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3 minutes ago, Steveo-1969 said:

Man, do I feel old.  I had no idea what "vaping" was when I opened this thread........

It's how Darth Vader smokes.

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I don't have anything against it, and not poking fun at you C&G, but this cracked me up.


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To each his own, but there is no way I'd puff on one of them. I was a smoker for many years and quit cold turkey about 15 years ago, and will never pick another one up. What I can't stand about them vape things is the guys that will use them in stores or restaurants. People using these should have to abide by the same laws as a smoker. I don't want to breathe that stuff as I will never believe that it's not dangerous. 

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16 hours ago, Steveo-1969 said:

Man, do I feel old.  I had no idea what "vaping" was when I opened this thread........

I didn't either.  I Googled it.

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i too quit smoking a while back, cold turkey as well.  However, the smell from these things is nothing, i mean nothing like a cigarette to me. the musty smell of a cigarette is 10,000,000 times worse than the non-existent smell of the vapor.  now is it harmless, i doubt it as well, but the smell isn't even on the same planet.

funny how the engineering from vaporizing marijuana lead to an industry of vaporizing nicotine.  not funny though how they market the e cigs to kids to appeal to them as though they are both smoking cigarettes and vaporizing weed...

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used one to quit smoking for 10 years.  Was addicted to and "vaped'' all day every day for 2 years.  Now I am a week and 2 days from not using it and I am fiending worse than I ever did when I tried quitting regular cigs.  I was honestly tired of being so dependent on something everywhere I went... especially when fishing.  Had to make sure to have batteries, juice, wicks, extras of everything etc.  I cannot imagine what my actual daily nicotine intake was but it had to be huge, disturbingly so in fact. 

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4 minutes ago, Nice_Bass said:

used one to quit smoking for 10 years.  Was addicted to and "vaped'' all day every day for 2 years.  Now I am a week and 2 days from not using it and I am fiending worse than I ever did when I tried quitting regular cigs.  I was honestly tired of being so dependent on something everywhere I went... especially when fishing.  Had to make sure to have batteries, juice, wicks, extras of everything etc.  I cannot imagine what my actual daily nicotine intake was but it had to be huge, disturbingly so in fact. 

Hang tough Bro.. you can do this thing. You got to suffer some though, no way around it.

I'm telling you, you CAN do it.

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If you're a week and two days in the worst is behind you now. Not to say there won't be some epic battles of will between you and the nicotine but they will get less frequent and less intense every day. That stuff is just plain evil and will keep calling you back but, even if you do give in once or twice, the war isn't over. You can do it and you'll be amazed at how much better life is on the other side. I have way more time and money than I ever thought I would and I am now able to buy myself some really nice fishing gear. It will be four years for me this month and the first year I'd saved enough money by not smoking to buy myself a real nice rod and reel by summertime. It's not easy but quitting is SOOOO worth it.

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15 minutes ago, River Dave said:

If you're a week and two days in the worst is behind you now. Not to say there won't be some epic battles of will between you and the nicotine but they will get less frequent and less intense every day. That stuff is just plain evil and will keep calling you back but, even if you do give in once or twice, the war isn't over. You can do it and you'll be amazed at how much better life is on the other side. I have way more time and money than I ever thought I would and I am now able to buy myself some really nice fishing gear. It will be four years for me this month and the first year I'd saved enough money by not smoking to buy myself a real nice rod and reel by summertime. It's not easy but quitting is SOOOO worth it.

truth right here... and i couldn't imagine paying the NY prices!!  i was smoking in NC where they were around $3 pack so not nearly as costly as up north!  you could nearly finance a boat up there with the money you'd saved!

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4 hours ago, buzzed bait said:

i too quit smoking a while back, cold turkey as well.  However, the smell from these things is nothing, i mean nothing like a cigarette to me. the musty smell of a cigarette is 10,000,000 times worse than the non-existent smell of the vapor.  now is it harmless, i doubt it as well, but the smell isn't even on the same planet.

funny how the engineering from vaporizing marijuana lead to an industry of vaporizing nicotine.  not funny though how they market the e cigs to kids to appeal to them as though they are both smoking cigarettes and vaporizing weed...

