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Sorry if I offend anyone but some of the You Tube fishing stuff is just so dumb.......un-boxings.....wth? You mean I can't look at the same stuff on fishing tackle sites or my 5,000 catalogs I get in the mail every year? I have to watch some dufus open a box and describe what he bought? And how about the big fella  who used to be on here and now is "teaching the world to fish"? Ummmm....that's what all of the fishing shows have been doing for the last ooohhhhh say 50 years.....The Outdoor Channel, Bassmasters, FLW, Major League Fishing, Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston etc. etc.....I love it when someone thinks they are showing everyone something "new" when they are just repeating what has been out there for a very long time.......And how about the junkie? Claims to be a fisherman but his boat which is a few years old doesn't look like it has a scratch on it.....My boat is about the same age and I go 4 wheeling through brush, trees, shallow rocky areas, stump fields and anything else to find those little green fish.......bet I've caught a few thousand more fish than that guy because my boat gets used for what it was made for.......so looks like I will stick with the pros and the guys who really know how to fish......Just a silly observation on my part.

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Not offending me one bit. Most of the you tube sensations seem to be more concerned about the number of subscribers they have, than actual fishing info. The other day, one of them had the privilege to fish with Yamamoto on his ranch. This guy thinks he's a Senko guru, always telling people to use a 5/0 hook. First thing Gary tells him, better action with a 3/0. His reply, who knew!! A little research and he would have known!! The guy still uses a 5/0, even after being schooled by the master.

  • Like 15

what's even worse is that they are all now doing video logs of their daily life..ie: what they eat for breakfast, driving kids to school, eating lunch, taking out trash, driving to store...etc and people actually sit down and watch this stuff. I seriously don't get people.

some of those channels used to be good, now they are getting ridiculous. it's all about making as many vids as possible and making money from youtube. When guys get sponsored, like flukemaster did , then their channel starts to suck because all they want to do is push their sponser product. its funny, now all his previous rods that he used to say were so good (which they actually are) hes now dumped them all and acts like they all suck and now his new rods from his sponsor are "so much better"  and you all should buy those instead of those  ol white  rods  lol

16 minutes ago, nascar2428 said:

Not offending me one bit. Most of the you tube sensations seem to be more concerned about the number of subscribers they have, than actual fishing info. The other day, one of them had the privilege to fish with Yamamoto on his ranch. This guy thinks he's a Senko guru, always telling people to use a 5/0 hook. First thing Gary tells him, better action with a 3/0. His reply, who knew!! A little research and he would have known!! The guy still uses a 5/0, even after being schooled by the master.

ya he shows up to catch 2lb  bass out of a little pond with a heavy duty  rod and I'm sure something like 50 lb braid with weightless senkos lol

yamamoto I'm sure laughed at him while he schooled him with his little light action spinning set up

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I call it the Kardashian syndrome. The day people started watching that type stuff the entire planets IQ dropped more than 1/2 it seems. What kills me is people still think that is entertainment.

Yes vlog or what ever they want to call it is as absurd as it gets. I have seen a few say I'm only doing it because its the in thing. Soon after he videoed himself mowing the yard. Its a fan driven frenzy. Fan as in fanatic. Look that fanatic word up and think about it for a minute. A normal person doesn't give a hoot what you had for breakfast or all the crap your dog does all day or even your private time raising your kids doing family stuff. Hell who has time to watch another persons life ... oh wait someone with no life, like a fanatic, living through someone else. 

Who is thinking about the generation of kids that their whole entire childhood has been advertised/sold on the web. What they will feel like when they are grown and a video shows up at the most inopportune time. Its embarrassing enough when a simple childhood picture came out at the wrong time. Much less a recorded live video available 24/7. Really sad some don't think past their own desires. 

I'm not saying its going to happen but you know some lunatic(fanatic) will eventually get enough info to find one of these people doing vlogs and do some weird crazy person stuff. Then everyone will be like they are so surprised something happened. DUH!!! It happens to actors etc who have much more protection than these people.  

As for Tacklejunkie he is a simi-perfectionist and a scratch to him is like me busting out your windshield with a ball bat. Well that is what I gathered from his videos prior to me shutting him and others off who have gone away from the reason I watched their videos to start with. Before that I enjoyed watching his fishing videos as they were real down to earth and I saw some things I tried.   

