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Thought it would be cool to get a couple opinions on the fishing shows that used to air back in the late 70s 80s on saturday mornings. Remember those?? Back to Back to Back etc.  For me it was " Fishing with Roland Martin "   Usually on about 8am when I was a kid.  Being 40 now I often remember saturday fishing shows. And just how good they were.


Dance, Houston,Parker just to name a few. I actually enjoyed those shows more than the ones today !  And the best part was I didnt need a certain channel or cable package to watch them!!  


Im not ranting or anything. But I thought it would be cool to ask what your favorite fishing show was and why? Like I said for me it was Roland Martin. I really loved to watch him on Okechobee fishing with live shiners and a balloon for a bobber.  Huge bass out of tall grass!!!!  From there I was hooked on bass fishing!!!!!   Hell I even remembering begging my folks for a Shimano Bantam Beastmaster two speed casting reel !   Haha.


Thanks for letting me reminise on the on the old days.    Feel free to share.   Lee

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Definitely bill dance and hank parker! I watched roland too, but wasnt a fan, because he kinda just wanted to sell things off his show. Then again im only 27 so I only remember mid 90s and on. On TNN!!

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I only had like 4-5 channels growing up and was always outside, so TV wasn't a mainstay....... I do remember going to the local public library and checking out videos of Dance, Martin, Houston, those were good times!

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Definitely bill dance and hank parker! I watched roland too, but wasnt a fan, because he kinda just wanted to sell things off his show. Then again im only 27 so I only remember mid 90s and on. On TNN!!

I like Bill Dance as well. But when Wal-Mart took him on. Every sentence ended up with. " This is all available at your local walmart"  

But at the same time . I also remember Roland Martin trying to sell me a helicopter lure.   Ahh good times!!

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How about "Gadabout Gaddis, the Flying Fisherman" The Linders "Fishing Facts". Jerry Mc Ginnis, the current owner of Bass. Orlando Wilson's show, on for many years. Homer Circle, "The Fisherman". Harold Ensley had a long running radio and TV show on WGN out of Chicago. There were so many local and regional shows that only a state or two could watch (through all the "snow" of early TV) Most were poorly produced but they were fishing shows and I loved them.

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I remember the shows in the 80's and early 90's didn't bass fish then so I didn't pay much attention to them wish I did maybe I would be a better bass fisher today. One thing I do remember is they all caught 4 to 5 lbs all the time. So when I started bass fishing that's what I expected and we all know that don't happen.

On topic

I would Have to go with Bill Dance

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My favorite show by far was the old Hank Parker show with his kids, and the first wife Angie.  The kids were so polite, and well behaved.   He was always fishing with the wife and kids.  I thought he was the perfect family man.  Well, everything is not always what it seems.  New show is not half of what the old show was.  Kids are all grown, and new wife to boot.  One thing for sure, nothing stays the same.  The only sure thing in life is, constant change.  I sure miss that old show.

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When I was a youngster, the only shows on Saturday mornings were cartoons; but then, we had only three black&white channels to choose from.  Not surprisingly, my brothers and I spent most of our time outdoors.  Those were great years - and we never got arrested.

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We were "high class" out here, we had 4 channels 3, 10, 13, & the one I'll never ever forget, "THE PERFECT 36", and I have a valid reason for it!

Back in the late 60's & early 70's The raiders wide rec. was Fred Bilitnakoff (please excuse my spelling) and he had a girlfriend named Carol Doe-ta, and she was the lady who stood sideways when she said "the perfect 36". She wasn't lying! Did I say she was also a head line stripper! 

                                                             OH YEA, THE DAYS OF MY YOUTH!

Almost forgot, it was some guy named something Bell who fished the Cal. delta and local lakes around central California.


It was in the 90's I watched.


But If I remember correclty, (i was only about 10 years old)  it was on in the evening as well.


I would sit up with my dad and brother and watch Roland Martin and Hank Parker.  I think the channel was called TNN.


I would sit with a pad of paper and write down all the phone numbers for the free catalogs ( I only remember cabelas, there may have been more) and I would call to get the free catalog.  I remember specifically wanting the big buckets filled with worms and grubs in the cabelas magazine.  There was also an item called a gravedigger kit, (at least i think that is what it was called)  I think it was a small creature bait, and it was a ton of them, all different colors, it really appealed to me as a kid.  Mostly because it came with a free cabelas hat!  I never got it, my dad said it was a waste, he was right :)


I also ordered a helicopter lure kit, and got it signed by Roland martin when he came to a local fish expo.  Never caught a fish on it though hah.

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Orlando Wilson, In-Fisherman, and Last Cast with Shaw Grigsby. 

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I can remember watching a few shows..Dance and Parker came to mind but I also remember when I got my ten speed it was fishing and hunting everyday I wasn't in school and even some when I was suppossed to be there.  If the show was on in the eve's I'd watch it....this went for other sports too.  Just would rather of have been outside even in the rain.

Tight Lines

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Bill Dance was my favorite, but I also watched Hank Parker, Roland martin, Gadabout Gaddis, and on ABC there was an outdoor show that sometimes had fishing segments. I remember them bringing in the big guns of the time, like Homer Circle. At the time there was no cable, so I had the 3 networks and PBS, and ABC was real snowy. If it was fishing I was watching. That was back in the '60's or so for the older shows. I remember the first time I saw Dance how much better the production quality was.


I can't say I watched many of the older shows, but try to watch many of the newer ones. It drives me crazy though how many darn commercials they have and the show hosts are constantly pushing some product. I watch Shaw Grisbey's show the other day and if he told viewers once he told them 20 times about the Trocar hooks he was using. Hey, I got it the first time!


Yeah I watched them all when I was a kid. Have to say Bill Dance Outdoors was my favorite. I remember when I was a kid fishing from the bank at Pickwick seeing Bill with the film crew up there twice. Once the camera guys were filming, Bill told me to cast out to the boat. I was around 10 or 11 and was so excited when I got home had to tell all my friends about it.

The other time we were again fishing from the bank by the d**n lakeside on the rip rap. In the distance I saw that tell tell Tennessee hat and got all excited and told my father look look its Bill and he's coming this way. I'll never forget that day when he got close he pulled up asked how we were doing and talked with us for a good while before motoring on. Always thought that was pretty cool of him and had a lot of respect for him after that.

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Was and still is my favorite, Jimmy Houston! Bill Dance, Hank Parker, Roland Martin, and Bassmaster also rated pretty high with me.

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Bill Dance was good. I still get a kick out of watching his bloopers. :respect-059:


Jimmy Houston, In-fisherman I really liked. late 80's early 90's.  My dad had one of Rick Clunn fishing with Al Lindner. They were fishing around docks with small worms and light line. I am guessing this would have been from the early to mid 80's. Rick caught this monster bass (they both thought it was 10lb) Then drops it back in the lake! He rolled in after it! I still smile when I think of that!



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I cant remember if he had his own show or was just a segment but my fav was Doug Hannon. The bill dance song is glued in my mind as well.

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Man, I gotta be one of the oldest guys on here.

On Saturday morning's for me it was either Mighty Mouse or 3 Stooges! That was it!!

There were no fishing holes, ponds or lakes in my neighborhood on the south side of Chicago.




I love Bill Dance. He's the man! Doug Hannon was awesome as well. I really liked when he'd go underwater and talk bass biology. I do remember a show in the 90s with Fish Fishburne that cracked me up. Fish was never too serious.


I agree that there are a bunch of bad shows that push product like crazy these days. One that I do enjoy is called Hook and Look. It seems that they must be inspired by Doug Hannon. I like seeing the bass take the offering on camera!

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