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Current active duty. 10 years. Still have yet to be stationed with another bass fisherman. 

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On 1/29/2017 at 5:41 PM, geo g said:

I am the son of a 92 year old proud WW II Sea Bee VET, who served in the Pacific on Guadalcanal, Lathe, Perl Harbor..  Went in at 16 the day after Pearl Harbor, with his moms help on birth certificate.  He wears his vet pin proudly everyday!!!!!!!:usa-flag-89:


My Dad was WW II Sea Bee VET, served on D-Day, the Mediterranean Sea, & the Pacific!


My oldest brother was USAF mid 60s, my middle brother was Army late 60s Nam, my oldest son USAF late 90s, & oldest nephew retired last yr Senior Master Sargent USAF.


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23 hours ago, CybrSlydr said:

Ugh, Polk was just terrible.  You had it before the days of the internet and the like - you have my sympathies. :)

Back then even if we had internet. We would have no time to look at it except on the week ends and that would depend on if we had no guard duty. We were still training for Vietnam. Half of are 11B that didn't go Air born and Ranger school went OJT Vietnam. My MOS  was air defence  so I went to Bliss and then Germany.:sniper::Antena:

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On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 7:07 AM, CybrSlydr said:

I regret waiting to begin fishing until the middle of last year because I was at Ft. Polk in Louisiana - now I know the kinds of places I missed.  I was less than an hour from South Toledo Bend! :(


That said, that is the ONLY thing I regret about Louisiana - hated that place.

I'm over in Mississippi on the river and a couple of us are gonna take a long weekend this year to Toledo bend and get one of the Fort Polk cabins there to stay in. Can't wait.

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2 hours ago, Kentucky_Rebel said:

I'm over in Mississippi on the river and a couple of us are gonna take a long weekend this year to Toledo bend and get one of the Fort Polk cabins there to stay in. Can't wait.

That sounds like a great weekend!  Make sure to take pics and post a report on the forum! :D

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Us Army Reserves

Diesel Mechanic(91B) H8 Wrecker operator


going on 18 years completed.

Iraq 01-2003---12-2003


Keeping on going till i cant do it anymore, or as good as i should be

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4 years




2 Tours Afghanistan 


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On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 0:20 PM, Catt said:


My Dad was WW II Sea Bee VET, served on D-Day, the Mediterranean Sea, & the Pacific!




This is for real Catt -  My Dad was also WW II Sea Bee VET, served on D-Day, the Mediterranean Sea, & the Pacific!



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That's unreal!


Very possible they knew each other ;)

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Possibility certainly exists  ~



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I know during D-Day they built artificial harbors that allowed for supply transport during and in the days after the operation. These “harbors” were actually pontoon causeways. The 25th Naval Construction Regiment were charged with not only building and maintaining these causeways, but also ensuring safe landing and operability of equipment on the sandy beaches.

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Dad was part of the first landing party into Nagasaki after the bomb - resulted in lifelong health problems.

The black & white photos were graphic and hard to view.  For both of us.

He only showed them to me once - the day I left home to join the service.

He taught me a lot about life.  I miss him.



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brother separated at birth reunited due to Father's military service

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Any of ya'll got any advice/thoughts for a young guy looking at military? Been thinking about a reserve career for a while, and more recently have been considering the ROTC program to help me get through college. Obviously I have other reasons for signing up, but the tuition assistance is big since college costs so dang much $$ these days. I love PT and do boot camp style workouts all the time with my workout group. The physical aspect will be enjoyable. The aspect that seems the most unattractive to me is authority; I'm a disciplined and motivated person but very independent. That's not to say I'm a teenage jerk who has no respect for authority - I've been working a job since I was 14 - but I am more of an independent type. Not a problem for my regular employment but I'm the type who doesn't like stupid orders so I could see myself getting in trouble :unsure:. Also, the commitment for ROTC seems like a long time if I end up not feeling like military is the right direction for me.


Just my honest thoughts, I would love to serve my country and do more for a job than sit behind a desk, but do have some hesitations about the decision.

