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  • Super User

Your lucky you don't live in Liberalville like me. To get a carry permit here, first you have to be qualified. That involves shooting a 199 out of 300 on an army L target at 25 yards. Yes yards not feet. Also you can only carry the caliber you qualify with or less. For example if you qualify with 9mm, that's the largest caliber you can carry. Once that is done, you either try and go through the city you live in for a permit, or you go to the attorney general. The AG is ''may issue '' where the cities are supposed to be shall issue. However, most cities now try to send you to the AG. The AG is almost impossible to get a permit from without good reason. I know a couple guys who tried him and were denied. They now have lawyers and its been going on for months with no results.

That is beyond a pain in the butt. Absolutely no reason to make things that difficult.

A positive to the whole qualifying thing. Shell out the small fortune, and qualify with a Smith & Wesson 500. Then you can carry most anything you want to. :grin: The AG would mess his pants if someone came in for a permit for that.


That is beyond a pain in the butt. Absolutely no reason to make things that difficult.

A positive to the whole qualifying thing. Shell out the small fortune, and qualify with a Smith & Wesson 500. Then you can carry most anything you want to. :grin: The AG would mess his pants if someone came in for a permit for that.

Well what do you expect from a state that does more for the illegals and moochers than the tax paying law abiding citizens?lol
  • Super User

Try buying one in NY. I haven't had an issue but I've never been in trouble with the law other then having a heavy right foot if you know what I mean lol. I don't have my pistol permit yet but it's in the works. I haven't bought a new gun in almost 4 years thought last one was some paper work a phone call to the FBI or whoever they call and I was out the door with my .243. I think the paper work took longer then my background check did. Being in the army might have helped but I doubt it.


i keep hearing how people can just walk into wal mart and get an assault rifle, pistols, shotguns, etc

is it really that easy to get a gun? no wonder america is filled with gang bangers and weird people who will shoot for no reason.


Your question may have received more/better responses had you not added part of the question which seems a bit ignorant overall to gun violence in general in the US.  



See throwing a blanket statement over a whole country usually means you are just trying to stir the pot not get factual information. 


I say (and never in lowercase) America is full of  all kinds of folks from of the the most generous to some of the worst wastes of oxygen on the planet. I would also rarely go to a website dominated with folks form another country and ask questions that makes me look like Im speaking poorly of that country. 


Questioning the freedoms that helped us create this great country usually doesn't go over very well in most groups of Patriotic folks. 

  • Like 4
  • Super User

Your question may have received more/better responses had you not added part of the question which seems a bit ignorant overall to gun violence in general in the US.

See throwing a blanket statement over a whole country usually means you are just trying to stir the pot not get factual information.

I say (and never in lowercase) America is full of all kinds of folks from of the the most generous to some of the worst wastes of oxygen on the planet. I would also rarely go to a website dominated with folks form another country and ask questions that makes me look like Im speaking poorly of that country.

Questioning the freedoms that helped us create this great country usually doesn't go over very well in most groups of Patriotic folks.

Well put


You say you ''keep hearing''. What are your sources of information?

  • Super User

I guess i didn't see him speaking poorly of the country at all.  I saw a legitimate question being asked and all he has to go on is what he hears and what the stereotypes are. to me, it is a good thing that he felt comfortable enough on this site to ask that type of question.


There have been many studies performed across the world and when asked what they think of Americans one of the top answers is they love their guns or everyone carries a gun....the stretch to his questions seemed logical to me....

  • Like 3

It is easy to buy them. Walk in fill out the forms and there ya go. Can't buy assault rifles or handguns there though. Assault rifles are a pain in the butt to buy. Stack of paperwork the size of a phone book, 3 to 6 month wait time (while the dealer holds your money), and cost is around ten to thirty thousand for an assault rifle. Sub machine guns can be had for less. Only around 6 to 8 thousand depending on make or model. Belt fed tripod mounted machine guns will set you back around 50 to 75 thousand. Not really worth the hassle to acquire one just to go out and do a drive buy with it. You think buying an automatic is hard. Try buying a box of hand grenades or a 20mm anti tank rifle. Gives new meaning to the term patience.

I do own guns. I have owned ALOT of guns. I use my guns too. I also have owned assault rifles, sub machine guns, and some destructive devices.

