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Since Halloween is coming up in a couple of days I'd like to hear some spooky lake or fishing stories from you guys whether you experienced it or just heard it from someone else. Even if it seems like mumbo jumbo I'd still like to hear it. The only stories I've heard are of Una Lake. Una Lake is in Palmdale, California and based on a conversation I had with a fisherman at the California Aqueduct I was told quite an I interesting story. The conversation started off with us talking about Palmdale Lake (A lake right next to Una Lake) and thinking about joining the fin and feather club (A hunting and fishing group, to fish palmdale lake you have to join the club) as the conversation went on he asked me if I'd like to hear a story about palmdale lake and I said sure. He started off with telling me that right next to palmdale lake on Sierra highway there's another lake called Una Lake. From there he told me that there's sightings of a creature with a really long tail that comes out of the lake to feed on birds and other animals in the area. There's also some "things" that climb into trees around the lake and vanish. The lake is also rumored to be bottomless. There was a truck that crashed and fell into the lake, when the tow truck came there was no sign of the truck so they sent a diver and the diver and the truck was never found. Also, because it is "bottomless" there's stories of murderers dumping bodies into the lake that have never been found. Is the story true? I don't know and I'm not about to go down to una lake to find out. The story has some missing links but it's still pretty interesting. 

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Lol had me til the lake is bottomless part. I have a Ghost story. But it has nothing to do with fishing. 

I have a girlfriend ive been with for almost 3 years now. We have a one year old daughter together. Before she got pregnant I took her up to meet my mother and her side in michigan.. this is where I grew up. I love it there and no place feels quite the same. Anyway. I introduce her to some old friends. We have some drinks and go out to eat. Typical stuff. 

Well it was decided that we were going to stay at my grandparents house, whom are roughly 70 years old and have a house they've lived in for 40+ years. I've known this house all my life. We were staying upstairs.. we got settled down. And she is convinced she heard something .. i get up and check. Obviously there was nothing.. i crawled back in to bed.. she then begins to tell me that she feels like someone is watching us. I laughed at her.. this is funny to me. I was 22 at the time and have never seen a ghost. I even played with a ouija board in a cemetery with some friends when I was about 17. Been to "haunted " cemetery's (as if they wouldn't all be haunted ) and never seen anything. So naturally this was comical to me. And I basically told her to be quiet and go to sleep.

she nodded off.. I laid there.  And all of the sudden.. I seen this ghost. It was a woman. I could tell by the dress and long hair. She was all white and was translucent. She had a friendly vibe. And i didn't feel frightened.. I reached over to tell my girlfriend.. "look jess, I see the ghost" and as soon as those words crossed my lips I was rushed by the brightest white light ive ever seen and a very scary unworldly face was consuming all of my vision. I was petrified (I feel chills run down me as I recall this event) I screamed as loud as I could. A shrieking, blood curdling scream that could wake a deaf man. 

And all of the sudden I woke up. and jess said she heard nothing. Apparently it was just a dream. But the fact that I transitioned from being awake, to seeing this ghost without realizing that I went to sleep still puzzles me today.  I'll never forget it. And definitely has made me a little more weary of joking or even thinking about the paranormal world. 


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i too have seen a ghost in the house i grew up in down in NC. several stories from that house, my aunt now owns the house, completely remodeled it, used to have big spacious rooms but is now all cramped up, she claims she has had no encounters there. but anyways, nothing to do with fishing in that story. but i do have a story while fishing that creeped me out at the moment it happened.

at the time i was just getting into the subject of bigfoot, even thinking about it made me a little nervous while night fishing alone off a lighted dock in a fairly busy cove of Smith Mountain Lake. well, here i am sitting there fishing for catfish, 3-4 rods out, chillin and drinking some beer. radio on low volume with some classic rock playing, just enjoying myself. to my left is the way out of the cove, straight across the cove is a bunch of lit up docks and an apartment complex. to my right is a bank that comes out and forms a point and then the rest of the cove past that point. on the bank to the right, its at the bottom of a grassy/weedy hill and then a layer of trees right along the bank. in between me and the bank is the neighbors dock. so im sitting there fishing, watching my rods, out of nowhere i hear this loud crashing and running through the layer of trees along that bank, sticks breaking loudly like something was running(and on two feet) and tearing down everything in its path. all of a sudden it got by the far corner of the neighbors house and just stopped. so im sitting there looking over that way wondering what the heck was that, all of a sudden a hear a LOUD howl, that made me jump out of the chair immediately, and the hair on my neck and arms stood up. then it howled again and again repeatedly and it was my uncles cockerspaniel wanting in the house. but that first howl really got me. still doesnt explain the crashing through the woods, no way that little dog did that, that part is still a mystery to me, possibly deer, but sounded like no deer ive heard running through the woods before...

