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Would You Step In If You Saw A Guy..thrashing His Wife...? Before You Answer Read This

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In 1984 ( I was 16) I came home to see my neighbor and tenant in the ditch being kicked by her ex boyfriend.  I called the cops, grabbed my shot gun and went to stop it.  One round in the air and a pump finally got his attention. Made him sit cross legged until the deputies arrived.  This was back woods NC and one of the deputies told me I should have shot him.  I'm pretty sure he meant it.  You don't get away with beating on women in that part of the country.


Two weeks later he was the boy friend again so Dad evicted her.


If it were to happen now, I would be tempted to walk away but would not be able to.  I would try to get him to come at me and then DROP him for good.  With our current sheriff Grady Judd, I would probably get a medal.


This is how we roll in Polk county Fl.



FLORIDA - An illegal alien, in Polk County , Florida , who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop, ended up "executing" the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed.  A state-wide manhunt ensued. The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area.  As soon as he took a shot at the SWAT team, officers opened fire on him.  They hit the guy 68 times. Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they had to shoot the poor, undocumented immigrant 68 times. Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel:  "Because that's all the ammunition we had."  

Back in the old days. Least in the deep South. If you beat on your wife. Them boys would come drag you from your bed at night, tie ya to a tree, and whip the skin from off your back. Assuming you weren't made into a Christmas ornament.

Back in the old country the sheriff that traveled the villages would do pretty much the same thing. Don't wanna spend a Ukrainian winter ripped up like that.


In a nutshell I had two experiences with two different endings..While waiting for a pizza at a well known family restaurant packed with kids, people start going over to the windows facing the parking lot. Outside is some guy pummeling his girl and the next thing I know I find myself walking out the door. As I approached him with a raised voice he did back off of her and listened to reason...However the thing that got me she was ticked that I broke it up and came to his defense...I ended up walking away shaking my head.


While leaning against a JukeBox talking to couple of girls I can see a buddy while standing at the bar arms fail up in the air. At first I thought it was a fight starting up the next thing I know this woman comes running over and gets behind me and the the two girls I was talking to. She is hysterical and is asking me to help her at the same time this guy is now standing over me telling me to get out of the way. Well I gave my drink to one of the girls and then told him I was not about to let him hit her. Of course he got ticked so I grabbed his wrists to restrain him all the while trying to talk reason with him. Finally he came to reason and by now some of his friends came over and it ended. I turned around and the woman was gone but it ended up she was his wife.....A few days later I ran into him and he thanked me for getting involved and not letting him hit his wife for he was drunk....At the end of the day he had a drinking problem which he ended up dealing with.


Both of these episodes happened back in the day....Now I would call 911 something we did not have back then.

  • Super User

Being from close to Washington D.C. , this kind of thing was also used to lure in people like yourself , thank goodness you were not the actual intended target , the outcome could have been very different , my Father moved us to the hills of Va. , a setting more of his childhood , things are much like that of what FD posted , we take care of our own , much like we did in the city , only difference is , it's not a gang , it's a community with only one law officer .


It is good to see the good in people who are willing to step in and help , I commend you for your actions and give thanks for your efforts to help make this ol world a better place for all , all of you who do the right thing should be commended and not scorn for your actions .

  • Like 3

Might have had a good reason to hit her


A-Jay...Would you be saying the same thing if it was your mother, sister, daughter, girlfriend? Or are you saying that because you hit on women yourself? Grow up dude.



STLBOB...You did what a man of substance would have done, kudos to you for trying to help that confused girl. Its a sad state of affairs when a man does the right thing and ends up being the bad guy. It's hard to say don't get involved, and even harder when its happening right in front of your face, but people are just downright crazy nowadays. Sorry you had to go through that man.

  • Super User

This is a perfect example of why, during domestic dispute calls, at least two cops are called and they immediately separate the combatant participants from one another.  Otherwise, g guy can be beating the tar out of his significant other but as soon as the cop throws him up against a wall, the claws come out of the woman and now the cop becomes the victim of two assailants.

  • Super User

Heart tells me one thing. Head says another. Without having the situation put in front of me, I don't know how I would act.

  • Like 3

Hey i would like to make a point here.


I have never tried to come across as a keyboard bad ass..I dont carry myself that way in person either..Im insulted if that was what was meant by that comment.If i misunderstand then explain it...


My wife was ticked because she knows me and my Dudley Do Right attitude.Listen we all make choices and i always try to make the right choice..Most times it works out and once in awhile it doesnt,BUT when its all said and done at the end of the day i KNOW IN MY HEART i was just trying to do the right thing.


