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Assuming you have decent towing capacity, there is a great selection of  16 to 18 foot aluminum boats out there.  If you're wanting to do some tournaments - focus on the 18 footers at a minimum - this is coming from a co-angler who has drawn guys fishing out of 17 foot boats.   I have an 18 foot Lowe.   I'd fish club tournaments out of it, if I was in a club.   Larger tournaments - like BFL or something comparable - it really isn't big enough or fast enough to be competitive.


 I'd totally recommend keeping your kayak and buying a bass boat that will suit the waters that you normally fish.


post-45706-0-52655500-1446630038_thumb.jI have both  , A seaeagle and lowe bass boat and found myself last season using the smaller boat more often , next season it will be the Lowe .. Love them both ..


post-45706-0-69194900-1446630364_thumb.jpost-45706-0-52655500-1446630038_thumb.jI have both  , A seaeagle and lowe bass boat and found myself last season using the smaller boat more often , next season it will be the Lowe .. Love them both ..


post-45706-0-52655500-1446630038_thumb.jpost-45706-0-69194900-1446630364_thumb.jI have both  , A seaeagle and lowe bass boat and found myself last season using the smaller boat more often , next season it will be the Lowe .. Love them both ..


I don't know if I would call an aluminum bass boat a mid life crisis. Maybe if you were thinking an Allison glass boat or something lol. An aluminum boat can be pretty frugal. I have fished out of anything I could get to float. I will take a boat anytime over a kayak, tube, etc. I like to kayak, just not for fishing. I can't sit in a kayak fishing for 10 or 12 hours at a time. I hate the immobility. I can sit, stand, and walk around in a boat. And around here, you will get swamped, blown around and just in general have a miserable time in a kayak. At least I would. And kayaks aren't exactly cheap. I've had fast glass boats in the past but I got tired of the tournament thing and currently have a Ranger RT178 aluminum boat. It is dirt cheap to run. I fill it with gas every 3 months or so and that's with fishing weekly. I tow it with a small SUV and only take a 1 mpg hit when towing. Plus I tend to fish a lot of offshore structure, not doing that in a kayak. I'm sure it depends on where you fish though and a kayak might be the best way to go for some people. 

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Kayak to aluminum bass boat isn't a mid life crisis - that is more or less s sensible decision based on getting older and wanting to cover more water efficiently.   I have a buddy, who just turned 47, who swapped a PAID FOR 17' boat for  a totally tricked out 21' EXPRESS - 250 4 stroke - twin 10'Talons - 36 volt trolling motor - extreme electronics - the whole deal, including a YETI.   Now that is a mid life crisis purchase.   It could have been worse - he could have quit fishing, bought a Corvette and taken up golf, just to hang out at the country club.

  • Super User

Kayak to aluminum bass boat isn't a mid life crisis - that is more or less s sensible decision based on getting older and wanting to cover more water efficiently.   I have a buddy, who just turned 47, who swapped a PAID FOR 17' boat for  a totally tricked out 21' EXPRESS - 250 4 stroke - twin 10'Talons - 36 volt trolling motor - extreme electronics - the whole deal, including a YETI.   Now that is a mid life crisis purchase.   It could have been worse - he could have quit fishing, bought a Corvette and taken up golf, just to hang out at the country club.


So what would one call it if I sell the Corvette (in my case it's actually a mint GTO) to buy the new & loaded Lund ?



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I'm 21 and hopefully not going through a midlife crisis. Beginning of the summer I put my Ascend FS10 up for sale and bought a real boat. I bought a 1999 Bass Tracker with a 75hp Johnson and I've never looked back! Its a night and day difference. So many new spots i was not able to travel to before. With it being aluminum I feel safe taking it on my local river for trout fishing and its also got enough speed to travel to the other side of the lake for bass fishing. It is alot less work than the kayak. In my opinion, the ONLY downfall would be cost. Boat can be as expensive as you want them to be.

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Retrieving a boat can be a little hard on your back, if you are doing it alone.  Nothing bad, but if you have issues....might not be as easy as you think.

