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My face when reading through this (and the other) thread -->  :tard:


As far as the actual topic...I learned a lot about the blade-runner/fish head technique by watching and re-watching the live coverage and GoPro footage of Ashley.  Probably something I will add to my line up this year where applicable.  


I learned that the fisherman that make it to that level and to fish the Classic have absolutely earned it. I really like the time frame that they have gone to as it really separates those that have earned being there from those that have not. The willingness to refine your tactics to the temperature and climate, utilize new skills and tactics, catch fish when a majority of the fishermen and woman would struggle tremendously. Removing most of the comfort level makes for a much more exciting venue. The average fisherperson can catch fish when the temps/environment is good and I would rather see adverse conditions that cause the fishers to "work" for it. Excitement is what brings most of us to this sport.


In drag racing you run what you brung .. Casey made sure he brought enough


There will always be people who cheat. 


I'm not, nor is anyone else, suggesting that Casey Ashley cheated.  We are just pointing out a loophole that for the integrity of the sport should be modified to keep information about the condition of the playing field available for all.  Plant brush piles to your hearts delight, heck you could even plant them in bad areas in an effort to throw your competitors off.  Just make your actions public knowledge.


On a completely different subject, but still pertaining to the Classic (albeit it last years), remember when Randy Howell caught that 6+ late on day 3 & it had those leeches stuck to it?  His natural & normal reaction was to pull them off & throw them in the water.  If someone wanted to be a jerk, could have they claimed a rules violation of chumming?  Probably not, since the food source originated from a fish you caught, like shad thrown up by a fish, but I am glad that it never even came up.

I'm not suggesting that he cheated either. I'm just simply stating that whatever the rule modification ends up being...it has to be enforceable. Otherwise, it has no value.


Fair enough, that is an excellent point.  Making rules that are unenforceable weakens the rest of the tournament structure.


Enforcement would not be easy, but if it was tied to some kind of major punishment for violation, you would see competitors making darn sure there wasn't even an appearance of impropriety.

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Watching the live coverage, I learned that I do not re-tie often enough.

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  • BassResource.com Administrator

Looks like this is a hotbed of emotions.  Posts have been deleted, warnings sent, and we're done.


And scene....

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