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Your guys help is unmatched, this site is like having all the Pro's personal phone numbers on speed dial.....


Bought brand new 2015 Tracker ProTX190, 90 four stroke, no up-grades from factory except 115hp. and boat cover, (I got $520.00 cover) came with:

45 thrust 12v trolling motor, weak fish finder,(black&white), 2-bank in-board charger, one cranking battery, one trolling battery.

Now, if I change to 24v to give me better/longer trolling motor time, I'd have to change trolling motor right? I don't understand.. what? sell brand new factory 45, that is 12v, but wait, New 24v 80-101 thrust trolling motor (bow mount) are they all 36v? They are ex-ex pensive...Only enough room in back for total of 3 batteries. Didn't really want to put big backhoe batteries on deck.

So, I want to put shallow anchor system on it, so I am not blown away by, WIND, like I'm blown away by the cost of all this stuff...lol

Really would like to put bow fish finder/sonar, so I'm not running back and forth to check out, where I am.

Here's the question: putting this stuff on 25k boat, would it have enough battery power or I'm I getting into some serious long, water-proof extension cords. I guess I can run batteries parallel, @12v to give the trolling time a boost right? Electronics? Would this limit, how big of unit? And finally the talon thing/anchor, they sell a battery pack that looks like it mounts to the top of it? POWER POLE? are they using battery also, I thought they were hydraulic?

Bonus: DIG-IN Shallow Water Anchors (386)-308-7745. Anyone heard of this company? sounds sweet for my use, 500-700 dollars for 2 complete package 12ft., against 3000 for one power pole 10ft., that includes mounting brackets for my boat. It's alum. welded construction.

Thanks for any comments, KEEP: FLIPPING & PITCHING BABY!!!!!!


Your 12v trolling motor should serve you and the boat well, unless you just really want to upgrade to a 24 volt system. 45lb should move your boat decently. 75lb 24v would probably be the biggest I'd go. I have an 18'6" glass triton with a 45lb. I wanted to upgrade but realized that if I needed 75+ lb to stay put in high winds it usually not fun to be out anyways as I don't like fighting that much wind and waves. As for a power pole, make sure you have enough room for the small hydraulic pump. U can power it from the cranking battery with no problems. If not the micro might me an option. Larger electronics won't be a problem either. Hope this helps. 

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You can upgrade to a 24v trolling motor which will give you longer days with less power use since you can dial the motor back, but will need a 3 bank battery charger and another battery.  Or you can run 2 batteries to give yourself more amps with your current 12v.  

Fish finders, I would look into atleast a 7" unit, but honestly I would put 2 7" units on the boat of the same manufacture and link them as so you can share waypoints between them.  And would make sure you buy a chartplotter/fishfinder.  

Shallow water anchor I would go with a Talon.  It's electronic and requires no hydro's just a wire connected to the cranking battery.  May need to get a mounting bracket depending on if it can be attached straight to the stern.

Unfortunately these items and upgrades are going to be costly and sometimes it's easier to have the dealer add when purchasing the boat.  

The order I would do this if I were you would be fishfinders first.  And then figure out which you want more, the shallow water anchor or the upgraded trolling motor.  Either way, you just bought a boat and now understand that a boat is simply Bust out another thousand. 

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I would recommend you fish with the boat as is for a few months then decide what additions you want to make. This should help you prioritize your next purchases  based on your needs and style of fishing. For example, if you fish deep water humps a lot, your may not need a power pole as bad as better electronics. JMHO


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See what mean, Thanks... gulfcaptain, good answer on the electronics buying two. Lakes I fish are 50-80 ft. tops and international waterways maybe later in the Carolinas, Once I learn how to maneuver this Aircraft carrier. really never had boat before. bought new for bumper to bumper warranty, floated around little ponds in Md. with 12ft. Jon boat. Electric only (reservoirs) 

Money aside (not the $3400.00 ea. type), bass fishing, no charter service or ocean ventures in my future, any suggestions on make and models? Maybe ones you started with, to ones you upgraded from and own now and maybe the ones your thinking of getting? What you found would of been better to have, after you bought the one, you could afford, thing.

