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7 hours ago, ssheldon1 said:

n any event, you cannot honest believe that any of these youtube folks are creating videos "to 'teach' us how to fish..."   I agree they may very well say that in their videos but, come on, you don't believe everything you read, hear or see on the internet, right? 

a bit ironic that you're on a site that's about just that though.... if you don't believe me, take it from the man himself.


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I think you're failing to understand how to make money off YouTube. You have to have subscribers and views. They have kids, spouses, mortgage payments etc. If you don't like the way they run their channel, then don't subscribe or watch it? The V-Logs are for their fans who appreciate them.


This is actually my first post/response ever.  I don't care for the unboxings either.  But as far as some of the videos go...some good/some bad.  I think that newcomers to bass fishing that want to get better and learn more...like me learn more by watching videos.  My dad loved to fish trout but we never went bass fishing so where do I learn?  From guys like Glen.  He has helped me immensely so far and I am thankful for that and anyone else willing to help.

Glen is one of my favorites.  He makes lots of sense and passes on info in a way I can understand.  And guess what..he gets to do something he loves for a living.  There is always a downside to everything and that would be pushing sponsor's products.  So don't watch those videos or ignore those parts.

There is no such thing as pride when trying to feed your family.  You do what you need to so your family is successful.  Doesn't affect me at all so no reason to get bent about it.

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Hello everyone, I'm new here...

Thought I would weigh in to give maybe a different perspective.  I am new to bass fishing.  I have been pan fishing most my life until my wife, son, and I accidentally caught some bucket-mouths and figured out what bass fishing was all about.  Ever since then, we bass fish almost everyday.  Needless to say we went back out and had no luck what-so-ever.  So I did what most people do in 2016...went online, found this site and youtube to learn quite a bit about bass fishing that I never knew before and now my family and I can go out and catch bass almost every time out on the water.  That being said, we still have so much to learn. 

When looking stuff up on youtube, it seems bassresource vidoes are always first to come up, for whatever reason, along with 4 or 5 other DIY bass fishing youtubers.  Now, I cant really understand the vlogs and other things like that, however, I have learned quite a bit and it really works.  Not specific products, but ways of rigging and fishing, and what types of rods and reels to use.  It has worked for my family, it has helped create some really great days for my family and something constructive for my very young son to get into (which he loves by the way).

It doesn't really matter, there is crap all over youtube, and we are all here for one thing, we all love bass fishing right?  I know I do!  So try not to worry about the crap on youtube and just get out and fish.  The reason I joined this site is because I think I can learn a lot more here than on youtube, and I wanted to join a really nice forum with like minded individuals!

Just wanted to say, in my experience so far, I think you can learn a lot more here than on youtube about fishing, and I know what some mean about selling out and pushing products, but I don't pay attention to that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i watch them occasionally.. flukemaster used to give great tips.. now.. not so much.  at least the last few I saw. the other dudes are making money, thats it. more power to 'em I guess. what I wanna know is: is working like this paying enough to get new bassboats? $2,000 kayaks? new rods, reels, go pros etc?   some of those dudes are pretty young and they're out there toodling around in new boats, towed by new trucks, etc.  i guess if they can do it... more power to 'em. Hell if I could fish or hunt for a living thats where I'd be!

12 hours ago, Cyklops99 said:

what I wanna know is: is working like this paying enough to get new bassboats? $2,000 kayaks? new rods, reels, go pros etc?   some of those dudes are pretty young and they're out there toodling around in new boats, towed by new trucks, etc.  i guess if they can do it... more power to 'em. Hell if I could fish or hunt for a living thats where I'd be!


  Yeah, I've wondered that too.  How can those young guys be making the money to buy those boats and gear and travel around.  I wonder if they are being bankrolled by their parents, nothing wrong with that though.  I guess in the end, the fishing industry should be happy with those guys on Youtube pushing fishing. 




What's wrong with them?

Jon Barzachini- informative, entertaining, and great photographer

Alex Peric-Funny, good at fishing

Michael Hsiao- Determined, willing to fish with subs

Nick Smith, very advanced and in depth

Robert Terkla- generous, well spoken, funny



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Wow --- I missed this burn against youtubing lol.  I think this could have probably ended with the first, if you don't like it -- why watch it?  I mean really -- it's kind of like TV.  If you don't want to watch CSI, change the channel.  Don't whine that people are acting like they are solving crimes on TV only to have people watch commercials.  Hello...?

As for the different youtube personalities - yes, some know their stuff.  Some don't.  Some are quite funny, some are dry.  Some are HAWT.  That's the great thing about it, you can pick and choose and watch what you want - for the reason YOU want.  Not everyone is going to like Bill Dance, Shaw Grigsby, or Roland Martin (etc etc).  All 3 of those are AMAZING fishermen, but that doesn't mean you want to watch them.  Maybe In-Fisherman TV is more up your alley, or going the opposite maybe Hookin' up with Mariko Izumi is what rattles your jig.  But the big question is why come on a forum, (with a very notable youtube fisher at that) and start whining that everything is dumb and because someone takes care of their boat you can fish better etc.  

