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I guess the lake saw a little rain after we left.


Boating advisory issued for Silver Lake


PERRY — The Wyoming County Sheriff’s Department has issued a boating advisory and ‘‘no wake zone’’ for all of Silver Lake, effective as of 11 a.m. Monday, June 15.

No unnecessary boating is advised. Silver Lake is not closed, however, a ‘‘no wake zone’’ for the entire lake is in effect. 

Weekend rains and flooding has caused the lake to rise several inches, dangerously covering docks, damaging moored boats and placing large pieces of debris on the lake. 

The Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office and New York State Park Police marine units have increased patrols monitoring the lake. 

It is anticipated this advisory and ‘‘no wake zone’’ will be in effect for approximately three days.


Which is why I went to Conesus for the first time this year today. That lake can stay high and muddy all year for all I care.....................best five: 5-4, 5-1, 4-13, 4-9, and 4-7. Then the rest were all under 3.5lbs. All caught power fishing shallow dirty water.


I'll be on Silver tomorrow, I don't make a wake anyways LOL.


 I don't make a wake anyways


I beg to differ, about threw me out of the boat the first time you went by me yesterday   :lol1:


Should be good tomorrow, everything in line for a banner day.   Plus no crowd.


I was going to ask if any of the northern most lakes were effected after seeing that lamoka/waneta & cayuta were closed to boating due to submerged docks and debris.

Is Honeoye open or is it flooded too?

  • Super User

I beg to differ, about threw me out of the boat the first time you went by me yesterday   :lol1:


Should be good tomorrow, everything in line for a banner day.   Plus no crowd.

Banner is a strong word, but it was pretty dang good. I caught fish all day long, no real pattern other than stay shallow and throw something till they stopped biting it, then throw something else. No turbo hogs, but a couple over 4, a dozen or more 3+ lbers, and 2.5lbers all day long. The lake was NOT in that bad of shape, a little high, and stained, but not mud. No debris. Dock fishing was a bust, as 50% or more of the docks were under water, but that's not where they were anyways, so no big deal. Conesus was far dirtier, higher, and had more crap in yesterday. I suspect...........unless more rain falls in the next day or so, the "no wake"/"idle only" restrictions will be lifted soon. I could see on some of the break-walls, the water dropped a good 6" in the time I was there today.


Wow!   Better break out the heavier weights! 


Holy crap!  That's some extreme punching material right there.


Boy, I'm glad I didn't count on fishing the Upstate Anglers B.A.S.S. team event on Conesus this weekend.  Next weekend's event is on Honeoye and that looks like it'll be interesting.

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The great rain-out of 2015 continues at work. Today was the 9th time out of the last 10 days that I have fished. Hit Silver again. Not bad...not as good numbers wise as yesterday, with fairly long lulls between bites, but from 9am-2pm today, I boated 11 keepers, with the best five: 4-10, 4-4, 3-8, 3-3, 3-1.


Went out yesterday on a small finger lake with the kayak. Had good luck using the owner ultra shakey head with a Gary Y 3 3/4" craw. Don't carry a scale but most were about 2#s or so, with a few larger ones and a couple I guessed at over 4#s. Several flipped the hook as they came out of the water - not a big deal as I crimped down the barb so I unhook them easier and let them go unharmed in case they take it too deep.


Fishing the NY Fed tournament at Chautauqua this weekend, anybody else going to be there? Heading down to fish Fri-Sun so should have some good reports. Hopefully we can find the big smallmouth!

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Since last report:


The rain out continues, just to muddy to get into the fields. So Thursday I hit the water fairly late, around 10am or so, and stayed till 2pm. It was decent with a bunch of 3lbers, and a handful of smaller fish. Finally back to work Friday, but it was short lived, as I  sprayed the only "dry" fields we had, and got the mower moved to the area where I am going to start mowing again once it drys out................sooooo...I hit the lake............Again. This time I went with a plan to "eliminate" water for the opening day tournament, and I succeeded in that, then I went to "check" on what I wanted to do in said tournament , and they were still there, so I didn't beat on them anymore than I already have this week and left.


 So, today I fished the annual opening day tournament run by another local fish/game club. It's a 3 fish limit tournament, non-team format, everyone is against everyone else, boater or non boater, there are no divisions for each. They had 60+ entries, paid 6 spots, and I did well and cashed, my best 3 went 9.69lbs which was good enough for the 5th pay spot. 2nd-6th was pretty tight with only about a pound between top and bottom. The winner had 12lbs, and lunker with a 5+lb fish. I was pleased my "plan" worked, I just needed the elusive kicker.