  • Super User

So what would one call it if I sell the Corvette (in my case it's actually a mint GTO) to buy the new & loaded Lund ?




I'd call it a man "re-adjusting" his priorities !   ;)

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So what would one call it if I sell the Corvette (in my case it's actually a mint GTO) to buy the new & loaded Lund ?



I'll borrow a line from The Aviator, when Howard Hughes tells his new right hand man that he is looking at the world's largest private air force and asks him, "What do you think of that."  To which his new hire wisely responds, "It's your money."


Far be it from me to tell anyone else how to spend their money.  You earned it.  You spend it as you see fit, to pursue your heart's desires.

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My boat is a 16 foot aluminum. It's not exactly a "Bass Boat" but close. It has a live well, a platform in the bow plus a TM with foot controls and a bicycle seat also. I'm going to put a small platform in the stern with a seat for the co-fisherman. As it is now, a when fishing with a second person I pull the passenger seat and they fish standing from the floor which isn't as bad as it sounds. The boat has a 50 HP 2 stroke, not the fastest but on a good day I can get 36 MPH out of it. There are two sonars, one at the console and one at the bow. I can fish tournaments with this and have done a few.


Compared to some of the rigs around here it's not much but I have no debt on it and my actual cash outlay at this point is about 6K including trailer. I can pull this rig with my Ranger 1/2 ton or my better half's Escape. I can launch and reload this boat by myself no problem. The only things I would improve on is more storage space, a little more beam and of course a bit more speed. And a few more feet longer and better electronics and a more powerful TM... just kidding the boat always puts a smile on my face!


Speaking of Trolling Motors, my TM is a Minn Kota All Terrain (Edge). It is a 40 pound thrust 12V TM. When I'm actually using it while fishing I have it set on 2  (out of 5). I have been out on that boat all day and half the evening and using the one battery which also powers one of my sonars, it not only moves the boat but I have still more than 50% battery left. I say this because I think it is easy to get yourself convinced that you need a 24-36V system with 80+ pounds of thrust. Maybe on a 20' glass but  not on a 16' tin.


We have a canoe, its a Grumman Aluminum that we have had for 25+ years. I have fished from it but could never convince myself to turn it into a fishing machine. I would not do it without outriggers but still I think a canoe is too small unless you are fishing alone, have one already or are limited to a canoe because that is all you can afford or your lake will not allow a boat. I would personally rather have a small 12-14 foot jon or v boat for fishing than a canoe.


I have a chain with a hook welded below the winch, the bow hits the front stop (mine's a roller) I put the hook on the bow eye & exit the boat. Once on I pull out I attatch the winch hook & snug it tight.

Exactly   X2

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There are a few "arrangements" for the safety strap/chain/whatever.


On my Z7 there was a short strap with a hook on each end. one for the winch stand and the other for the bow eye.  On my Z8, the safety strap is affixed to the hook on the winch strap.  At the other end of the strap is a hook which attaches to the winch stand.  I have seen other designs as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to laugh at some of the things you want to get away from,  lifting, straining etc.  Depending on the boat and trailer, if you decide to go that route, there are times you may be doing more on something even heavier, especially if you fish by yourself.  There are times when conditions are not right, you will loose all your religion getting a boat positioned properly on the trailer.  Even the best of drive on trailers can have problems under certain conditions, like a fairly steep ramp or a very shallow ramp.  Then, if you fish rivers or areas with a current, that can create another set of problems trying to get it positioned on the trailer, and a lot of the tin cans and trailers under them I've seen are not the best for driving on in the first place.


I have a Ride 115 and it takes a lot more energy to load the yak and get it ready to fish than it does my 17' tin bassboat.  Sure, some of the problems Way2slow states occassionally occur with loading the boat but they are the exception rather than the norm.  


Getting back to the OP's questions, a 16-17' tin bassboat will be much better in all the areas you asked about.  The simple fact that you can stand, have 3-4 rods comfortably on the front deck, and have a trolling motor for boat control makes all the difference.  There's really no comparison in terms of fishability.  No more having to paddle a couple times, put the paddle in your lap, and then quickly make a cast before your yak changes position.  In the tin bassboat you can cover so much more water and you don't have to worry about waves and safety (in comparison to the kayak).  


