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I have a few candidates but one is sticking out that happened recently.I was hanging with a friend and his phone rings. He says in the most pleasant patient voice you've ever heard, hello. It's a telemarketer from India. The man asks can I speak to Mr **** ******. Still just as nice he says hold on let me see. He waits a second and then yells at the top of his lungs in a voice I would describe as satanic, No and smashes his hand set so hard in the receiver that the phone smashes into multiple pieces. We don't know if that hung it up or if the guy then hung up. My friends dad then comes in and informs us that a Indian man just defecated in his pants.

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Not the funniest thing ever - but it's funny & recent.


Two days ago I was out on a lake smallmouth bass fishing.  The lake has very easy roadside access and gets a fair amount of recreational use.  For this reason I only fish it very early & late in the season before and after the mainstream users are on it.


  So I'm anchored & casting and along comes a small boat with a undersized outboard - high rev & too much smoke.  The nice man & his wife appear to be of retirement age and have decided that I looked like I wanted to chat.  So they come right up to me - like 10 feet to say hello.  The man leaves his irritating little motor going and strikes up a conversation.  I had decided before he got close that I would just grin and bear the foolishness. 


 So I smile & say hello and the man ask's me if I'd "caught any" and I said that I had. To which the man informs me that "last year I caught a 26 incher over there in the corner"   I smiled again was secretly thanking him for that comment - And my reply was " That's excellent, Congratulations, but I have to ask, was there a guy in a boat sitting right next to you with a really loud outboard running when you caught it?"  And then I smiled again.


  The look on their faces was PRICELESS !  Especially Mrs. crazy - it looked like she has stepped in something bad . . . .  They had no response but instead wished me luck and went on their way - driving right over all the fish in the cove . . .  :laugh5:


 Some "fisherman" just don't get it I guess.



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Your more patient then me. I'd feed someone through thier

outboard if they ere screwing up my fishing.


A few stories popped in my head, but I'm afraid they wouldn't be BR appropriate.

Sums that up.

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Close tie for me, standing outside work at the smoking area two women were having a talk about breeding their dogs. Then one made a comment she needed to neuter her dog but she was holding off because she heard they can't have puppies afterwards.....


Second, in a fast food place listening to a conversation of two high school age girls having a discussion about whether chickens were birds...


Well a third in regards to BR, seeing post from people claiming no one should be a rod/reel because they didn't like it so no one else should.

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Not the funniest thing ever, but most recent. Older couple and I'm assuming their son with an old Lund and newer 4 stroke at a boat ramp. They're trying to put the boat on the trailer. It's a roller trailer with long bunk side guides so you should be able to just drive it up and clip it and then take it out. Well the lady is in the boat and looks like she is going to try to do that but starts the motor while the whole thing is completely out of the water. Doesn't even realize it and lets it run for a minute or so before she shuts it down and hops up on the dock and starts trying to pull it on with the rope. She get's it about halfway up but can't pull it any further, so she's yelling for the guy to back up. He does but instead of letting it roll back, he hits the gas comes back down the ramp and smashes the front of the boat with the winch post roller and pushes the boat way off the trailer. She yells at him and tells him to pull it out so he does and when she yells "stop" he keeps going, sending her into a hissy fit. He finally stops and she tells him to back it up and he goes forward. This continues for a few minutes before she gets the idea to go out and clip it. She takes her shoes off and steps way out to step on the tire of their suv, tries to shimmy around to the back bumper and almost falls in the water. The entire time the boat is sitting less than a foot from the dock. She could have easily jumped in and clipped it, but she took the hardest route to get there. I really wish I would have had my gopro rolling for that instead of tucked into the back storage haha. 

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Somewhat recent and fishing related.....Fishing in Oregon Inlet NC last October during a bluefish blitz, the fish were pretty small, 12-15" range so we were just having fun with them. Started getting creative while boat-flipping the fish, and as I was reeling one in, I told my friend (who was standing 10' away from me by the cabin of the boat) to watch my boat flip. The fish came off in the air and flew straight into the side of his face :laugh5: . I couldn't even stand up I was laughing so hard! Good thing they were small blues and he didn't get the business end of that fish.


A few stories popped in my head, but I'm afraid they wouldn't be BR appropriate.

That makes perfect sense...

Couple years ago, I was at a shopping mall near here and saw a teenager with the baggy pants half way hanging off his arse trip and fall into one of his friends.

It was funny, but what was even funnier was his friend also had low slung pants and his pants fell down to his ankles when the other guy fell into him.

One face planted into the floor and bloodied his nose and the other guy landed kind of on top of him.