The way that they vaporize marijuana isn't even close to them vape things. Vapes or Ecigs are chemicals that are heated up and you inhale the steam or vapor or whatever it is. Now a marijuana vaporizer is basically an oven that heats the marijuana to the point that the THC steams off ( for lack of better words) and the marijuana is never actually burnt. No chemicals are added nor is the marijuana changed from its vegetive state even after being consumed. I guess in some ways it's the same but I when using a vape that's man made chemicals your inhaling. 

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6 minutes ago, MDBowHunter said:

The way that they vaporize marijuana isn't even close to them vape things. Vapes or Ecigs are chemicals that are heated up and you inhale the steam or vapor or whatever it is. Now a marijuana vaporizer is basically an oven that heats the marijuana to the point that the THC steams off ( for lack of better words) and the marijuana is never actually burnt. No chemicals are added nor is the marijuana changed from its vegetive state even after being consumed. I guess in some ways it's the same but I when using a vape that's man made chemicals your inhaling. 

you might (or might not) look into that a bit further.  the cannabis oils that are extracted from the marijuana can be vaped along with the flower as well, very much the same process as far as "heating" the liquids to a certain temp to extract the chemicals.  i'll admit i'm no engineer nor scientist though, just a dude that's seen them both in action.  but in both processes, there is no combustion for sure.  i just thought it a little funny, but not funny that the catalyst for the e cig business was the vaporizing of marijuana.  

Now if someone could find some unbiased science to prove that the e cigs were in fact less harmful...... man that would be great and frankly i would be an advocate for using the e cigs vs smoking.


Check out the ecf/electronic cigarette forums. Tons of info posted there

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2 hours ago, Nice_Bass said:

used one to quit smoking for 10 years.  Was addicted to and "vaped'' all day every day for 2 years.  Now I am a week and 2 days from not using it and I am fiending worse than I ever did when I tried quitting regular cigs.  I was honestly tired of being so dependent on something everywhere I went... especially when fishing.  Had to make sure to have batteries, juice, wicks, extras of everything etc.  I cannot imagine what my actual daily nicotine intake was but it had to be huge, disturbingly so in fact. 

Its will power vs the addiction. I literally made it a war in my mind. I smoked for 30+ years and once I made my mind up I was quitting I was not going to let the cigarettes win. Being a very competitive person I made it personal in every way I could in my mind. This way when the urge hit I had deep rooted reasons for denying the desire my body thought it had to have. 

As was said already 2 and a 1/2 weeks out you are doing excellent! the first weeks are the worst in breaking any addiction. I know its tough but it will get easier with time. I have been off cigarettes since 9:00pm  Aug 13, 2014 and I rarely have a moment I even think about smoking. I can so clearly remember being a slave to those things. I cant imagine what a crutch the vaping thing would be like since there are so many parts to it. All I needed was a pack and a lighter to smoke. And I feel so much better. River Dave is 100% right you can do it and you'll be amazed at how much better life is on the other side.  Heck the $ I was spending on smokes now pays for my truck I bought last November. And that is not exaggerating one bit.

You can do this just have to set your mind that you wont except defeat. Your loved ones are worth it alone but all the other benefits are great as well.   

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51 minutes ago, buzzed bait said:

you might (or might not) look into that a bit further.  the cannabis oils that are extracted from the marijuana can be vaped along with the flower as well, very much the same process as far as "heating" the liquids to a certain temp to extract the chemicals.  i'll admit i'm no engineer nor scientist though, just a dude that's seen them both in action.  but in both processes, there is no combustion for sure.  i just thought it a little funny, but not funny that the catalyst for the e cig business was the vaporizing of marijuana.  

Now if someone could find some unbiased science to prove that the e cigs were in fact less harmful...... man that would be great and frankly i would be an advocate for using the e cigs vs smoking.

I totally understand about the general idea, and it is kinda crazy. But from what Ive seen on the marijuana end is that once the flower is vaporized it still looks like a flower just dried out. When you use a ecig that complete bottle of juice is inhaled. To me its kind of like making shine in the fact that you take your mash and heat it to 173 degrees and the alcohol just steams out and leaves a pot full of water and corn behind. I will say that I do feel its safer then smoking cigarettes, but how much is the real question. Someone earlier mentioned  that you could go to the vape forums for studies, but I'll bet them studies were done by the vape companies.  If it were done by university or someone with an unbiased opinion I think the outcome would be entirely different. 

