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The lonesome hero rides off into the sunset. Why? Because bass hit big time at sunset.


Damsels, rescue yourselves 'cause bass are biting!

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1 hour ago, gimruis said:

Haircut and fashion police has put in a 2 week seasonal notice.


With heavy heart, I will no longer be able to police all the bird nests, facial jungles, holey jeans, and over night re-worn outfits until November again (when I'll be done fishing again for the season).


With our gamefish/bass season finally opening up in 12 days, I've got better things to do again than point out all the problems with people's hair and clothes.


Voluntary compliance is appreciated.  Funding is nearly impossible to come by for deputy help.


Sheldon Whitehouse Mic Drop GIF by GIPHY News


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I went fishing at my favorite big bass lake, and this picture tells the story.  The past four years I have caught my PB for the year at this lake.  The fishing has been slowing down now that a lodge has discovered it, but this is the best time of year to fish there, I thought maybe fishing at night would solve the problem of pressure from the competition and I planned on fishing the with a few lures the Bait Monkey insisted I buy.

       I did catch 3 small bass with a combined weight of less than two pounds, so I guess I didn't officially get skunked, but the skunk sure liked the Bait Monkey's new purchases.

       The skunk was definitely stinking up the place during the night fishing part of the trip.  After a three hour drive, I started fishing at 3:15 Am, and didn't catch a fish until 10:30 Am.(it gets light about 6;30)  Everything went smooth at night except for one problem. I had the same problem night fishing that I have every time I try  catching bass after dark.  I don't know why I am such a slow learner, and don't anticipate this aspect of angling at night.  I believe it will always make night fishing difficult for me, and maybe I should realize the difficulty before I start planning my next night adventure. I don't have problems with bugs, cold, or my equipment.  I have determined the only problem with night fishing, is it is dark at night.

       I will be fishing at a different lake more this year.  I doubt if I will be back to my old favorite again this year. It truly is a paradise lost.  I did notice the local lodge doesn't have their boats there any more, so maybe after a couple years, I will have to give it another try.  


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Dang it, King. Dumb, old lodge. Good luck at the other lake. 

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@king fisher sorry brother. I like the anticipation and wonder about where my lure will land. Over a tree limb? Dry land? My ear? I find shorter casts to at times be more effective at night 🙃


I, for one, enjoy night fishing, but I understand your pain. This season should see the majority of my outings after hours. Several reasons why, but if I am to achieve my goal of a DD on pressured water, I feel my odds go up at night when ol sally cannot see quite as well. Still deep! :Ninja1:

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2 minutes ago, ol'crickety said:

Dang it, King. Dumb, old lodge. Good luck at the other lake. 

I knew it would happen some day.  The lake the lodge is on is only a few miles away, and known for big numbers, but not large bass.  The lake I fished,  is very small less than a mile long and commercial fished with nets year around, the bass population was small, but did have some giants.  There were a couple of kayak anglers, that would frequently post videos of them catching large bass, including one over 15 pounds at the lake.  It was only a matter of time before the lodge owner saw one of these videos, recognized the lake, and started offering his clients one day fishing at this small lake for a chance at a monster, and the rest of the week hitting the lake his lodge is on for numbers.  He did have clients catch some trophy bass, and I try and tell myself I should be happy for the lucky anglers that got to land a DD fish on their once in a lifetime trip to Mexico.  I am trying my best to take the high road, but a big part of me wishes they would have just gone to Lake Baccarac.

     I can't complain, the guy that told me about the lake, is friends with one of the guys making the videos, and shouldn't have told me. ( I am really not sure why he did tell me, but I owe him more than I will every be able to repay)  I was fortunate to fish the lake at it's peak, and it is time to move on to greener pastures.  If it wasn't for loose lips, guiding me to this lake, my PB would probably still be under 6 pounds, so I can't complain about other people not keeping their mouths shut.