A lot of people chuckled and kept walking, but I had to stop and sit down because I was laughing so hard and loud it was almost embarrassing... almost.

The kids got ticked because I was laughing at them but I didn't care... 

Still brings a smile to my face every time I see a kid with his pants like that.

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Many years ago, Skip Bertman, who was the manager of the USA's Olympic baseball team, brought the team to The Diamond in Richmond for a pre-Olympic baseball game against Japan.


I dragged my wife to the ball park to watch the game, go on the field to say hello to Skip, and listen to her complain as she was ticked off as it was too hot to watch anything outside.


During the game the Olympic mascot was ushered by its assistant down the stairs and  into an area behind the first base dugout to turn around and stand and waive at the crowd.


Of course this attracted many young kids who wanted to go and stand or touch the mascot. The only problem was that the place the mascot was standing was directly in my line of sight to home plate so I could not see the Japanese batter.


Then it happened.


The Japanese batter hit a screaming line drive into the back of the Olympic mascot.  There was loud "thud" as the mascot heaved forward.


And the kids standing around him yelled and screamed and ran in panic up the stairs and back to their parents.


The mascot was staggering and the usher had no idea what had happened.


Well, I went into hysterics. It was funny hearing the foul ball thud into the mascot's back; seeing the kids yell in horror and run in panic; the Mascot reel around in pain; and the usher not knowing what was going on.


The usher assisted the mascot up the stairs and out of sight and he never returned.


I still laugh about it to this day and my wife still thinks it was not that funny.


But at the time it was the funniest thing I had seen in years and it still brings happy memories back to me when I think of it.


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lol awesome ^




Some kids were jerking around near a driving range and heckling the golfers and throwing rocks. They were asked politely to leave several times and the golfers did their best to ignore them.


One guy got fed up and aimed for the kids and nailed him right in the nuts. Lol he was in god awful pain. I never heard anyone scream like that and he even threw up from pain 


Everyone was dying laughing. lol 

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Was up north with the wife a few days ago on a popular smallmouth lake.  We were testing my father's old outboard; he said it'd been burning oil...I wanted to run it a bit and see if it was bad oil or something mechanical.


       We came upon some guy that looked like he just learned to fish and talked to him for a few.  I told him about a primo spot nearby, but he just made some smart-azzed comment.....so.....I just motored on out.....right over his spot.  Priceless.





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Last time I was out fishing, I was at the ramp, I had gotten my boat out of the water and was putting stuff away and taking my time about it.  A couple of guys and a young child drive up.  They are pulling an older 80's model multi-species boat.   Heavy fiberglass, front casting deck with 4 chairs behind the wind shield.  

They get lined up on the ramp, about a quarter of the way down and then decide to unstrap the boat, put in the drain plug, all the usual stuff you do a quarter of the way down the ramp.


Then, they put a life jacket on the child and put him in the boat - to keep him out of the way I guess.  It is a drive on trailer, but the guy doesn't get into the boat, they take a rope with a snap on it and take the winch hook out of the bow eye.   The driver tells the guy holding the rope - "Here's the deal, I'm going to back the boat down fairly quickly, once the trailer gets completely submerged I'm going to stomp on the brakes and the boat will just float right off.  Hang on to the rope."


A good plan - apparently..    The guy backs down, submerges the trailer, stomps on the brakes and the boat floats off the trailer - good so far - As I mentioned, it is a heavy boat and I guess the rope guy wasn't set properly or didn't allow for the soft gravel he was standing on next to the concrete ramp.  Anyway the boat floats off the trailer, inertia takes over and continues floating away from the ramp.   The rope guy is trying to brace himself in the soft gravel - isn't working - he's being pulled toward the water - so he hops on to the ramp - it is concrete right, so the footing should be better.  Not so, the ramp was very recently moistened by a guy putting his trailer in too deep, then stomping on the brakes and then quickly pulling up.

Anyway, boat kept going backwards - kid started screaming (probably because he was in a boat that was drifting away with no adult in the boat, but how am I to know)  Guy got dragged in past his waist before he got control of the boat.   He's in the water up to his waist, still hanging on to the rope, boat has stopped drifting, but the rope is taut between the guy and the bow eye.  He gives a mighty tug and the rope snapped.   Fortunately the wind was blowing kind of in and the boat blew in to bank - sideways 78 or 80 feet down wind from the ramp.


I had trouble keeping a straight face.  If the wind had been blowing from the other direction the boat would have floated to the other side of the cove - a distance of a  quarter mile or so and it would have hung up on stumps 20 yards or so from the bank.   