Sure, the kayak is cheaper but that's not really the question.  For many of the reasons the OP brought up, I have decided to sell my kayak.  It simply comes down to not using it.  Last year was the second year I owned it and there was never one time when I preferred to use the kayak over my tin boat.


I'd try to find a used 16' or 17' Tracker.  I bet you wonder why you didn't do it years ago.  Good luck.   


post-45706-0-29249900-1448806478_thumb.jI have a 16ft  Lowe Skorpion and a Seaeagle inflatable pontoon both have pros and cons The seaeagle fits in the back of my truck and can be set up in minutes  and it's great for car topper only ponds of which we have plenty here in MA,  I didn't use the Lowe as much as id have liked this year only because I'm still learning my way around and don't ,but I did use it on a couple of the local rivers , It's fun and comfortable weighing in at around 690  so it's easy to get on and off the trailer .. I think it depends on where your fishing ,,,,


post-45706-0-94432700-1448806539_thumb.jJPG]post-45706-0-29249900-1448806478_thumb.jI have a 16ft  Lowe Skorpion and a Seaeagle inflatable pontoon both have pros and cons The seaeagle fits in the back of my truck and can be set up in minutes  and it's great for car topper only ponds of which we have plenty here in MA,  I didn't use the Lowe as much as id have liked this year only because I'm still learning my way around and don't ,but I did use it on a couple of the local rivers , It's fun and comfortable weighing in at around 690  so it's easy to get on and off the trailer .. I think it depends on where your fishing ,,,,

  • Super User

I'm 53 and winding up my first season with a kayak, and I love it.  And most of the time I'm fishing from it, I'm wishing I were in a boat.   :)


Off the top of my head....



-Loading and unloading to/from top of full size SUV gets old.  Especially that last unload at the end of the day.

-Get pretty stiff after 3 or 4 hours without getting out/standing up

-Can't/won't stand up - fishing from low, seated position is challenging for me.  I still can't throw a jig confidently....at least nothing like flipping from a boat; nor do I even bring the really deep gear (7'8"H, 1oz c-rigs, 10XD, etc.)

-I find it hard to go out with less than 4 rods and no matter where I put them, how I store them....there's always one or more in the way - on the backswing, or in the forward rod holder limiting side casting, or laying out the front blocking hatch...etc.

-Casting angles are nearly ALWAYS compromised.  Watch any kayak fisherman for more than a few minutes and you're going to see that wacky looking 'twisted arm, back-over-the-shoulder lob cast"

-Wind blows.

-Current blows, too.

-Retrieving lures from trees - above and below can be much more difficult than from a boat

-Lack of near constant control that you get from a trolling motor -- you get in perfect position and if winding or any current, you may only get one cast from the perfect boat position before you have to put a paddle in the water again.

-I can't take 8 rods, two duffle bags, a backpack and two tackle boxes

-I can pizz off the wife because of the flexibility and being able to get out nearly every day

-Can't take the wife along

-Limited as to the height of branches/bridges I can go under with rods standing in crate rod holders...have to skip/go around/or lay the rods down

-Changing lures is more challenging for me in the kayak

-Taking a leak is a whole new challenge from a yak

-Probably the biggest 'issue' for me is that at the end of the day, I nearly always feel that I spent way too much paddling compared to fishing





-I can store it easily behind my garageless townhouse

-I don't have to worry about how I'm going to charge batteries (at my garageless townhouse -- or at some electricity-deprived storage lot)

-I can put in at beaches, ponds, creeks, etc, that I'd never consider putting a boat in

-I can put it on the car in the morning before work and stop on the way home and put in for a couple/few hours

-I can't take 8 rods, two duffle bags, a backpack and two tackle boxes

-Wife is happier because I will probably only be gone for ~6 hours....if I'm in a boat, its more like 15

-Fishing alone

  • 3 weeks later...