Anyone fish rushford this year?? Thinking of going there next weekend. If anyone has been there hows it been? Whens the best times and whats been working?

  • Super User

Anyone fish rushford this year?? Thinking of going there next weekend. If anyone has been there hows it been? Whens the best times and whats been working?

AFAIK...............it's a not open to the public anymore. The only launch on the lake is on private property and they are not letting "outside" boats in this year. They used to let fisherman in for free, but a couple of a-holes ruined it for everyone by acting like jerks with there boats, and keeping more than their legal limit of walleye's and smallmouth, many of them undersized too. It's not a favorite lake of mine, way too many dinks, so no big loss that I can't get on there anymore, but I hate to see people lose access due to a couple morons. If your from the area, Cuba, and Almond are much better IMHO. I have been to those places several times now when I want a change of pace from my Silver/Conesus rotation and I like them both. Loon is also great if you have the connections to get in...........which I do, and I like that place better than Rushford too. In fact, Rushford is/wasn't even in my top 10 places to go. My top to bottom list of places that I like are:


#1 Silver............just because I know it like the back of my hand, and it's the closest lake to me.


#2 Conesus...........I am getting real confident and familiar with the place over the last few years, and even "bad days" there are not all that bad.


#3 Wanetta-Lamoka....they both fish to my strengths and have quality fish.I guess the only problems I have with the place is that they kill the grass off, and it's just a longer drive than Silver/Conesus for me, so I don't get there as often as I would like.


#4 Loon Lake.....it fishes, for me, to my strengths, and other than not yet catching a hog out of there, I have done well with both LM and SM.


#5 Cuba...It's a tough lake, but I have never struggled for numbers there, and once in a while I will pop a couple hogs, plus it's quiet and not crowded


#6 Honeoye.....I have yet to crack the code there for big fish. But like everyone else, most days numbers are not a problem. I have had some real stinkers out there though. It's baffling how a lake that can give up 75 keeper bass one day, can almost skunk you on others. I guess I would almost, given the choice and during ideal conditions pick any other lake on my list, but next to Silver and Conesus, I know this place probably 3rd best of any on the list.


#7 Almond Lake...it's tiny, and shallow............but I got them cornered and I enjoy shallow dirty water fishing, especially later in the season, when it's deeper, off the bank fishing on the other places.


#8 Oak Orchard River.....I have been there a couple times.........once in the spring, and it was OK, once in the summer and it was OK, and once in the fall and it STUNK. I wish it was a few miles closer, as I like the way the place sets up for my fishing style, and with some more time on it, I think I could dial it in better.


#9 Sodus Bay.....the only reason it's so low on this list, is because I live a hair too far away to get there very often. I have fished it twice, and loved it both times. In terms of how it ranks as a fishery it's right up there with Conesus, and better than Silver.


#10 Lake Erie............same as with Sodus, it's one of, if not the top fishery on this list, but it's a hair out of my "range" and it's soooo big, I don't dare take my boat out there, and have to rely on buddies with more capable big water rigs for an invite. Add to the fact that I have had a few busts for trips out there (fish were caught, but just not good enough for Erie's lofty standards) just due to the sheer size of the place and that we were not  on fish that day, and that I also found out........I get sea sick in rough water...and it ranks this low for me. But don't get me wrong, I love it. While I have caught many 4 and 5lb smallies out of both Silver and Conesus, and had good smallmouth days on both...........I mean Erie is Erie....I caught a 24lb bag out there one day fun fishing in the midst of a huge tournament out of Canada, the tournament boats were all around us, and some even withing talking distance. I checked how I would have done had I been in that tournament, and my 24lbs was a joke LOL.


Thanks for the great reply. Im right down the road from almond fish there a lot and always catch em. Decent size from time to time, My grandfather is always catching the big ones. I just wanted to change it up a little. All i have is a small ten foot plastic boat. Loon lake would be nice. Thanks again.

  • Super User

All i have is a small ten foot plastic boat. Loon lake would be nice. Thanks again.

Check your PM

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AFAIK...............it's a not open to the public anymore. The only launch on the lake is on private property and they are not letting "outside" boats in this year. They used to let fisherman in for free, but a couple of a-holes ruined it for everyone by acting like jerks with there boats, and keeping more than their legal limit of walleye's and smallmouth, many of them undersized too. It's not a favorite lake of mine, way too many dinks, so no big loss that I can't get on there anymore, but I hate to see people lose access due to a couple morons. If your from the area, Cuba, and Almond are much better IMHO. I have been to those places several times now when I want a change of pace from my Silver/Conesus rotation and I like them both. Loon is also great if you have the connections to get in...........which I do, and I like that place better than Rushford too. In fact, Rushford is/wasn't even in my top 10 places to go. My top to bottom list of places that I like are:

#1 Silver............just because I know it like the back of my hand, and it's the closest lake to me.

