affects a person's outlook. After we completely filled a 70 quart ice chest with red fish and speakled trout (over 100 lbs of fish), the ride home wasn't so bad after all. The only question was "when can we do this again?"

Thanks for lettin me tell my story. I hope you find it enjoyable.



On my little 12 foot homemade Bass Boat with a 5 horse Tohatsu, I went ot a lake to fish on Sat.

My mom dropped me off and I was fishing for a little while around some Islands next o the launch.

I start the engine and going to take off towards another spot and my engine revs up and I am not going anywhere????????????? I take off the cowling, play around with it. Call the local marine shop, they cant help me so I call my mom to pick me up after some more fishing. Then We pull into the marine repair and a guy I know who works there says.

"Well, you know, you cant go nowhere unless you have a prop."

We got out and there was no prop!!! I spun it in the lake. We failed to notice that there was no prop on it after playing around for an hour fiddling with the engine.

Also yesterday I saw a guy with a rust bucket truck and an old junked out pleasurecraft and in the middle of the city of Seattle the ball hitch on his bumper fell compeletly OFF!!!!!!!!  RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The worst I have done was trying to launch my dads jon boat when fishing by myself. I had it fully loaded and back down the ramp. Since the lake was only a couple blocks away I used rubber straps to hold it down, didn't go over 25 mph so it was okay. I wasn't supposed to submerge the lights and wires in the water, but I could still pull and push it off the trailer by myself. This time was different it would feel like it was going to go and then it wouldn't. I finaly remembered I didn't take off the straps, by that time they were stretched way out and worthless.

The funniest thing I have seen was in Missourri the morning of a bfl at Truman. I was waiting for my partner at the hotel at the bright 3:30 am, when there was a loud scratching noise coming down the road. As the truck/boat go by you see the transom saver had came loose and was being drug around 60 mph kicking some sparks along the highway.


Me and dad were launching our boat headed out to lake erie its a 20ft. renken. well he backs the boat downand get the trailer in the water a little then he like to go back wards not fast but faster then slam on the breaks and i have the ropes and im on the dock and when he slams on the breaks i heard a real loud snap and the boat didnt move.I immediately reliazed he didnt remove THe 2 rachit staraps we put on the back. i still dont know why only one broke.

Oh.. there is one more we were loading our boat after a good day out on lake erie of perch fishing and beside us loading there boats were 3 guys around 30's. And the one guy goes and gets the boat trailer and im watching them cuz im kinda nosey and dad had to take a leak and go get the trailer. and well the guy backed the truck down and he went a little to far and his back tires of his truck were over 1/2 submerged in the water and when they get the boat on it was around a 23' deep v boat he goes to pull the boat out and he just spins the back tires well he must have let go of the gas ans hit the brake and he rolled back a little and i thought we were gunna have to pull him out but he must have then put into 4 wheel drive cuz he pulled it out. but they forgot to put the motor up it had an outboard on it so the ramp had i nice line running up it. We think that alchohl may have been involved cuz me being noisy and waiting for my dad i asked em how they did and they had caught one sheep head and one of the guys goes we should have just went to the bar. ;)

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Launching my boat at my home lake a few weeks ago.  About 5:30AM, just had gotten off work and hit the water.  Water was down a bit and I had to back out a bit farther than normal.  Boat finally floated so I jumped out of the truck to pull the boat off the trailer and tie up to the dock.  

Get the boat off the trailer and tied up.  Left about 10' of slack in the line.  Get in the truck to pull up and park.  Move forward about 5' and hear a loud noise.  Jump out and see that my trailer is now rubbing the dock.  It was about 3' away before.

Seems the boat had floated back over the trailer and took the slack dock line with it.  Dock line got hung on one of the bunks and jerked the trailer into the dock.  d**n near broke off my trailer plate.

The way I look at it, those little slips make us better at launching and boating.  Twice this year I've been in a hurry when launching and forgot to put in the plug.  Thankfully I came to my senses just as I was backing the boat into the water.


In my first boat, a '75 Lund trifoil with a reel touchy throttle and no hydraulic steering, I had all kinds of fun trying to trailer the boat.  I was in the CA Delta trying to drive the boat onto the trailer.  The trailer had raised sideboards and I backed the trailer a little to deep into the water.  There was a 20 mph cross wind and every time I tried to get the boat on the trailer, the wind blew me over the side board.  I backed up and tried time after time, slamming the back of the boat into the launch pier while people on the pier stood and watched.  After 5 or 6 tries, I finally threw a rope to my friend and we pulled it onto the trailer.  I got a mock round of applause from the onlookers.  An embarrasing moment, but I learned a lot about trailering in a cross wind that day.


