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or this one...about 2:20




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Having a lifetime warranty is nice, but I could live without one. I feel like the warranties have been built into the price for a lot of rods, but if manufacturers scale back the warranties will they also scale back the prices? Doubt it


Shimano and St Croix failed to get a piece of the full grip market that has made Dobyns so popular over the years. There aren't many options for a full grip cork rod anymore and there are lots of people who love cork. Check out the threads that asks foam or cork and you'll get what I mean.


Warranties have gotten out of hand.  Glad to see them reigning them back in a bit.  No reason to offer more than a 1 year IMO.  If it doesn't blow up in the first couple outings, then there's no manufacturing defect.


Absolutely. It'll teach people to take care of their gear. Some people use the warranty a lot and they are the reason why companies are making these changes.


Edit: Seems like Shimano is coming out with both a split grip and full grip. Can't wait.

  • Super User

Just about every rod I own has a lifetime warranty, I've yet to send one in for warranty as I've never broken one that wasn't my fault.

I've had or used 3 St Croix rods in the past couple of years, none of them for any lenght of time.  None of them were bad rods just not what I was looking for.  I used a friend's 8' mojo surf for 2 days, great casting distance but the butt had this knarly handle, was uncomfortable.  Bought an 8' tidemaster mh, was very light and a nice rod, I was looking for more of a mf tip, returned it.  One of my Long Island stripers buddys living here in Florida had some kind of a St Croix for years, complained of a sore shoulder with it, gave it to me and I gave him my Redbone.  Few days later I gave it back and he had just bought his own Redbone.

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Just about every rod I own has a lifetime warranty, I've yet to send one in for warranty as I've never broken one that wasn't my fault.

I've had or used 3 St Croix rods in the past couple of years, none of them for any lenght of time. None of them were bad rods just not what I was looking for. I used a friend's 8' mojo surf for 2 days, great casting distance but the butt had this knarly handle, was uncomfortable. Bought an 8' tidemaster mh, was very light and a nice rod, I was looking for more of a mf tip, returned it. One of my Long Island stripers buddys living here in Florida had some kind of a St Croix for years, complained of a sore shoulder with it, gave it to me and I gave him my Redbone. Few days later I gave it back and he had just bought his own Redbone.

Im having waffles for breakfast

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I don't see how people would have the gall to return a rod after 10 or more years of use lol. Maybe it is just me, but I couldn't. I have only ever had to use a warranty because of my stupidity. If a rod doesn't break In a year of good use, then the manufacturer has done a good job.

Yes I understand that the warranty has been built into the rod BUT I look at it like this.

I have several $300 rods. If those rods last me 10 years and break, that's 30 bucks a year and that is more than adequate for me.

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"Having a lifetime warranty is nice, but I could live without one. I feel like the warranties have been built into the price for a lot of rods, but if manufacturers scale back the warranties will they also scale back the prices? Doubt it"


Watch out, that makes sense!! Why would anyone pay extra for a warranty that is built into the price and not use it????? I hope they are not insane enough to think eliminating the lifetime warranty will change the price. But if you like paying for something you won't use, and think it is called ethical, so be it, I call it bad economics! Be real,,Look at this Avid X, same money as an Avid, the Avid rod or blank is lifetime, the X isn't, and uses less material and cheaper components to build it,,,,,,,buy ten then and go for it, makes sense to me!! But don't bash those for using what they pay for, and please come back to reality and realize, this is a company who has grown more, for longer, and imported less than any other company making the same products in the USA for the last half century, and are making money doing it! They appreciate your contribution I am sure, but I doubt they expect it. In over 20 years and 30 or more rods, so many used seldom who knows how old, and spending more than a few thousand dollars on their rods, I feel quite comfortable using my warranty twice regardless how old they were!!! I hope I don't bankrupt them, especially when last year they got $70.00 for the replacement, which was probably close to paying for the materials they had in the rod!! Be real,,,,,PLEASE!!  :smile2:    


I can't understand why anyone would not want what they pay for, but I see it everyday with a lot of imports people waste their money on,,,, I expect a 300 dollar rod to last longer than a 100 dollar imported rod, and have the gull to admit it, now since I also sleep well, I think I will take a nap,,,,, :sleep-058:

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I'm sorry, if you take back a 15 yr old rod and expect a free warranty replacement, you're a flawed guy.  If there is a built in replacement fee to cover the manufacturers costs then that's a different story.   My high end rods are all customs so I don't really know how the warranty system works but breaking an old rod isn't the manufacturers fault.

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Yea, I don't do warranty s for the sake of doing it for advantage, having a good company replace my rod if truly a defect? Is all I ask for. That doesn't happen for me, I have never sent a rod back for warranty, hasn't been a need, after 15 yrs? Wow! That's all I can say, is wow!


I'm sorry, if you take back a 15 yr old rod and expect a free warranty replacement, you're a flawed guy.  If there is a built in replacement fee to cover the manufacturers costs then that's a different story.   My high end rods are all customs so I don't really know how the warranty system works but breaking an old rod isn't the manufacturers fault.

