abelfisher Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 What non fishing items do you keep in your boat at all times? I'll start: Tool kit First aid kit The obvious PDF's etc. Fire Extinguisher paddle Dry set of clothes in case a lunker pulls me in.... anymore? Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 This is an article I wrote a little while back. Quote
Skwerl Posted April 15, 2006 Posted April 15, 2006 Extra towels in a dry storage box. Ziplock baggies in case somebody needs to protect their wallet or cell phone, etc. I almost always have a cooler on the bote with water and/or drinks. Quote
Muddpuppy Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 I keep light rain gear in the boat for me and a passenger often a pole and sometimes a mechete or hatchet a spotlight, blacklight/florecent, and flashlight a votage meter duct and electrical tape extra stainless screws and bolts battery powered arreator extra batteries tow line and cords spare T motor prop and prop wrench dispossable camera (never remembered until too late) maps bowls for drinking water and food for the dog Quote
Bassbum80 Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 I don't have a boat, but I don't go on one without some sunscreen & bug spray. My brother always keeps an extra plug, prop & nut in his boat too. Quote
Muddpuppy Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 Bug repelent and sunscreen is almost a must. I like to have at least an extra quart of oil onboard too just in case. extra fuses Quote
Dobi Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 Snack / drink and pepto bismol... nothing worse then trying to concentrate on fishing when your stomach isn't right. (spoken like a true fatboy... haha) Quote
Rattlinrogue Posted April 16, 2006 Posted April 16, 2006 Most everything mentioned...plus a CD plyer with earphones for those days that fishing is going nowhere. Quote
Team_Dougherty Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 The non fishing stuff I have onboard is: extra prop for outboard and trolling motor extra spark plugs for outboard small toolbox with tools to change plugs and props 2 pints of 2 cycle oil extra drain plug whistle fire extinguisher pfds extra line (rope) several clean hand towels baby wipes 1,000,000 candle power spot light paddles bait/bailing bucket anchor bumpers/fenders depending on what you call them I also bring coolers for food and drink and other stuff depending on weather. But none of that stays on the boat full time. Paul Quote
Siebert Outdoors Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 #1 on my list is Toilet paper. I think the rest has been covered Quote
Ben Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 If I took everything out of my boat and photographed it spread out on the ground, you would swear it wouldn't all fit in the boat. I have rain gear for two, and two large golf umbrellas. Sweat shirts and wind breakers for two Butane lighters flashlights Cordless Q-Beam Water and drinks crackers, potted meat, vienna's, beanee winnee's tools, plugs, prop, DVM, super glue, electric tape, tie wraps. Paddle, two fire extenquiers (one in the front and one in the back) telescopeing plug retriever PFDs for three and a throw cushion two small blacks lights just in case we decide to fish on into the night Spare reels, a number of spools of line Throw in about a dozen 5700 and 5600 organizers, about 50 lbs of plasic baits and 10 rods and reels This ain't all but it would take another page to list the other stuff. OH Yea!! TP in a zip lock bag, paper towels, and shop rags. Those are three standard items in every form of transportion I own. Quote
Team_Dougherty Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 #1 on my list is Toilet paper. Yes I agree. That is why I listed baby wipes on my list. TP in a boat tends to get wet and messy. Baby Wipes are it a water tight plastic container and are more efficient at their job than TP. Plus they are great for hand washing after handeling fish before eating snacks and such. Paul Quote
Cajun1977 Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 non fishing item in my boat my buddy he couldnt catch a fish with a net if the fishandgame shocked the lake for him he usually casts for about twenty minutes then gives up and sits there watching a bobber and nightcrawler ;D Quote
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