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So after many months of triall, error , having to build things etc.  I have sucessfully 3d printed a lure mold that is very very complex in its shape (its a beaver style bait). and I have sucessfully made baits from the lure mold.  I designed my mold using Solidworks.     the PLA did stand up to the heat of the soft plastic without melting.  I had previously tried to CNC my mold but that became too complicated.  Im not posting pics or answering questions, i just wanted to say that yes it is possible to make lure molds from a 3d printer.  

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  • BassResource.com Advertiser

Without pics it did not happen.   :eyebrows:

  • Like 1

There's lots of YouTube videos on making molds with a 3D printer.


what an odd topic to post on. 

I would think you would want to show and talk about what you have done as many would be interested in seeing the process and results.  3-d printing is not something anyone is just going to pick up on and start if that is what you are worried about....I guess I am really confused? Anyone that knows of 3-d printing knows you can make molds really...but you are the only one that can start in interesting and informative discussion on that. 

hope we can see/hear more?

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  • Super User

I watched a show a few weeks ago about a gun being spun by a 3d printer.. I just wonder if it's truly possible, It was a interesting concept,


Why no pictures?  Why no answered questions?  Do those count as qustions, wait...does this count as a question? 

Seriously though, I bet you could make some insanely realistic swimbaits with a 3D printer. 

  • Super User

I've never seen any lure specific youtube videos on 3d printing molds but there are countless videos on 3d printing injection molds for various products. 





Also, pics or it didn't happen.

  • Like 1

This seems like a pointless thread.  I did this, but I'm not showing pics, and no one can ask me questions.  Heck I can do the same thing, I just caught a 25 lb largemouth from the local lake, but I won't should anyone pics, and won't answer questions about it, but yes it happened

  • Like 1

Just someone trying to stir the pot that's all. I don't know why someone would brag about doing something, but isn't man enough to prove it. This reminds me of the story about an 18.2 lber that was just caught in FL, oh yea that's right that story was BS also. Really why are you wasting everyone's time with this nonsense?

  • Like 1

Please post a pic of it so I can run out and invest a few thousand dollars to steal your idea so I can make a few copy cat molds like everyone here is waiting to do.



Serious though, glad you got it done, post some pics.

  • Super User

If you are not sure how to post pics just ask and just about anyone would do it.


So after many months of triall, error , having to build things etc.  I have sucessfully 3d printed a lure mold that is very very complex in its shape (its a beaver style bait). and I have sucessfully made baits from the lure mold.  I designed my mold using Solidworks.     the PLA did stand up to the heat of the soft plastic without melting.  I had previously tried to CNC my mold but that became too complicated.  Im not posting pics or answering questions, i just wanted to say that yes it is possible to make lure molds from a 3d printer.  



    I have to commend you on your ability to create something with Solidworks and a 3d printer. I use Solidworks on a daily basis for 8 years now, however I do not have a 3d printer. I also design my own machined molds for pouring jigs. If you would have made this comment in the infancy of 3d printers, then it would be ground breaking news. Many people have 3d printers, as I also have friends that make things from 3d printers for fishing purposes. I personally would like to see what you have created as I'm a design junkie. If you are worried about someone stealing your idea, then yes it could happen, however unless you get a patent you will never be able to show your idea to anyone in fear of being ripped off. Patent and patent searches are expensive. Anyway most people here are not going to buy Solidworks, learn the program and then buy a 3d printer so they could copy your idea. It would be nice to see what you have come up with, congrats on your achievement.


Creating stuff like this using a 3d printer or cnc isn't really big news anymore. I've been working on doing the same thing. Be real nice if this stuff could stand up to lead but i doubt it will be able to. I see where 3d printers that can print metal are developed and being refined. That is when we will be able to do about anything when we can print metal molds on the 3d printers.


Ok Ok Ok , seeing that this a community and all , sorry for being a jerk.. so here is a tutorial or a guide to what i have learned in terms of 3d printing and software design.  


I.  Most of you all have access to a 3d printer and the computer and software to run it.  but don even know you do.  I don't own a 3d printer nor do i own the computer or copy of the software i used to make my lure mold.  

