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Good luck with that then.... Don't be surprised when you get stuck with a bill to fix someone else's boat one day.  


I'm not saying the person isn't a jerk... But that's not going to matter when it comes to the property damage inflicted by your weight.   It's an almost certainty that even if it doesn't do damage, the guy will 'find' damage if he wanted to...Just not something I would want to get myself into.

  • Super User

People carry guns on their boat. ..my dad included.

A thread about docks not long ago mentioned a dock owner killing a boater.

If you want to throw objects at people don't be surprised if it returns in spades.



Really? Some of you guys need to get a grip on reality...
It sucks to get crowded, but if you can't or don't want to move...Be defensive.  Position your boat so the other guy can't get past, start working towards the other guy, anything to keep him from getting to your water.  As long as I see someone coming, I can usually defend a spot pretty well if I want to.  



No offense, but I believe your attitude towards this to be part of the problem.  Acceptance of someone ignoring etiquette, be it in fishing or in everyday life, compounds the problem.  Being defensive is nothing more than a passive-aggressive response, trying to get your way without addressing the real problem.


While I personally would never throw a 2 oz. weight at someone else's boat, I also won't let an offender get away with his actions without addressing it.  I refuse to sit there and be a victim, the long term solution is to call out the person on their actions with the hope that the confrontation deters them from doing it to someone else in the future.  I can be cordial and address their actions as the problem (as opposed to they being the problem), most people still have some sense of decorum buried deep beneath their ignorant exteriors.  They may leave me muttering curse words about my mother, but I have faith that the message will eventually sink in & they will change their behavior.

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No offense, but I believe your attitude towards this to be part of the problem.  Acceptance of someone ignoring etiquette, be it in fishing or in everyday life, compounds the problem.  Being defensive is nothing more than a passive-aggressive response, trying to get your way without addressing the real problem.


While I personally would never throw a 2 oz. weight at someone else's boat, I also won't let an offender get away with his actions without addressing it.  I refuse to sit there and be a victim, the long term solution is to call out the person on their actions with the hope that the confrontation deters them from doing it to someone else in the future.  I can be cordial and address their actions as the problem (as opposed to they being the problem), most people still have some sense of decorum buried deep beneath their ignorant exteriors.  They may leave me muttering curse words about my mother, but I have faith that the message will eventually sink in & they will change their behavior.

I don't think so...In fact, I don't even think it actually is a problem and I definitely don't think of myself as a victim.  It just doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother you guys.  I'm confident in my abiities to catch fish on a tournament day (or a regular day) whether I get crowded or not and there's never just one spot to fish for me.
Being defensive isn't my only response.  If you read what I wrote, I said that it's what I do IF I want to keep someone from getting to me for whatever reason I might have at the time.  It may not 'change their future behavoir', but it keeps them from over-running me right then and there...And that's sort of the whole point right?  
Obviously, it's happened to me...A few times it's been over the top and I've let the offending boater know like any normal person would...But I don't have any delusions about them 'seeing the light and changing their ways'.  It's just not that big of a deal to me, I try to focus my energy on actually catching fish.
Only my opinion and it's worth exactly what you paid for it! :)
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Man 6 pages and it looks like I'm the only one that admitted to crowding someone once and awhile. All you guys are better men than me.

Ps mind telling me how and when to get to all these open fishing hot spots?

  • Super User

Man 6 pages and it looks like I'm the only one that admitted to crowding someone once and awhile. All you guys are better men than me.

Ps mind telling me how and when to get to all these open fishing hot spots?


Fish at Night ~





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This sort of thing happens all the time. 3 most memorable from this year would have to be:


1. While prefishing a lake I had little previous experience on I had flipped a section of docks and the quickly continued down the bank just to see if there was anything ahead worth trying. I caught a dogfish and I believe that's what triggered this 14' boat with 4 people in it to head my way. I kept going down the bank but it got very shallow and stumpy (1' to 1 1/2') proceeded to catch a bass. As I'm unhooking it I noticed this boat cutting in front of me. They're bumping stumps and kicking up a mud trail yet they keep on going until they're in front of me and proceed to anchor in a foot of water. Honestly didn't even bother me given that I wasn't going to keep going anyway but just highlights the stupidity out there. 


2. Fishing in the Bass Trek Challenge in La Crosse a boat had pulled up on a very long extended point and fished it for roughly an hour and a half. Did not see them boat a fish. To stay out of their way my dad and I cut over the point close to the bank and when we did I caught two nice keepers on back to back casts and by the time I turn around to throw the second one in the livewell this boat had kicked their tm on high and were about 50 feet off the back of the boat.


