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Dobyns  is my vote, much better balance and I also prefer their build quality over the Duckett rods.


Dobyns is my opinion due to choice in actions and overall balance.  Although you see a lot of "technique specific" style rods from Dobyns name, they are typically versatile in what the can be utilized for.  Actions are designed so that they can cast well, hook fish and keep them hooked.   
Overall weight is not as big of a concern or focus as balance.  Most won't notice much after a day or half day of fishing, but fish for 2 or 3 back to back 10 hour days and you will notice how balance plays a role in overall comfort. 
Customer service is another strong point although I've never had to use it myself.
Another reason I am a fan is they typically offer multiple lengths of similar actions or powers.  I personally prefer longer rods (7' being the shortest I own) and I like that their line-up inclueds a rod in just about every action I would want that is over the 7' length. 


This question can not be answered on fair grounds. Dobyn's has far to many people who are paid or given a discount on the rods for them to ever speak against the  Dobyn's rod. The truth though is Dobyn's is an over priced Powell Rod and no where near as good as the Pro staff would have you think.


 Duckett is MUCH lighter, better build quality at a MUCH better price, and great balance, Duckett has many different Bass Pro's who have built the rods that have been proven in tournament over and over, not one man making them the way he likes. A short list of Duckett Pro's, Dean Rojas, Brandon Palaniuk, Terry Scroggins, Pete Ponds, Kelly Jordon, Byron Velvick , Timmy Horton, Jason Williamson, Kenyon Hill, J Todd Tucker, Byron Haseotes and I'm sure I've missed a few.



EDIT.......I 100% agree with iabass8 this is going to be good and very funny. Just wait, It is coming. The Dobyn's guys will not all be here until later.




This question can not be answered on fair grounds. Dobyn's has far to many people who are paid or given a discount on the rods for them to ever speak against the  Dobyn's rod. The truth though is Dobyn's is an over priced Powell Rod and no where near as good as the Pro staff would have you think.


 Duckett is MUCH lighter, better build quality at a MUCH better price, and great balance, Duckett has many different Bass Pro's who have built the rods that have been proven in tournament over and over, not one man making them the way he likes. A short list of Duckett Pro's, Dean Rojas, Brandon Palaniuk, Terry Scroggins, Pete Ponds, Kelly Jordon, Byron Velvick , Timmy Horton, Jason Williamson, Kenyon Hill, J Todd Tucker, Byron Haseotes and I'm sure I've missed a few.



EDIT.......I 100% agree with iabass8 this is going to be good and very funny. Just wait, It is coming. The Dobyn's guys will not all be here until later.



Aren't the Duckett pros you listed below doing absolutely the same thing? Are you really going to tell me that a $150-200 Duckett rod will outperform the $350 Champion series? The build quality aren't even in the same ball park. The OP should ask more specific question such as comparing the brands at specific price range or specific series of rod, since comparing two brands only leads to biased and uninformative answers. 

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I will tell you that price does not = Quality and that $350 DX is over priced. Take a look at MegaBass or Gloomis  and tell me you would pay that $350 over buying one of those rods? You can Buy a Powell Endurance for $150, so that carbon hood and some paint makes the price go up $200?  I'll stick with the $200 Duckett White Ice, thanks.




 EDIT.........No Sir those pro's are not doing the same thing. I own those rods and they are VERY different rods in the White Ice series.


I will tell you that price does not = Quality and that $350 DX is over priced. Take a look at MegaBass or Gloomis  and tell me you would pay that $350 over buying one of those rods? You can Buy a Powell Endurance for $150, so that carbon hood and some paint makes the price go up $200?  I'll stick with the $200 Duckett White Ice, thanks.

We are talking about Dobyn vs Duckett, and I am making a point that Dobyn Champion Series have better build quality than any of the Duckett rods. 


How are those Pros not doing the same thing? They are paid by the Duckett people to promote their products, since most of professional sports is basically advertisements. That's like saying that you work for a company and you are willing to give a negative opinion to the mass public about that company. Doesn't this sound silly to you? I am not trying to argue whether Duckett is a better value(because value means different things for each one of us), all I am saying is that these comments will be biased and uninformative,because of how open the question OP gave.

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This question can not be answered on fair grounds. Dobyn's has far to many people who are paid or given a discount on the rods for them to ever speak against the  Dobyn's rod. The truth though is Dobyn's is an over priced Powell Rod and no where near as good as the Pro staff would have you think.