Uh what? You can buy assault weapons at some of the walmarts around here. Ive never did anymore paperwork or waited any time for any that i have bought. And before you give me the ar-15/ ak/etc arent assault weapons theory by legal definition they are.  Someone who is unfamiliar with firearms isnt going to understand you have a different idea of what an assault weapon is than the legal definition.


Interesting. Down in Alabama, you fill out the paperwork. They run the background check and your out the door in 10 minutes. That's for handgun or long gun. Concealed carry permit. Fill out the form and wait 7 days. Then go pick up your permit. Up until this year it was a 30 day wait. Plus you had to have 3 people vouch for your character. Now its just a simple form and 7 day maximum wait.

Took me 6 weeks to get my cc permit. I'm in tuscaloosa and the wait is longer now because they bumped the concealed carry age to 18. Can't wrap my mind how how you can carry a pistol but not buy a pistol or ammo.....


as·sault ri·fle


noun: assault rifle; plural noun: assault rifles

  1. 1.

    a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use.




  • Super User

Here we go....

  • Like 1

Here we go....


it was going to wind up there anyway.


 You can buy assault weapons at some of the walmarts around here.

 no you cant....... you can see the above posting to know why.  


here is another for you: (cut and pasted)


The term “assault weapon” was a spin-off of the U.S. military’s definition of assault rifles. The U.S. Department of Defense has long defined assault rifles as fully automatic rifles used for military purposes.

Fully-automatic weapons have been prohibited in the U.S. since the National Firearms Act of 1934. Fully-automatic firearms can spray fire with a single pull of the trigger, while semi-automatic guns fire one shot with each pull of the trigger.

A Broadened Category of Assault Weapons

While civilian ownership of automatic weapons has been heavily regulated in the  U.S. since 1934, most semi-automatic weapons remained legal until 1994.

The AWB defined a broad category of semi-automatic rifles, handguns and shotguns with military-style characteristics as being “assault weapons.” The law made it illegal to make those weapons in the U.S. for a 10-year period. In 2004, the AWB expired when Congress did not vote to renew it. As a result, it became legal to produce and own those firearms once again.



so, since there is no "AWB" in effect right now, there is no propagandized legal definition to be had. sorry


 no you cant....... you can see the above posting to know why.  


here is another for you: (cut and pasted)


The term “assault weapon” was a spin-off of the U.S. military’s definition of assault rifles. The U.S. Department of Defense has long defined assault rifles as fully automatic rifles used for military purposes.

Fully-automatic weapons have been prohibited in the U.S. since the National Firearms Act of 1934. Fully-automatic firearms can spray fire with a single pull of the trigger, while semi-automatic guns fire one shot with each pull of the trigger.

A Broadened Category of Assault Weapons

While civilian ownership of automatic weapons has been heavily regulated in the  U.S. since 1934, most semi-automatic weapons remained legal until 1994.

The AWB defined a broad category of semi-automatic rifles, handguns and shotguns with military-style characteristics as being “assault weapons.” The law made it illegal to make those weapons in the U.S. for a 10-year period. In 2004, the AWB expired when Congress did not vote to renew it. As a result, it became legal to produce and own those firearms once again.



so, since there is no "AWB" in effect right now, there is no propagandized legal definition to be had. sorry

so the us government defined them as assault weapons but now that a ban is no longer they are not considered an assault weapon? What the hell does it matter what they are called? Call them a boom stick. You as well as everyone else in this thread knows what the op meant by assault weapon, just like everyone knows what someone means when they say clip and not magazine. 


* i support everyones right to own them, and i even own them.  


the issue is just that. the wording, the names. so it matters a lot on what they are called..... just like you didn't run down to your local walmart and buy any.


the OP as stated in your post is probably uneducated in the way of guns, so why not educate him.

Educate him so he knows what assault rifles REALLY are.

there is no legal definition, period, end of story, you are making a bunk argument.


you cant call an apple an orange.



or I can sell you a couple ugly sticks and call them G.Loomis..... they are jig rods right, same difference?


Its not apples and oranges though. from 1994 to 2004 during the assault weapons ban they met the requirements of an assault weapon. In states that ban assault weapons they are still considered an assault weapon.