     My new lake is much bigger the a better over all bass population, and last year I landed two over 10 pounds.  My biggest problem is the lake is much farther away for me, and word is getting out fast due to more videos.  Luckily this new lake can handle much more fishing pressure, and the quality of the fishing, probably wont decline for some time.

     I'm also checking out a rumor on another lake, and I am hoping to be way ahead of the power curve on this one.

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29 minutes ago, LrgmouthShad said:

I like the anticipation and wonder about where my lure will land. Over a tree limb? Dry land? My ear?

You only experience this at night? I have that feeling all the time. 🤣 

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44 minutes ago, king fisher said:

My new lake is much bigger the a better over all bass population, and last year I landed two over 10 pounds. 


Big plus: It's a proven DD lake.


44 minutes ago, king fisher said:

My biggest problem is the lake is much farther away for me, and word is getting out fast due to more videos. 


A couple minuses. Make the long drive while the fishing is still worth it.


44 minutes ago, king fisher said:

I'm also checking out a rumor on another lake, and I am hoping to be way ahead of the power curve on this one.


Fingers crossed the rumor is true. 


1 hour ago, LrgmouthShad said:

if I am to achieve my goal of a DD on pressured water, I feel my odds go up at night when ol sally cannot see quite as well.


Fingers crossed for you too, Tex!

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Had a fun evening on the river, although I still have bugs all in my eyes. Fish were jumping all over , caught 3-4 SMB, lots of skipjack and a couple white bass . Water temp 66-68, even got some video 


saw eagles, osprey, herons, tons of cormorants, several deer, and a beaver . The Urban wilderness was hopping 






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I caught a few today on a variety of different plastics and got to fight a 26” or bigger pike for a little while before it bit through my fluorocarbon. I still have a blast even if the size is lacking, I am still catching fish on this gorgeous day.












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Way to go, Murph (@Jmurphy87)! Plenty of bass and your third one is especially nice.


I caught a cold over the weekend and didn't fish on Monday, as I'd planned, but am launching at 5:00 tomorrow morning and will be fishing one of my best bogs. It'll be my first time to fish that bog in 2024.


Yes, Tim (@T-Billy), I will have a T-Rig in the canoe. Any suggestions on what soft plastic I should use? I'm also going to stroll, use a fluke, and, of course, use my Keitech. At some point, I'll try a Whopper Plopper, but it hasn't been warm enough yet for a surface lure to work. 

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49 minutes ago, ol'crickety said:

Way to go, Murph (@Jmurphy87)! Plenty of bass and your third one is especially nice.


I caught a cold over the weekend and didn't fish on Monday, as I'd planned, but am launching at 5:00 tomorrow morning and will be fishing one of my best bogs. It'll be my first time to fish that bog in 2024.


Yes, Tim (@T-Billy), I will have a T-Rig in the canoe. Any suggestions on what soft plastic I should use? I'm also going to stroll, use a fluke, and, of course, use my Keitech. At some point, I'll try a Whopper Plopper, but it hasn't been warm enough yet for a surface lure to work. 

Yeah I caught a couple more that I didn’t photograph, but there are healthy and swimming lol. Mostly a tube in yellow mustard and a 4” senko wacky rig. I threw a line through swim bait head before the pike stole it, I watched him run down current and knew that it would no end well and twang went the limp line. I did break in my 893c jwr NRX+ today and it felt superb and responsive. My fluorocarbon was from last year and a little bit unruly on my slx mgl but I made it work, heck I even hooked a piece of old rope in the river rofl. I just enjoy being out there and talking with fellow anglers that show up at the same spot that I am at, I also get intel on new spots so that’s good also. 

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1 hour ago, ol'crickety said:

Any suggestions on what soft plastic I should use?

Try starting with a beaver type bait if you have any. If you don't, then get some. 😉  I like to fish it with fairly sharp "pops" most of the time and let it fall with just a bit of slack line. Sinker pegged.  Lizard are another good option in spring.

