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Hey guys, just looking for some general advice to really see what I'm looking at.  I've currently got a Tracker 175 with a Lowrance Hook5 and a Minn Kota Edge trolling motor.  


I've been reading up quite a bit on different options but I'm pretty overwhelmed and wanted to see if you guys could offer some advice or maybe point me in a better direction.


Brand-wise I'm pretty set (but I can be swayed) on Minn Kota and Lowrance.  


Trolling motor - I really just want the spot lock and from what I've seen I can't get one for under $1100.  Is that accurate?  Do you recommend having it professionally installed?  What does that typically run?  


Electronics - I want to keep the Hook5 that's mounted by the steering wheel but I want to get a larger unit for the bow.  I'm looking at one of the 7's or 9's and just really looking for the Down Scan/Sonar, not really interested in the side imaging and don't need GPS as it's on the Hook5.  It seems I can pick up a Hook 7 for $500 which seems reasonable to me.  Thoughts?  Same questions as with the trolling motor.  Professionally installed?  


Sorry if this seems a little all over the place but that's how I feel about it right now.  I don't know a ton about it and the more I read the more confused I get.  Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.  


Yea for $1100 you wont be getting spot lock unles you luck up on a used one. I have a 80# fortrex that is,around the $1100 mark. Absolutely love it. The lift assist and full variable speeds are wonderful. Only thing i would trade it for is an ultrex with spot lock and 2x the money. 


As far as the electronics, if you are comfortable with the hook series stick with it. I think you can connect the hook series together (but not totally positive you can) still and share waypoints as well. 

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You could pick up a Helix 7 DI g1 for around $350

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The least expensive MK motor with spot lock is the Powerdrive V2. Max thrust is 70. Couple differences between the Powerdrive and the Terrova is the Powerdrive w/ ipilot is hand controlled only, the Terrova can be controlled by either hand or foot. Secondly, the Powerdrive MUST be disconnected from the battery while charging and it does have a parasitic drain on the batteries, the Terrova has no power going to it when it is in the stowed position, it has an automatic shut off when it is stowed. The Terrova has offerings up to 112lbs thrust. The deployment mechanism is different in the units and from what I understand the new models have a built in deploy assist. I've owned both motors and you can't go wrong with either. Also, check the MK website, they always have rebates for purchases made betwee the first of the year and May 31st.


As far as installation, it depends on what you have currently, what you want to go with and how comfortable are you working with tools and wires. There's a good chance the current mounting holes will line up with the new holes BUT there is also a chance that even if the holes line up, the electric steer motor may need to be moved up or back from the current location since a cable steer and electric steer deploy differently.

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I have the Terrova with spot lock. I love it. One thing to consider also is Minn Kota matches with Humminbird electronics. My Terrova has a built in Humminbird transducer. So bear that in mind as you are looking.

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One thing you may want to consider - your minn kota edge is a cable steer bow mount so going from that to an electric steer like the power drive or terrova will be a change.  They turn a lot slower and the foot pedal is way different.  If you want to stick with another cable steer, then the options include the maxxum and fortrex.  You can probably get a maxxum for under $1000 which would be suitable for a boat that size.  A fortrex is probably not necessary and the Ultrex is currently the only cable drive model with spot lock which is quite expensive since its a very new item on the market.

14 hours ago, gimruis said:

One thing you may want to consider - your minn kota edge is a cable steer bow mount so going from that to an electric steer like the power drive or terrova will be a change.  They turn a lot slower and the foot pedal is way different.  If you want to stick with another cable steer, then the options include the maxxum and fortrex.  You can probably get a maxxum for under $1000 which would be suitable for a boat that size.  A fortrex is probably not necessary and the Ultrex is currently the only cable drive model with spot lock which is quite expensive since its a very new item on the market.


I didn't know the difference between cable and electric.  Thanks.  I don't think the Maxxum offers spot lock, does it?  I looked on Minn Kota's website and didn't see it.


Cable steer is whre there is 2 steel wire cables going from foot pedal to TM head.  Fortrex, maxxum, edge, and most tm you are probably familiar with. 


Electric is done by hand held remote or a foot pedal with sensors only in it to control head. Ultera and terrova. 


Ultrex is a hybrid as i understand it. It seems to have cable steer foot pedal going to a sensor controliing an electric head. 


The only ones with spot lock are the digital head units - ulterra, terrova, and ultrex. 

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On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 11:14 AM, npl_texas said:

I didn't know the difference between cable and electric.  Thanks.  I don't think the Maxxum offers spot lock, does it?  I looked on Minn Kota's website and didn't see it.


