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I fished my first tournament the other day with a local guy I met. I'm 21 years old and have previously owned a boat and have fished all my life. I know how to fish pretty well. I backed the boat, offered snacks, money, help with clean up. It seemed whenever we were on the lake for practice he couldn't go ten minutes without yelling at me for something. If he had a problem with his boat, he yelled at me, if he got snagged, yelled at me, if I got snagged, yelled at me. The night before Tournament day, I told him I'd make jigs with his mold, he said he'd gladly split all I made for my efforts. Well I made 100 of them and come the end of tournament day I ended up only keeping 17 that I left at home because I didn't have time to finish. He said he knew he said that but he out way more into fishing then I did. Started listing things like gas, boat parts, insurance, etc. I finally said whatever. Come tournament day the yelling and complaining was even worse. He kept telling me how ticked he was that I didn't switch out my line for all flouro "like he told me to". Every time I got snagged I just broke off, so as not to make him go out of his way to get it un snagged(that made him angry). Well he didn't like that I broke off either. He'd start yelling at me for not having my line in the water and blame it on the fact that I was using braid with a leader and that in the only idiot on the lake using braid with a leader. I caught fish all day, and I believe I ended up with the 3 biggest fish in our bag. He stil wasn't happy with me. He would complain if I took a drink, had to retie my line, really anything that normally happens while fishing. I asked him to give me notice when we were changing spots to make sure I was ready as to not hold him up, he never gave me notice at all and would flip if i say down 5 seconds after him. I caught at least 2 smallies over 4 and got excited, he told me not to and I better hurry up and get my line in the water. It was just a horrible first experience. He told me he wanted to fish another tourny this weekend, but that I had to have all flouro on my reels or I couldn't go. I just said I'll pass because I'm not going to be told how to fish, what line to use, how to jig my Baits, how to scratch my a$$, etc. I felt like I was in some kind of fishing bootcamp. There was a few points throughout the day I was ready to swim back to shore. If this is how tournament fishing as a co angler is going to be I'm ready to cut my losses and be done with it. I was miserable and unhappy and I'm really not hard to get along with, I aim to please and be helpful. I have thousands invested in tournament fishing this year. I could've bought a used bass boat for what my gear and tackle costed me. Then after the tourny he asked if I had "fun"........I was polite and said sure. We came in 7th and I had second biggest fish so I guess I was pretty satisfied in that aspect. Is this common fishing as a co angler? Do boaters normally treat people this way? He could of at least not screwed me over by keeping all the jigs I spent 6 hours making for us...sorry for the rant but it's just a let down from how excited I was to fish.

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You fished a team event.  Only team events I fished were back when I was in HS in a Wed. Night local fishing club on the lake I lived on.  My Dad would bark at me once in a while, but he was my Dad.  My original partner that I had after even pre-fishing never yelled or screamed.  I had a partner that was having a rough morning at the last tournament I fished, but it wasn't directed at me.  I just fished and he appoligized for being a bit upset (had some things stolen out of his boat the night before the tournament) and was thankful I was easy going and we were good the rest of the day.  You may want to have a sit down with this guy and discuss what you saw and the concerns you have if the two of you want to be a team. Communication is key and sounds like the two of you had ZERO communication prior to the event.  You fished together but you didn't communicate and get on the same page. 

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You fished a team event. Only team events I fished were back when I was in HS in a Wed. Night local fishing club on the lake I lived on. My Dad would bark at me once in a while, but he was my Dad. My original partner that I had after even pre-fishing never yelled or screamed. I had a partner that was having a rough morning at the last tournament I fished, but it wasn't directed at me. I just fished and he appoligized for being a bit upset (had some things stolen out of his boat the night before the tournament) and was thankful I was easy going and we were good the rest of the day. You may want to have a sit down with this guy and discuss what you saw and the concerns you have if the two of you want to be a team. Communication is key and sounds like the two of you had ZERO communication prior to the event. You fished together but you didn't communicate and get on the same page.