 I was leaning towards having them both installed same time at boat shop, so they could link together and wiring and electrical. P.S. any thoughts on this discounted old model sale thing I've heard Hummingbird offers, since the Helix models are coming?

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I went all Lowrance on mine.  Bought my boat used, added a Lowrance 7" Elite/Chirp/Gps on front with trolling motor transducer, have a 7"HDS Gen 2 next to the console with a 5" HDS GPS only unit in the dash (free of charge from dealer).  All three linked with a Lowarnce 1-GPS unit as so my waypoints on all three will be from the same imput.  But I went in knowing what I wanted to have for a fishing platform ahead of time as well as the extras such as the 12' Talon.  All together my extras added up to almost $3500 installed.  I don't have any side/downscan imaging from the console but I can buy the transducer and unit to add later to plug into the HDS 7.  But that was in my decision making for a later date (another $750).  You can find some nice electronics.  Look for something with GPS/Chirp/DSI features to start.  If you want sidescan you may be able to find something from Garmin at a resonable price but remember to have 2-3 screens on at the same time is really going to make the pictures small so keep that in mind.  As small as I would go would be 7" displays.  The 5" I have is just GPS so there isn't any split screen needed there to shrink my display.  If you already have a black and white unit and is DSI, then you can eliminate that feature from the other one you put by the console.  I'd also recomend taking a boating class (Coast Guard approved) since you're new to boating in this stage.  

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You can double your run time if you put in another battery and run them in parallel. Then if you feel you need more power, you can add the bigger tm at a later date. You might even find a good used one and save a ton of money. (Lots of people switching to the new electric steer tm's)

As for locators, I'll second what gulf captain said about buying locators that you can network together. 

Power poles are hydraulic, and use battery power to run the hydraulic pumps. They make the micro power pole that is battery operated. If you're putting one of those on your boat you can hook that up to the starting battery, The battery pack is meant more for kayaks and canoes that don't normally have a power source. You could use the battery pack if you want though. 

As far as batteries go, a good 24 series battery will handle electronics, pumps, and starting for most fishing trips. If you fish long days or tournaments you should get one that's at least a 27 series if you can get it to fit. That way you've always got enough power to crank your engine and get back.  

Also going to x2 on what Al said. don't rush out and buy all this stuff right away. Fish with your boat, see what upgrades are important to you. Upgrade over time unless your pockets are overflowing...in which case pass some my way haha. 

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Worm Man 2020 Name here is Bob. I also live in MD.  If you are going to fish lakes like Black Hills. Cunning Falls, and Piney Run Lake in Carroll County, then your 12 volt 45lb trolling motor will be fine.  If you wish to fish Tridelphia Reservoir or larger lakes then I would add 1 battery, sell your tm and get either a Minn Kota Maxum 70 lb tm, or the MG 75lb. If you do that, just run your two bank battery charger to the two deep cycle batteries dedicated to the trolling motor.  That is fine because the starting battery will be recharged while the outboard is running.  I would really look at electronics first.  Check out Green Top which is a fishing tackle retailer down in Ashland VA.  They currently have some really good deals on electronics.

 My wife and I have owned 11 boats over the years, everything from canoes to aluminum bass boats and several  larger fiberglass bass boats.  I recently sold an aluminum reservoir rig that I ran on Prettyboy reservoir.  I currently own a Lowe Stinger17 Bass Boat powered by a 75 HP Merc, it has a MK 70 tm, a HB 788 on the front deck, and a Lowrance Elite7 at the console.  I run 3 big group 30 AGM batteries and a 2 bank charger.  I originally purchased this boat to fish a lake in Hanover PA. called Lake Marburg. It has a 20 hp restriction. I rigged it with a T&H Marine trim/tilt plate, a used 25  Merc re-decaled as a 20, had to change the prop 5 inches in pitch and added a Stingray jr.  This made the boat come out of the hole flat and level with a top speed of 18 mph, which was incredible for a 25 hp outboard and a 1000 pound hull.  Rigging boats is one of my specialties. If I can help you with your project let me know.   By the way if you would want one of the Dig in shallow water anchor poles I have  one I would let go.  I paid $75 I will take $50. It works fine I just do not se it much.DSCN0035_zpsfsjzx2qc.jpg

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On 1/26/2016 at 6:35 PM, fishnkamp said:

