VTbasskid16 Posted May 2, 2005 Posted May 2, 2005 I put fogger in my 6hp out board last October and stored it. I put the gas tank in the shed. I Tried it last week and couldn't get it to run. It would occasionally cough. I mixed in fresh 93 octane with oil into the tank with the old gas now it won't even cough! I heard that gas can break down an that i should have stabilized it, but why did new gas make it worse??? The old gas may have been 87-89 octane would that make a difference???? What do i do to get it to run??? start over/new tank??? please help! Quote
fishinfool Posted May 3, 2005 Posted May 3, 2005 i was talking to my dealer the other day and he was telling me that gas these days doesn't last near as long as it did years back. he said when he was younger, he'd use gas that had been sitting around for like 3 years and it still ran fine, but now a days if gas sits for matter of months, its useless. i would definetly start over w/ a new tank and new gas, but thats just me. good luck VT! Quote
Muddpuppy Posted May 3, 2005 Posted May 3, 2005 Did you drain the tank of the old gas? If you didn't it may still just be picking it up. By adding more it may have just stirred the old stuff up. I have tried some stabalizers and cleaners that seem to help. I think my boat starts better with high octane fuel. Try changeing the filter or cleaning it. Maybe dip the plugs in fresh fuel. The only other thing I can think of may be varnish from the old gas in the motor carb. A friend of mine just tried a fuel "shock cleaner" in his fuel I think Yamaha makes it. He said it is suposed to really clean out the fuel system but you may have to replace the filter a couple of time when useing it correctly. He thinks he mixed it wrong so, I don't know how it works. Before replaceing a whole tank of gas if it is a large tank try to sighpon or drain some of the old fuel from the bottom of the tank. That is where the water, rust and debrie will settle. Make sure fresh fuel is in the fuel line. I have never used the fogging oil in a motor. It may be what is causeing your starting problem. It may have fouled the plugs. washing the ends in gas, may help. Quote
J.T. Posted May 5, 2005 Posted May 5, 2005 I had the same problems with my 80hp merc when I bought it. Bought it used from a guy, it ran good in the yard, after I got it home bad things started happening, no power didint want to start. Motor must have sat for some time and the fuel went bad. all three of my carbs where completely blocked up! Had to take all three off and disassemble them clean them, stuff that came out looked like saw dust. Went ahead and rebuilt them while they were off. This sounds like you may have to do the same, If you are not expeirnce with carbs, do not touch them! find a pro and let him do it, you dont want to mess them up, akso when you put them back on the all three have to be set, and you dont want to burn up your engine!. Also since this happend I now put sta-bile fuel stabilizer in everything I have, all year long! 1 oz. will treat 2 1/2gal of fuel, trust me it is worth the extra couple of dollars! good luck! Quote
duncast48TN Posted May 8, 2005 Posted May 8, 2005 I also use Stabil in my fuel in the winter. Even though I still take the boat to the lake occasionally in winter I figure it cant hurt. No problems so far. Quote
Rattlinrogue Posted May 12, 2005 Posted May 12, 2005 If your boat's been sitting awhile ,get rid of the old gas and start over.Clean your carb and add the Stabil next time. Quote
Bass_junky Posted May 12, 2005 Posted May 12, 2005 Remember when you add Stabil you must run your motor to assure it has went through the whole system, not just your gas can.... Quote
J.T. Posted May 12, 2005 Posted May 12, 2005 Thats the main reason why I run it year around, also cause it helps keep the inside of your carb a little cleaner! Quote
VTbasskid16 Posted May 14, 2005 Author Posted May 14, 2005 I started with new gas and new plugs and carb cleaner and starting fluid. All i could get it to do is fire 1/10 pulls. I think it may be ignition, its baffling, it has like 40 hours on it and everything is in exc cond. so i'm taking it to a marina monday. Quote
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