It's as if you think the world is designed to cater to you, as if you feel entitled and that things must be designed for you or its wrong.  To be a man in your 50's you kind of act like my nieces and nephews -- only they lack the experience of reality to offset their own entitled ideologies.  To quote someone, "Suck it up, buttercup."  If you don't like the channel, change it...

  • Like 4
21 hours ago, Bassun said:

Wow --- I missed this burn against youtubing lol.  I think this could have probably ended with the first, if you don't like it -- why watch it?  I mean really -- it's kind of like TV.  If you don't want to watch CSI, change the channel.  Don't whine that people are acting like they are solving crimes on TV only to have people watch commercials.  Hello...?

As for the different youtube personalities - yes, some know their stuff.  Some don't.  Some are quite funny, some are dry.  Some are HAWT.  That's the great thing about it, you can pick and choose and watch what you want - for the reason YOU want.  Not everyone is going to like Bill Dance, Shaw Grigsby, or Roland Martin (etc etc).  All 3 of those are AMAZING fishermen, but that doesn't mean you want to watch them.  Maybe In-Fisherman TV is more up your alley, or going the opposite maybe Hookin' up with Mariko Izumi is what rattles your jig.  But the big question is why come on a forum, (with a very notable youtube fisher at that) and start whining that everything is dumb and because someone takes care of their boat you can fish better etc.  

It's as if you think the world is designed to cater to you, as if you feel entitled and that things must be designed for you or its wrong.  To be a man in your 50's you kind of act like my nieces and nephews -- only they lack the experience of reality to offset their own entitled ideologies.  To quote someone, "Suck it up, buttercup."  If you don't like the channel, change it...

Best post on this thread, and summed up nicely. Times are a changing. When I was a young kid learning how to fish with my pop, I would of killed to have this resource, and the youtube fishing channels. I had to rely on magazines, and Cabela's catalogs. Some channels are fantastic, some are garbage. It's personal preference, and we get to decide what we want to watch. Easy as that. There is no reason to put anyone down over it. Ignore it, and move on.

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i'm old , 50 yrs to be exact. Have been bank fishing for about 40 of them. Thought i had this bass fishing thing figured out with my deadly 4in power worms Tex. style. Usually caught fish , get skunked occasionally. Never a big tv watcher, so exposure to the Houston's and  Parker's of the day. Now i have a couple kayaks and needed to get some upgraded equipment, my kid says check out youtube. So i do, shakyheads, nedrigs? dropshotting?( have experience with this , but called something else at the time) i probably would have never heard of these techniques without the youtube machine. Now i would like to order something online that no store for 500 mi from me carries ( i'm a touch and feel before i buy kind of guy).. low and behold "the unboxing" videos give me a sense of what to expect before i do or don't.. Not a huge fan of the blasting music for the first 5 mins but by the end i have learned something , either way i win. So thanks to all you guys/gals that make your vids, reviews, unboxing..whatever .. keep it up please 

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There is a proliferation of information available now that wasn't available decades ago.  However, like anything else, not all of the information may be valid for what you are trying to do.  

This site is a great example.  Whenever someone asks how they can catch fish somewhere, you get answers from people all over the nation, fishing bodies of water that vary as much as the answers to the question do.  I know most people have good hearts in wanting to help others, but I always hesitate before giving advice online.  Do I really understand the situation and area that the OP is talking about and can I steer them in the right direction?  For me, most of the time the answer is "I don't know", so I hold off giving potentially conflicting advice.

If you spend some time on this site and get to know various members through their posts, you will find people who you can count on giving you the advice on particular subjects that are applicable to you.  The best example I can give for myself was when I was learning about the Ned rig.  The best and most consistent advice came from Team9Nine and Bluebasser, not because they considered themselves experts, but because they had taken the time themselves to learn from those who could be considered experts and were able to apply the techniques.  Best of all, they were able to explain simply what they had learned, which allowed me to learn a technique that is now invaluable to my fishing arsenal.  

2 hours ago, YakPirate said:

i'm old , 50 yrs to be exact. Have been bank fishing for about 40 of them. Thought i had this bass fishing thing figured out with my deadly 4in power worms Tex. style. Usually caught fish , get skunked occasionally. Never a big tv watcher, so exposure to the Houston's and  Parker's of the day. Now i have a couple kayaks and needed to get some upgraded equipment, my kid says check out youtube. So i do, shakyheads, nedrigs? dropshotting?( have experience with this , but called something else at the time) i probably would have never heard of these techniques without the youtube machine. Now i would like to order something online that no store for 500 mi from me carries ( i'm a touch and feel before i buy kind of guy).. low and behold "the unboxing" videos give me a sense of what to expect before i do or don't.. Not a huge fan of the blasting music for the first 5 mins but by the end i have learned something , either way i win. So thanks to all you guys/gals that make your vids, reviews, unboxing..whatever .. keep it up please 

Man I was in the same proverbial boat as you. I was always the "throw a worm in and be surprised" kind of fisherman, in the last couple months I have gained a wealth of knowledge, thanks to this site and YouTube. I read a lot of bass fishing magazines when I was a kid, but nothing gets the point across like seeing someone do it!