Worm Man 2020 Name here is Bob. I also live in MD.  If you are going to fish lakes like Black Hills. Cunning Falls, and Piney Run Lake in Carroll County, then your 12 volt 45lb trolling motor will be fine.  If you wish to fish Tridelphia Reservoir or larger lakes then I would add 1 battery, sell your tm and get either a Minn Kota Maxum 70 lb tm, or the MG 75lb. If you do that, just run your two bank battery charger to the two deep cycle batteries dedicated to the trolling motor.  That is fine because the starting battery will be recharged while the outboard is running.  I would really look at electronics first.  Check out Green Top which is a fishing tackle retailer down in Ashland VA.  They currently have some really good deals on electronics.

 My wife and I have owned 11 boats over the years, everything from canoes to aluminum bass boats and several  larger fiberglass bass boats.  I recently sold an aluminum reservoir rig that I ran on Prettyboy reservoir.  I currently own a Lowe Stinger17 Bass Boat powered by a 75 HP Merc, it has a MK 70 tm, a HB 788 on the front deck, and a Lowrance Elite7 at the console.  I run 3 big group 30 AGM batteries and a 2 bank charger.  I originally purchased this boat to fish a lake in Hanover PA. called Lake Marburg. It has a 20 hp restriction. I rigged it with a T&H Marine trim/tilt plate, a used 25  Merc re-decaled as a 20, had to change the prop 5 inches in pitch and added a Stingray jr.  This made the boat come out of the hole flat and level with a top speed of 18 mph, which was incredible for a 25 hp outboard and a 1000 pound hull.  Rigging boats is one of my specialties. If I can help you with your project let me know.   By the way if you would want one of the Dig in shallow water anchor poles I have  one I would let go.  I paid $75 I will take $50. It works fine I just do not se it much.DSCN0035_zpsfsjzx2qc.jpg

Sweet!!! Nice set-up, Can't express, how much, I appreciate the decent folks, that I have interacted with directly on this web-site.

 Don't do computers at all. Kids set all this up for me, to keep me quite, during that winter blizzard, cabin fever. Wife and kids are getting worn out, hearing me talking, about, What I learned. Now, I get how to do this or do that, because Snakehead Whisperer, said this or WIguide recommended that, and you wouldn't believe what gulfcaptain said about electronics, 2 was better then one, Man I Live for this stuff, lol.  All the knowledge members on this (band of brothers) web-site.

Wife thought, I was doing some new video game or Sci-Fi movie.. Now, that's funny. I don't talk like that.

I'll stop and just say, that's something, you don't find very often.

Watched "all" the how to videos, that Glenn had several times, before I bought anything, and I got quality equipment, instead of some fishing poles.

"Dang Boat" (AS MY WIFE SAYS) needs equipment, not just things, I couldn't even get or upgrade from factory, you know, like when, you order a car. Sir, I'd be glad to take you up on your offer on, DIG-IN or anything else you could teach this old dawg. As long as it wouldn't violate this sites rules.

My newest bud, Snakehead Whisperer, showed me and another member how to PM on here, Would it be o.k.with you? posting thinks on internet? I tell my kids DON'T.

Is this PM think cool to give out contact Info?



Before looking at the talon or another electronic anchor system I'd look at the remote controlled  trolling motors  I know that both Minn Kota amd Motor Giude  units can hold a boat in place with the remote  and if your going to upgrade then why not go with that ?   Just my 2 cents worth LOL    Good luck  

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2 hours ago, carlm01 said:

Before looking at the talon or another electronic anchor system I'd look at the remote controlled  trolling motors  I know that both Minn Kota amd Motor Giude  units can hold a boat in place with the remote  and if your going to upgrade then why not go with that ?   Just my 2 cents worth LOL    Good luck  

I can understand your thinking, but if you're fishing shallower water (less then 10ft) using a trolling motor that has spot lock or something similar will eat up your battery.  If you're fishing really shallow (less then 5ft) then you're turning up the area you're trying to be stealthy in.  If you're fishing on a windy bank or in current, well your motor is going to work its butt off trying and you're going to call it a day early since you won't have any battery left.  I've fished where we have 4 knots of current.....trolling motor isn't gonna cut it in that situation.