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so ive been reading just a little about Una Lake out of curiousity, came across this in the comments section of a site.


I been there when there was no fence.Many many years ago a diesel crashed into the lake and when the tow company went to retrieve it ,it was gone so than they put scuba divers into the lake and could not find it .They discovered that it was deep with a suction motion to it.So than scientist was sent to the site and discovered that the lake was bottomlest,from than on other stories developed through time.Now what I saw many years ago jump into the lake was some kind of creature with a long a very long tail it jump so fast .I was by there when I heard a loud woosh sound with air movement I turned quickly just to see a long tale about 20 feet long and dust in the air before it jump in to the lake.Right by there was a lot of rabbit carcasses.So yes I know that area very well.There actually was a old man that lived in a house on the site for many years and his wife.I talked to him like 35 years ago and he said that this was his father land and he promise to watch the lake and keep out people to protect the lake and keep people from drowning.The guy had a rifle and would fire warning shots to stay away.Cops would be called at times.Than one day the house burned down .Than he lived in made shift tents.When palmdale started developing to many people going to the lake the old man shooting off his gun the cops chased him off and fence off the lake and did not let anyone back there.I was so lucky to have talked to him and boy I learned alot.


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I live in a haunted house. In fact, my wife and I have had to yell at the ghost to "stop it" when he gets playful and starts to move stuff or he lights up his pipe as we smell pipe tobacco in our downstairs den.

There are three cemeteries on the plantation land our house sits. Two of them, one white and one slave, have been discovered. The third one has never been found although City of Richmond, Virginia records confirm the three cemeteries on the property dating back to the 1800's.

Sometimes you will be watching TV and feel like someone is watching you. Other times we hear noises around the house. But we are used to the noises and things moving and the tobacco pipe smell so we just go along about our business.

We sure would like to know where that third cemetery is located.

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Sam, I just have to ask.  Does the ghost watch your or your wife when you are showering or getting dressed?  

I'm just curious if the ghost has manners or is a perv...

4 hours ago, Sam said:

I live in a haunted house. In fact, my wife and I have had to yell at the ghost to "stop it" when he gets playful and starts to move stuff or he lights up his pipe as we smell pipe tobacco in our downstairs den.

There are three cemeteries on the plantation land our house sits. Two of them, one white and one slave, have been discovered. The third one has never been found although City of Richmond, Virginia records confirm the three cemeteries on the property dating back to the 1800's.

Sometimes you will be watching TV and feel like someone is watching you. Other times we hear noises around the house. But we are used to the noises and things moving and the tobacco pipe smell so we just go along about our business.

We sure would like to know where that third cemetery is located.

maybe your house is sitting on it?

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Could be. No one knows where the third cemetery is located. The slave cemetery is about a quarter of a mile behind my house.



This isn't a ghost story per se, but it may fit here.

There was a seminar on the power of the human mind and in order to make a point, the speaker asked the crowd "How many of you believe in ghosts?".  About 50% of the hands went up.  The speaker continued "How many of you have ever seen a ghost?", to which 6 or 7 hands went up.  He then asked "How many of you have ever talked with a ghost?".  Expecting no response, the speaker was caught off guard when an old man sitting in the back of the room raised his hand.

Deciding to have a little fun with the old man, the speaker went off script and asked "OK, since you talk with ghosts, have you ever kissed a ghost?".  The old man nodded his head yes.  The speaker continued "Have you ever had sex with a ghost?"  The old man blushed and again nodded his head affirmatively.

Caught up in the moment, the speaker invites the old man to the stage.  He puts his arm around the senior citizen and says "Now sir, we all want to hear about the time you had sex with a ghost."  The old man looked up at the speaker and replied "Ghost?  I thought you said goat!!"