  • I pay $35 a month to belong to a "Makerspace"  with my membership i have access to  5 types of welders, CNC machine, 2 laser engravers, every metal and wood working tool out there, 2 3d printers , and 2 vinyl plotters, electronics galore, and thousand and thousands of dollars worth of software.  If we don't have a tool , we build one.  my makerspace was started by 5 guys in a library.  www.makeventura.com.  
  • .  here is a directory of makerspaces across the Unitied States.  http://spaces.makerspace.com/makerspace-directory  this list isnt complete , my advice is to google your hometown area and then "makerspace (ex.  Charleston makerspace"  etc).
  •      very IMPORTANT- many public libraries now have a 3d printer , check to see if yours has one now.  (its how they are diversifying themselves to stay relevant.) 

With that out of the way let me get down to it.  

3d printers, there are 3 types, I will explain each.

here is an awesome list of every single type of 3d printer out there    https://sites.google.com/site/3dprinterlist/


extrusion 3d printers  

thius is what i used to make my mold. thing of Extrusion (sometimes called PLA printer cause PLA is the filament material you use to print things).  these printers are basically a giant glue gun on a 3 axis robotic arm in simpliest terms.  here is a video that shows time lapse of a print.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZscDZrG4CD8     

They print using either PLA , or in ABS .  If you want to print using ABS you are going to need an enclosed Print Bed (print bed is a heated bed where the 3d printed object gets printed on, usually 200-210 degrees , and don't forget to spray your print bed with hairspray)

you can also print using "Ninjaflex" which is like printing using the same material that topwater frogs are made of.  if you have seen the new Kahara KJ Crank on TW , that is really just Ninjaflex.  


2.  YOU DON"T HAVE TO BUY A 3d printer when you can just make your own at home.  go to THINGVERSE (the biggest database of 3d printed models etc out there , and search 3d printer   https://www.thingiverse.com/  and you can make one.  just follow instructions.

oh FYI , a "Rasberry" or an "Arduino" is just a little circuit board thing that sends commands to your 3d printers moving parts.  they're like little computers on your printer , or laser engraver etc.  if you want to know more about what brands to buy i can give a tutorial on that.   my advice is I like a company called XYZ printing. they have great machines for great prices. they have a printer for $349 that will print molds called the DA VInci Jr.   http://us.store.xyzprinting.com/


HEre is the bottom line for doing lure molds and PLA or extruder 3d printers.  You have to have an extruder nozzle that is less than 0.3mm , you have to have 0.2 or 0.1 MM extruder nozzles otherwise it just wont work.  that is key. also it takes a long time to 3d print something using PLA.  


DLP 3d printers are insane and are really whats next , they use a DLP Projector and photsensitive liquid resin  .  search DLP printer in Thingverse website or check out this bad boy http://www.kudo3d.com/  



1.  You have to have a PC or if you have a MAC you're gonna have to run Parallels and a copy of windows on your mac.  I only use macs so this sucks i know. 

2. the file extension for 3d printed files is   .STL  

3.  you can download so many different wonderful things on Thingverse website 4.  Or you can design them yourself.


Software    PRETEND THAT YOU ARE A COLLEGE STUDENT AND YOU GET IT FOR FREE!!! SERIOUSLY alll of these below are free if you just make up where you go to college and what you study and when youre going to graduate.  just make it uip . 

1. Solidworks , thats the industry standard and its the best in my opinion, also it has the most compatiblity across other platforms.  (if you want to get into doing CNC aluminum molds (so hard ) and want to run BOBCAD (dont it sucks) many cnc programs interface with solidworks).  

2. AUTODESK INVENTOR  -great , etc  but have so many problems with build errors using it.  again also free.  

3.  Blender (really really cool for doing crazy organic shapes with the brush feature they have) really steep learning curve but allows you to really scuplt an organic shape. perfect for swimbait making.  also it works on MAC while the other 2 above dont.  