I dont believe I'll ever fish another team event unless it's someone I know well.

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Like I said, sounds like the two of you never communicated.  You put up with his issues instead of addressing them prior to fishing a tournament.  Remember you entered a team event.  If he wants to fish, and you have money invested and want to compete, step up to the plate, put your big boy pants on and communicate with him.  Right now you're complaining on here when you weren't man enough to state your concerns or bring up the issues you found uncomfortable.  Maybe he didn't realize he was doing that.  Maybe he thinks he's teaching you and thinks you know nothing about whats going on.  The only way to put this past you is to have a grown up discussion with him and get things straight between the two of you.  If it isn't ment to be after that then so be it.  But then at least you attempted to communicate.  Not trying to come down on you, but you are young and sometimes the older generation don't realize you may be a better fisherman then they believe.  I did a long range fishing trip when I was 22.  Got on a 6 day trip in San Diego and everyone on there was as old as my parents except the crew.  They all wanted to know if I was there with my Dad.  I just simply stated I was a big boy and was there all by myself.  My fishing spoke for itself and soon they were asking me questions or trying things I was doing.  Don't get upset at one event, learn from it.  You got 7th place.  You caught fish.  You just need to communicate with your partner better or soon to be ex-partner.  

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I've fished as a co-angler quite a bit and only ever had 1 bad experience. Most guys I've fished with have been great. You really shouldn't fish a team tournament with someone you don't know well. I wouldn't even fish a team tournament with some of my best fishing buddies because we don't compliment each others fishing styles very well because we both like to do the same things. 

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There is a better than average chance that the fact that you & this "Man" were fishing a "Team" event has very little to do with how this "Man" was conducting himself.


What you're doing is not who you are.   Without putting a label on that performance, it's easy to understand what was going on there. 


Think if you were fishing with  . . .you.  Would you conduct yourself like that ?


It's not the event, it's the Human.  Change what's not working and you'll be fine.


If it continues with a different human, the problem may be looking back at you in the mirror.



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Treat this as the exception, not the rule. Tournament fishing can be a lot of fun and very rewarding. Like A-Jay said, it wasn't you or the tournament that had the problem. Find a new partner.


Heck next time you do one it will seem like a dream not fishing with him and you will have much more fun!

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Don't give up on team fishing events. Very few times will you have a bad experience. This guy sounds like a piece of work and I wouldn't even consider fishing with him again. If he's going to be that big of a dbag I don't think there's a chance he will straighten out. Find a different partner and have some fun. You'll be overjoyed when you even get an average one after this experience. 

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  • Global Moderator

Don't give up on team fishing events. Very few times will you have a bad experience. This guy sounds like a piece of work and I wouldn't even consider fishing with him again. If he's going to be that big of a dbag I don't think there's a chance he will straighten out. Find a different partner and have some fun. You'll be overjoyed when you even get an average one after this experience. 

100% true. The first year I fished buddy tournaments, we never placed in the money and it was the most fun tournament season I've ever had because my buddy and I got along so well and our fishing styles complimented each other so well. 


I fish team tournaments every Tuesday night with my bass club. We don't let people in our club very often, and people like this would be the reason why. We fish for cash, but it's supposed to be fun, none of us are fishing high stakes. It's like playing poker with your buddies for $20, its just for fun at that point, so you don't invite the people that act like that guy!  I hope (and would have to assume they will) the rest of your tournament experiences are much better than this one! 