3. Probably the most memorable of the year. Fishing down the side of an island and stop at the point. There's a tree in the water and some pads around it. No more than pull up and a pontoon with 4 middle aged guys pulls up within 20 feet straight off my bow and drop anchors. Nothing was said, just proceeded to catch 3 bass off the tree and then moved on. 


Stuff like this happens a handful of times a year and I'm not sure if it's due to people just not caring or ignorance, but it get's annoying.




Here's a picture from the Potomac this year.  Including me, there are 5 boats in this picture... With another 3 or 4 that were behind me.  This spot is about 100 yards long.  This is normal for the river and even that boat closest to me wasn't too close by Potomac standards.  Everyone got along and for the most part, everyone caught fish.


Just to show that you can fish close to other boats and not get ugly.



  • Super User

I put to on high and beat a boat to a small point of a small cove. The boat was still 200+ yards away...I caught a bass. Fair or foul?

  • Super User

If you have to ask.......  :)


Honestly, it depends.   200 yds is plenty....IF I'm at anchor or adrift...or going the other way.   However, if you stop 200yds down the bank in the direction I'm trolling and flipping, you'd best get in and get out.....or start moving away from me at a pace equal to or faster than me....IMHO.  The guys that park in my path get my goat as well as those with no sense of personal fishing space


Just to show that you can fish close to other boats and not get ugly.

Fishing close to someone was never the point of this thread. What bothers many of us is when another fisherman breaches basic etiquette and does something rude in an effort to get to fish before you do. It is a lack of respect towards another person.

Here is an analogy. Lets say your neighbor does a poor job cleaning up after his dogs in your suburban neighborhood. His lack of etiquette means there is a stinky smell permeating your yard. Now you can play defense as you say and just get a couple of large fans to blow the stench elsewhere, but that doesn't solve the problem, it only pushes the problem onto someone else. Solving the problem requires confronting the perpetrator and telling them that their behavior will not be tolerated. Anything short of that just emboldens them.


Fishing close to someone was never the point of this thread. What bothers many of us is when another fisherman breaches basic etiquette and does something rude in an effort to get to fish before you do. It is a lack of respect towards another person.

Here is an analogy. Lets say your neighbor does a poor job cleaning up after his dogs in your suburban neighborhood. His lack of etiquette means there is a stinky smell permeating your yard. Now you can play defense as you say and just get a couple of large fans to blow the stench elsewhere, but that doesn't solve the problem, it only pushes the problem onto someone else. Solving the problem requires confronting the perpetrator and telling them that their behavior will not be tolerated. Anything short of that just emboldens them.

The picture is somewhat unrelated, just an anecdote on the thread.  


Go read what I've actually written, I know what bothers people...It bothers me too and I do address it.  We're talking about the same thing.  The difference is, it just doesn't bother me to the point where I worry about changing society.  I worry about fishing.  :)


Your continued requests for others to go back & read what you have written does not change their content. Based on what you wrote, we are not talking about the same thing.

No problem with that, I would just be hypocritical to not point it out.


I'm confused...Your original 'complaint' about my post on the ridiculously terrible idea of launching flipping weights at other boats was that I am somehow 'letting people get away with it' by not confronting them.  


What I've said (in that post and the ones following) is that I will put my boat in their way so they can't do what they are trying, or say something if it's really blatant.....How is that letting them get away with it?  


We are both talking about getting spot jumped by rude fisherman...You're also hung up on some societal aspect of it.  I'm just hung up on fishing and I don't think it's that big of a deal.  


Either way, carry on with the thread.  I'm out. 

  • Like 1

You are correct that you are confused. Please don't mischaracterize my comments as "complaints", they aren't. They are an explanation of the different response you have to rude anglers compared to many of us.

You choose to not confront the offender, instead to take defensive actions to keep the person away from your water in an apparent effort to have them go bother someone else. Some of us choose to confront the offender, in the same way one stands up to a bully in order to make them change their actions.

Different strokes for different folks, but I apparently have ruffled your feathers by pointing out that your actions don't address the problem, but instead just pushes it off to someone else. I hope that clears it up for you.

  • Super User

People carry guns on their boat. ..my dad included.

A thread about docks not long ago mentioned a dock owner killing a boater.

If you want to throw objects at people don't be surprised if it returns in spades.

This is one reason I don't often fish with people, tempers flair and I don't want to be around some hot head.

For the most part I agree with Stratos.  I'd just as soon go find another place, a fish is not worth a confrontation. 

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This is one reason I don't often fish with people, tempers flair and I don't want to be around some hot head.

For the most part I agree with Stratos. I'd just as soon go find another place, a fish is not worth a confrontation.