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 One time I went camping/ fishing with a friend.We were deep in the Ocala Natl. forest.Went to sleep around 11 . Suddenly woke up at exactly 1 o'clock.I knew something had woke me up but I didn't here anything at first.Then,kind of far off,I heard SOMETHING.It was kind of a grunt,kind of a squall. .Sounded sort of cat like.I woke my friend and he heard it too.It circled our camp . Stayed pretty far away.Kept making the sound. finally,it got quiet so we go back to sleep.

At 3 A.M it woke me again,half as close this time,eventually it quit again.Then at 5 it came again This time it was right by the tent.I really wanted to see it more than I was scared of it,,so I slowly unzipped the flap and quickly shown the light out and saw.....nothing.Never heard it walking either.

Next morning- no tracks.but there were some vague impressions in the sugar sand.

My friend was sure it was a panther.I think maybe a Bob cat.

Been out in the woods a lot and never heard that sound before or since.

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10 minutes ago, everythingthatswims said:

Y'all should see the thread on swimbaitunderground about this stuff haha


  • 2 weeks later...
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This is an older thread but...what the heck.  

My wife and I woke up one night (our window was open) to the strangest, eeriest sounds (plural) I've ever heard.  Somewhere in the backyard there was a "drama" unfolding.  I can't EVEN begin to describe the sound but it was like there was a death struggle going on between two or more animals.  In the midst of it was a chorus of other animals either bemoaning or egging on the "struggle."  A band of demons couldn't have been more convincing!  I don't believe it was anything supernatural BUT if I were a superstitious person, it would have scared the heebee jeebies out of me.  Heck, it did anyway!

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 ^ yeah,I awoke one night to similar sounds.At first I thought someone was trying to get in the back door.As I woke up a little more I thought someone was out there,hurt.Then I realized it was 2 cats either mating or fighting.My heart felt like it was going to explode.

Barred owls really make some wild sounds .Maybe that's what you heard.( or cats ? )

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One night in my old house up in Delaware I swear I had a ghost lay on my back when I was sleeping. 

I'm a stomach sleeper and I felt this tremendous amount of weight on me.  I was scared shitless.  I know

I would never go into the attic.  When my Dad asked me if I wanted anything out of the house when he sold

it I said "hell no"

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You guys are brave to share this kind of thing publicly.  I've learned to keep my mouth shut.

On 10/30/2016 at 5:46 PM, Yeajray231 said:

 and a very scary unworldly face was consuming all of my vision. I was petrified (I feel chills run down me as I recall this event)


That wasn't a ghost.  Was a demon.  I bet that face was within inches of your own and started moving so fast you could hardly breathe.  I've heard this story before, more than once.  

10 minutes ago, Jeff H said:

You guys are brave to share this kind of thing publicly.  I've learned to keep my mouth shut.

That wasn't a ghost.  Was a demon.  I bet that face was within inches of your own and started moving so fast you could hardly breathe.  I've heard this story before, more than once.  

it was in my face. All of a sudden . It was very scary and everything went white. I remember screaming as loud as I could and nobody heard me. 

If it was a demon it has left me alone since. And had no prior incidents . 

The stories you heard... they were similar ? Like i said when I wrote my incident.. when I first noticed this "ghost" i didn't feel threatened. And as I told my girlfriend to look it rushed me and ive never been so scared in my life. Not about anything. it sounds silly to someone who has never had this experience but it was very real.. I get chills thinking about it 

I shared mine because I know it happened. Even though I woke up like it was a dream .. 

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1 hour ago, N Florida Mike said:

 ^ yeah,I awoke one night to similar sounds.At first I thought someone was trying to get in the back door.As I woke up a little more I thought someone was out there,hurt.Then I realized it was 2 cats either mating or fighting.My heart felt like it was going to explode.

Barred owls really make some wild sounds .Maybe that's what you heard.( or cats ? )

Yeah, maybe.  I don't know.  I'd never experience anything remotely like it before and, thankfully, not since.  Of course it helped that I sprinkled Holy water all over the yard afterwards.  ;  )

  • 2 weeks later...