4.  Google sketchup--meh 

5.  CURA -this is just a program that you will use to send prints to your 3d printer


First me and my buddy we took every single softplastic we owned and we texas rigged it and dropped into my 150 gallon aquarium where my 16 month old Bass live (they are over a year old and getting big and rule).  we anaylzed their reaction and how fast they would attack each bait, and also what the action of the bait was, design etc.  based on that i


1.  I did was i designed a bait in solidworks. 



2.  i made a 2 part mold from that bait in solidworks (lhttps://grabcad.com/questions/how-to-make-a-mold-tooli note , if you ever get stuck in solidworks google this "how do i make a cylinder in solidworks GRABCAD "  Grabcad have the best tutorials that dont require you watching a video.  


3.  I then 3d printed out the mold (you have to have .2mm nozzle and below for it to work, trust me)

We then injected it with hand injector and walla , our own soft plastic bait.   which if i did't mention , the name of our Bait company is "BassPocalypse"  (were a C corp)   .  and the plastic held up to the heat of the softplastic and also the injector (that was using PLA filament, if you used ABS filament even more so.   here is the cool thing about 3d printed soft plastics , you get texture you wouldn't get with an Aluminum mold.  

so ive attached the first rough draft of the mold  (bait is called "CRAW-FU" and it is a mashup of a d-bomb, and reins bubbling shaker on the body and the flaps are my own design.  ).  This was the first draft and i have fixed the nozzle location and also a few other things.  


Last thing , cause i have to go fishing.  I have a masters in accounting, i diddn't know anything about 3d printers or how to design 3d objects , but i useed google and i taught myself.  i still dont know crap about making baits, but hey I develop expertise very quickly.  


also you can use http://www.shapeways.com/ and they can 3d print one of your designs. 



  • Like 4

Ok Ok Ok , seeing that this a community and all , sorry for being a jerk.. so here is a tutorial or a guide to what i have learned in terms of 3d printing and software design.  


I.  Most of you all have access to a 3d printer and the computer and software to run it.  but don even know you do.  I don't own a 3d printer nor do i own the computer or copy of the software i used to make my lure mold.  

  • I pay $35 a month to belong to a "Makerspace"  with my membership i have access to  5 types of welders, CNC machine, 2 laser engravers, every metal and wood working tool out there, 2 3d printers , and 2 vinyl plotters, electronics galore, and thousand and thousands of dollars worth of software.  If we don't have a tool , we build one.  my makerspace was started by 5 guys in a library.  www.makeventura.com.  
  • .  here is a directory of makerspaces across the Unitied States.  http://spaces.makerspace.com/makerspace-directory  this list isnt complete , my advice is to google your hometown area and then "makerspace (ex.  Charleston makerspace"  etc).
  •      very IMPORTANT- many public libraries now have a 3d printer , check to see if yours has one now.  (its how they are diversifying themselves to stay relevant.) 
With that out of the way let me get down to it.  

3d printers, there are 3 types, I will explain each.

here is an awesome list of every single type of 3d printer out there    https://sites.google.com/site/3dprinterlist/


extrusion 3d printers  

thius is what i used to make my mold. thing of Extrusion (sometimes called PLA printer cause PLA is the filament material you use to print things).  these printers are basically a giant glue gun on a 3 axis robotic arm in simpliest terms.  here is a video that shows time lapse of a print.  


They print using either PLA , or in ABS .  If you want to print using ABS you are going to need an enclosed Print Bed (print bed is a heated bed where the 3d printed object gets printed on, usually 200-210 degrees , and don't forget to spray your print bed with hairspray)

you can also print using "Ninjaflex" which is like printing using the same material that topwater frogs are made of.  if you have seen the new Kahara KJ Crank on TW , that is really just Ninjaflex.  