Anyway, when they finally got the boat recovered and nose in to the bank, the guy who was wet anyway waded out and got in the boat (why he didn't jump in at the bow, I don't know.)  After ascertaining that the prop was in deep enough water, he started the motor and drove the boat over to the dock, where it drifted away again as he looked through boat bins looking for more rope.  Finally found some and got tied up to the dock.  Oh, did I point out that the child never quit screaming once the rope broke.  That child had a powerful set of lungs.


I'll never know why he didn't just get in the boat and start up the big motor once the boat drifted off the trailer.   It wasn't cold out, but it wasn't hot either and water temp was around 60 degrees.   I think that he had a chilly evening of fishing that was unnecessary.   Oh, did I mention that he was wearing high top leather work boots - those got soaked and everyone knows how comfortable those are when they get soaked.


Anyway, that's the most humorous thing I've seen recently while fishing.  For the record, I would have helped if they had asked, but they didn't ask.  I was a hundred or so feet away, just watching.  I had a hard time keeping a straight face.


Me and a couple friends were bored one weekend (in my younger days), hot south florida summer. We had a mutual friend who was away at school, one friend decided to call him and ask him to use his wave runner. He did not answer phone, they said "let's just get it, he won't care".

So we jumped in my buddies truck, went and got it and went to one of the local rock pits to drink beer and "tear stuff up".

So after awhile, and a case or two, the friend that talked us into getting it jumped on, we had the trailer still backed in the water, 2 of us were sitting on the tailgate facing the water, passenger door open with the radio on. So, this friend is riding around for awhile, he starts to head our way, I said "wouldn't it be funny if he crashed?" (You know the dumb things young guys say when they are half lit), so he is making his approach, he veers our way and hits the throttle, his eyes went BIG, he ramped up the shore, right next to us, boom, jumped, right into the open door, he was literally hanging in the window frame. We did not flinch the whole time, me and my friend sitting on the tailgate just turned to each other and laughed til it hurt. His door was bent backwards, waverunner all tore up. I made him sit next to the door all the way home, he had to hold the door closed the whole time. He ended up having to buy a waverunner. That was almost 25 years ago, we still laugh about it.

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At the end of the season last year, I'm sitting at the ramp, just loaded up and secured the boat for the trip home. This guy rolls up dumps his boat in the water and proceeds to park. All the while a strong east wind is blowing his boat out in the lake! He leisurely strolls down to the dock, only to find his boat about a hundred yards out. I don't know what he was thinking, I mean he got out of his truck, put the boat plug in and unhooked the winch. Then backs in, slams the brakes and away the boat went. No line tied to the boat no attempt to tie it off nothing. He looked at me and says "i can't believe I just did that." Calm as could be, he then asks off I'll re-launch my boat and take him out to his. Sure, I'll help him out, so I get ready to launch, and back in the water. By this time his boat ran (well I guess floated) aground and he is jumping people's fences and running thru their backyards yelling "i got it". I drive away shaking my head

  • 3 weeks later...

When I was in college, my friends and I all went catfishing (camping and fishing for what else) whenever we could after work/weekends/nights.  Most of us worked at the college dinning hall, so we usually didn't leave till later in the evening.  One time, my girlfriend at the time, and a buddy went down to the river (fishing park under a hydro-electric dam).  It must have been a hot day.  We are 45 minutes or an hour into fishing, I think the fish were biting, and some heat lightning starts rolling in.  The girlfriend is bored or frightened so she goes to the car.  We look at each other and say "whatever" it isn't anywhere close yet.  So by that point I'm seeing reflections in the water.  The girlfriend is a the top of the hill, comes out of the car hysterically, screaming bloody murder, "Your going to die!!!!!  Lets go!!!!", and so on.  She does this twice, and we tell her everything is alright.  I can't remember how long we stayed until we actually left.  To this day we roll on the floor laughing every time we recall that story.


I can't think of any stories really, so I'll just go off of one off the top of my head. When I was 17 or 18 I used to basically live with my friend because we worked together. We got some alcohol (no, I wasn't drinking because I'm not really an alcohol guy) and it was five of us. They were playing beer pong and I was playing Xbox. My friend got pretty lit and decided that the draw string for the window blinds tasted pretty good. He was trying to eat them for the next thirty minutes. I've witnessed funnier things, but my brain doesn't wanna function at the moment.


Not the funniest but worth posting:


I was at a gas station in Killingly, Ct. today. A guy came storming out the door of the store yelling and yakking about a sign that was hung out front that said We Take EBT Cards. 

He was beatching because they no longer take them? but the sign was still up? I LMAO.. Wonder why that freeloader was in a rural town in Ct?

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