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If it was about need, I'd throw a net. Get as many as you want and have fun with it. Half the fun of bass fishing is getting new gear.

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What an interesting topic.  I am firmly in the more is better camp. Bass Fishing, I'm more or less into technique specific stuff.  The last time I counted, bass specific rigs, I had less than 30, not counting "borrower rigs",  which is stuff that I'm ok with lending out when someone is fishing with me.  When I go fishing, I can carry 25 or so rigs in my truck, although I carry fewer than that more often than not.   When you are talking different combo's, be sure and take different species into account.  I don't go bank fishing for catfish very often, but when it is time to go, I've got 3 good, decent combos that I feel could handle any fish I'm likely to run into.  Plus a catfish bag stuffed with hooks, weights, floats, etc.  If you are going to throw slab spoons into dam tail races, you often need to be able to throw a hundred yards or so.  I've got a rig that will do that.  If you're going to crappie fish, you need different rigs for that.  If you've ever seen guys that are into carp fishing, you can go way high tech in carp gear if you feel like it.  If I ever got the chance to go muskie fishing, I've got gear that could cover that.  I just like having lots of fishing equipment.  Some days when I can't go fishing, for whatever reason and I've got a few hours to kill, I'll just spend it in my fishing shed, messing with gear in one way or another.  Frequently the stereo is cranked.  More often than not barley pop is involved.


I can respect anyone who wants to go "minimalist", as far as tackle goes, but I don't really get it.   Why limit yourself in that way?


Fiscal responsibility isn't my strong suit.   Pretty much any time I want a new fishing rig, I go buy it.  I'm the guy who, when my garage got to small and I wanted a bigger boat, first I built a bigger fishing shed.  Should the time come where I outgrow my current fishing barn, (not likely, but possible) I swear the next time I'm going to build 90'by 160'.


Back to what was the question, oh, yeah, how many rigs do I really need?   That isn't a fair question.  Define "really"  Define "need"


The previous post wrote that half the fun is getting new gear.  The argument could be made that it is more than half the fun.  I'm not the guy to determine what that percentage is, though. 


Thanks for putting up with this 4:39 AM rant.  Who ever started this thread, if you need another rig or two, wander by my fishing shed on one of my days off, when, for whatever reason I'm not out fishing..   Bring some beer.  I'll probably lend you a rig or two out of my borrowers collection.  So far, we've just ranted about rods & reels.  We haven't even started talking about how many "spare" baits we "need"

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I have over a dozen of each, usually I carry 2 spinning outfits and five casting.

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What an interesting topic.  I am firmly in the more is better camp. Bass Fishing, I'm more or less into technique specific stuff.  The last time I counted, bass specific rigs, I had less than 30, not counting "borrower rigs",  which is stuff that I'm ok with lending out when someone is fishing with me.  When I go fishing, I can carry 25 or so rigs in my truck, although I carry fewer than that more often than not.   When you are talking different combo's, be sure and take different species into account.  I don't go bank fishing for catfish very often, but when it is time to go, I've got 3 good, decent combos that I feel could handle any fish I'm likely to run into.  Plus a catfish bag stuffed with hooks, weights, floats, etc.  If you are going to throw slab spoons into dam tail races, you often need to be able to throw a hundred yards or so.  I've got a rig that will do that.  If you're going to crappie fish, you need different rigs for that.  If you've ever seen guys that are into carp fishing, you can go way high tech in carp gear if you feel like it.  If I ever got the chance to go muskie fishing, I've got gear that could cover that.  I just like having lots of fishing equipment.  Some days when I can't go fishing, for whatever reason and I've got a few hours to kill, I'll just spend it in my fishing shed, messing with gear in one way or another.  Frequently the stereo is cranked.  More often than not barley pop is involved.


I can respect anyone who wants to go "minimalist", as far as tackle goes, but I don't really get it.   Why limit yourself in that way?


Fiscal responsibility isn't my strong suit.   Pretty much any time I want a new fishing rig, I go buy it.  I'm the guy who, when my garage got to small and I wanted a bigger boat, first I built a bigger fishing shed.  Should the time come where I outgrow my current fishing barn, (not likely, but possible) I swear the next time I'm going to build 90'by 160'.


Back to what was the question, oh, yeah, how many rigs do I really need?   That isn't a fair question.  Define "really"  Define "need"


The previous post wrote that half the fun is getting new gear.  The argument could be made that it is more than half the fun.  I'm not the guy to determine what that percentage is, though. 