Like I said, I gave $70.00 as for the replacement, that model had seen 5 updates, quite worth it and costing Croix very little, probably covers what St Croix has in materials. The fact is they think there is a reason for more than 5 or 10 years or that would be the limit. It is a senseless argument to say everybody abuses a warranty in any time limit, and is viewing one theory of use and not the whole picture, some Tournament fisherman put more use and abuse on a rod that I would never subject a rod to, and in one years time may use it as much as I do some of my 10 or 15 year old rods, and they don't deteriorate setting in the closet!! You have to think about more than the way you use your equipment.


As for a built up blank, all my customs are warranted the same as the rods built by Croix, but since the only thing St. Croix builds is the Blank, that is all they cover, all components and labor are backeb by my builder for life! The way it should be when you pay a premium for an expert to build something better than is available for less with a lifetime warranty. If I abused my equipment or bought a couple rods and wore them out I could see your view, but most don't do that, I take care of my equipment and pay a premium to buy it once and that is what I expect when I pay that premium!   

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"Having a lifetime warranty is nice, but I could live without one. I feel like the warranties have been built into the price for a lot of rods, but if manufacturers scale back the warranties will they also scale back the prices? Doubt it"

Watch out, that makes sense!! Why would anyone pay extra for a warranty that is built into the price and not use it????? I hope they are not insane enough to think eliminating the lifetime warranty will change the price. But if you like paying for something you won't use, and think it is called ethical, so be it, I call it bad economics! Be real,,Look at this Avid X, same money as an Avid, the Avid rod or blank is lifetime, the X isn't, and uses less material and cheaper components to build it,,,,,,,buy ten then and go for it, makes sense to me!! But don't bash those for using what they pay for, and please come back to reality and realize, this is a company who has grown more, for longer, and imported less than any other company making the same products in the USA for the last half century, and are making money doing it! They appreciate your contribution I am sure, but I doubt they expect it. In over 20 years and 30 or more rods, so many used seldom who knows how old, and spending more than a few thousand dollars on their rods, I feel quite comfortable using my warranty twice regardless how old they were!!! I hope I don't bankrupt them, especially when last year they got $70.00 for the replacement, which was probably close to paying for the materials they had in the rod!! Be real,,,,,PLEASE!! :smile2:

I can't understand why anyone would not want what they pay for, but I see it everyday with a lot of imports people waste their money on,,,, I expect a 300 dollar rod to last longer than a 100 dollar imported rod, and have the gull to admit it, now since I also sleep well, I think I will take a nap,,,,, :sleep-058:

Nobody is saying that you shouldn't use the warranty if they'll let you. If after 15 years your rod breaks because you were trying to get a lure unsnagged and you send it into St. Croix and they'll give you a new rod for scraps then by all means do it. What you need to realize is that for someone like yourself that spouts and promotes that he wants to use American-made products that are made in the United States by anAmerican company, you are doing nothing to help the company when you're sending in a 15-year-old rod that you broke and getting a new one . After that long you're costing the company money.


Nobody is saying that you shouldn't use the warranty if they'll let you. If after 15 years your rod breaks because you were trying to get a lure unsnagged and you send it into St. Croix and they'll give you a new rod for scraps then by all means do it. What you need to realize is that for someone like yourself that spouts and promotes that he wants to use American-made products that are made in the United States by anAmerican company, you are doing nothing to help the company when you're sending in a 15-year-old rod that you broke and getting a new one . After that long you're costing the company money.

Give me a break!! Do you have any idea what you are talking about, or just justifying your ethics?? I will venture  to say I support St. Croix FAR BETTER than most that are doing the ethics knocking and assure you they are not going broke because of me, Quite the contrary!! I just wonder how many of the dollars I spent for Lifetime warranties built into there prices everyone else has cashed in on?? You say poor St Croix,,,,I say poor Captain!! These are just a few Avids, Legend Elite's, Extreme's Tournament's, and Ultra's, the ones in the house not the 4 or 5 in the boat lockers or the ones I have sold off over the years, and 90% of them bought new. You guy's need to worry more about other things and realize you are no authority on my ethics!! I can bet money when I pass through the Pearly gates they aren't going to open the books and ask me about my warranty history with St. Croix, you should have far more important things to be concerned about. I can assure you St. Croix is well aware of the support they get from me, every time they ask mt zip code!! IMG_0211_zps205aeff0.jpg

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Give me a break!! Do you have any idea what you are talking about, or just justifying your ethics?? I will venture  to say I support St. Croix FAR BETTER than most that are doing the ethics knocking and assure you they are not going broke because of me, Quite the contrary!! I just wonder how many of the dollars I spent for Lifetime warranties built into there prices everyone else has cashed in on?? You say poor St Croix,,,,I say poor Captain!! These are just a few Avids, Legend Elite's, Extreme's Tournament's, and Ultra's, the ones in the house not the 4 or 5 in the boat lockers or the ones I have sold off over the years, and 90% of them bought new. You guy's need to worry more about other things and realize you are no authority on my ethics!! I can bet money when I pass through the Pearly gates they aren't going to open the books and ask me about my warranty history with St. Croix, you should have far more important things to be concerned about. I can assure you St. Croix is well aware of the support they get from me, every time they ask mt zip code!! IMG_0211_zps205aeff0.jpg

First off, I didn't say anything was "unethical" or "unjustifiable". I even opened stating that nobody says you shouldn't do it. I'll break this down very simply for you. Nobody is arguing your admirable loyalty to a company.  I really don't understand the heaven reference...I mean I get it, but nobody said bob's not going to heaven because he shouldn't have warrantied a fishing rod....