 Duckett is MUCH lighter, better build quality at a MUCH better price, and great balance, Duckett has many different Bass Pro's who have built the rods that have been proven in tournament over and over, not one man making them the way he likes. A short list of Duckett Pro's, Dean Rojas, Brandon Palaniuk, Terry Scroggins, Pete Ponds, Kelly Jordon, Byron Velvick , Timmy Horton, Jason Williamson, Kenyon Hill, J Todd Tucker, Byron Haseotes and I'm sure I've missed a few.



EDIT.......I 100% agree with iabass8 this is going to be good and very funny. Just wait, It is coming. The Dobyn's guys will not all be here until later.



I'm a Dobyns guy through and through. I personally feel they are some of the finest rods made and I'm never left wanting more while fishing them . 


I don't like Duckett rods at all. You're never going to hear me say "Dobyns are better than Duckett" because it isn't true. It's also true that Duckett isn't better than Dobyns. It's strictly an opinion based statement where nobody can ever be correct. Everything about this is opinion based and it just leads to silly arguments and backhanded comments. Listing a pro staff for a rod company is essentially pointless. It isn't as if he cherry picked the staff. People go where the money is. 


Case and point....


The truth though is Dobyn's is an over priced Powell Rod and no where near as good as the Pro staff would have you think.



Complete opinion based statement. I think they are as good or even better than what I think. The different is you aren't going to hear me say "Duckett is overpriced garbage."  I understand Gary had a big hand in developing Powell Max rods. I've also handled and fished multiple Powell rods. I don't agree /w your statement at all. 


Do you see how the only thing you're doing is instigating a never ending cycle of comments and opinions with only one true fact behind any of them...YOU like the rod...



I'm sure you understand why I posted that .gif now.

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The truth though is Dobyn's is an over priced Powell Rod and no where near as good as the Pro staff would have you think.


Using the same logic, and mind you I don't agree, but would that not make the Duckett rods an over priced Carrot Stix. 

  • Like 4

You are 100% right iabass8. I have grown so sick and tried of listening to the fan boys all over the internet about Dobyn's that in my haste to stop it, I became one myself. It has been more about fighting the Dobyn's bandwagon than it has been about talking up another rod brand. I am Duckett through and through but I've always known that the best rod is just a personal opinion too. I didn't start out this way, just the years of seeing the monster made me start to act out. Truth is every one has their own favorite rods and reels, that is why their is so many different companies out there. Find the fishing rod you like best and enjoy this great sport we all love. From now on my post will go back to what they use to be, I like duckett but not satying it is better than anything else because in the end it is just my own opinion.

  • Like 2

Senko shows up every dobyns thread so it's expected at this point lol. I'm not a paid guy but love dobyns rods but I guess that means I can't stand up for them as I would just be a fanboy even though I have owned rods by a variety of companies.

The logic in naming PAID pros under a rod brand as evidence of their preference is dubious at best. Especially when a guy like dean Rojas was a quantum pro for 15 years until this year. Or how terry scroggins won tournaments when sponsored by castaway or carrot sticks and hasn't won as a duckett guy. Or how brandon paluninick is sponsored by ABU, not duckett. Or how Velvick is consistently at the bottom of the bass standings and how during his last win he wasn't even using a duckett to chuck his swimbaits but a custom rod.

I'm sure duckett are fine rods, but if you are going to spout an opinion and try to use evidence to back it up, at least make an attempt to have the evidence be compelling. Anyone can spout off names of pros who use a product, but without context, it doesn't make the point you want.

As for the original topic, each has their supporters and detractors. The champion line is a great place to start if you want all purpose rods. Ducketts are cheaper and lighter. If u care about one over the other, choose along those lines

  • Like 2

grantman, it is just this kind of fanboy type talk that drives me. I show up to every Dobyn's thread? This thread had Duckett in it too. and I can go right now and show a dozen threads named with some other fishing rod brand that the Dobyns fanboys have invaded screaming "Get the dobyns"  Trust my I can made points just as good as you Doybns boys can. I see your name a lot on GASP!!! a fishing forum too but you keep pushing that dobyns, by now it is expected of you.



 I retract the Brandon statement for now, we will talk more on it later.

  • Super User

I'm a Croix guy and can't help but to look at Dobyns to find a better selection for certain techniques. Gary did his homework on his rods I can tell you that. No reason to knock him for it.

