Aaron_S Posted November 29, 2004 Posted November 29, 2004 I am looking to buy a trolling motor sometime before spring and I was wondering which brand was better? Is it just personal preference? Thanks Aaron Quote
JT Bagwell Posted November 29, 2004 Posted November 29, 2004 This is the kind of question that is sure to open a can of worms. ;D Here is my "personal" opinion. To start with I actually own both brands of trolling motors. The Motorguide is in my basement with a burned out switch (The switch was only about 2-3 weeks old when it went out). The Minn Kota is in the garage on the front of my Triton. While my motor was out of commision I used a buddy's Ranger that had a Minn Kota on it. That was when I fell in love with the Maxxum product line. The foot pedal is one of the most comfortable I have ever used. The indestructable composite shaft is another awesome benefit. The Motorguide motor that I have has a stainless steel shaft which is fairly easy to bend. Minn Kota's composite shaft will simply flex while it's under pressure and then go back to its normal position. Side by side I think the Motorguide trolling motors are a little faster in the speed department. Minn Kota motors on the other hand seem to be a lot more weedless. Also Minn Kota's Maximizer technology helps conserve battery power by adjusting the output in accordance to the speed the motor is set at. JT Bagwell Quote
MKYxD Posted November 29, 2004 Posted November 29, 2004 Have only had expirience with Minn Kota, and it was all good. Quote
Chris Posted November 29, 2004 Posted November 29, 2004 I like the quiet power that catches fish lol Quote
bquittem Posted November 30, 2004 Posted November 30, 2004 i own a cheaper Minn kota if thats what ur looking for, its called Power Drive. they are alost cheaper than the Maxxums and i think they work great. if ur looking in that price range i think this is a good bet. Quote
reellittlephish Posted December 1, 2004 Posted December 1, 2004 Aaron_S, JT is correct - opens worms. Your decision depends on water fished, boat size, style of fishing. I would get one size larger thrust than you think you might need. I owned a Minnkota 65 MX for maybe 15 years hung on the front of a 12' fiberglass Sears boat. Great little small lake rig. Was a hand control and that was a pain sometimes, but price and reliabilty - outstanding. Only went to the shop once, because I wrapped line in the prop and decided to replace the prop shaft seal. It is still running. This spring I bought a 97 Skeeter with a 2000 Motorguide Energy 67 (24/12v) on the bow. I like the industrial design of the Motorguide and find the rack and pinion steering OK, and I have some screws in my left ankle which compromises my stance. The electrical design is rugged and easy to troubleshoot. When I bought the Skeeter I knew the Motorguide shaft was bent and until I replaced that steering control was harder. Noticed once the shaft is bent it is easier to continue bending it when you bump things. Now I keep my Gatormount/Breakaway somewhat loose and so have not managed to bend the new shaft. That said , the bottom housing of the Motorguide was an absolute nightmare. Apparently Motorguide distributed quite a few of these models which had the transducer puck improperly glued into the housing and they leaked. There was no fix other than replacement and Motorguide does not allow transference of original warranty with sale. So several trips to the repair shop and about $350 to replace lower housing($240 part), new armature bearings and seals twice. Original motor cost about $800. So I spent some days hanging out in JR Trolling Motor shop down in Henderson, Nevada - gateway to Lake Mead. Opinion in the repair shop was "get a Minnkota" or "get 2 Motorguides is you fish tournaments". There were problems coming in with the Digital Motorguides where the electronics in the housing got wet from a leaking housing and were frying - also expensive. On Minnkota side there were complaints about the design of the dual cable control system and how easily those cables frayed and broke. Motorguide cables were also item for complaint and repair. Shop consensus was Minnkota had better repair service and easier for service people to work with. If you do a google search on Motorguide and Minnkota you will see a wide range of opinions. So I tried to keep this accurate and factual. Since I ponied up for the housing replacement in July 2004 the Motorguide has not had any problems and I'm fishing every weekend. Quote
Fatdaddy150 Posted December 1, 2004 Posted December 1, 2004 Wow a bunch of Minn Kota guys out there. I am a Motorguide man my self. I had a 65lb thrust Maxxum and the switch burnt up twice, the composite shaft is nice but I couldn't keep the thing running. So I bought a new 67 lb thrust Motorguide used it heavily all year with no complaints. One more reason I think Motorguide is a better motor is because 2 out of 3 Pro fisherman on the B.A.S.S. Circuit use a motorguide!! Quote
AUTgrPilot Posted December 1, 2004 Posted December 1, 2004 I'll argue that one. My guess is that Motorguide sponsors more folks that Minn Kota because Minn Kota doesn't need to. Just a theory. My cousin has a MotorGuide and he hates it. I've got a Minn Kota and have no complaints. Quote
JT Bagwell Posted December 2, 2004 Posted December 2, 2004 LOL This is what I expected to happen. I would be curious to see if 2/3 of all Pros really use Motorguide though. Personally I thought it was a pretty close split but I never paid that much attention before. JT Bagwell Quote
Hawg_Dog Posted December 4, 2004 Posted December 4, 2004 I have a minn kota power drive on my boat, only complaint is that it turns alitte slower than I would like,but it is petty old. all and relieable, so far. ;D Quote
Backlasher Posted December 5, 2004 Posted December 5, 2004 I've been converted to a Minn Kota user after countless problems with my Motorguide. After replacing the wires in my foot pedal (they utilized too small a gauge wire) and two switches, I bought a Minn Kota. I haven't had any problems with Minn Kota and have three of them currently. Quote