Not ever done to impress or appear to anything other than what i am at heart.A good ol' boy from Arkansas who was brought up in a Christian home and was taught that REAL MEN always do whats right even when its not popular,and to always stand up for whats right even if your the only one standing.


now let me put this soap box away now. :angel:

  • Like 2

Pretty pathetic statement.

A man never lays a hand on a woman. Ever.

I would never start a fight and beat on a woman, and always attempt to restrain before hitting. However, I will always advocate self defense when needed, not with excessive force, but with justifiable force, regardless of sexes involved. I hate the blanket statement of not hitting a woman. I've seen situations where, sadly, it was necessary, and these days women want to be men anyway, so I say if you're a lady, be a lady and I'll treat you like a lady, but if you're gonna act like a man, then welcome to the club with full benefits.
  • Like 5

Nope, not at all. But I'd have to fight my instincts to do otherwise.


A few years ago I witnessed a head on collision right in front of me. Naturally, I stopped to help, called 911, helped stabilize the victims, directed traffic until the police arrived, etc. What did I get for that?

I was harassed by 3 insurance companies, state patrol, local police, and the state department of transportation - multiple times by each for statements...over and over and over again. Then subpoenaed to appear in court multiple times as a witness at my expense (loss of work time). And at one point I was named as a defendant to a lawsuit (which was dropped later).

It made it very clear to me that it's not worth the hassles and harassment to get involved in anything.

Next time, I'm looking the other way and getting the heck out of there before anyone fingers me as a witness.

Sorry, but that's the sad state of today's world.

Absolutely! This goes through my mind everytime I try to help people. Is this going to be the time I get "thanked royally" for my efforts? It hasn't happened to me yet but I'm sure the day is coming. As of now, I still try to stop and help.
  • Super User

Hey i would like to make a point here.

I have never tried to come across as a keyboard bad ass..I dont carry myself that way in person either..Im insulted if that was what was meant by that comment.If i misunderstand then explain it...

My wife was ticked because she knows me and my Dudley Do Right attitude.Listen we all make choices and i always try to make the right choice..Most times it works out and once in awhile it doesnt,BUT when its all said and done at the end of the day i KNOW IN MY HEART i was just trying to do the right thing.

Not ever done to impress or appear to anything other than what i am at heart.A good ol' boy from Arkansas who was brought up in a Christian home and was taught that REAL MEN always do whats right even when its not popular,and to always stand up for whats right even if your the only one standing.

now let me put this soap box away now. :angel:

Nope it was most likely directed towards me. The old fella is easy to get excitable. Personally I got myself a stick, and enjoy the hell out of poking that bear!

He better be careful though. I might start trolling his threads. Either that or have some 80 year old associates pay him a visit. I ain't an internet bad ass. I'm a straight up Boss!!! I knows Hatians, Jamacians, Italians, Salvadorians, Mexicans, Russians, Ukrainians, and mother freaking Canadians. That's why I'm called Raider the Shot Caller!

Snook, you know I'm just funnin with ya. I enjoy the perspective you give me on stuff.

  • Super User

You better watch it Raider.  Snook knows Mexican Judo. 


Judo know if he has a knife, judo know if he has a gun. 




And yes, you can use that one anytime you like. 

  • Like 2

A-Jay...Would you be saying the same thing if it was your mother, sister, daughter, girlfriend? Or are you saying that because you hit on women yourself? Grow up dude.




You need to follow the conversation properly...A-Jay didn't say this.

  • Like 5

if you're a lady, be a lady and I'll treat you like a lady, but if you're gonna act like a man, then welcome to the club with full benefits.

Lol. This was what I was getting at with my previous post.


No no ...stop with the good night Irene...i dont want another flippin thread locked...lol


Okay on hitting women,eh maybe i have been lucky never had a girl swing on me..BUT..i dont feel without a weapon that i would have any concerns regarding a woman attacking me..and if she had a knife i would just take it away,if she pulled a gun i wouldnt hit her id shoot her.


I have never even had the thought of hitting a woman..it makes my skin crawl..OKay here is a good example my son had it rough coming up i impose the same high moral standard on him that my father did on me..which means if he refuses to listen he is going to get his hide tanned.

Now my PITA daughter never had that concern because,she is female.She never got her butt whooping but god knows she needed it.