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Welcome to bass boat ownership.

Try going back to the dealership and have your rig set up the way YOU want.

24v 65 lbs trust is a good upgrade, or use 2 each 12 v to increase battery life, you should be credited the difference in cost.

You are not tournament bass fishing, you are new to using electronics, keep the units you have and learn to use them.

You don't need electric anchor poles, just more cost and battery power drain and weight.

If you need to anchor, get a plastic milk crate to hold the anchor and rope.

You are going to need some help learning to luanch and retrieve your boat, if you fish alone.

Every boater needs to have emergency bag, search the site for suggestions. Common tools like compound plier-wire cutter, spark plugs and socket, good flash light, spare clothing, spare drain plug, etc.

Good luck with your new rig.


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Some good advice so far. My take on this:

Scrap the cheap fishfinder and buy 2 Onix 12's with 360 Imaging for finding fish, (2) 12ft Talons for anchoring on fish, and a Hydrowave to attract them to the side of the boat. Once you get them to the side of the boat, drop a stick of dynamite in the lake and wait for the waterspout. It will be filled with fish. You'd better be quick at catching them or else you're going to have to go swimming for them.


If that doesn't work, (2) 5" color fish finders of any brand would be the first thing I would do. GPS and mapping on the units if that is within the budget. I'm not a fan of 12v motors and getting a 24v would be my recommendation. I've only used Minn Kota so I have no opinion on Motorguide. A 70lb thrust motor would be ideal for your boat. Shallow water anchors are nice but not a necessity. People have fished successfully for a very very long time without them. I probably use mine more for panfish fishing than bass or walleye.

Remember you can always add more stuff later and if you take care of your current stuff, you can sell it used to help offset the cost of the next upgrades 

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slonezp, That's, what I just ordered, (2) Hummingbird 12's, HANK PARKER SOLD ME ON THAT, one on console and one for front linked together.  going to get kids to help sell the factory 45 thrust Mk, that came with it. and going to have talk, with boat mechanic to make sure, that there will be enough room under back deck, for up-grading 2-bank charger, to 3- bank charger, to at least get the 24v 80 or better thrust. Can you put power poles on Tracker 190? Didn't see a 12 ft. Talon on their site?

All I will need after all that would be the dynamite, I was thinking, Tree removal company might use to blow out deep stumps?

Really appreciate your take on my money pit... Ya got me on the dynamite, Now that's funny 

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Powerpoles take up valuable storage space for mounting the pumps. The Talons do not. Either one can be installed on the Tracker, it's about personal preference. Figure you will lose roughly 2 square feet of storage space for the power pole pumps. Can you afford to give that up? Since Talons are all electric, they are self contained and just need a power supply. You do have room for the charger and additional battery but it will be tight

As far as the electronics, there are plenty of videos on youtube to help you learn on how to use them. WayneP who posts here and on other boards is an invaluable resource when it comes to electronics, especially Humminbird. There are a couple other guys you should look up. Doug Vahrenberg and Dr Jason Halfen.

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sounds like you did this before, Have you heard of the DIG-IN, push pole shallow water anchors? And would you know the highest thrust for a 24v battery set-up?

Thanks, Love your Picture.....:D:D

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There are a number of manual shallow water anchors out there. All they are is a pole and a mount. Different mounts depending on the users preference. Minn Kota 80lb thrust is the highest of their models. I don't know about Motorguide 

Your boat probably came with group 24 deep cycle batteries for the trolling motor. Group 27 or 29 batteries would be a better choice but you may not have room for them because of their size. Whatever size battery you get, you want one with a high RC rating

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The highest thrust I have seen is 80lb. Check out the Minn Kota Maxumm 70 and 80lb motors.  When you see a 300 dollar jump from the Maxumm 70 to the Maxumm 80 do not think they have flipped.  The 70 lb unit is the highest output of the smaller units.  The 80 is a bigger motor , it is used in the 24 volt 80lb model and is also used in the 36 volt 101 lb model, so it is a stronger heavier duty unit. The 101 shares a lot of pieces with the 80 but not all as I understand it.  

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slonezp, After you posted the Onix 12's earlier, flipped me out, I had to check: I ordered the Hummingbird Onix10 ci SI with fishfinder and GPS.