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Really a decision only you can make @Senko loverlover


For me I didn't have many options and the national guard really jump started my life. Gave me a job skill and something to put on a resume. I didn't take advantage of the full time college but did take an online course and they paid the bill in full. I also recieved a VA home loan which helped me buy my first house. I've done some pretty cool disaster relief but went inactive just before my unit got called to deploy so never been overseas. The military isn't for everybody and most will agree that it comes with its share of BS but it also gives many benefits. It all depends on what you have in mind for yourself. Do your research and decide if its for you. The biggest advice I can give is if you do decide to join, try your best to get a sign on bonus and be weary of recruiters. I missed out on 20 grand because my recruiter pushed me through in a big hurry looking out for himself. 


Good luck with whatever you decide and if you have any more questions about the national guard feel free to message me.

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Here's a post I made on another forum to someone who asked a similar question to you.  I'm just cpy/pasting the entire thing.


Like you, I decided in HS I wanted to join the Military. I'd known for a long time that I wanted to join the Military. My mom's dad was in the Air Force in Korea and my dad's dad was in the Army in the Pacific in WWII. I wanted the Air Force because I wanted to fly F-16s (my favorite plane). So, I needed a degree and went the ROTC route at Kent State. Well, turns out I was too immature - I was great in ROTC but lacked the motivation to actually attend my other classes and flunked out after 2 semesters. Was a great ROTC Cadet though.

At this point I thought about doing OCS as I was going to DeVry in Columbus and they didn't do ROTC. Well, DeVry went better at first, but I just didn't have the motivation to do school. After about 5 semesters, I flunked out again. Looking back now I see I was burned out on school and more was the last thing I needed. But, I wanted to fly and college was sort of expected, so I went. Now I'm a ****-ton in debt and nothing to show for it.

Fast forward a few years and I'm working at Walgreens. Still working on getting that degree as I'm looking at a company program to help defray the cost of school. They decide to clean house when our Store Manger gets the axe and I'm one of those that get the boot. I had seen this coming, so a few weeks before, I went to the Air Force recruiter to see what was what - at that time I couldn't have gotten in sooner than 9 months. That's a bit too long-term for me as I needed something sooner since I felt I would be unemployed soon. I didn't want to be a Marine (sorry fellas) - being a Marine is 90% attitude and I don't have that kind of attitude (or at the time, physical ability). Navy didn't seem like the thing for me either, so I went and talked to the Army.

I told them I wanted to do something Combat Arms but I didn't want to do Infantry. I liked the idea of, as you said, "******* **** up" but didn't like the idea of "door-to-door" as an 11B. I liked being alive. I also knew due to my debt I couldn't get a Security Clearance, so my pickings were slim. I'm a big guy and he told me, "How about Field Artillery? You look just like the kind of guy for that job". It sounded perfect to me - I could satisfy my "manly" desire to be in a Combat Arms MOS but tell my folks I would be comfortably away from the bad guys. So I took it. I was 26 when I Enlisted.

I didn't go to Basic at Fort Jackson for 3 months - so I moved back home with my folks and worked out with a local recruiter who helped me get my weight into regs (I used to tell people he made me run from one state to another twice a week - which if they didn't know meant the Williamstown Bridge over-back lol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Williamstown_Bridge).

It was strange being as old as I was at Basic and AIT with so many sub-20 year old people. I had life experiences most of them didn't and was a lot better at following orders/instructions. Soon the 10 weeks were over and it was off to Fort Sill for 3.5wks of Artillery Training. Towards the end we found out where we were being stationed and I was sent to 5th Battalion, 25th Field Artillery Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (LI) at Fort Polk, Louisiana. I found out that they were shipping out to Afghanistan and I would get to Polk about 2 months after they'd left. Less than 5 weeks after graduating from AIT, I was on a plane to Afghanistan where I found out I was part of a Maneuver Battery. I wouldn't be on a gunline, I was going to be in a Platoon on the ground, doing patrols, clearing ops, kicking in doors, etc. I was going to be an Infantryman (just without the MOS lol).