For instance the state of California gives the names of weapons and manufacturers they consider assault weapons: 



I can purchase what they and many other states by law consider to be an assault weapon at walmarts around me.


but "assault weapons" have been banned or since the '30s


but what you are doing and you are allowing others to do is call the sky red and believing it, then calling it red yourself ......... even though you KNOW it's blue. so why let someone dictate something you know is blatantly wrong.  

in the gun bill they tried to ram through a few months ago, even a glock19 would have been labeled as such because of mag capacity.  


as a whole, being nationwide, by a matter of law, AR15s are not classified as assault weapons...... if they were you would have to go through the paperwork Raider outlined.


end of story, unless you want to argue vocabulary more ........ just like when someone says clip, I ask for what? a paper clip? it is a magazine, pure and simple.


I know that is a hard line, but it is the vocabulary that is important because it is the vocabulary that can get easily twisted if gun owners like ourselves allow it to be, you can at least give me that, right?

  • BassResource.com Administrator

This is turning into a He Said, She Said circular argument. Take it to PM's guys and hash it out there if you want to keep going round and round.. 

  • Super User

Took me 6 weeks to get my cc permit. I'm in tuscaloosa and the wait is longer now because they bumped the concealed carry age to 18. Can't wrap my mind how how you can carry a pistol but not buy a pistol or ammo.....

Like you said it must be backlogged. Took me three weeks when I got mine. Took my wife 6 days last month when she got hers. Least they are still trying to be somewhat thorough with it.

  • Super User

Uh what? You can buy assault weapons at some of the walmarts around here. Ive never did anymore paperwork or waited any time for any that i have bought. And before you give me the ar-15/ ak/etc arent assault weapons theory by legal definition they are.  Someone who is unfamiliar with firearms isnt going to understand you have a different idea of what an assault weapon is than the legal definition.

A military or government AK or AR are considered "assault weapons". By definition they are fully automatic and use large capacity magazines. Civilian versions of said rifles are being lumped in with the fully auto rifles. Its all semantics and word play. We both know it to be true. Having a politician define what makes a rifle an assault weapon is ludicrous. Ie by adding a broom handle, 30rd mag, telescoping stock, and a muzzle break. Said rifle becomes a assault weapon. What if I add 30in barrel non threaded, non moveable stock, and 5 round box magazine? By definition it is no longer an assault weapon. It becomes a hunting rifle. :grin:

Magazine capacity is another kicker. A tech nine can be fired with either a 10 round or thirty round magazine. However it can also be breach loaded and fired without the magazine. So if I add a longer barrel and stock with a 5 round mag. would it still he considered a assault weapon? Technically it would be considered a short barrel rifle and require a tax stamp. Thats not the point though. Its all in the wording and whatever politician is making up the laws. By the definition of what that Hag from California was attempting to define assault weapons as. Any firearm that excepts a detachable magazine is an assault weapon, because of the magazine sizes available. That would include my 9mm Glocks, if I stick one of my 33rd mags or my 100 round drum on it.

Calling all semi auto rifles assault weapons. Is the same as me gluing a horn on a horse and calling it a unicorn. I understand the point you were making. Like I stated earlier, its all in the wording and what one chooses to call something.

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  • Super User

Left out of the conversation so far is the sad fact that some of the most desirable weapons can be purchased with absolutely no need for any paper work at all.  Aside from the paper called cash used to purchase it!


A girl ive been talking to asked me last night why i was paying so much attention to my computer. So i explained the debate, and she said," all semi automatics are assault weapons" ........... i have bigger problems at hand than to debate the legal definition of the word, apparently my response of "are you stupid?" wasnt what she was looking to hear.

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  • Super User

Left out of the conversation so far is the sad fact that some of the most desirable weapons can be purchased with absolutely no need for any paper work at all. Aside from the paper called cash used to purchase it!

Shhhh. Don't tell people that. They shut down the Silk Road. There is no longer any way for people to acquire said weapons.

Cash don't always work. I want an AA12 or Glock 18 very badly. I would pay a house for one. As long as I'm dreaming. I also want some ICBMs and a patriot missle battery. Dang deer won't know what hit them. :grin:


I guess i didn't see him speaking poorly of the country at all.  I saw a legitimate question being asked and all he has to go on is what he hears and what the stereotypes are. to me, it is a good thing that he felt comfortable enough on this site to ask that type of question.


There have been many studies performed across the world and when asked what they think of Americans one of the top answers is they love their guns or everyone carries a gun....the stretch to his questions seemed logical to me....






"no wonder america is filled with gang bangers and weird people who will shoot for no reason".




If I said your family was filled with criminals and weird people would you feel I was speaking poorly of them?


He is not asking a question with that +/- sentence....he is making a statement. 

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