Thanks for putting up with this 4:39 AM rant.  Who ever started this thread, if you need another rig or two, wander by my fishing shed on one of my days off, when, for whatever reason I'm not out fishing..   Bring some beer.  I'll probably lend you a rig or two out of my borrowers collection.  So far, we've just ranted about rods & reels.  We haven't even started talking about how many "spare" baits we "need"




I am always changing reels to rods and never know how many I willl use, but I usually leave most at home and only bring 4 casting and 3 spinning. I also keep a cheap ultralight with me at all times in case I need to cheat and catch a Shiner real quick....Not sure why I am ashamed of using live bait, nothing is better than watching a Bass smash a Giant Shiner swimming on the surface.....Use a 9/0 circle and make sure you are not gut hooking since they have to stun those big shiners to reposition them head first, so you have to give alot of time since they release them for several seconds most of the time. I would feel bad if I still used a Kahle Hook because I would hate killing a big fish because I took extra time and killed a fish using a technique anyone can do......I don't officially count any fish I catch on a Shiner, otherwise I would tell bigger fish stories for sure.


  I keep it pretty basic when I comes to rods on the deck. Always two flipping rods and always one shaky head rod. If I think I can get a spinner bait bite or a top water bite early I'll have them on the deck but when that bite is over I put them away. My flipping rods I use are one carrot stick and one Gloomis. Makes it easy to see which one is which without looking at the bait during the tournament. I guess my thinking is the less on the deck the less I need to think about and more time I have to get the bait where it needs to be.


I like to and do have several combos but honestly when it comes down to need , I only really NEED one. Yeah takes longer to change lures but it's no big deal and can always use a speed clip. To each his own it's great having a ton of combos but that turns to want instead of need.


What an interesting topic.  I am firmly in the more is better camp. Bass Fishing, I'm more or less into technique specific stuff.  The last time I counted, bass specific rigs, I had less than 30, not counting "borrower rigs",  which is stuff that I'm ok with lending out when someone is fishing with me.  When I go fishing, I can carry 25 or so rigs in my truck, although I carry fewer than that more often than not.   When you are talking different combo's, be sure and take different species into account.  I don't go bank fishing for catfish very often, but when it is time to go, I've got 3 good, decent combos that I feel could handle any fish I'm likely to run into.  Plus a catfish bag stuffed with hooks, weights, floats, etc.  If you are going to throw slab spoons into dam tail races, you often need to be able to throw a hundred yards or so.  I've got a rig that will do that.  If you're going to crappie fish, you need different rigs for that.  If you've ever seen guys that are into carp fishing, you can go way high tech in carp gear if you feel like it.  If I ever got the chance to go muskie fishing, I've got gear that could cover that.  I just like having lots of fishing equipment.  Some days when I can't go fishing, for whatever reason and I've got a few hours to kill, I'll just spend it in my fishing shed, messing with gear in one way or another.  Frequently the stereo is cranked.  More often than not barley pop is involved.


I can respect anyone who wants to go "minimalist", as far as tackle goes, but I don't really get it.   Why limit yourself in that way?


Fiscal responsibility isn't my strong suit.   Pretty much any time I want a new fishing rig, I go buy it.  I'm the guy who, when my garage got to small and I wanted a bigger boat, first I built a bigger fishing shed.  Should the time come where I outgrow my current fishing barn, (not likely, but possible) I swear the next time I'm going to build 90'by 160'.


Back to what was the question, oh, yeah, how many rigs do I really need?   That isn't a fair question.  Define "really"  Define "need"


The previous post wrote that half the fun is getting new gear.  The argument could be made that it is more than half the fun.  I'm not the guy to determine what that percentage is, though. 


Thanks for putting up with this 4:39 AM rant.  Who ever started this thread, if you need another rig or two, wander by my fishing shed on one of my days off, when, for whatever reason I'm not out fishing..   Bring some beer.  I'll probably lend you a rig or two out of my borrowers collection.  So far, we've just ranted about rods & reels.  We haven't even started talking about how many "spare" baits we "need"


That'd be me.


Thanks for the generous offer bud.


Where, and when?  (Maybe I can get rid of a couple of mine at the same time???)


Take a Valium, sit back and relax friend.   :teeth:   This topic comes up on a regular basis.  As you can see, most of us seldom stick strictly to the topic.  Some of us have fun with it on a regular basis.  I started fishing at 5.  I was probably 16-17 before I ever had more than one rod, and even then the total count only amounted to two.  Not too hard to make one do when the majority of your bait was what you could catch along the shoreline or dig up somewhere else.  Artificial lures were expensive and seldom used.  (Wish I could buy a few hundred lures at those prices now.  LOL.)


Hundreds of thousands of $$$ might be a bit of an exaggeration.  I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few who have spent that kind of money, but they would be few and far between.  I have managed to spend a few thousand the past 5 years.   More than I should have, but not nearly what I wish I could have.  The money has been spread out over all 5 years.  I didn't step out and buy all my gear the first month I got back into fishing.


You may have already guessed that not many posting on fishing forums are going to limit themselves to 2 or 3 rods even if they could do all their fishing with that number.


