st.croix Posted April 18, 2005 Posted April 18, 2005 hey i have a 14 foot aluminum boat and its pretty wide with a deck on front i was wondering what kind of trolling motor to put up there.I dont think it would need much thrust cuz its just an aluminum fishin boat. thanks Quote
GobbleDog Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 You're right, you probably don't need much for an aluminum boat. Stick with a 12 volt motor definately. No need for 24 volt motor and toting around 2 batteries. It's only a matter of how much thrust you want. You need enough to not only move your boat around, but to get through the thick lilly pads and grass. I've got a trolling motor on my bass boat with 55 lb. thrust. But it's a 16 foot fiberglass boat. And it's more than enough for me. So, as a guess, you probably don't want anything more than 45 lbs. Heck, 25 lbs. would probably be sufficient. Quote
Nick_Barr Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 I have a 12 footer and i have a minn kota all terrain 40 lbs. thrust and it is great, on high it goes fast, on low you can go as slow as you want, Get a 12 volt. Quote
Guest argyll Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 I use a 55lb bow mounted MinnKota on a 14'6" V hull Crestliner. Its about right for the size of boat, although the same size jonboat would work very well with a bit less power...say 50lb. I also have wireless remote control for that motor which makes all of the difference. The controls are clipped to whichever rod I happen to be using. It allows me to change direction or speed without letting go of the rod. I can even continue winding whilst operating the engine. Quote
GobbleDog Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 The controls are clipped to whichever rod I happen to be using. I've never heard of that. That would pretty cool assuming the controls aren't too big and don't mess up the casting and whatnot. Quote
Fisher of Men Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 Argyll, Where'd you get that type of set-up? I've seen the wireless remote motors before, but the remote pad is about the same size as a foot control so that it can be placed on the front deck and used with your foot, but one that is small enough to clip to a rod? I'd be interesting in seeing this. Back to the original post. I recently bought a 12' jon boat. I only had a Minn Kota 35 (17 lb max thrust). I had previously ran my two man boat with it and had reversed the handle to run it off the front. I was using it off of the stern of my jonboat (actually running the boat backwards, but the motor forwards). It worked OK, but I couldn't get anywhere really quick and wind was a problem. I have borrowed a buddy's 45 lb. and liked the fact that I could turn the motor around and get somewhere reasonably fast. He has since loaned me his old motor (long-term) that is 28 lb. thrust, but if I bought a new one, I'd go ahead and spend another $40 and get at least a 40 lb. for that extra speed when you want to get somewhere faster (unless you have a gas motor). Quote
Guest argyll Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 I thought that might make one or two of you sit up and take notice ;D I never could get along with the foot controls on my motor, always hitting the wrong switch, so this was perfect. Its called the MinnKota Co-pilot. Its about the size of a watch face and you can if you prefer, wear it on your wrist rather than on your rod. It comes with a number of plastic holders, so the holder is semi permanently attached to each rod just above the reel position, so you can hit the switch with a finger and the remote control device is switched between which ever rods you happen to be using on the day. You can if you prefer, buy a second (or third) remote and programme it to work alongside the original. Its infra cords and has a range of about 25 feet...doesnt need 'line of sight' so it works through anything (or anyone) between you and the engine. That allows you to sit on the stern seat and run the front motor. Its the best thing I've put on my boat in a long time. Just being able to move the boat in any direction and change speed from any position in the boat whilst still fishing is sheer magic. Its worth it just for the look on the faces of other boats who are watching and trying to figure out how you're doing it. Now the bad news....unfortunately its only available for Minnkota Gripglide and Powerdrive motors (mine is a powerdrive). So if youre thinking of a new engine then an MK Powerdrive might be the one to go for. Quote
GobbleDog Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 That remote control trolling motor is the coolest thing in world. I would love to have one. Of course it's another part that can break, but that's probably worth the risk. I HATE my foot controlled motor. You have to stand on top of it or it'll head off in the wrong direction. And you really have to apply the preasure on the peddle in order to turn while moving at the higher speeds. The motor itself works great - 24 volt 55 lb thrust Motorguide, but the peddle sux. I was thinking the next trolling motor I buy should have the extended handle instead of the foot control, but I'll definately be looking into that remote control motor. I'd be willing to spend an extra $70 or more for that feature. Quote
hipster_dufus Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 i have a 14 ft g3 1444 jon . i use a 46 lb motor on the bow it works fine Quote
Guest argyll Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 Know exactly what you mean Gobbledog. I hated that footswitch. Thers nothing much that can go wrong with the Co-pilot. The mechanism bolts to the side of the motor and the control unit is just a simple small sealed unit that actually floats, if you drop it over the side. I've had this thing for about two seasons and never had a problem. Quote
Rattlinrogue Posted April 20, 2005 Posted April 20, 2005 Get the Minn-Kota All Terrain foot-control with 40 lb. thrust.It costs $279 to $300 at Wal-mart .You will be well pleased. Quote
kegman1 Posted April 20, 2005 Posted April 20, 2005 to answer the first question - anything over 40 lb thrust should be sufficient. As far as the MK Powerdrives, they are very functional and easy to operate (I've had a couple). My fishin' buddy has owned several and loves them on his 16' alumacraft. The only drawback with them is the powerdrive unit will wear out and depending on usage, could be as soon as 2 years. The last pd unit I replaced costs $100. My buddy has gone through them that fast but he fishes 4-5 days a week. The cable operated ones definately last longer but do not turn as smoothly IMOH. I currently have 55 lb All Terrain and it gets the job done on my 17.5 footer. Quote
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