That's me Snook.The lake's too big, life is too short. I'm there to fish, not inflate my ego, or deflate someone else's.... lol.

You want the spot I'm fishing that bad, it's all yours....have a nice day.


  • Like 5

I've been annoyed by morons.  My fave is the guy that comes with all his kids and let's them run amok while he sits and fishes (drinks beer).  They get in the water, mess with your stuff, etc.  With that said, I have a little different take.  Earlier in the year, I had the pleasure of helping a young man with a young family with some new tackle.  A lot of it was donated by you guys here.  I met him because he was fishing the same public pond one day and saw me catch a decent bass.  He came over and immediately started fishing beside me...even crossing me.  At first I was irritated until I talked to him a little and realized that he might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer.  All I had to do was remind him to give me some space so we could both fish and he immediately did.  Long story short, I made a friend.  Same thing at the same pond in 2013.  Met a different kid that was the same way although this kid was, I believe, mentally retarded.  (Not trying to offend anyone with that, nor am I making fun of him).  I would remind him to not get so close and he would happily back off.  Rather than being mad, I assessed the situation for what it was and decided to have some compassion.  In both cases, I made friends and am happy to see either one of them when I go.  The guy I gave the tackle to has become a regular fishing buddy and we go to different places together....something he might not ordinarily get to do. 

  • Super User

It is one thing to confront someone who has violated your personal space or attacked you physically, it is something else entirely to physically attack someone because he is fishing too close. I am not afraid of a physical confrontation if it is necessary to protect me or mine, but to risk jail time or worse for a fishing spot is not the way mature men behave in my opinion. Of course some of this may just be internet machismo-it is easy to be bad anonymously.

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I dont care as long as someone aint touchin me,,then it goes from there .i, am pro i can adapt to any situation.as was said in one post fish defense its easy and i love pissssssin morons off.I have fished farm ponds with cattle in the water invading my space it didnt bother the fish at all.


I ask a person straight out. Why did you walk all the way over to me & start fishing so close ?   If you do not give me a decent amount of space to enjoy fishing I will cast right over your line & cut it off of mine.  Most people then say something of a lie. I then say I do not like you.


That usually frees up my space.


Almost had a ride in the ambulance with a persistent buddy.


I've been annoyed by morons.  My fave is the guy that comes with all his kids and let's them run amok while he sits and fishes (drinks beer).  They get in the water, mess with your stuff, etc.  With that said, I have a little different take.  Earlier in the year, I had the pleasure of helping a young man with a young family with some new tackle.  A lot of it was donated by you guys here.  I met him because he was fishing the same public pond one day and saw me catch a decent bass.  He came over and immediately started fishing beside me...even crossing me.  At first I was irritated until I talked to him a little and realized that he might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer.  All I had to do was remind him to give me some space so we could both fish and he immediately did.  Long story short, I made a friend.  Same thing at the same pond in 2013.  Met a different kid that was the same way although this kid was, I believe, mentally retarded.  (Not trying to offend anyone with that, nor am I making fun of him).  I would remind him to not get so close and he would happily back off.  Rather than being mad, I assessed the situation for what it was and decided to have some compassion.  In both cases, I made friends and am happy to see either one of them when I go.  The guy I gave the tackle to has become a regular fishing buddy and we go to different places together....something he might not ordinarily get to do. 


You just did an excellent job of illustrating the difference between ignorance & stupidity.  I have all the time in the world for the person who doesn't know, but is willing to listen & learn from someone who does (like the folks you mentioned).  Accidental rudeness stemming from enthusiasm is not a problem.


Stupidity or crassness, knowing better but not caring, is what I refuse to let slide.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about getting into an altercation over a fishing spot, like Hootie said, if you want the spot that bad, you can have it.  I am just going to look that person in the eye and let them know what they did is B.S.  I believe that a few won't care but that for most, the shame of being called out for being an ass will linger long enough for them to think twice before they do it to someone else.


You just did an excellent job of illustrating the difference between ignorance & stupidity.  I have all the time in the world for the person who doesn't know, but is willing to listen & learn from someone who does (like the folks you mentioned).  Accidental rudeness stemming from enthusiasm is not a problem.


Stupidity or crassness, knowing better but not caring, is what I refuse to let slide.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about getting into an altercation over a fishing spot, like Hootie said, if you want the spot that bad, you can have it.  I am just going to look that person in the eye and let them know what they did is B.S.  I believe that a few won't care but that for most, the shame of being called out for being an ass will linger long enough for them to think twice before they do it to someone else.




100% agree.  I have no problem checking a fool.  I just make sure they ARE a fool that needs checked first.

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