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Regarding the argument of "you stand a greater chance of being struck by lightning" etc: I've had fire extinguishers in houses and vehicles for 50+ years and have never needed to use one, but wouldn't be without one.


Carrying, or even fire extinguisher use, isn't for everyone. If you're not comfortable with it, you may stand a better chance at focusing on how to get out of a bad situation. Nothing wrong with that (unless you're trapped with no options and it's life or death).



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  • 1 month later...
On 6/5/2020 at 9:48 PM, K1500 said:

I could see wearing a seatbelt when driving on a dangerous road, but when driving to the lake to fish? I would just find some other road or some other lake if driving there was so dangerous that I felt like I needed a seatbelt. 

Even if that made sense, the road isn't the main problem, it's all the other idiots that I'm worried about. I've been rear-ended and injured twice myself.


People get killed on roads every day. Wearing a seatbelt is sensible.


From Wikipedia:


For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[1]


As I've already shown, getting robbed or boat-jacked on the water just doesn't happen. I found one story over the last 10 years (or was it twenty?) and posted it early on, and it was Mexican robbers on a lake that borders the US. That's it.


You're afraid of a boogeyman that does not exist.

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20 hours ago, schplurg said:

Even if that made sense, the road isn't the main problem, it's all the other idiots that I'm worried about. I've been rear-ended and injured twice myself.


People get killed on roads every day. Wearing a seatbelt is sensible.


From Wikipedia:


For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[1]


As I've already shown, getting robbed or boat-jacked on the water just doesn't happen. I found one story over the last 10 years (or was it twenty?) and posted it early on, and it was Mexican robbers on a lake that borders the US. That's it.


You're afraid of a boogeyman that does not exist.

So what?


I carry everyday. Boat, car, work, going to the grocery store, whatever. Never know when Scratch will rear his ugly head. I have lived and/or worked in Chicago for my entire life. While I don't fit into the demographic of the typical victim of gun violence, I also don't want to become a statistic. 


My home water, which is about 40 miles NW of Chicago has a violent past. Some major mafia, Al Capone massacre things going on. It's the busiest landlocked waterway in the United States per acre. Lots of douchebags and drunks. Doesn't mean I'll have problems on the water, but to and from...you never know... 

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A friends dad left home early one morning to go fishing and never made it back home. His truck was found at a popular boat ramp with the boat still on the trailer. Apparently he had pulled to the side to get ready to unload his boat and that was the last of him. So yeah I see a reason to carry. He was alone at a dark ramp that was well used and someone still managed to take him. Sometimes the boogie man does exists.

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On 7/14/2020 at 11:22 PM, schplurg said:

 it's all the other idiots that I'm worried about. 

Yep, that's why many of us choose to carry.

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Kind of hard to believe they weren’t packing. Maybe it was someone they knew or just weren’t ready for a confrontation.

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19 hours ago, slonezp said:


What a sad story. I'm not buying it though, I was assured by people in this thread that things like this "never happen."  

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Just now, Jrob78 said:

What a sad story. I'm not buying it though, I was assured by people in this thread that things like this "never happen."  

There's a handful of truly evil people in this world. I've met my share at work that want nothing more than to cause pain to others in any way they can. Being how fishing tends to lead us off the beaten path and trying to avoid crowds, it makes us potential targets for those people. We had a guy that was bank fishing at a remote state lake here a couple years ago that had another guy come up talking fishing with. The guy suddenly attacked him and attempted to drown him, only thing that stopped him was the guy that was fishing found a stick on the bottom and hit the guy with it. I've night fished the same lake by myself more than once. They never have caught the guy that did it either.


Saying it never happens makes people feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but then it does happen and it always will. Better to be prepared and it never happen than pretend and hope it won't happen when it does.

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33 minutes ago, Bluebasser86 said:

There's a handful of truly evil people in this world. I've met my share at work that want nothing more than to cause pain to others in any way they can. Being how fishing tends to lead us off the beaten path and trying to avoid crowds, it makes us potential targets for those people. We had a guy that was bank fishing at a remote state lake here a couple years ago that had another guy come up talking fishing with. The guy suddenly attacked him and attempted to drown him, only thing that stopped him was the guy that was fishing found a stick on the bottom and hit the guy with it. I've night fished the same lake by myself more than once. They never have caught the guy that did it either.