There are some great stories!!! I love a good giggle early in the morning...lost the prop...LOL...I do not think I would have caught that either!

seems there are alot of launching stories...so I have one of those as well...

Regardless of how forward thinking and politically correct we all like to think we are...there are still some fisherman who are surprised, shocked, even had a few who were a bit miffed, that my wife fishes tournaments with me. ( had a couple rude comments I wont repeat in a public forum from some younger guys...which i a whole 'nother story for a different post)

Anyway most guys seem to assume that is HER FISHING WITH ME...like i was the fisherman and she came along for the ride...the truth is...it is me who is along for the ride. She has fished her whole life, I did not start until I married her.

One of the things where guys attitudes show the most is during launch. Seems alot of guys think a woman cannot launch a boat. Well my wife is a very careful launcher. She does not really care if it takes a little time, she would rather take the time and not make a mistake, than be in a rush. A habit from the days when she was backing in her dad's 35 foot SportCraft Charter Boat.

While launching at a particularly difficult ramp...bad turn with a skinny ramp...there was this small group of guys that stood watching...after she backed up once, then pulled forward to recenter the boat...one guy yelled out his window..."you need me to do that for ya Hon"...laughs all around...

A good friend of ours yelled to me...you gonna let them get away with that...and stormed off in the direction of the guys truck...I stopped him, and here is why...

my wife pulled completely out of the ramp...and then came zipping back in , in reverse...zipped down the ramp...the boat made a big splash ( soaked the rear deck) as it flew off the trailer...she pulled out parked the van...walked over and stood at the top of the ramp and yelled out...

" 46 seconds smarts ***....your turn!"

and then stood there watching her watch.

she was so satisfied with herself I did not know if there was enough room in the boat for me and her big head! LOL!!!!

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There was this on Easter Sunday of this year


The reciever completely broke loose on a bust highway while going 70 mph in the left lane and there was no shoulder on the left so I had to switch 2 lanes to the right.  I am still amazed that everything turned out OK with this.


Several years ago I was fishing in the middle of winter.It was about 20 degrees.I had an old Evinrude 18 hp.I was fishing in 15-20 ft of water.I went to crank the outboard to move to a different spot.I had left the outboard in"forward" instead of putting it in neutral when I had turned the motor off.When I pulled the starting cord the throttle was set pretty high.I pull the cord and go from sitting still to flat out full throttle.I almost got thrown in .I had on an insulated hunting suit and hadn't put on my life vest yet.Here I was cutting doughnuts at full throttle trying not to get thrown overboard.Finally got that thing to shut down.I have no doubt I would have drowned if I had went in the drink.My new Yamaha outboard won't crank unless in neutral so I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore.