7 minutes ago, MDBowHunter said:

I totally understand about the general idea, and it is kinda crazy. But from what Ive seen on the marijuana end is that once the flower is vaporized it still looks like a flower just dried out. When you use a ecig that complete bottle of juice is inhaled. To me its kind of like making shine in the fact that you take your mash and heat it to 173 degrees and the alcohol just steams out and leaves a pot full of water and corn behind. I will say that I do feel its safer then smoking cigarettes, but how much is the real question. Someone earlier mentioned  that you could go to the vape forums for studies, but I'll bet them studies were done by the vape companies.  If it were done by university or someone with an unbiased opinion I think the outcome would be entirely different. 

I have taken statistical analogy course and there is one thing that all studies that use statics have in common. That is the statistics are only as good as the people getting the data. There are so many variables that can influence statics that it is very easy to make the result look favorable for what ever position or stance you want it to support. And in almost every case no one ever asks for detailed information on how and what data was collected and processed. Everyone just believes the regurgitated response as if it is accurate. And the most common way of passing these so called stats without questioning them is by attaching a college name to the report. Think about it have you ever read, The Study Conducted at Yale University Concludes ... and then questioned where there actual data was from and who exactly collected the data and then how it was processed. Hell no and I just used Yale as a example no offence meant to Yale. :P  

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3 hours ago, MDBowHunter said:

If it were done by university or someone with an unbiased opinion I think the outcome would be entirely different. 

the problem on those studies is exactly what you said, someone has to pay for them, rendering biased opinions.  i would really like to see a legitimate study done by a party with no interest in the equation and see what the science of vaporizing really is!

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Vaping has it's use, but I will never in a million years understand why people continuously do it unless they're using the vehicle for sneaking a puff of the magic dragon sauce.  


That said, I'll take second-hand cherries and coconut over cigarettes any day.  Different strokes for different folks, and it's definitely better than butts.  

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59 minutes ago, buzzed bait said:

the problem on those studies is exactly what you said, someone has to pay for them, rendering biased opinions.  i would really like to see a legitimate study done by a party with no interest in the equation and see what the science of vaporizing really is!

Look at the ingredients of a bottle of vape juice, then look at the ingredients of a cigarette, its pretty obvious which ones better for you... 

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PHE (Public Health England) has done a study, look it up. Tons of other scientific work that proves vaping is "harm reduction" as opposed to cigarette smoking. 

For those that are bashing and say "I just quit cold turkey, man up" well I'm not you and you are certainly not me. Smoked, quit (yes, cold turkey), started up agin. Vaping made it quite easy and have not had combustible tobacco in a year and a half! Proud of that fact and happily admit, I don't see myself quitting vaping any time soon. 

I only vape where smoking is permitted and am not a cloud chaser so my intention is not to fog out anyone in close proximity. 

It has become quite a nice little hobby for me as I like to tinker and get what will keep my cravings for nicotine to a minimum. Is it totally risk free, nope. Is there a possibility it's worse that cigs, not a chance. All of the ingredients that make up e liquid are GRAS ( generally regarded as safe by the FDA. 

Almost all of the "exploding" ecig reports are one of four things:

1) cheap rewrapped reject batteries used beyond their capabilities

2)cheap setups that have been charged with a charger other than the charger that came with the setup

3) unprotected battery loose in a pocket with change or keys or both

4) uneducated consumers that have not done any research on what devices can used with certain atomizers

Battery safety is a must, read and ask questions before you berate others. 

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A vape will never look as cool to the kids as real cig.

5 minutes ago, J Francho said:

A vape will never look as cool to the kids as real cig.

Cigarette smoking by minors is decreasing substantially, coincidence.............

Im not saying vaping is cool by any stretch but the word is out on tobacco, it WILL kill you!

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45 minutes ago, J Francho said:

A vape will never look as cool to the kids as real cig.


The irony isn't lost on me when I see some tatted up hardo blowing clouds of honeydew melon like it isn't the lung version of wine coolers. 

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14 minutes ago, Master Bait'r said:


The irony isn't lost on me when I see some tatted up hardo blowing clouds of honeydew melon like it isn't the lung version of wine coolers. 

Mmmm, a honeydew melon flavor... That sounds good... Haha

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1 hour ago, quanjig said:

Cigarette smoking by minors is decreasing substantially, coincidence.............

Im not saying vaping is cool by any stretch but the word is out on tobacco, it WILL kill you!

The vape will kill you faster.

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