I fish with a club and also a co-angler for the bigger events the guys in my club don't participate in. I do not have a boat yet so i've always had to partner with someone. I have yet to have a bad experience with anyone i've been with. We all have good humor and try to stay calm on the water and no matter how big or small the event we have fun with it. From takeoff to a fish a piece is crunch time but after we have one in the boat it relaxes a lot. Last weekends tournament we spent more time playing than we did fishing because we had limits in the first couple hours and there was no big payout on the line. Try to find a club with some good guys and you'll look forward to tournaments and learn a LOT. You'll also be amazed at some of the techniques and skills the older guys have. Back to this past weekend my partner had been fishing the lake his entire life.... He was telling me "off this dock is a chair, Theres a guy in this cove that always wants to have a beer, Theres this dock that has so and so and every year a goose nests in the giant flower pot" probably the most fun i've had with a new person i'd never fished with. 

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While I can see why you and a lot of the others are saying not to give him the time of day again, I tend to lean with Gulfcaptain on this one. If it were me, I would have a sit down talk with him and discuss how he made you feel and see if you can get some things cleared up. Regardless if you ever fish with him again, I feel you should do this. 1) To show that you can address issues in a mature, responsible way and 2) To attempt to resolve a "relationship" issue rather than just running away from it. 


See where the talk goes, and decide from there. It wasn't all bad, as he put you on fish obviously. Sometimes you have to earn your stripes... in fishing and in life. 

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I'll be honest. I don't enjoy fishing with partners in tournaments. I actually enjoy fishing alone, based solely on the fact that I don't have to worry about anyone else. Also I like the peace and quiet. Yes, they're more benefits to having a partner, but I think its just easier being alone.

  • Super User

While I can see why you and a lot of the others are saying not to give him the time of day again, I tend to lean with Gulfcaptain on this one. If it were me, I would have a sit down talk with him and discuss how he made you feel and see if you can get some things cleared up. Regardless if you ever fish with him again, I feel you should do this. 1) To show that you can address issues in a mature, responsible way and 2) To attempt to resolve a "relationship" issue rather than just running away from it. 


See where the talk goes, and decide from there. It wasn't all bad, as he put you on fish obviously. Sometimes you have to earn your stripes... in fishing and in life. 

Hey it's what it is.   I'm not trying to take the other guys side.  But there is ALWAYS two sides to each story.  That guy could have been so amped to fish he may not have known he was acting like a donkey(can't use the other word for it).  Better to resolve and at least voice your issues and walk away then run and bash your old partner on here without actually speaking to him first.  

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Gulfcaptain is right.

My first few meetings and tournaments very few people talked to me at all. Once I started catching fish and being around more everyone talks to me now.

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I fished my first tournament the other day with a local guy I met. I'm 21 years old and have previously owned a boat and have fished all my life. I know how to fish pretty well. I backed the boat, offered snacks, money, help with clean up. It seemed whenever we were on the lake for practice he couldn't go ten minutes without yelling at me for something. If he had a problem with his boat, he yelled at me, if he got snagged, yelled at me, if I got snagged, yelled at me. The night before Tournament day, I told him I'd make jigs with his mold, he said he'd gladly split all I made for my efforts. Well I made 100 of them and come the end of tournament day I ended up only keeping 17 that I left at home because I didn't have time to finish. He said he knew he said that but he out way more into fishing then I did. Started listing things like gas, boat parts, insurance, etc. I finally said whatever. Come tournament day the yelling and complaining was even worse. He kept telling me how ticked he was that I didn't switch out my line for all flouro "like he told me to". Every time I got snagged I just broke off, so as not to make him go out of his way to get it un snagged(that made him angry). Well he didn't like that I broke off either. He'd start yelling at me for not having my line in the water and blame it on the fact that I was using braid with a leader and that in the only idiot on the lake using braid with a leader. I caught fish all day, and I believe I ended up with the 3 biggest fish in our bag. He stil wasn't happy with me. He would complain if I took a drink, had to retie my line, really anything that normally happens while fishing. I asked him to give me notice when we were changing spots to make sure I was ready as to not hold him up, he never gave me notice at all and would flip if i say down 5 seconds after him. I caught at least 2 smallies over 4 and got excited, he told me not to and I better hurry up and get my line in the water. It was just a horrible first experience. He told me he wanted to fish another tourny this weekend, but that I had to have all flouro on my reels or I couldn't go. I just said I'll pass because I'm not going to be told how to fish, what line to use, how to jig my Baits, how to scratch my ****, etc. I felt like I was in some kind of fishing bootcamp. There was a few points throughout the day I was ready to swim back to shore. If this is how tournament fishing as a co angler is going to be I'm ready to cut my losses and be done with it. I was miserable and unhappy and I'm really not hard to get along with, I aim to please and be helpful. I have thousands invested in tournament fishing this year. I could've bought a used bass boat for what my gear and tackle costed me. Then after the tourny he asked if I had "fun"........I was polite and said sure. We came in 7th and I had second biggest fish so I guess I was pretty satisfied in that aspect. Is this common fishing as a co angler? Do boaters normally treat people this way? He could of at least not screwed me over by keeping all the jigs I spent 6 hours making for us...sorry for the rant but it's just a let down from how excited I was to fish.