 I'm a fan of the Big Bite Baits "Yo Momma" when it comes to beaver type baits. They sell them on their website in 100ct bulk packs. Actually on sale right now. The 3" size will get you both numbers and size. They advertise it as 3" but it's actually 3.5".

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16 minutes ago, T-Billy said:

Try starting with a beaver type bait if you have any. If you don't, then get some. 😉 


I have a lot of those. For quite a stretch, I was buying pert near every bait that you guys were using to boat bass...in triplicate. Thanks for the "pop" tip. I'll do that. And the slack line suggestion too. 

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Pulled the boat to a new lake in the metropolitans that held a lot of fish but nothing of size.

Still had fun on a wacky finesse worm.PXL_20240430_1531393442.jpg.1684b7b5c059bea12716d366d6596ab3.jpg

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Nice colors on them

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4 hours ago, deep said:

Interestingly, I caught the fish right at moonset. Of course, I have fished hundreds of times without catching anything around moonset time, so it probably doesn't mean anything.

This gets pushed hard in the muskie world. I think there's something to it, but not always. I've seen fish suddenly turn on around moon rise/set and overhead/underfoot often enough to believe it has an effect, but it often seems to make no difference in the bite as well. 

 I get out when I can, and if I happen to be there when a lunar event goes down, I try to be on a good spot when it happens.

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I think lunar cycles hit Bait fish more than bass and I think that you typically are going to see the effects more offshore on structure than near the bank....but not always.  There's times when you see it's effect up shallow.  Like during the spawn when the majority of the fish are shallow anyway.


Great fish and story @deep.


I bet if you threw a jig or a drop shot you'd catch a few more over the course of these long rare trips but I appreciate the big bait grind.  It's satisfying when you get one and that's a beautiful fish!


Nice stuff @A-Jay!  Glad to see you're back on em!


@Jmurphy87 and @TnRiver46 wrecking it out there also!


Have been busy with work but got an opportunity to meet up with fellow NC basser/forum member @FishTax / Jeremy for some night fishing last week!


Had quite a few frog blow ups but I think they were spawning carp!?!?  It was weird.  Definitely not bass.


I also had some bites on the drop shot but they were sheepish.


Caught my only fish of the night on the single Colorado and it was an absolute monster:




Fortunately Jake kept our spirits high by hooking into his new PB common carp on a piece of chicken liver!!!




Looking forward to more fishing with fellow forum members and hopefully better luck next time 😎👍🏼


We thankfully recovered somewhat at the lake the next day but giants have been hard to find.  It feels a bit 'post spawn funk'y already around here!




Got a feeling it's time to start fishing super early in the AM and throwing reaction baits again.




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New PB at 4lb 1oz


Had a great day yesterday with everything seeming to come together.  Hauled in a 3lb LMB on top of this guy with a handful of other fish and a pike sized pickerel.


Went out with a game plan and didn’t talk myself out of it.  Went where I thought I’d find fish and found them.  Threw the lure that I thought would catch them and caught them.  Told myself nearly a dozen times “don’t leave fish to find fish” and it paid off.


Spinnerbait for the win!


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Congrats, @CastingClinic!


Pat, I'm glad you fished with Jeremy. 


I fished this morning and expected to boat a nice bass or two, but mostly whiffed. I just couldn't find the girls and had to settle for nine boys. 


I got to see two cool things though on this rainy, cool morning. The alewives were running, so eagles and ospreys had gathered to gorge. I bet I saw 20 birds of prey. 


I also saw, at both the inlet and outlet of the pond, some kind of fish in the shallows thrashing at the surface. I don't think they were bass. They sure made a ruckus. 


I paddled about seven miles and am feeling it, but it was a good, albeit wet morning. I'll load a couple pics in a bit.

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32 minutes ago, ol'crickety said:

I also saw, at both the inlet and outlet of the pond, some kind of fish in the shallows thrashing at the surface. I don't think they were bass. They sure made a ruckus. 

Carp spawn?

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