Saying it never happens makes people feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but then it does happen and it always will. Better to be prepared and it never happen than pretend and hope it won't happen when it does.

25 years ago before I bought my first boat, I spent a lot of time fishing the Chicago lakefront. Used to come in contact with a lot of homeless and whack jobs. There was one instance when I was with my son who may have been 5 or 6 where a guy covered in prison tats came upon us and was reenacting a gunfight he apparently had with the police. Im positive he was on some type of drugs. We were fishing at a "touch and go" (a place where a boat can pick up or drop off passengers without anchoring) early in the morning. We were below street level, not that any one was out that early anyway, but had something happened there would be no witnesses. He was blocking the only way in and out and had he done something, our only escape would have been to jump in the Chicago river. After a half hour or so he laid down on the sidewalk and fell asleep. We left. 

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They already caught the murderer. Still cant believe He was able to kill all 3 of them without them being able to defend themselves.

14 hours ago, N Florida Mike said:


They already caught the murderer. Still cant believe He was able to kill all 3 of them without them being able to defend themselves.

If a person is ready to kill and the others aren't as ready, it's completely possible.  I've seen cases where the second man in a stack kills 3, 2 dying with rifles in their hands, when I was I the military.  I'm not imagining that 3 people planning to go fishing were thinking things would go this wrong this quick.  This is just terrible for those 3 men and their families.

  • 4 months later...

Packing 24/7 my wife & I.

Hit the range 1-2 a week...and have been for years!


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Just like American express.. "never leave home without it"

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I dont carry when I'm fishing unless I'm fishing from bank in remote areas . I judge people by my initial impression and some people throw off bad vibes . This is something I have always done and I'm pretty sure most everybody does the same thing . I was cleaning fish one day and a man came up to me too talk with two tear drops tattooed on his face . He gave me the creeps but I was armed with a razor sharp fillet knife and paying attention to every move he made .

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I'm a gun nut, I have guns for hunting, just plain old shooting holes in paper, home defense, and personal defense.  About the only time I have one for personal defense with me is when traveling.  If I start getting even a little drowse, I find a place to park it and take a short nap.  When stopped and asleep, one is at very high risk of coming in contact with an undesirable. Because of this, I keep a 10mm Glock, in my hand and under something covering it. Of course that also leads to other problems like making sure the state you are in, honers your states CCP and knowing the laws of all the states you plan to travel in.  Like in Texas, I stopped in a mall parking lot to catch a nap and the cover I had over the gun had slipped and a cop could see the tip of the barrel when he looked in.  Guns not allow to be visible, got me called out and jacked up. 

Other than this, I never carry a gun for personal protection, it's just too inconvenient.  I'm retired military, and going on base, can't even have one in the vehicle.  When going into any medical facility, and at 73 I'm doing that quite often these days, can't even have a pocket knife.  The main lake I fish and ramp I use, big sign, no firearms beyond this point, before you get to the ramp.  A number of the stores and businesses we go in, NO GUNS ALLOWED greets you at the door and I don't care to provide the crook that pilfers my vehicle with a small hand cannon.  I also don't lock my vehicle, that saves having the windows broken, because If they want to get in it, they are going to.   I laugh at my wife locking her VW Beetle Convertable, like that's going to stop someone.

As for those that carry, I also have a concealed carry permit and for those that do carry, I had much rather shop in a store you are in.  I feel all if all stores put a big sign on the doors "Discount for all shoppers with concealed weapon" that would slow down a robber.  Who would want to rob a store and have the chance of a bunch of guns pulled on you. 

I just find it too inconvenient for me.

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Retired L.E., carry one on the boat, carry when driving, carry when out and about. Have too much knowledge not to carry, depending on what is going on in the neighborhood may be carrying in my own home. Sad but true.