Last year my brother purchased a VERY used boat.  I asked him how old the engine was and he replied "as old as grandpa," who happens to be 83.  While it probably wasn't 83 years old, I would guess 40 or 50.  The tiller engine was attached to a fiberglass hull, with a makeshift deck.  We were decided to go fishing on Lake Onalasa, near the Mississppi in the La Crosse, WI area.  Well, we launched Tubby (seriously looked like a bathtub with an engine), and to my surprise the engine fires instantly. So we hop in and start to scout a good fishing hole, it's very early spring, proably a week after ice out.  We decide to move a bit closer to the river, we find a nice long riprap wall and start drifting (with the current) down the wall. After about an hour, my bro says hey we should probably move, I don't want to get to close to the dam, now about 150 yards away.  Good idea, so I go to start the engine, and here the horrifing sound of an engine that doesn't want to turn over.  So my bro tries (dam 100 yards away), no dice.  So we start to get a little worried, and he says we can pull start it.  Ok, pull pull pull X 50 more times, not starting (dam 50 yards away).  Ok, getting really nervous now, so I'm like do you have an anchor in here, he does only it's under one of the hatches which are held down with wing nuts, of course one is stuck.  Never fear I have my letherman, opens the hatch ties the anchor and tosses, IT HOLDS!!!!!!  We are now probably 25 yards from the Mississippi River Dam, which we were later told is pushing something like 95,000 gallons of water/sec.  The current is probalby running 10-15mph, the anchor rope is violently vibrating, but holding the boat.  We happen to bring a 6-Pack of beer, which I decide it's time for a drink.  I crack a beer and gather my thoughts. Had we actually been drinking, this probably would have been super stupid idea, but we hadn't actually had anything to drink, and I needed something to calm the nervs a bit.  So we continue to try and pull start the enigine.  After, 3 or 4 thousand pulls it finally starts.  It's idleing pretty well I give it some gas and we are off.  Pull the anchor I yell he, does and I punch the throttle, only to have my worst fears come true.  The engine dies, THROW THE ANCHOR.  Now about 10-15 yards from the dam, the anchor holding and more violently vibrating.  We are so close we almost have to shout at one another over the rushing water.  Finally,  a Dam saftey crew sees us and motors over and tows us home.  Apparently, if you are headed twoards the dam your best bet is to stay in the boat and make a last ditch effort at the saftey ropes hanging along the dam.  Being that the water was probably 40 degrees and the current 15mph we really couldn't swim. One of the craziest and scariest moments of my life. Lesson 1: Don't leave home without your anchors.    Lesson 2: Don't go out on the Mississippi when you have only used your boat once before.  


Since I've only had my own boats for a little over a year, I have one from many years ago with my brother-in-law and I. I'll have some better ones soon, I'm sure.

1981 We got to the cabin in the Poconos and unloaded with an hour or 2 of sunlight left and decided to put the 12' Applebee and cruise the lake for a bit. It got really foggy and dark and we had no idea where we were at. We started cruising the shoreline looking for a ramp or any kind of landmark. Finally we saw the glow of an RC Cola machine and figured we must be near the park area down from the ramp. We felt relieved and shut the motor off and decided to fish along the bank on the way up. When we shut the motor off to use the trolling motor we heard this strange noise. Took about 2 seconds to realize it was water running over the dam right behind us. The next morning I walked down along the bank and it was then that  I saw the soda machine and realized just how close we had been to going over the dam which was about a 30' drop into the rocks below.


This happened when I was about 17 or 18. I was on my way home from a week in Canada with my family. My father, mother and brother were in one car and I was in my pickup towing my boat. We stopped at the halfway point, Cortland, NY, on the way home for lunch and fuel. After lunch we went to Mobil station to fuel up. I pulled in to and open lane, got out of my truck and realized that the fuel door was on the other side. It was new to me; my old car had the fuel door in the middle under the trunk. Anyway, I pulled out to turn around and turned a little tight. I hit the fuel island with the trailer and flipped the trailer and boat on their side ripping the axle right of the trailer. Holy Crap! what do I do now? Well I pushed the trailer back onto what was left of the wheels and pulled it out of the way. I then went in to the office of the gas station and asked if there was a place around where I could rent a trailer to put my boat and trailer on to tow home. The attendant sent me to a u-haul place down the road. They did not have anything big enough for that. But he knew someone who could help me out. He made a call and told to go back to the gas station and his friend will meet me there with his welding truck. About 15 minutes later a big pickup with all sorts of gear onboard shows up. The driver gets out we introduce ourselves, we talk, he assess the situation, take a few measurements. Another 15-20 minutes later he said I need to go for parts, wanna come with? Having nothing better to do I said sure. I would not to that today. Anyway, after a trip to his shop and an industrial supply store we where back at my broken trailer. After 45 minutes of cutting, welding and salvaging spindles bearings etc. My trailer was ready to go with a new axle in place. After all that, Getting ready for a good fleecing, I asked how much? He took pen to paper added material, his time, travel and what ever else. The bill came to $75.00 I was amazed at the low price. I gave him all the cash in my wallet giving him a nice $75.00 tip and said that you very much. My brother, father and mother who waited for me, they did no have to, were also amazed and the low price and gave him $25.00 more. He really pulled me out of a jam and deserved it. At $175.00 it was still a bargain.

That trailer served me well for many years after that.

It goes to show there are honest people out there not willing to give it to someone in need.



Two experiences with the same guy come to mind.....

I was a young and impressionable lad of 16 or so, and all of about 110 lbs soaking wet.  We lived in a military community, and the neighbor across the street got a nice shiny used cuddy cabin, of about 23' range.  This would be coastal NC, BTW.