#2 Conesus...........I am getting real confident and familiar with the place over the last few years, and even "bad days" there are not all that bad.

#3 Wanetta-Lamoka....they both fish to my strengths and have quality fish.I guess the only problems I have with the place is that they kill the grass off, and it's just a longer drive than Silver/Conesus for me, so I don't get there as often as I would like.

#4 Loon Lake.....it fishes, for me, to my strengths, and other than not yet catching a hog out of there, I have done well with both LM and SM.

#5 Cuba...It's a tough lake, but I have never struggled for numbers there, and once in a while I will pop a couple hogs, plus it's quiet and not crowded

#6 Honeoye.....I have yet to crack the code there for big fish. But like everyone else, most days numbers are not a problem. I have had some real stinkers out there though. It's baffling how a lake that can give up 75 keeper bass one day, can almost skunk you on others. I guess I would almost, given the choice and during ideal conditions pick any other lake on my list, but next to Silver and Conesus, I know this place probably 3rd best of any on the list.

#7 Almond Lake...it's tiny, and shallow............but I got them cornered and I enjoy shallow dirty water fishing, especially later in the season, when it's deeper, off the bank fishing on the other places.

#8 Oak Orchard River.....I have been there a couple times.........once in the spring, and it was OK, once in the summer and it was OK, and once in the fall and it STUNK. I wish it was a few miles closer, as I like the way the place sets up for my fishing style, and with some more time on it, I think I could dial it in better.

#9 Sodus Bay.....the only reason it's so low on this list, is because I live a hair too far away to get there very often. I have fished it twice, and loved it both times. In terms of how it ranks as a fishery it's right up there with Conesus, and better than Silver.

#10 Lake Erie............same as with Sodus, it's one of, if not the top fishery on this list, but it's a hair out of my "range" and it's soooo big, I don't dare take my boat out there, and have to rely on buddies with more capable big water rigs for an invite. Add to the fact that I have had a few busts for trips out there (fish were caught, but just not good enough for Erie's lofty standards) just due to the sheer size of the place and that we were not on fish that day, and that I also found out........I get sea sick in rough water...and it ranks this low for me. But don't get me wrong, I love it. While I have caught many 4 and 5lb smallies out of both Silver and Conesus, and had good smallmouth days on both...........I mean Erie is Erie....I caught a 24lb bag out there one day fun fishing in the midst of a huge tournament out of Canada, the tournament boats were all around us, and some even withing talking distance. I checked how I would have done had I been in that tournament, and my 24lbs was a joke LOL.

Next time ya venture the Oak let me know the oak to me is silver to you. I fish both sections almost daily great for walleye, northerns, both large and small mouth, perch, and the cold water species if that's your thing trout and salmon. Even ice fishing that place becomes tent city once it gets safe ice guys hammering perch.


I almost got skunked on conesus.....first time ever...... went to a couple of my spots and saw blue guild beds, tried throwing a swim jig and nothing would bite just follow it in, thought the bright light was giving it away with clear water so went to the north end to flip some grass....not even a bite, jigs, beavers craws....nothing so I went to plan b and flipped docks and skipped Senkos and salvaged the day but jees, why was it so tough.

  • Super User

Haven't been out since the opening day tournament until last night. I had my first Thursday night tournament of the season last evening and it was S.L.O.W. I cashed with three fish for 7.24lbs, just edging out fellow BR member "the bug" who had 7.11lbs. Winners had 11lbs, and lunker with a 4.70 fish, second place was 8.06lbs, and not too many people weighed in fish.


AFAIK...............it's a not open to the public anymore. The only launch on the lake is on private property and they are not letting "outside" boats in this year. They used to let fisherman in for free, but a couple of a-holes ruined it for everyone by acting like jerks with there boats, and keeping more than their legal limit of walleye's and smallmouth, many of them undersized too. It's not a favorite lake of mine, way too many dinks, so no big loss that I can't get on there anymore, but I hate to see people lose access due to a couple morons. If your from the area, Cuba, and Almond are much better IMHO. I have been to those places several times now when I want a change of pace from my Silver/Conesus rotation and I like them both. Loon is also great if you have the connections to get in...........which I do, and I like that place better than Rushford too. In fact, Rushford is/wasn't even in my top 10 places to go. My top to bottom list of places that I like are:

#1 Silver............just because I know it like the back of my hand, and it's the closest lake to me.