Wow...what great perspectives from EVERYONE.  I owe you all an update.  The transition is in progress.  I picked up a Ranger RT178 w a 60 Merc. Although the fishing season is over, the fishing and boating equipment clearance sales season has been in full swing.

I can tell already that this will be a markedly different experience. (Half of you are saying "duh" and the other half are saying "that's what we have been telling you").

  • Equipment investment alone is a big step function difference up.  I plan on buying two finders, both at least 7 inches.  (I bought the boat w/o electronics so I could rig it the way I wanted it.).  The new Helix series seems to pack a lot for the $$.
  • The rigging itself has been interesting and fun figuring out where and how to wire through existing channels/chases.

Trolling motor will be something that has 80# and spot lock.

Some things that are tradeoffs...

  • Being low to the water on a kayak just gave fishing a different feel.  Took some adjustment but something I really enjoyed.
  • I cant count the number of times I pulled up to the dock to unload, passing people w trailers waiting for a spot.  Looks like I will be an early riser to avoid this!  Maybe I will be adding an on board coffee maker.

Overall I am seeing my fishing possibilities explode this coming season.  Having it in the garage until spring is a good thing as it allows me to be methodical about planning my deck out as well as find the best deals.

I am a consummate saver and this was admittedly a tough purchase for me.  The kayak fit the bill for a while but I could feel it start to cost me in different ways. Most of us are getting older (the rest of you are in denial)...with growing limitations.  Also just my "maturation" process of recognizing that life needs to be lived to its fullest certainly played a role.  I look forward to having my daughter and pup join me this season.  

I'd love to hear more advice, tips, perspectives and I can certainly continue to share mine as this transition continues.

Thanks to all of your for sharing your experiences...I hope this thread helped others considering a similar path.

Best to all of you during this special time of year.









  • Super User
22 minutes ago, FloridaFishinFool said:

 I can not be bothered by the rich people and their big boats and jet ski's

there are a lot wealthy boat owners who simply do not have a clue I

Glad you like your boat.

 I will have disagree with your over stated generalizations regarding a person's income as it compares to boating inexperience.

My career has shown that bad decisions made as a result of inexperience and or lack of local knowledge are not limited any level of income.

I've responded to & rescued just as many (if not more) cases involving vessels less that 16 ft as the larger vessels. 

One isolated incident is just that.

btw - I fish from a canoe.


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Just sayin' from experience, when I run into trouble on the river, it is usually those with money far more money than I... & I have had almost zero conflict with people of similar status to myself. Trouble for me out there has always come from the more wealthy around here. Yes it is a generalization, but it is also an observation of reality plainly stated.

I grew up fishing out of canoes too. Still have a couple, but rarely use them.

  • Super User
17 minutes ago, FloridaFishinFool said:

Just sayin' from experience, when I run into trouble on the river, it is usually those with money far more money than I... & I have had almost zero conflict with people of similar status to myself. Trouble for me out there has always come from the more wealthy around here. Yes it is a generalization, but it is also an observation of reality plainly stated.

I grew up fishing out of canoes too. Still have a couple, but rarely use them.

Again, if competence were directly related to income, the Presidential Elections would look a whole lot different.

Have a good one


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I'd have to agree with A-Jay, being in the marine industry, I think EVERYBODY should have some sort of boating course and know the rules before ever being able to buy or drive a motorized vessel just like you do a car.  I've seen both sides, people in small boats act a fool as well as people in bigger boats.  If everyone in those bigger boats realized if they hurt anyone with one of their wakes and new that they were resposible for that wake they would be so inconsiderate.....I highly doubt it.  Just like how little boats run down the bayous of the Gulf where I work think they own them and cuss me when they are passing me because I didn't stop completely and they were rocked....again, rules.  Overtaken boat has the right away, not the little one that's overtaking it. But lack of knowing the rules causes accidents.  Just like I would NEVER take a boat in a body of water that I am unfamiliar with without looking at a chart or map of some sort.  Again, that's part of safe navigating, weather it be in a 170ft crewboat or a 20ft bass boat.

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