2.  YOU DON"T HAVE TO BUY A 3d printer when you can just make your own at home.  go to THINGVERSE (the biggest database of 3d printed models etc out there , and search 3d printer   https://www.thingiverse.com/  and you can make one.  just follow instructions.

oh FYI , a "Rasberry" or an "Arduino" is just a little circuit board thing that sends commands to your 3d printers moving parts.  they're like little computers on your printer , or laser engraver etc.  if you want to know more about what brands to buy i can give a tutorial on that.   my advice is I like a company called XYZ printing. they have great machines for great prices. they have a printer for $349 that will print molds called the DA VInci Jr.   http://us.store.xyzprinting.com/


HEre is the bottom line for doing lure molds and PLA or extruder 3d printers.  You have to have an extruder nozzle that is less than 0.3mm , you have to have 0.2 or 0.1 MM extruder nozzles otherwise it just wont work.  that is key. also it takes a long time to 3d print something using PLA.  


DLP 3d printers are insane and are really whats next , they use a DLP Projector and photsensitive liquid resin  .  search DLP printer in Thingverse website or check out this bad boy http://www.kudo3d.com/  



1.  You have to have a PC or if you have a MAC you're gonna have to run Parallels and a copy of windows on your mac.  I only use macs so this sucks i know. 

2. the file extension for 3d printed files is   .STL  

3.  you can download so many different wonderful things on Thingverse website 4.  Or you can design them yourself.


Software    PRETEND THAT YOU ARE A COLLEGE STUDENT AND YOU GET IT FOR FREE!!! SERIOUSLY alll of these below are free if you just make up where you go to college and what you study and when youre going to graduate.  just make it uip . 

1. Solidworks , thats the industry standard and its the best in my opinion, also it has the most compatiblity across other platforms.  (if you want to get into doing CNC aluminum molds (so hard ) and want to run BOBCAD (dont it sucks) many cnc programs interface with solidworks).  

2. AUTODESK INVENTOR  -great , etc  but have so many problems with build errors using it.  again also free.  

3.  Blender (really really cool for doing crazy organic shapes with the brush feature they have) really steep learning curve but allows you to really scuplt an organic shape. perfect for swimbait making.  also it works on MAC while the other 2 above dont.  

4.  Google sketchup--meh 

5.  CURA -this is just a program that you will use to send prints to your 3d printer


First me and my buddy we took every single softplastic we owned and we texas rigged it and dropped into my 150 gallon aquarium where my 16 month old Bass live (they are over a year old and getting big and rule).  we anaylzed their reaction and how fast they would attack each bait, and also what the action of the bait was, design etc.  based on that i


1.  I did was i designed a bait in solidworks. 



2.  i made a 2 part mold from that bait in solidworks (lhttps://grabcad.com/questions/how-to-make-a-mold-tooli note , if you ever get stuck in solidworks google this "how do i make a cylinder in solidworks GRABCAD "  Grabcad have the best tutorials that dont require you watching a video.  


3.  I then 3d printed out the mold (you have to have .2mm nozzle and below for it to work, trust me)

We then injected it with hand injector and walla , our own soft plastic bait.   which if i did't mention , the name of our Bait company is "BassPocalypse"  (were a C corp)   .  and the plastic held up to the heat of the softplastic and also the injector (that was using PLA filament, if you used ABS filament even more so.   here is the cool thing about 3d printed soft plastics , you get texture you wouldn't get with an Aluminum mold.  

so ive attached the first rough draft of the mold  (bait is called "CRAW-FU" and it is a mashup of a d-bomb, and reins bubbling shaker on the body and the flaps are my own design.  ).  This was the first draft and i have fixed the nozzle location and also a few other things.  


Last thing , cause i have to go fishing.  I have a masters in accounting, i diddn't know anything about 3d printers or how to design 3d objects , but i useed google and i taught myself.  i still dont know crap about making baits, but hey I develop expertise very quickly.  


also you can use http://www.shapeways.com/ and they can 3d print one of your designs. 


I like it! Very cool.


This seems like a pointless thread.  I did this, but I'm not showing pics, and no one can ask me questions.  Heck I can do the same thing, I just caught a 25 lb largemouth from the local lake, but I won't should anyone pics, and won't answer questions about it, but yes it happened

A 25 Pound Largemouth you say.....



Awesome. It really is. I'm going to be up all night looking at all the different the different links.

But....I need to know... what's the name of your 16 month old bass...

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