I don't buy reels (or rods) so that I can brag how many I have.  I have bought more reels than I need simply because I like reels.  Never yet met a reel I didn't like well enough to keep.  Do I need the number I have?  Of course not.  I hope that my having them doesn't make me a bad person cuz I will be bad til the day I die if that is the case.


Nor do I try to justify to you or anyone else why I have as many as I have.  My wife doesn't like how many I have, but that is just too d**n bad.  I am not going to justify myself to her either.  I've worked a second job most of my married life.  If I have started to spend some of that money on myself for fishing gear, then that is my prerogative.  If I feel like carrying 3 rods all set up with different color 1/2 oz. spinnerbaits so that I don't have to retie, then that is what I will do.


Okay.  Now I am going to take a Valium, sit back and relax.  :fishing-026:

:)  be sure to wash it down with a beer!




Fishing isn't a need lol


Everyone here does it for fun and because they enjoy it.


I guess you only need one. As long as your not putting the mortgage payment on the back burner to buy new combos buy as many as you want.


For me getting new gear is one of the joys of fishing. Nothing like that feeling when you get a new combo.

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AH HA there it is ..... I "want" do you really need 10??? this is the big question.

I fished last Saturday in my 1st tourney and the answer is yes....I can easily use 10 technique specific rods. I used the 6 I have effectively, but it would have been just a little easier to have 4 more rigged and ready to roll. The "want" has now grown lol.

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Let's put this in perspective. Ask you wife how many pairs of shoes she "needs".






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I have a rod rack built into my Jeep that holds eight combos; so that's what I need. Which eight depends on location, season and fish species.


If I only had one, I could get by with it, and be happy I'm going fishing. I have more, so I take more.




I only NEED one rod.  As a teenage boy trying to find every opportunity to wet a line, I had a medium action spinning rod.  I spooled clear blue stren on it and I caught everything from bluegill to bass to a 12lb lake trout, an 18lb pike, took it out east and caught bluefish...etc.  A medium action spinning rod can do everything.


That was a long time, alot of education, alot of jobs and alot of hard work in the past.


Today I NEED about 300 different rigs.  I probably carry 20ish on the boat any given time and have another 10-20ish around the house.  However;  I can gaurantee you that if my wife asks how many I need, the answer will be "about 300 dear".


So, If the zombie apocolypse were to occur today I could fulfill my fatherly duties with an AK-47 and a medium action spinning rod.


Until the zombies appear I still need as many toys as I can get my hands on.


Let's put this in perspective. Ask you wife how many pairs of shoes she "needs".






Wow, I am not that brave!  or stupid......  :)

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  • 3 years later...

Most of my set ups are line specific. When fishing a dropshot I use 10# braid with a 8# F/C leater line on a 7' med rod spinning. C-rigging is 20# mono on a 7' 4" heavy. Football jigs are fished on a 7'6" med heavy fast with 17# F/C. Flipping jigs are fished on a 7'6" heavy with 65# braid. Shakey head is fished on a 7' med spinning with 10-12# F/C. Texas rigs are fished on a 7'6" med heavy with 14# F/C. Jerk baits are on a 6'8" med fast with 10# F/C. Deed cranks are fished on a 7'6" med heavy with 8# F/C. Square bills and shallow cranks are fished on a 7' med mod with 12# F/C. Weightless worm is on a 7' med heavy with 12# F/C. Frogs are fished on a 7'11" heavy fast with 50# braid. I have several more to list but you get the point. 


5 for me. 

H/F heavy cover. Mostly frogs

MH/F for jigs/Texas rigs

MH/F for spinnerbaits 

M/M for treble hooks 

M/F spinning for finesse. 


Only reason I don't use jig/spinnerbait on the same rod Is reel speed. I like 8.1:1 for jigs and 6.4:1 for spinnerbaits. 

On 4/8/2014 at 8:36 AM, roadwarrior said:

Let's put this in perspective. Ask you wife how many pairs of shoes she "needs".






My wife was giving me a hard time about having 13 combos.


I asked her to count her shoes. 47 pairs. She stopped bugging me. Hahaha


Need?  2.  Carry?  7


MF/XF spinning low 6' range

MF baitcaster 7'

MHF baitcaster 7'.


I fish everything but deeper cranks on these 3 rods mostly from the bank, sometimes on a boat.

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The correct answer is what I currently have plus one more ;)


Current setup:

MH/F casting rod for soft plastics, jigs, frogs etc

MH/MF glass cranking rod for moving baits

M/F spinning rod, soon to be upgraded to a higher end ML rod


Future additions:

H/F rod for frogs, jigs in heavy cover

M/MF rod for smaller crankbaits / open water crankbaits 


Once I get a boat (thus a way to transport it) I will add a longer H/F rod for large swimbaits, and maybe another few rods just to have something else rigged up and ready to go on. My current three rods do cover most applications very well though.

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