On 7/8/2016 at 2:16 PM, GORDO said:

I think you're failing to understand how to make money off YouTube. You have to have subscribers and views. They have kids, spouses, mortgage payments etc. If you don't like the way they run their channel, then don't subscribe or watch it? The V-Logs are for their fans who appreciate them.

I agree, and especially agree with your point on V-logs.  When I started fishing a few years back I went to youtube to try and learn. I found a few channels of guys around the same age as me doing basic videos, slightly instructional. Obviously I progressed over the years, as did they. So I feel I learned how to fish along with them, following their lead rather, which makes you appreciate them and like them as a person, not just their fishing videos. So I personally enjoy watching V-logs from those specific channels, however I cant stand just watching random fishing channel's V-logs.


It must pay to do these videos. I mean... Look what happens when you put on a chewbacca mask and laugh. Good morning america, your kids are set for college..... What a joke

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  • 1 year later...

I started fishing before the transistor was invented, so most of my knowledge came from family, friends, and what books could be found on the subject. I watch YouTube fishing and I have to say that I wish it had been around back in the day. There is a lot of drama and you have to wade through a little BS sometimes, but it is entertaining sometimes. That being said, I'll be the first to tell you that you're never to old to learn.


Now, if I could just get on the Pro Staff for Depends or PoliGrip.

  • Haha 3
On 6/8/2016 at 7:24 PM, nascar2428 said:

Most of the you tube sensations seem to be more concerned about the number of subscribers they have, than actual fishing info.

That's pretty much the point of YouTube anymore.  The more subscribers, the more likes, the more views, the more money the content creator makes.  It's all about the Benjamins and who cares about the content.  That's why a lot of these "fishing" YouTubers have thumbnails with clickbait messages on them. It gets the attention of people so they click to view their videos.  It's not just fishing, it's in all different topics on YouTube, and it seems like the more outrageous and ludicrous someone acts the more views they will get and the more poor the quality of the content is.  

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I mean the pros do the same thing. I admit I liked gene before his marketing, because he was down to earth and told the non sponsoring truth. Which I admired, but now its *** this and that. Bassresource is one of the very few I watch anymore.

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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 6:09 PM, Kevinator1 said:

Sorry if I offend anyone but some of the You Tube fishing stuff is just so dumb.

Key word is some. Yes some stuff is dumb but a lot is not.


Watching YouTube fishing stuff I have learned a few things and have been entertained. Not bad for something that doesn't cost anything.

1 hour ago, 813basstard said:

I invented the Texas rig. So I have that going for me....which is nice

He's a Cinderella boy.. tears in his eyes I guess as he lines up this last cast..

  • Confused 2
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My main issue with most fishing youtubers is a huge lack of editing skill. A shanky chest-cam is bad enough, but the first time I see a black screen when you bend over, I am clicking through to the next video. 


 I do think most people are getting better about the audio side, or maybe good mics are getting cheaper.  

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A lot of YouTube videos are educational and I enjoy watching them. I have learned about new locations to fish,new fishing techniques, and how to fish in locations I have not fished before from watching YouTube videos. I like to see honest fishing gear reviews and they can be found on YouTube, especially from small channels that are not sponsored. Saw a video where a chinese made spinning reel broke at the handle while fighting a regular sized freshwater fish and this video taught me not to buy those reels.

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I only watch bass fishing videos I don’t like watching GT fishing and fishing on the other side of the planet for carp, me just me personally I like watching bass fishing videos. Not the adventures of a bunch of kids goofing off and fishing a little. I don’t like watching that stuff. I like anything to do with bass fishing any channel that I might learn something or listen to a good break down on tackle I enjoy.

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On 7/26/2018 at 1:42 PM, soflabasser said:

A lot of YouTube videos are educational and I enjoy watching them. I have learned about new locations to fish,new fishing techniques, and how to fish in locations I have not fished before from watching YouTube videos. I like to see honest fishing gear reviews and they can be found on YouTube, especially from small channels that are not sponsored. Saw a video where a chinese made spinning reel broke at the handle while fighting a regular sized freshwater fish and this video taught me not to buy those reels.

I watch very little or zero YouTube fishing videos anymore due to many of the issues you bring up. The issue is a lot of them do not know enough about fishing to be educational, many of them are sponsored by fishing companies and hyping a rod/reel as much better than it is. We all know people who have channels like this.


The only YouTube channels that I would ever recommend is BassResource, and a couple others. But there is a lot of videos from pros that are extremely helpful and beneficial. 

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