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I'm always amused by those who so say you're more likely to be struck by lightning than need a gun:


According to the NOAA, over the last 20 years, the United States averaged 51 annual lightning strike fatalities, placing it in the second position, just behind floods for deadly weather. In the US, between 9% and 10% of those struck die, with an annual average of 25 deaths in the 2010s decade (16 in 2017). 


Since the fatality rate is 9-10% that means roughly 500 people a year have been struck in the last 20 years.


In 2019 alone there were 16,425 murders.  That's not counting those shot and wounded but surviving (obviously).


Most of us on this forum do not have a lifestyle or live in areas that place us in a high risk group but as a retired cop I know that criminals and the crazy DO NOT confine themselves to their core areas.  Bad things happen to good people every day.  I  my career I had a few instances of stopping evil in the act, most of the time unfortunately I was batting cleanup.  


Yes, even retired I am armed anywhere it's lawful.





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  • 3 months later...
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Always carry. No exceptions. If it's illegal I simply don't go. Here's the story that taught me to ALWAYS CARRY. Bow fishing Lake Eufaula, Georgia side one night many years ago with a friend of mine. About 3 am we hear a man hollering and out of the darkness appears a man with a rifle(Marlin model 60) running down the dock we were going around to get back close to the bank. Screaming at us about being there the last 4 or 5 nights in a row. I apologized to him for waking him and explained that we had just arrived at the lake that day. Now my Yamaha generator only puts out around 63 decibels which is quiet and my lights were of course pointed at the water so we could see fish, so I ask him how we woke him up. He claimed my lights were shining in his windows. So I ask if that's the case why can we not even see your house that turned out to be over 100 yards off the water and uphill. During this time he never pointed the rifle at us but keep threatening to call the Sheriff. After 10 minutes I'd had enough of trying verbal judo and told him you call the Sheriff and I'll call the DNR because what we're doing is 100% legal. He folded and headed back in the house. My Kimber Custom 45 was safely and uselessly in my dry box while this man was standing over us with a rifle. Never happen again. I'll dry it and clean my always carry gun if I fall in.

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I carry while out in my kayak thought trying to figure out how to do it comfortably. I just got my permit in November so this is my first season carrying. My edc is the p365 appendix is how I carry normally but in the kayak that’s incredibly uncomfortable. Today while out I took my LCP II it fits nicely in my pocket but it’s also only a 22. When I was at the range today they had a rental sig p238 I was looking at and considering one for carry while kayaking it fit in my pocket nicely for being just a tad smaller than the 365. 


I carry in the boat on me. I used to carry my custom Kimber 45 1911 but almost having it go over the side one day in a freak accident I switched to carrying my Ruger SP101 in the boat in a snap holster (a third of the cost of the custom Kimber *whew*). Just to many nut jobs and pecker heads out there now days. I've been carrying legally for 43 years~ then there was the times I just "constitutionally" carried before that. When you need a gun, you need it RIGHT NOW!     . I was already put into the hospital once 50 years ago by the above mentioned nut jobs and pecker heads and it won't go down the same way next time.

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On 1/12/2017 at 11:07 AM, thebillsman said:

It's taxing to live in fear, but I'd rather be prepared.

I don't think it's living in fear, I believe it's living with the reality and being prepaired for the unknown.



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12 hours ago, clayton86 said:

I carry while out in my kayak thought trying to figure out how to do it comfortably. I just got my permit in November so this is my first season carrying. My edc is the p365 appendix is how I carry normally but in the kayak that’s incredibly uncomfortable. Today while out I took my LCP II it fits nicely in my pocket but it’s also only a 22. When I was at the range today they had a rental sig p238 I was looking at and considering one for carry while kayaking it fit in my pocket nicely for being just a tad smaller than the 365. 

Vedder makes a real nice pocket holster. I have one for my LCP .380 

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2 hours ago, slonezp said:

Vedder makes a real nice pocket holster. I have one for my LCP .380 

Ive got the vedder rapid tuck that I use the most for my 365. I’ve also got a versa and alien gear plus a mft for it. I use the vedder the most. The alien gear is the appendix holster from them but the gun prints bad with it so I don’t even use it anymore though it’s got the best retention of all the holsters for the sig. 

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