The maxxum does not have spot lock.  As Junyer stated above, there are two specific types of steering that these bow mounts are offered in: cable steer and electric steer.  Most bass boats have a cable steer with a cut out on the front deck so that the foot pedal lays flush with the deck.  The fortrex is the most popular model you'll see on most professional bass boats.  The other models that are electric steer such as the power drive and terrova are equipped with spot lock and they are generally seen on other styles of multi species fishing boats.  In my neck of the woods up here in walleye country, almost every deep V boat has an electric steer model.  The newest kid on the block is the Ultrex which has the traditional cable steer pedal but also comes equipped with spot lock technology.  If you have been using an Edge, yours was cable steer.  Going from one to the other can take some getting used to.  I used a power drive for about 10 years and going to a maxxum took some getting used to.  I prefer the responsive steering of a cable drive but its not for everyone.

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On 3/9/2017 at 0:14 PM, npl_texas said:


I didn't know the difference between cable and electric.  Thanks.  I don't think the Maxxum offers spot lock, does it?  I looked on Minn Kota's website and didn't see it.


I think the Terrova has spot lock.  I would not consider upgrading without getting spot lock.  As for cable vs the Terrova system of what I guess is "electric steer,"  i would also not consider going back to cable steer.  With the Terrova with spot lock you have a remote control so the boat may be controlled from anywhere in the boat and the ergonomics of the electric steer are far better than cable.  If you are considering going without the spot lock and electric steer with remote (I think Motor Guide has a system, too) you really need to try the new system before buying.


The Terrova has a built in transducer which is compatible with most if not all Hummingbirds, but not with most Lowrances.  At least that was the case two years ago when I got mine.

  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you all for the comments and suggestions.  I finally went to BassPro and called Minn Kota so I could get everything straightened out in my head.


I've actually currently got a Power Drive Model.  I thought it was an Edge, no idea why.


I'll be upgrading to a Terrova 12V with iPilot for the spot-lock.  Looking at probably a Hook 9 Chirp (no GPS) for the bow.


this is only my opinion. im not saying I am right....


definitely a yes for a minn kota. and the spot lock on the ultrex is a very nice feature but I have an issue with it. it is my opinion that all of these costly electronic gizmos are not designed to last for a very long time without something failing. yes the professionals use them and promote them but here is the thing... they don't care about how long it lasts. if they are sponsored they get a new trolling motor every year. me and you do not. I have had my boat for 2 years. it is 22 years old. it came with a capable trolling motor but I had a brand and model preference. obviously I did not want to drain the bank to outfit a 22 year old boat but I need my equipment to be able to perform. I selected the minn kota maxxum 80 lb hand steer. I hand a foot pedal maxxum on my last boat and it was great but the hand steer will never have steering issues, which are common on foot pedal trolling motors. there are less mechanisms to fail. I got my trolling motor for $800 and it will take me anywhere I want to go. if money is not an option then yes an ultrex is a fine option but, I would be surprised to see that trolling motor last more than 5 years of regular fishing without a breakdown.


as far as graphs. I really like the lowrance units but again I consider cost and the hummingbird units are more cost effective, especially if you are looking for side scan. I prefer at least 7 inch units and right now the helix 7 units are a great deal.


again, this is just my opinion. good luck

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It's usually better to form an opinion based on facts and data.  Most of these features have been around for almost a decade.  If they were designed to fail, these companies would be lynched.  Is there more that can go wrong?  Of course.  But those things can be fixed to, just like mechanical cable steering can fail and be fixed.  I prefer the speed and control of a cable steer when working around docks and shoreline cover.  I've had three models to my buddy's one electric drive with SpotLock.  Does that mean the Maxxums are designed to fail?  Probably not, two were used, and one brand new.  The brand new one is still kicking after two years. 

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Been running MK electric steer since 2005. Its only gotten better

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The built in transducer on the Terrova IS compatible with Lowrance, Humminbird and Garmin. You just have to buy the correct adapter cable to connect it to your depth finder.

installation gets a bit trickier if you are going from 12 volts to 24. You need to replace both batteries so that they are the same age, and you'll need at least a dual charger. In the end, the additional expense for 24 volts and getting the Terrova isn't cheap, but it is well worth the money.  You will quickly forget how much you spent when you see how much better it is. 

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On 4/6/2017 at 1:59 PM, npl_texas said:

I'll be upgrading to a Terrova 12V with iPilot for the spot-lock.

I say this a lot, and I'll drag it back out here: A 12 volt trolling motor for a boat that size is less than optimal.


I'd go to at least an 80 lb, 24 volt unit.  You won't regret it.


When I had a 17 1/2 ft Crestliner, it had a 36 volt, 101 lb. Terrova on it...