As for Gene well he sold out. There was a thread on him when he was quitting his job and going full time YouTube. It was discussed then how this might go down. You cant keep sponsors if you don't do what they want. That is a fact. No matter what he thinks of the rods he is using now he has 2 choices since he quit his real job. Say what they want him to and smile while doing it to keep the $ coming, or quit taking the money and then we can start believing what he is saying about a product. Its that simple.  As far as him teaching the world well maybe the kids that never saw the older fellas he is showing some stuff. People relate to what they see or have seen and the old guys videos... Oh wait there wasn't a lot of quality video back then. It was magazines and black n white TV. Some of you had color we were poor and happy to have a 13" Emerson. Haha      

I'm not ranting about it but I agree the landscape is changing and it looks stupid as all get out to me so I just turn off the channel. Makes for more time to fish. 

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Perhaps you didn't realize all internet content doesn't revolve around you and cater to your likes/dislikes. it's not Kevinator1Tube. Lots of young anglers like these "unboxings".  If you don't like it, move on. Nobody is forcing you to watch them...


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First off, the unboxings are pretty dumb. The one exception is showing what came in an MTB or LTB, which might get people to sign up for it if they find that it is worthwhile. 

However, to some of the people watching these channels, this information is "New". Not to the fishing world, but to them. And YouTube is vastly more accessible than these cable shows, not to mention....free. A lot of the younger people I know now do not even have cable. And you really think the majority of the newer generations are going to be orderings dozens of different magazine subscriptions? Yea, no. 

Also, not sure what the jab at TJ81 was about. So the dude keeps his boat clean and that means he is a worse fisherman than you? And sticking to the pros? Sure, they rely on their knowledge to make a living, but I think we all know how often pros tell you stuff just to push a product and sell things. 

I'm not offended, just pointing out some stuff. Because at the end of the day.....

3 hours ago, BrianinMD said:

Do not watch them if you do not like them. Rather easy solution.


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Not offended at all but certainly entertained by your analysis. Agreed much of that does not hold much value, but as long as people are willing to click on it there will be more and more of it.

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2 hours ago, nascar2428 said:

Not offending me one bit. Most of the you tube sensations seem to be more concerned about the number of subscribers they have, than actual fishing info. The other day, one of them had the privilege to fish with Yamamoto on his ranch. This guy thinks he's a Senko guru, always telling people to use a 5/0 hook. First thing Gary tells him, better action with a 3/0. His reply, who knew!! A little research and he would have known!! The guy still uses a 5/0, even after being schooled by the master.

Just because someone says something that doesn't make it right in fishing, regardless of what their status is. How much money do you think has been won on a Senko not rigged with a 3/0 EWG? I bet it's well into the millions. I use a 5/0 and I've read everything Gary has to say on it. I typically fish deeper and a 5/0 increases the rate of fall and gets down to the fish faster which is all I care about. 



Really funny that OP complains about youtube people selling out to sponsors then says he will stick to the pros...

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YouTube is a great way to learn, be entertained, and pass time. I don't care for some of the fishing related stuff and enjoy other parts of it. Lots of guys out there post things for hits and subscribers. I can see their angle on it. Others just like to share info with others which is fine to. Unboxing videos are more or less a way to brag. Fishing videos provide a nice recap of your time on the water. Product reviews and videos featuring tips and tricks are nice for others wanting info on said topic. Just pick and chose what you want to watch. If you don't like what you see move on...

  • Like 2

Not offended whatsoever. Everyone has different tastes, that includes in fishing videos/youtube preferences. TJ81 reminds me of me with my OCD tendencies. Don't fault a guy for a clean boat, you wouldn't fault him for a clean muscle car. Also, he is married, has a full time job and has a few kids so the plus side of all those other time commitments is that the boat doesn't see much water.

As it relates to unboxings, I hate them too. Boring. I only look at MTB Pro unboxing if I want to get a sneak peek as to whats in my box that month. 

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I laugh at the kids teaching seminars and grown men sitting there. 

The one kid named Brendan is hilarious. 

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I prefer to just watch people fish. I don't need the unboxings, obnoxious music I've never heard of, or instructions how to rig a Texas rig, but some people like and need that. I stick to guys out fishing for the sake of fishing and leave the others to guys who are into that stuff. 

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One unfortunate side effect I can foresee, especially for a new angler, is the parts of their videos we DON'T get to see.  