He is a big, black USMC Gunny, who has trouble fitting into a shirt if it ain't tailored, due to his other hobby....body building.  He is a nice dude, and invites me fishing....

So there we are, at Oh-dark-thirty.  We just launched, and are tied off getting the boat loaded, and squared away for a short offshore run.  I'm tossing a cast-net around the boat trying to find some bait...and ding the boat next to us with the cast net.  It doesn't leave any marks, but makes a very nice and loud sound.  The owner of that boat lays into me, despite my profuse apologies....which brings thomas from the back of the boat.  Something about popping the other guy's melon and then feeding him to the fish...he shut up pretty quickly, untied his boat and sped off....


Same fella, 'nuther trip.  We're anchored in about 100' of water, give or take, chumming a wreck and catching a few fish.  Time to go, so I go to haul in the anchor.  I can't get it to budge.  Thomas comes up and begins hauling it in, slowly (remember...big body builder, he's easily 250# of muscle)....he's profusely sweating, and barely making progress.....eventually the anchor comes up, with a semi-truck tire on it....



Holy Crap!!!

RattlingRogue....KUBassmaseter...and MadGator....

You guys are lucky to still be with us!

Great, though a bit scarey...stories!!!!


Back in the late 80's I had a 15' Norriscraft fishing boat and a 1975 model Jeep CJ5. My fishing partner and were in a  club at the time of about 50 people. We were launching my boat for one of our tournamants. I was in the boat and my patner was doing the backing. He proceeded to back the boat to the water and I floated away after starting the big engine. Now the fun starts. The 1975 model Jeep was a 3 speed and reverse is where 1st is on a 4 speed. So I look up and I hear the sound of a reving enging as one would do on a fairly steep ramp before releaasing the clutch. Then the culch was released. The Jeep was in reverse and before he could hit the break water had rushed into the Jeep so bad (since the sides and back were rolled up) that he was completely soaked from head to toe. Everyone in the club laughed at him for months to come. The good news is the jeep had only outdoor type carpet in it so no damage was done to the vehicle. But the look on my partners face was priceless.


Back in the early 80s I got a job selling boats. I had been there for several weeks before I sold anything & I finally sold an 18 foot bass boat ;D. When the boat was ready I had to deliver it to the new owner on the lake he lived on. When I got to the ramp there were about ten members of his family to watch the launching of his new boat. I backed the trailer down the ramp, unhooked the boat, cranked it up and backed it off the trailer. I trimmed the moter all the way down and was feeling pretty good about myself untill I felt the water around my ankles & realized I had left out the plug. I wasn't going to let my first sale sink so I gunned the boat to drive it back onto the trailer. I didn't realize that with that much water in the boat it was sitting much lower in the water & I hit the lower unit of the motor on the ramp, damaging the motor, and hit the boat on the trailer so hard it put a hole in the hull :-[. Needless to say, the sale was off and so was my new job. The next day I was looking through the want ads again.


My old man and I were out boating in his 89 bass boat with a 150 merc XR4.  The blasted thing has had problems for years and never has idled at low speeds.  We were on the Mississippi, coming out of a lock and dam headed upstream when he put the throttle down and cut to the outside of the rest of the boats to leave 'em in the dust.  About the time we get out of the wall and out into the river the thing dies on us and we are unable to get it started again.  The only thing I remember is watching the dam rollers get closer and closer, seeing the logs stacked up and the junk washed up on the rollers, tightening my lifejacket as we try to use our trolling motor to get to shore.  Unfortunately it was the end of the day and we were out of juice.  We got a quick pull to shore, out of the way of the dam itself, thinking that the motor was just flooded.  We never got it started again, and ended up paddling the boat back down through the dam and into the marina on the other side.  If you have ever tried to paddle a fiberglass bass boat you realize what a crappy situation this was.  After we got back we had to walk about 5 miles further downstream back to the truck and come put our broken boat on the trailer.  By far and away the worst day on the water.  An adventure if anything though.