Do they make a 12? I know sounds like dumb question, but everything, I have read states, they get old like computer do, one or two years, even 6 months. Thought, I'd learn on those first, instead of re-learning for the little lowrance 3, that came from factory.

Or was that, like the dynamite? hahaha,


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Youll be fine with the 10's. Ive got (2 )1198's and they are plenty big.


The only issue I have found with my new Tracker is that the group 24 cranking battery is utter crap. The first day I tried to run livewell with minimal outboard time I drained my battery enough that the outboard didn't crank. I had no issue using the 45# trolling motor to push the boat around. I would wager if I had it on 5 all day fighting big wind or current I might change my tune... 

The decision I have been pondering all winter is whether to put in a beast group 24 crank and save space for 2 group 27s down the road on trolling motor(to extend battery life) or upgrade to a larger cranking. But in any event you will want to dump those stock batteries before you end up jumping you cranking battery like I did. Thank god I put cables in one of the storage compartments.

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You should start another thread "Overload"!

The ONIX 10 is a very high end sonar/GPS/mapping/scanning unit that also may need a independent power source.

I spend over 80% of my fishing time targeting isolated deep structure off shore using my 10 year old 7" look down sonar/GPS units. The ONIX 10 isn't going to improve your shore targeting bass fishing and it's more sophisticated than I need.

Good luck!


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Great info, upchuck!!!! That was another thing, I was really trying to figure out, like the 3rd time out, learning lake and not using trolling motor, that much, drifting mostly,  10-12 hour out, 120 yds. short of ramp, dead meat, young man in dingy, towed me to dock.. Flagship of Tracker boat!!!!

took it to BPS, upset, right!!! Service manager checked and said; Nothing wrong. I thought it was grounding out.

Question: the battery tray (aluminum) that holds batteries, is tight, would the 27-29 RC rated batteries fit? and anything you could help would be greatly appreciated. Optima Batteries are what I'm thinking. WRB's post now really make me think??????? 2 Hummingbird,Onix10ci SI w/fishfinder&GPS, shallow water anchor, Trolling motor up-grade. I don't even know how to use or turn on live-well... lol

forget a stereo system... Great stuff, gentlemen,

13 hours ago, Worm Man 2020 said:

Great info, upchuck!!!! That was another thing, I was really trying to figure out, like the 3rd time out, learning lake and not using trolling motor, that much, drifting mostly,  10-12 hour out, 120 yds. short of ramp, dead meat, young man in dingy, towed me to dock.. Flagship of Tracker boat!!!!

took it to BPS, upset, right!!! Service manager checked and said; Nothing wrong. I thought it was grounding out.

Question: the battery tray (aluminum) that holds batteries, is tight, would the 27-29 RC rated batteries fit? and anything you could help would be greatly appreciated. Optima Batteries are what I'm thinking. WRB's post now really make me think??????? 2 Hummingbird,Onix10ci SI w/fishfinder&GPS, shallow water anchor, Trolling motor up-grade. I don't even know how to use or turn on live-well... lol

forget a stereo system... Great stuff, gentlemen,

Sounds like the OEM batteries that came with the boat are bad.


kjfishman, Thank you for that. Why wouldn't, Tracker, install the weakest, cheapest components on their FLAGSHIP, TIN CAN Right!!!!!!

First time, I put in water to break in the Mercury 90, 4-stroke.

1: Fuel gauge didn't work ! (took back to BPS)

2nd time the speedometer didn't work !  (took back to BPS)  , didn't know that, BPS/Tracker, meant: KIA.....

It's paid off, (weak wiring,electronics,batteries,TM, and etc.) Now, I hoping, I have a good hull and Mercury out-board?

Question: Thoughts, on hull and Mercury 90 4-Stroke? Or is, that cheap crap also? Meant Design wise?

I was thinking, of using the $40,000.00 I saved, by not buying 69K Phoenix or Basscat, to trick this " Tin Can " OUT!!!!!

Because, after re-wiring, re-designing compartments to accommodate Hydro pumps, batteries, storage, I will be talking like a Pro, when I order my second boat that, BRAND NEW BASSCAT, That will only need "Beer" and fishing gear.../dynamite.....

Thanks, for helping on my money pit....  

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