Fast-forward 6 months and an IED ends my Military career. I didn't know it then, but I was done - and I'd been in Afghanistan longer than I'd been in Basic/AIT/Rear D combined. I thought I'd get fixed up and in a few months be back in action. Almost 2.5 years after I join, I'm now out of the Army and back where I started. Now the problem is I'm now 28 years old, tons of debt and still no marketable skills or degree for after I get out. Thankfully, there are programs that I'm utilizing to go to school and hopefully get back on the right track.

Would I change things if I could do it all over? Yes, but I think I would have Enlisted right out of High School first - this would have been in 2002.

Artillery was fun as hell - hard-ass physical work and it did suck major balls, but few things were as awesome as when you were on a gun, putting steel on target. I also miss the thrill I got as a SAW gunner during firefights or clearing ops. I had a sense of pride in myself, in my Uniform and what that stood for, of Brotherhood with those guys, that the Civilian world just doesn't have - and I really, truly miss it.

There are lots of parts of being in the Military that suck. Garrison life sucks, pointless FTXs suck, getting up at 0530 for PT sucks, Fort Polk sucks, CQ sucks, Staff Duty sucks, Command Maintenance sucks, CONEXs suck, etc. But it was worth it. I had experiences that many people will never have, though some bad, I wouldn't trade for the world. I met some great, great people and will never forget them the rest of my life.

Unlike some on here, I was lucky enough that all of my Battles came home. That's something you should also consider - if you do get in and manage to stay in, which is a LOT harder these days with draw downs and the like, if you're sent overseas to do your job, you or the guy(s) next to you might not come home. Really let that sink in. It was strange writing an e-mail to my folks in case I didn't come home. What to do with my stuff, what I would like done in my name, etc. Really lends a certain gravitas to the situation.

Really evaluate your reasons for joining, make sure it's something you truly want to do - as others have said, you can "**** **** up" other places. That kind of attitude will not endear you to your fellow Soldiers/Marines for very long - let alone your NCOs and Chain of Command. The Military will make you grow up fast, but you'll still be maturing. You don't want to be the guy that buys the big truck/sports car after your first deployment at the local dealer @ 21% interest while knocking up a local stripper - it happens more often than you'd think You'll be tasked with things that other people your age wouldn't dream of at their age.

In the end, the Military was the right choice for me. Just make sure you consider if it's right for you.

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Active Duty Air Force.  9 years enlisted and 1 year commissioned officer.  @Senko lover if you have any specific questions feel free to PM.  I can only speak from the AF side of the house.  Find out which each branch offers and what you are interested in doing.  Read, research, and speak to ppl with first hand experience.  The greatest advice I can provide is understand recruiters are like used car salesman in that some are good, some are bad, but in the end they all get paid to get you to say yes.  You may get an honest opinion or you may be directly lied to.

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NAVY 1966-1969

Enlisted 6 days before I turned 18 so only had to serve 3 yrs.

Homeported out of San Diego on the U.S.S. Cocopa. 

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As the son of a career, retired military man, let me extend much appreciation & many thanks to all of you that have served or are currently serving!

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Like AJ and his bride I'm retired U.S. Coast Guard, even same MOS as AJay. Semper Paratus.  


AJay were you pushing boots in 1987?

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No  ~ My Cape May assignments were from 91-94 & 2001 - 2004

I think I was a BM1 on USCGC Point Martin WPB 82379 a patrol boat moored in Atlantic Beach, NC in 1987

Guarded the Outer Banks - Cape Hatteras, Cape Fear & Cape Lookout for 3 years - Awesome Tour

Big Water - Rough Ride.

Great Fishing !





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4 years active duty US Air Force, 1 year US Air Force Reserve, 11 years Air National Guard. Only 4 more years to go!


DoD Civilian for 9 years now.

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On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 7:18 PM, XF15-Loader said:

USAF '92-'02

Minot AFB '92-'95

ElmEndoRf AFB '95-'02

Aircraft Armament Systems 


Thanks to all that have served or continue to serve!  


No one likes Load Toads!



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