Ive always been nervous to join a club or start tournament fishing on the co angler side for this same reason.  If it were me I would give it another shot since you guys placed pretty decent.  You never know what someone is going through that day before yall got together.  Like gulfcaptain said it can also go both ways.


For example I started taking a buddy of mind fishing a few years ago and our first time out was fine and fun cause we went out for fun.  I decided to go to some serious fishing one day and I invited him.  It started off I didn't like the way he had his reels set in my boat so I fussed at him and told him he needs to care more about my property and don't just throw your crap in my boat.  Then we got out fishing and he had a dip in and I saw him spitting so I yelled at him not to get that crap on my boat.  All day long I was getting irritated by his fishing techniques and the way he did things here and there.  It wasn't because he was doing it wrong it was because it wasn't my way and I had something in my head that I wanted accomplished.  In other words I was disrespectful to him.  I didn't realize all the fussing and crying I was doing and it was ruining our day.  This used to happen all the time when I took people fishing even when they would try to help me load the boat up they would run through the water to wind up the boat on the trailer for me and I would yell get out of my way your not doing it fast or good enough.


Point of the story.  My best friend confronted me while we were fishing after I fussed at him about 100 times for so many un necessary things.  He told me what I was doing and I never realized how stupid I was until he opened my eyes. 


If this guy is a true man and sportsman you can talk to him and he will understand.  You have to do it in a respectful manner and it will help.


Good luck and stick with it and this is the only way to learn to be a better man

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This guy sounds like an utter (insert vulgar expletive here).  Every once in awhile we are treated to the lowest form of life and you got your experience out of the way early.  Most people aren't like this rare "gem."  Although I personally don't and won't fish tournaments, I encourage you to continuing.   But establish some boundaries.  I wouldn't EVER fish with him again-unless I could first get him in the sparring ring.  I also encourage you to speak to the president of your club.  Crap like what you had to endure will only stop if the powers that be know about it.

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I only fish team events anymore - boater or non. Always a good time with friends and like minded individuals.

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  • Super User

There is a better than average chance that the fact that you & this "Man" were fishing a "Team" event has very little to do with how this "Man" was conducting himself.

What you're doing is not who you are. Without putting a label on that performance, it's easy to understand what was going on there.

Think if you were fishing with . . .you. Would you conduct yourself like that ?

It's not the event, it's the Human. Change what's not working and you'll be fine.

If it continues with a different human, the problem may be looking back at you in the mirror.


I believe this is pretty spot on & short, sweet and to the point.. Personally, I would love to have him try & pull that on a full grown man.. ( myself )

Your a young man, you will learn..

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I believe this is pretty spot on & short, sweet and to the point.. Personally, I would love to have him try & pull that on a full grown man.. ( myself )

Your a young man, you will learn..


Yup - one man's attitude is always Directly related to the rule of gross tonnage.


In other words - if the co-angler was an Offensive lineman for the Dallas Cowboy's the story would be different.



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