  • Super User

No no ...stop with the good night Irene...i dont want another flippin thread locked...lol

Okay on hitting women,eh maybe i have been lucky never had a girl swing on me..BUT..i dont feel without a weapon that i would have any concerns regarding a woman attacking me..and if she had a knife i would just take it away,if she pulled a gun i wouldnt hit her id shoot her.

I have never even had the thought of hitting a woman..it makes my skin crawl..OKay here is a good example my son had it rough coming up i impose the same high moral standard on him that my father did on me..which means if he refuses to listen he is going to get his hide tanned.

Now my PITA daughter never had that concern because,she is female.She never got her butt whooping but god knows she needed it.

If were goin down that road, I must admit I have spanked more than one woman. ;)

  • Like 1

spanky is not hitting...well not in certain rooms of the house :Home1:

  • Like 2

An interesting question with equally interesting answers. Honestly, at 66 I doubt that I would become physically involved, I hate hospitals. I would call 911 and try to enlist the help of as many people as I could. Drunks are inherently unpredictable and dangerous.

  • Super User

No woman ever deserves to be beaten and if that's what was going on, you did the right thing.  


However, it doesn't sound like you really saw him hit her.  What you did experience first hand is that she probably gives as good as she gets.  She freaking stabbed you with a nail file!  


Getting involved in someone else's domestic altercation is a slippery slope at best.  If you didn't see exactly what was going on, you shouldn't have gotten physically involved.  You might have a punched out a dude who was trying to defend himself from his crazy *** wife.  


I can't fault you for doing what you did, just playing devil's advocate here.  

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  • Super User

My girls got their butts whooped on a couple of occasions , they are absolutely without a doubt no different when raising a child , respect for family and learning the yes mam , yes sir is no different , gender had no role when it comes to such , they are pure country , just like any male , they can shoot , they can hunt and fish , and in many ways better than any male , they are straight up girls , without guidance and correction , they end up same as males , lost to the insanity of today's environment , equality is something earned not something given .

  • Super User

Nope it was most likely directed towards me. The old fella is easy to get excitable. Personally I got myself a stick, and enjoy the hell out of poking that bear!

He better be careful though. I might start trolling his threads. Either that or have some 80 year old associates pay him a visit. I ain't an internet bad ass. I'm a straight up Boss!!! I knows Hatians, Jamacians, Italians, Salvadorians, Mexicans, Russians, Ukrainians, and mother freaking Canadians. That's why I'm called Raider the Shot Caller!

Snook, you know I'm just funnin with ya. I enjoy the perspective you give me on stuff.

I'm not saying who it was directed at, but it was NOT stlbob.


You better watch it Raider.  Snook knows Mexican Judo. 


Judo know if he has a knife, judo know if he has a gun. 




And yes, you can use that one anytime you like. 

I don't need to flex my on line muscles.

  • Global Moderator

If you were near your vehicle it probably would have been better to call from inside there, but obviously you didn't know you were going to be attacked either. If you could run away, great, I'd rather be called a coward for running than a victim on the news the next morning.


As for myself, the LEO in me wouldn't allow me to walk away if she was being beat on. I'm sworn to protect and I would be doing my best to do just that, but I'd be calling 911 and trying to divert his attention first before going hands on with anyone. 


I would do everything I could to avoid striking a female but once someone is stabbing me, the gloves are off. You never know what someone may resort to, or be capable of. Even if you're 6' 6" 275 pounds, let a person who's 5' 4" 115lbs and well trained get on your back and get you in a carotid hold, you'll be passed out on the ground before you have a chance to do anything about it and you'll be completely helpless for them to do whatever they're planning on doing. 

  • Like 1

well what i did see is him with a handfull of hair,holding her head down and swinging for the fences with a closed fist.striking her in the side of her face and he had  'moused' her in a cple of places.so 'yeah' i saw him hitting her.I still cant get the sound it made every time he hit her.


Now understand i ' DONT ' want to stick my nose in where it isnt welcome..If they had been cussing each other or screaming at each other i would have just called 911 to be safe and just left.I discussed what i did with a few of the leo's i shoot with and all of them said that i would have been safer to have just called 911 and told them what i was wearing and what i looked like and just drew my weapon and told him stop and sit down until the officers got there..im not a cop and i dont want to be pointing my weapon at anyone when the squad cars showed up.

  • Super User

I'm not saying who it was directed at, but it was NOT stlbob.


I don't need to flex my on line muscles.

Told y'all. "Poke poke poke."

Its all good though. My internet muscles are as big as my real life ones. Now I feel the need to flex my Low Orbit Ion Cannon. Now where did I put my virtual mirror? I like to admire myself when flexing.

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