Bob loves St. Croix and cannot see himself using a different rod. They make everything he wants in a rod so naturally he would want this company to thrive and be around for his grandkids.


Bob buys rod in 1990 for 200$

Bob breaks rod in 2005 (this is after 15 years)

Bob asks for rod to be warrantied to which St. Croix obliges to the sum or 70$ even those it was his fault.

Bob then sends in a 15 year old broken rod that is promptly thrown away and receives a brand new one that has been updated X amount of times over the course of 15 years. 

Instead of just buying a new one and supporting a company he wants to be around for a long time, he costs to company more than the price of the rod. (your 15 year old broken rod holds 0$ valu-this figure can be attained by looking up your serial number /w the rod value system they provide via their website. you were given a free 200$ rod + the labor)


Now I'm not saying what you, or anybody for that matter, did was "wrong" or "unethical". I mean you get a new rod for next to nothing...that's great. I'm simply saying as a WHOLE, when people do this, they are costing a company money after X amount of years that does play a part in price increases. Now what the set amount of years should be, I don't know. But I believe you can unarguably say that if you break a rod after 15 years of ownership, you should chalk that one up to a solid 15 years and not expect anything in return; even if they will replace it being 100% your fault and not their responsibility.

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x2 post


I know, on X , but I thought it looked croix ( surf ) anyhow nice rig.

why thank you
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What you need to realize is that for someone like yourself that spouts and promotes that he wants to use American-made products that are made in the United States by anAmerican company, you are doing nothing to help the company when you're sending in a 15-year-old rod that you broke and getting a new one . After that long you're costing the company money.

I think you missed your point, mine is I do way more than MOST to support this company, I just thought maybe if you didn't understand, the picture would help,,,,,,guess I was wrong!! You win my dealings with ST. Croix show no support and they would go broke if they had more customers like me,,,,,OK U win!! now I feel bad,,,,,, :cry4:

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I think you missed your point, mine is I do way more than MOST to support this company, I just thought maybe if you didn't understand, the picture would help,,,,,,guess I was wrong!! You win my dealings with ST. Croix show no support and they would go broke if they had more customers like me,,,,,OK U win!! now I feel bad,,,,,, :cry4:

Okay well nothing in there was coherent enough to understand so I'll elaborate on the bold portion of my post that you quoted to which I believe you are saying that I missed my own point?


" like yourself that spouts and promotes that he wants to use American-made products that are made in the United States by anAmerican company, you are doing nothing to help the company when you're sending in a 15-year-old rod "


I'm not entirely sure what you don't understand about that....I mean I even laid out in, what I believed, was a very simple explanation of what this meant...I really can't make it much more simple for you to make the leap. I apologize. I guess I'll try to break that line down so you understand it. If it isn't simple enough, then I'm sorry there's not much more I can do.


St. Croix is made in America

St. Croix rods employs hard working Americans

Bob loves America 

Bob loves fishing thus

Bob loves St. Croix. 

Bob breaks fishing rod after 15 years of use.

Bob could buy a new rod at retail or even a % discount during a sale to support the company he loves and supports to ensure the rod company is making money.

Bob instead returns broken rod after 15 years and receives a more than generous offer of a new rod for essentially 1/3 of the cost

Bob costs St. Croix money by doing this. 


Again, I'm by no means saying "DON'T USE THE WARRANTY BOB YOU'RE GOING TO KILL A COMPANY ON U.S SOIL #MERIKA". I'm merely stating, again..as a whole for anybody that does this, you are contributing to price increases and costing one of the few U.S based rod companies money.

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Geez, guys give it a break..... Not a rod though

Is Irene on strike or?


Yes, but sorry all you worried about me closing the doors on St Croix, but I will use everything I pay for, it might brake a foreign company, but I think St. Croix has displayed quite well for over half a century that it is capable of handling its finances on it's own and quite capable of making money while offering benefits most can afford but won't!! As long as it uses American labor to do it!! But I appreciate your concern! Just got a new Stradic Ci4+ 1000FA, everything the original wasn't, maybe I will by a new  6'6" light LE blank while I can still get the Lifetime warranty,,,,, give me a reason to get rid of my IMX 6' LF, just to help cover their expenses of honoring my warranty last year of course,,,,, :respect-051:


Next time you have a wreck and it's your fault, save me some premium costs will ya, and be responsible and pay all the damages yourself,,,,, :lol-045:

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OK, we are way off topic and going in the wrong direction. 


Good Night Irene



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