17 hours ago, slonezp said:

Been running MK electric steer since 2005. Its only gotten better

Same here.

I have not had a problem that wasn't user sourced....


So....keeping mind that I have no problem with Lowrance at all, they make great equipment...here's a question:  Why forgo the the opportunity for the link between Minn Kota and Humminbird?  I use the ability to follow a contour a lot, I use the ability to define a rout on my Humminbird unit and have the trolling motor follow it, and I use the ability to send the trolling motor to a saved location on the Humminbird unit frequently as well.

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On 4/8/2017 at 10:39 AM, Further North said:

I say this a lot, and I'll drag it back out here: A 12 volt trolling motor for a boat that size is less than optimal.


I'd go to at least an 80 lb, 24 volt unit.  You won't regret it.


When I had a 17 1/2 ft Crestliner, it had a 36 volt, 101 lb. Terrova on it...

Same here.

I have not had a problem that wasn't user sourced....


So....keeping mind that I have no problem with Lowrance at all, they make great equipment...here's a question:  Why forgo the the opportunity for the link between Minn Kota and Humminbird?  I use the ability to follow a contour a lot, I use the ability to define a rout on my Humminbird unit and have the trolling motor follow it, and I use the ability to send the trolling motor to a saved location on the Humminbird unit frequently as well.

I totally agree I have a 16' tracker and it came with a 12v Minn kota 42Lb trust it worked well after a year I upgraded to a 24v 80lb ulterra and wow what a difference. I used to look at the weather and see what kind of wind there was going be for the week and have to pick the least windy day to fish now it dosent matter at all I can fish 25mph wind all day long chop up mill foil fish any where I need never get stuck it's awesome. Worst thing you can do is have a under power tm if I had the battery room on my boat I would have went with the 36v version I know they are pricy but it's worth waiting.

On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 9:52 AM, J Francho said:

It's usually better to form an opinion based on facts and data.  Most of these features have been around for almost a decade.  If they were designed to fail, these companies would be lynched.  Is there more that can go wrong?  Of course.  But those things can be fixed to, just like mechanical cable steering can fail and be fixed.  I prefer the speed and control of a cable steer when working around docks and shoreline cover.  I've had three models to my buddy's one electric drive with SpotLock.  Does that mean the Maxxums are designed to fail?  Probably not, two were used, and one brand new.  The brand new one is still kicking after two years. 


wow, I just offered my opinion. you didn't have to get nasty about it

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Not sure I was nasty. Sorry you took it that way. 


You could just buy yourself a new boat and get every thing on it you want if money is no option

On 4/10/2017 at 5:48 PM, Skeeter Dan said:

You could just buy yourself a new boat and get every thing on it you want if money is no option


That was what I was planning on doing but man are new boats expensive.  I've got my eye out for a nice used boat but in the mean time I'm going to just do some upgrades on my current boat.  

On 4/8/2017 at 10:39 AM, Further North said:

I say this a lot, and I'll drag it back out here: A 12 volt trolling motor for a boat that size is less than optimal.


I'd go to at least an 80 lb, 24 volt unit.  You won't regret it.


When I had a 17 1/2 ft Crestliner, it had a 36 volt, 101 lb. Terrova on it...

Same here.

I have not had a problem that wasn't user sourced....


So....keeping mind that I have no problem with Lowrance at all, they make great equipment...here's a question:  Why forgo the the opportunity for the link between Minn Kota and Humminbird?  I use the ability to follow a contour a lot, I use the ability to define a rout on my Humminbird unit and have the trolling motor follow it, and I use the ability to send the trolling motor to a saved location on the Humminbird unit frequently as well.


I understand what you are saying.  I have very little knowledge on the way all of this stuff works so it's a little overwhelming to me.  


I wouldn't mind upgrading to a 24v 80# trolling motor but I have no idea what it entails.  


I REALLY like the idea of linking the trolling motor and graph, but again I know almost nothing. I am aware of it. None of my close friends or acquaintances really fish so I don't know anyone that's really into this stuff that can explain it all to me.  So I'm slowly reading and learning all of this stuff as I go.  

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If you were closer, I'd invite you over and show you....


Reach out to someone local who can show you how things work, hopefully before you plunk down your cash for something you may wish you didn't do a few months down the road.


...a 24 volt trolling motor is only different from a 12 volt in that it needs another batter, and a 24 volt charger to keep them charged.  Heavier wire from the TM to the batteries too.


It'll have more power, you'll use less of its capability (what I mean here is you'll be able to run it at a lower power setting to go the same speed, if that makes sense) and it'll last much longer on the water every day you fish.

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