#2 Conesus...........I am getting real confident and familiar with the place over the last few years, and even "bad days" there are not all that bad.

#3 Wanetta-Lamoka....they both fish to my strengths and have quality fish.I guess the only problems I have with the place is that they kill the grass off, and it's just a longer drive than Silver/Conesus for me, so I don't get there as often as I would like.

#4 Loon Lake.....it fishes, for me, to my strengths, and other than not yet catching a hog out of there, I have done well with both LM and SM.

#5 Cuba...It's a tough lake, but I have never struggled for numbers there, and once in a while I will pop a couple hogs, plus it's quiet and not crowded

#6 Honeoye.....I have yet to crack the code there for big fish. But like everyone else, most days numbers are not a problem. I have had some real stinkers out there though. It's baffling how a lake that can give up 75 keeper bass one day, can almost skunk you on others. I guess I would almost, given the choice and during ideal conditions pick any other lake on my list, but next to Silver and Conesus, I know this place probably 3rd best of any on the list.

#7 Almond Lake...it's tiny, and shallow............but I got them cornered and I enjoy shallow dirty water fishing, especially later in the season, when it's deeper, off the bank fishing on the other places.

#8 Oak Orchard River.....I have been there a couple times.........once in the spring, and it was OK, once in the summer and it was OK, and once in the fall and it STUNK. I wish it was a few miles closer, as I like the way the place sets up for my fishing style, and with some more time on it, I think I could dial it in better.

#9 Sodus Bay.....the only reason it's so low on this list, is because I live a hair too far away to get there very often. I have fished it twice, and loved it both times. In terms of how it ranks as a fishery it's right up there with Conesus, and better than Silver.

#10 Lake Erie............same as with Sodus, it's one of, if not the top fishery on this list, but it's a hair out of my "range" and it's soooo big, I don't dare take my boat out there, and have to rely on buddies with more capable big water rigs for an invite. Add to the fact that I have had a few busts for trips out there (fish were caught, but just not good enough for Erie's lofty standards) just due to the sheer size of the place and that we were not on fish that day, and that I also found out........I get sea sick in rough water...and it ranks this low for me. But don't get me wrong, I love it. While I have caught many 4 and 5lb smallies out of both Silver and Conesus, and had good smallmouth days on both...........I mean Erie is Erie....I caught a 24lb bag out there one day fun fishing in the midst of a huge tournament out of Canada, the tournament boats were all around us, and some even withing talking distance. I checked how I would have done had I been in that tournament, and my 24lbs was a joke LOL.

We are 15 minutes from conesus at a vacation house in spring water.. we were thing of hitting conesus up but really know nothing about it..


We are 15 minutes from conesus at a vacation house in spring water.. we were thing of hitting conesus up but really know nothing about it..Would appreciate any information or help with that lake you could provide

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We are 15 minutes from conesus at a vacation house in spring water.. we were thing of hitting conesus up but really know nothing about it..Would appreciate any information or help with that lake you could provide


Weeds, points, and docks. Docks all over the lake. Weeds on both sides from the lake from the launch north, and any point on the lake is good, esp. if there are weeds on it. There are a few good weedbeds south of the launch, but it took me 10 years of combing the bad ones to find the good ones, so I am not about to blab that on here. Same goes for the north end, there are some dead zones, but more good stuff up there, and it seems even the "dead" spots from the launch north still hold fish, just not fish that will do you any good in a tournament. As for bait/lure selection. Keep it simple, wacky senkos, t-rigged creature baits, and finesse worms on a drop shot. You'll catch bass, maybe even a couple good ones. If you can't, they are either really really off that day, or your not around them.

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Since last report. Held my first Sunday Open tournament of the year today on Silver, and we were competing against two other tournaments on Conesus, and Honeyoe for open team's. I guess most decided to go to the other lakes, as I only drew 9 boats.Fishing was good, we caught a ton of fish today, but much like my previous two tournaments, the kicker eluded us, and the guys that won had one. We finished 3rd with 16.84lbs, second was in the low 17's, and the winners had 18, with a 5+lber for lunker. We culled up all day, a few ounces at a time, and I held out hope till about noon that we were going to run into something bigger than the 3lber's that we seemingly couldn't keep off our stuff, but it didn't happen. I went looking for a big fish with a frog for the last two hours, and that proved fruitless, and maybe stupid. Who knows? Maybe if we spent the last two hours doing what we were doing a big one would have come our way, or maybe it wouldn't. I do know that the frog bite for me the last two hours was not happening, except for a few small fish that didn't even help the cause, one of those darned it you do, darned if you don't situations.

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