JayDub Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 Well, I'm not done with it yet but I finished painting my 14' 1957 Lonestar and got my trailer fixed up. I've been planing to put a small front deck, floors, and alot of accessories since I can remember, but right now I'm just going to fish without them because ive GOT to hit the lake. This boat has been sitting by our barn for YEARS and I decided to make it lake worthy. Oh yea and check out the dinky tailer! It's about the same age as the boat, that's why i'm keeping it. Here's the before and after photos: I've created a website showing almost EVERY step of the process... I'll update it as I add the deck, floor, and anything else to the boat. Hope you enjoy! ;D http://hachiesting06.tripod.com/my14lonestar/ Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 That sure came out classy looking, right down to the vintage logo,NICE TOUCH! LOOKS GREAT!! Now it's time to hunt for a 1957 antique motor! like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1957-EVINRUDE-FISHERMAN-CLEAN-OUTBOARD-BOAT-MOTOR-5-5_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ111122QQitemZ4628782877QQrdZ1 Quote
haskell112 Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 Nice job i realy like the way you kept the vintage paint job also Quote
Madhouse27 Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 Those Lonestars are tough boats. We used to rent a big Lonestar aluminum cabin cruiser for trolling on East Grand Lake. We always called early to make sure we got that one particular boat. It was a real classic and could really take the rough water. Had some of the best times of my life in that thing. Nice job on your project. Quote
SavannahFisher Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 Awesome. That looks sweet. I'm working on building a boat the exact same size and I've been thinking of what colors to paint it. I like the way that blue and white look together. This is where I'm at with it now. Quote
Rattlinrogue Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 You've turned that boat into a real beauty.You just can't go to the local boat dealership and buy that kind of beauty.What kind of paint did you use,and will it work on a fiberglass boat? Quote
BassBird Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 That boat is awesome...i'm debating if i should do the same to my antique....NICE JOB! Quote
JayDub Posted April 7, 2006 Author Posted April 7, 2006 Thanks everyone... You're right Madhouse, Lonestars are tough, there's no telling what kind of beating it took before we got it but we've beat the hell out of it in our big pond. After all these years, and not being repaired once before this, it had the SLIGHTEST leak aroud the seams. I fixed that! ;D Rattlinrogue, I used Interlux Brightside Topcoat for the finish and YES! you can use it on fiberglass. Go to www.yachtpaint.com and you can get all the info you need. I looked up the details for this paint in particular... here's what they suggest... BARE FIBERGLASS: In Good Condition Begin by scrubbing well using soap and water and a stiff brush. Rinse with fresh water and allow to dry. Wipe a small area with a clean rag that has been wetted with Fiberglass Solvent Wash 202. While the surface is still wet, wipe with a clean, dry rag. Continue this process until the entire surface has been cleaned. Sand with 220-320 grade (grit) paper. Remove sanding residue. In Poor Condition Clean as above. Sand with 80 grade (grit) paper. Apply Brightside Primer. Another thing... I rolled and brushed this boat. I didn't have a sprayer so i used a method called roll and tip. If you look at the closeups on my site, it turned out PRETTY DARN GOOD! OH YEA! I almost forgot! Check this out: The Originals! ;D I'm putting them back on the transom. Quote
abelfisher Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 SCWEEEEET JOB!!! That is a real beauty of an old boat. Congratulaions on your project. Great job! Quote
Tom Bass Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 You have done a very nice job on that boat and trailer. It looks great! Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 There are lots of metal conditioners and polishes that can bring those back to new before you rivet them on. Otherwise, the rivet head will be "new" looking but not the tag. Just a suggestion. I also used brightside by interlux with a brush. (Too many angles and ribs for a roller in mine) The paint is designed to "flow out" but strict care needs to be taken with the prepwork. THe more detailed the prepwork, the more "flow". Expensive paint but great stuff. Quote
Don_B Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 Wow! A few pictures before and after seem so simple, but in between them, there must have been months of hard work! I'll bet your're proud of it. Quote
JayDub Posted April 8, 2006 Author Posted April 8, 2006 Thanks everyone! LBH - I was planning on polishing them but havn't got around to look for the polish yet. Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted April 9, 2006 Posted April 9, 2006 One polish I know of is called "noxon". http://housewares.hardwarestore.com/35-176-metal-polishes/noxon-7-metal-polish-145359.aspx Quote
Pa Angler Posted April 10, 2006 Posted April 10, 2006 Awesome job on the restoration. Now... The motor on Ebay that Hooker suggested would be a great addition and a nice touch. Chow The Pa Angler Quote
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