earthworm77 Posted December 6, 2004 Posted December 6, 2004 I'm a Minn Kota fan. All of my experiences with Motor guide have been bad. Quote
Guest notserp89m Posted December 7, 2004 Posted December 7, 2004 Never had a motorguide but i have a minn kota which i have put though everything and it still works as good as the day i bought it. I also love the shaft, i swore i shouldve at least bent the thing a couple of times but it was still straight. Sounds like Minn Kotas won this battle. Quote
Trivib1 Posted December 7, 2004 Posted December 7, 2004 Again I think this is a personal preference item, myself it's Minn Kota. Quote
IGuideETex Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 I have guided on east Texas lakes for 22 years. pleanty of timber. I have used Eagle, Ram, MotorGuide, OMC and finally MinnKota Maxxum. When I got my first Minnkota Maxxum 5 years ago (74# foot) my troll motor problems ended, Bent shafts, broken brackets, circuit boards going out. awkwark repositioning after a break over etc. are all nightmares of the past. MinnKota props auger thru lilly pads moss etc, others try to chop up weeds. Most of the Pro's run what ever they get sponcered with . ;D For example different boat companies automatically use certian troll motors unless special requests. Example most Skeeters have motorguide troll motors. On my skeeter I used the same holes to mount a MinnKota 74#Foot Control with built in transducer. Quote
Ranger_461VS Posted December 24, 2004 Posted December 24, 2004 I too have experience with both brands. Hands down the MinnKota is a better trolling motor, period! They have the smoothest foot controls that I've ever used. I have owned 2 Motorguide's and had problems with both ranging from fried wires which happened because they didn't use tie wraps and the wires eventually started to rub metal. NOT GOOD! Another problem that I had was with the steering cables. My leg would hurt me for hours after a day of fishing because the cables were binding up. Go with MinnKota! Quote
Bud_in_OR Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 Hi, Interesting that no-one has mentioned the Motorguide PTSv series, positioning motor. It's the one they came out with after they bought out Pin Point. About three years ago a buddy took me fishing so I could see his new trolling motor.It didn't take more than a couple hours on the water until I wanted to get the hell home so I could order mine. I have never had any problems with my Pin Point trolling motor. When I purchased it I also bought the sonar, a TDP7500, that plugs into it. The sonar was/is a piece of trash if you compare it to a Lowrance. All things considered, I've been in heaven since I bought the motor. If/when it goes belly-up I will get the Motor Guide knock-off. Nothing I've tried matches it. The thing tracks depth, channel edge and shoreline. It aint 'RonCo", but you still 'Set it and forget it'. Ok. pile on. Bud Quote
jetmech Posted January 3, 2005 Posted January 3, 2005 Definetly Minn Kota. I have had 3 Motorguides quit me. Never again. Quote
smitty3501 Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 I have a Motorguide and have to say that I've had problems with it. Sometimes it will at high speed for no reason,even when set to low. I've had to actually unplug the unit to get it to run low speed. Bend the shaft on it 1 time, forgot to lift it before taking off. I think the Minkota will be my next Quote
Old_Phone_Guy Posted January 10, 2005 Posted January 10, 2005 My Motorguide 67lb came on my new 2003 Procraft SuperPro 190. Squeeled like a stuck hog on high speed. Had to pay $50 bucks to ship it off for warranty service and it still isn't exactly stealth technology. Quote
Snag Posted January 12, 2005 Posted January 12, 2005 I liked my Motor Guide when I first got it but the last couple of years I have put it through "heck" and back and it is getting kind of rough. Anyone know if I can mount a Minn Kota up in the same holes as the motor guide? I don't want to drill more holes in my boat if I don't have to but I want it to be attached good. I beat it to a pulp on Erie, St. Clair and Detroit River. Thanks for your help, Snag Quote
reellittlephish Posted January 12, 2005 Posted January 12, 2005 Snag, I was just in Bass Pro Shops this afternoon - got out under $50! - and saw the new Minnkota, Motorguides. If you are using their mounts looking at new holes. Had same hole problem, plugged holes with pieces of black rubber from an old bungie and some black shoegoo. Came out fine. Did you through bolt the Motorguide mount and use big fender washers and a nylock nut? Quote
scbassin Posted January 15, 2005 Posted January 15, 2005 I have had both. I use hand operated this way I have no cable problems. I had a motorguide brute (41#) on a 158v Ranger & it worked fine. I have a Minn Kota (74#) on a Ranger185vs now & it works fine. The Minn Kota is much better in the grass. Quote
pro-shmo Posted January 17, 2005 Posted January 17, 2005 ;D My largest large mouth was caught on a piece of bright yellow worm 1/2 inch long cut up with scissors in about 2 feet of water. 6 1/2 lbs on 10 lb with zebco 33 reel. easy ! Now.... My 50 + lb thrust 1 year old minn kota never quit blowing fuses in my board, so I put an inline slowburning fuse and havnet had trouble. But Now it doesnt turn right A BIg Problem. Doesnt turn correctly now, thinking it might be a dissconected wire, I looked inside. NOPE ! Gotta find a repairman. Wher in my area ? WHos the closest ? I also discovered the littel rubber shocks came out b/c the little metal clasp fell out, no wonder it was unstable. A guy in San Angelo TX said mail it to him and he will check it out for $ 10. I pay for the shipping 2 ways - Ok. And he will let me know If he can repair it !! IF ??? I paid this much for a trolling motor, almost $ 60 dollars in shipping to get it here, and a year later it sucks. All minn Kota did was email me a list of dealers for repair. I dont want this IF stuff. Someone give me a place close to NM that is reliable to repair these China made products. Are there any american made trolling motors ??? thanks all. Quote
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