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Senko shows up every dobyns thread so it's expected at this point lol. I'm not a paid guy but love dobyns rods but I guess that means I can't stand up for them as I would just be a fanboy even though I have owned rods by a variety of companies.

The logic in naming PAID pros under a rod brand as evidence of their preference is dubious at best. Especially when a guy like dean Rojas was a quantum pro for 15 years until this year. Or how terry scroggins won tournaments when sponsored by castaway or carrot sticks and hasn't won as a duckett guy. Or how brandon paluninick is sponsored by ABU, not duckett. Or how Velvick is consistently at the bottom of the bass standings and how during his last win he wasn't even using a duckett to chuck his swimbaits but a custom rod.

I'm sure duckett are fine rods, but if you are going to spout an opinion and try to use evidence to back it up, at least make an attempt to have the evidence be compelling. Anyone can spout off names of pros who use a product, but without context, it doesn't make the point you want.

As for the original topic, each has their supporters and detractors. The champion line is a great place to start if you want all purpose rods. Ducketts are cheaper and lighter. If u care about one over the other, choose along those lines


Haha this made me laugh. I was thinking the exact same thing. I have used Ducketts, Dobyns, and Powells, all which were mentioned in this post. I liked all three brands and I felt each had their place in my arsenal. Although I did feel that the Dobyns was superior over the Duckett and Powell, but they were great sticks as well. If you don't want to spend the money on a Dobyns then you won't be disappointed with a Duckett or Powell. IMO if you are looking to get a Dobyns Savvy then I would go with a Powell Endurance or Duckett Micro Magic as I feel those two options are better than the Savvy. But if you are looking at the Champion and up, then I give the nod to Dobyns.

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Good god this is getting old....

This vs that topics should be automatically locked.

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  • Super User

Good god this is getting old....

This vs that topics should be automatically locked.

Or, they could be ignored by those who don't like them, and left open for those who choose to participate.  Just Sayin.....

  • Super User

Ford vs Chevy. Shimano vs Abu. Cake vs pie....And so on..The topics are almost always heavily opinionated with minimal facts to support and it progresses into arguments and slandering. Completly useless content. I've read through many similar topics and all start and end the same way.

  • Like 1
  • Super User

Ford vs Chevy. Shimano vs Abu. Cake vs pie....And so on..The topics are almost always heavily opinionated with minimal facts to support and it progresses into arguments and slandering. Completly useless content. I've read through many similar topics and all start and end the same way.

While I agree with most of what you have said, I do find in a few post nuggets of great information, things like balance and build quality, component material types, available actions and lengths, reel seat types.  Most of the information is very opinion based but some of it is helpful if you can take the time to sift through it.

  • Like 2
  • Super User

Ford vs Chevy. Shimano vs Abu. Cake vs pie....And so on..The topics are almost always heavily opinionated with minimal facts to support and it progresses into arguments and slandering. Completly useless content. I've read through many similar topics and all start and end the same way.

But what if.....






  • Like 6

Dobyns by a country mile, in my opinion this is not even a competition. It would be more fair if you compare dobyns vs st croix, because i believe that dobyns make some of the best rods ever.


I will tell you that price does not = Quality and that $350 DX is over priced. Take a look at MegaBass or Gloomis  and tell me you would pay that $350 over buying one of those rods? You can Buy a Powell Endurance for $150, so that carbon hood and some paint makes the price go up $200?  I'll stick with the $200 Duckett White Ice, thanks.




 EDIT.........No Sir those pro's are not doing the same thing. I own those rods and they are VERY different rods in the White Ice series.

yeah I can say I'd pay for a dobyns Dx rod over a megabass( well most megabass rods) I own a few megabass orochi x4 rods and personally I'll take a DX rod any day. Not saying the megabass isn't good, it just doesn't feel as sensitive and balanced. I'm not sponsored by dobyns nor do I receive any discount, I just like the rod and the way it fishes.

I've never fished a duckett because I don't like white rods, but I'm sure it is a great rod because they have quite a following.  I bought my first dx on sale and after fishing it, it is my favorite senko rod.  It just fishes so well.  I can clearly feel the difference between bottom structure and the lightest taps.  It is a special rod in my arsenal.  Unfortunately, it broke a few days ago.  Hopefully dobyns takes care of me here.

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