I fish out of a 12ft O.K. Drifter Kayak.   One morning I'm fishing an overgrown canal system that's very productive with lots a fallen trees and such.  There are a few homes along part of the bank.   I was fishing when I heard someone laughing at me.  I looked around but did'nt see anybody.   Moments later I hear the laughing again.  Still can't see anyone.  I go back to fishing and a few minutes later the laughing starts again.  I see movement at the tip of my bow and look to see an otter.  Hes got his two front hands on the tip, resting his head on his hands wingling his nose and whiskers.  He makes this noise and it sounds just like someone laughing.  He stays there watching me for about 3 more minutes then slips away.  I never go out without a camera now.

Fishing that same canal a few months later, a water mocassin fell into my boat from a branch overhead.  He lands about 8 inches from my feet.  You never saw a 300lb man move so fast, as I dove off that yak.  Amazingly it did'nt flip and I had to wait about 10 minutes before he gave up his new thrown.


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I have:

Launched the boat only to have my tie line attached to the trailer break and then my boat drifted out into the lake. Once in July, I swam for it, the 2nd time in Feb. , had to wait till someone showed up an hour later to go out about 1/2 mile and pu my boat.

Launched without the drain plug in.  -  about 3 times in 30 years.

Had a person not familiar with the stick in a car I was pulling my boat with put the thing in reverse when pulling the trailer out after launching me.  Got to watch my trunk fill with water.

Had the trailer come off the ball once.  Tow chains really work!

Was in a friends boat. We were pulling into the dock, there was a low overhang at the dock entrance. I moved forward to help tie off and ducked to avoid the overhang.  I raised my head when I THOUGHT we had cleared the overhang.  Got knocked flat on my azz when my head hit it. Thankfully it hit the bill of my fishing cap.

My second boat was new but the 115hp Evinrude OB had an occasional glitch in it.  Sometimes, even though the boats throttle assembly indicated it was in neutral, it wasn't, it was still in drive. While you're not supposed to be able to start the boat in gear this one would.  I started the boat once with the cold throttle lever at full and turned the key.  The boat instantly launched 1/2 way up onto the dock!!  ;)  I jammed it in reverse and got it off tearing a hunk of dock off in the process.  My buddy, who I nearly hit jumps in and we took off.  The problem was eventually fixed thank god.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just last Friday the wife and I were fishing Lake Cohoon in Virginia in our new boat (16ft tracker with a 9.9). While we were looking for another spot to fish we went into one of the fingers of the lake and were just going slow looking at the depth finder looking for some cover to fish, my wife says in a very calm voice man there sure are a lot of stumps here. I looked up and saw a couple in front of us but wasn't too worried since I was going pretty slow I turned to the right to miss a couple of stumps and that is when it happened. I drove the boat right on top of a tree. High centered the boat dead center! We both moved to the back thinking we that we could get the boat to kind of slide back off the tree but no luck all we did was go in circles around the top of this tree. I tried to back off of it using the motor NO GO! We moved to the front NO luck WE WERE STUCK it had to of been dead center of the boat. I was at a loss and was begining to think we were going to be sitting for a while until some one came by and of course the wife was saying I TOLD YOU! We spent 15 minutes trying to get off this tree before I saw that one of the trees I was trying to miss was right in front of us so I tried pushing us off with one foot but we were just too well centered. I had to strap on my life vest and stand on top of the stump completely out of the boat while my wife sat on the very back of the boat in order to push us off the stump. If the wife hadn't been so mad it would have made a great picture! Me standing in front of the boat in the middle of the lake!  


I had a bad experience 2 years ago on the missouri river.  Mind you this is the first time with my boat on a river, so i didn't have much experience.  Well here is how it starts, the night before I asked my partner to check to make sure the fuel can was full in the boat.  Bad idea i should have checked.  So we decide to head back to the ramp, so were going up river and all of a sudden the boat quits running. I'm puzzled cause it was running great, cranked and cranked no start.  Asked my partner you checked the gas right? "Yep" So i checked it myself, well what do you know we're out of gas.  So we had to float down river about a mile to the next town. Needless to say my friend had a nice walk to the gas station a few blocks down, put the tank back in and we're rollin home.  

  • 2 weeks later...

Last year at East Fork Lake in Ohio, I was in line waiting to dock and there was a guy backing his boat and tailer down the ramp getting ready to launch. He stopped his VERY nice duramax diesel Chevy and got out to check something, when his truck popped out of gear or something and started rolling into the water. The funny part was instead of jumping into the truck and stepping on the brake, he grabbed the front bumper like he was going to stop it, lol. Hope he had good insurance.

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