For an experienced angler, we know this is all part of the life of a fisherman, coming home with no stories to tell and a good bit of money out of pocket, but for a new fisherman it can set an unrealistic expectation of being instantly successful every single time and could start to really frustrate and discourage a new fisherman. I mean who would make a video of them getting skunked with an entire box of lures? But for a new fisherman the majority of these YouTube videos seem like guys taking a new lure out of the box and two minutes later busting a 9 pound bass out of a drainage ditch, all while not knowing that guy fished for 2 weeks to get that 2 minutes of footage. I know more than once I've fallen for the "the video of this lure convinced me" mindset only to be disappointed - lately it's Dave Mercer and the Livetarget Sunfish video - that was a LOT of hype for a lure I have yet to even get a bite on. Maybe someone does, but for me, I feel like I bought into it too quickly without seeing if my regional fishing folks are saying good things about it.  

YouTube is entertainment for me, and that's where it stops. I get FAR more advice on tips and techniques from the folks on here than a video. I think by me just seeing them as entertainment, not educational, it keeps their perspective in check. 


No one's forcing you to click a link, let them be.  If anything it's a good place for people to get started and learn about how to give presentations, speak in public (though not live), and engage an audience.  You can see some of these kids being really nervous or not quite clear in getting their thoughts together, I think these videos they do will help them once they need to give a presentation in the classroom or at the office.

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All of the advertising stuff does get annoying. But the informational videos by glenn and others are what taught me how to fish. I mean like...taught me everything. I had nobody to teach me bass fishing. I learned by watching his and others videos. Also this forum. 

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12 hours ago, nascar2428 said:

Not offending me one bit. Most of the you tube sensations seem to be more concerned about the number of subscribers they have, than actual fishing info. The other day, one of them had the privilege to fish with Yamamoto on his ranch. This guy thinks he's a Senko guru, always telling people to use a 5/0 hook. First thing Gary tells him, better action with a 3/0. His reply, who knew!! A little research and he would have known!! The guy still uses a 5/0, even after being schooled by the master.

I saw that one too. I could believe he also didnt switch to spinning gear when gary himself advised him to. I would of done it just for respect. Lately the videos have gotten worse, most dont even fish in the videos anymore, theyre usually eating or talking about other stuff I don't understand

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You know what grinds my gears? The guy using 10 minutes of his video showing himself driving, often in the dark, to his destination. I know what driving is like. 

Yeah, I know, I can just move the video forward. And I do. But a note to aspiring YouTube producers: Stop showing yourself driving in a fishing video.

And give me MORE Topwater Blowups!!! Videos. I can't watch enough of those. That is all.

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Just to clarify I wasn't saying Gene was flat out lying. What I am saying is once you accept a sponsor the agreement is you are selling their products. Now if you can understand that then you can understand that his opinion on said products is now biased and not necessarily the most accurate representation of the products in his hands. In other words he can't be brutally honest as it was before. 

He can't come out and say they are junk compared to x brand. Remember he quit his job so this is now a job to make money for him selling.

The idea he is teaching the world how to fish is paying his check is a joke. If that was the case he wouldn't have needed sponsors and could have quit his day job at any time. 

 I know some here are young and you might not understand what or how sponsors work. So now days it might be in your best interest to get a unbiased review or two as his videos were before making YouTube his job.

I personally don't care if he sells what ever as has been said click next if you don't like it. 

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i'm not a fan of very many of them at all, but i choose not to watch them.

some of the pros are just as obnoxious though with the sponsor name dropping in every sentence.  or making it sound like you need every variation of every bait, line, reel, rod, etc.  

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I gotta say i respect their grind, its their job its how they make money. Im not gonna watch them anymore but i know other people will. Its good they found a way to make money while fishing. 

I tried watching a scott martin video last week, i have to turn it off after like a minute. The amount of sponsors he tries to shove is too much

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If sponsorships annoy you all so much, how do you manage to watch ANY kind of video produced by any segment of the fishing industry?

I expect young people like to watch the youtube unboxings for the same reasons I used to like flipping through a bass pro catalog as a kid, over and over, dreaming of one day owning every color of worm and every type of rapala.

If you don't enjoy watching the stuff DIY fishing youtubers are doing, that's a sign you probably aren't the intended audience.

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I dunno. I think you're being picky. I like watching BlacktipH break rods and fall overboard. I like LakeForkGuy's bulldog. I like the Uncut Angling guys and their shenanigans. Also some of the younger guys and their unboxings are good if they go into their thought processes behind choosing lures.

I will say that the * channel is my favorite and they're fairly no-nonsense. "Fish this on this with this, hope that helps."

But yeah. If they annoy you, don't subscribe, don't watch. Use the dislike button.

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