I still remember this like it happened yesterday. More than 20 years ago I was sleeping and I woke up to what looked like a light shining through my window. I slowly pulled the blind back and there was nothing there. I kept watch for what seemed like several minutes but was probably 15-30 seconds and a light like a flashlight was shown up into my face. I couldn't see anything because of the bright light and I released the blind. After a liitke recovery from what had happened I  pulled the blind back again and nothing ever reappeared.

We went out and checked around the house and there wasn't anyone around. I still ask myself today was anyone really there? Had I thought I woke up but it was really a dream? Still creepy to think there might have been someone outside my house in the middle of the night.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/17/2016 at 7:29 PM, Booty Freak said:

One night in my old house up in Delaware I swear I had a ghost lay on my back when I was sleeping. 

I'm a stomach sleeper and I felt this tremendous amount of weight on me.  I was scared shitless.  I know

I would never go into the attic.  When my Dad asked me if I wanted anything out of the house when he sold

it I said "hell no"

Thats sleep paralysis. Ive had four or five episodes in my life where Ive felt something pull on my legs, sit on my back, or get in the bed behind me. 

Yeajray231 had one of the worst kinds where you see evil demon like creatures. 



@bigfruits I feel kind of stupid sharing the story in person . I shared because it really happened. And I figured maybe someone out of the 56,000 members had something to say about it.. 

Apparently demon is the answer .

It hasn't happened again... and I hope it doesn't .. 

But I haven't stayed in that room again either. My grandparents have never seen anything and have lived in the house for over 40 years... I said something to them about it and they kind of just blew it off. So. Who knows. 

2 hours ago, bigfruits said:

Thats sleep paralysis. Ive had four or five episodes in my life where Ive felt something pull on my legs, sit on my back, or get in the bed behind me. 

Yeajray231 had one of the worst kinds where you see evil demon like creatures. 


I've had that a lot back when I had tons of leg surgeries and was taking painkillers. I found "Old Hag Syndrome" to be an exact description, and regardless of what ever happens to me I'll never take a narcotic painkiller ever again thanks to that.

I have a good ghost story, but it didn't happen to me directly or have anything to do with fishing. I trust the accounts of those involved though. Slight backstory, my widowed great grandmother remarried a man that owned a lot of farmland and an old farmhouse. Here's the house, built in 1896. Middle of nowhere. My grandma's older brother and his wife eventually moved out there and raised their kids (twins) who are my older cousins by a few years. They did lots of updating and we had quite a few family gatherings at that place, rode ATV's, all sorts of stuff. Well one time when everyone was staying there my aunt and uncle were sleeping in one of the upstairs guest bedrooms and kept getting woke up by a ticking sound. My uncle finally got ticked off and assuming it was a moth smacking against the window got up to smash it or let it outside. When he stood up he instead looked into an old man's face in the mirror of a vanity mirror attached to an old dresser in the room. They were freaked out but never said anything since there were young kids living in the house and they didn't want to scare them.

What really makes this one stick for me is that several years later we were having another family gathering at my great grandmother's house in Clarkston, Wa, and my dad and stepmom had the exact same experience except they never saw anything, just got woke up by the ticking sound. When dad mentioned it my uncle went downstairs and sure enough it was the same dresser with the same mirror. For whatever reason they moved it from the farmhouse to her house in town. I went in and looked at it, didn't see anything but it raised the hair on the back of my neck. I've never been a fan of mirrors since then, and won't look into one at night.

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I do however though have a similar experience to the one talking about something stomping around the campsite. Every Memorial Day my family has a big camping trip in the mountains, far from civilization. One year my friend and I got off a couple days early and decided to go up a night before anyone else would be up there. We had a Coleman tent trailer, tons of beer and a .22 rifle. My friend got absolutely plastered and I ended up babysitting him the whole night, finally put him to bed and I'm just laying down listening to the last of the campfire die out and I start hearing footsteps. Big ones, getting closer. I start to panic. The .22 is in the Explorer just a few feet away but it's too late, whatever is out there is already in camp. I spotlight out the mesh windows and can't see a thing, so finally wake up drunkboy and tell him I'm going for the gun(not that a .22 is going to do much but 10 shots of anything is better than nothing) and to stay awake in case anything happens. I rush out, open the hatch, grab the .22 and dive back into the trailer to find him sawing logs again. Thanks bud.

I stayed awake all night, never heard the stomping quite as close to us but I was on pins and needles from that point.

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